- [Visual Studio Code](https://github.com/Silvenga/vscode-edi-x12-support) - A Visual Studio Code extension aimed at providing basic support for the EDI format.
- [EdiEngine](https://github.com/olmelabs/EdiEngine) Simple .NET EDI Reader, Writer and Validator. Read, Write and Validate X12 EDI files with simple EDI Parser written on C#.
- [EDI.Net](https://github.com/indice-co/EDI.Net) EDI Serializer/Deserializer. Supports EDIFact, X12 and TRADACOMS formats
- [edifact](https://github.com/php-edifact/edifact) - (PHP) Tools to process EDI messages in UN/EDIFACT format
- [T-Connect](https://www.tallan.com/products/t-connect-edi-management/t-connect-edi-management-suite/) - T-Connect is a HIPAA-focused EDI management platform designed to accelerate claim and payment processing, improve first-pass adjudication rates and provide end-to-end visibility into the lifecycle of your data.
- [Mulesoft purchase order walkthrough](https://github.com/mulesoft/mulesoft-docs/blob/master/anypoint-b2b/v/latest/ftps-and-edi-x12-purchase-order-walkthrough.adoc)
- [PHP Implementations of Transactions](https://github.com/stephenmccready/X12) PHP examples of writing EDI from scratch.
- [SDK](https://github.com/EdiFabric/Sdk/tree/master/Hipaa/Edi) - C# Examples of Benefit Enrollment and Claim payments.
- [EDI-X12](https://github.com/dipique/EDI-X12) - Rough process for generating EDI X12 834 and 837 files from a CSV file. Structured in a way that allows easy transition to other data sources.