- [mrcsparker/nifi-edireader-bundle](https://github.com/mrcsparker/nifi-edireader-bundle) - Apache NIFI processor that converts EDI ASC X12 and EDIFACT documents into XML
- [walmartlabs/gozer](https://github.com/walmartlabs/gozer) - The EDI X12 Standard provides a uniform way for companies to exchange information across different sectors.
- [olmelabs/EdiEngine](https://github.com/olmelabs/EdiEngine) - Simple .NET EDI Reader, Writer and Validator. Read, Write and Validate X12 EDI files with simple EDI Parser written on C#.
- [indice-co/EDI.Net](https://github.com/indice-co/EDI.Net) - EDI Serializer/Deserializer. Supports EDIFact, X12 and TRADACOMS formats
- [Silvenga/EdiWeave](https://github.com/Silvenga/EdiWeave) - Open Source Hard-Fork of EdiFabric
- [glitchassassin/python-edi](https://github.com/glitchassassin/python-edi) - EDI message generator in Python. Creates & validates messages according to specific formats
- [tastypackets/x12-parser](https://github.com/tastypackets/x12-parser) - X12 parser implemented using the NodeJS Transform API. Tested with over 1M 835 records, but is designed to work with all modern X12 records.
- [sezna/edi](https://github.com/sezna/edi) - Rust crate for parsing X12 EDI and acting on it. Supports serialization to a variety of formats including JSON.
- [T-Connect](https://www.tallan.com/products/t-connect-edi-management/t-connect-edi-management-suite/) - T-Connect is a HIPAA-focused EDI management platform designed to accelerate claim and payment processing, improve first-pass adjudication rates and provide end-to-end visibility into the lifecycle of your data.
- [BerryWorksSoftware/edireader](https://github.com/BerryWorksSoftware/edireader) - EDIReader is a Java package for parsing business documents structured according to EDI standards. It supports the SAX and JAXP interfaces defined for XML, making it suitable for use in any XML-based system that allows the configuration of a custom SAX parser.
- [Edipique/EDI-X12](https://github.com/dipique/EDI-X12) - Rough process for generating EDI X12 834 and 837 files from a CSV file. Structured in a way that allows easy transition to other data sources.
- [Notepad++](https://gist.github.com/bhattisatish/6b5f5c90443a64cef192) - A user-defined language file for highlighting EDI X12.
- [Silvenga/vscode-edi-x12-support](https://github.com/Silvenga/vscode-edi-x12-support) - A Visual Studio Code extension aimed at providing basic support for the EDI format.
- [vim-scripts/x12-syntax](https://github.com/vim-scripts/x12-syntax) - A simple syntax highlighter for EDI X12 files. Currently only Healthcare 270/271s are tested.
## Standalone editors
- [RKDN/x12Tool](https://github.com/RKDN/x12Tool) - A tool for reading and modifying x12/EDI files.