I was a huge fan of it, and I'd like to express my appreciation to Tressley for creating the theme and also giving me permission to port it to OnionOS which I have since heavily modified to suit the OnionOS architecture, and also included many of my own additions.
- *Aemiii91* for letting me include their `Dot-art by Yoshi-kun` icon pack from the [Onion Theme Repo](https://github.com/OnionUI/Themes/blob/main/generated/icons_standalone/index.md)
- It is ***highly*** recommended to update your OnionOS to at least `v4.3.1-1` or higher, as it removes the text-shadow effect that's present on earlier versions which is incompatible with the font used here (see the [OnionOS Releases page](https://github.com/OnionUI/Onion/releases) or use the OTA feature within `Apps` on your Miyoo Mini)
- On the wifi configuration page, the font color of the highlighted item as well as the font in the keyboard pop-up when you go to enter a wifi password are both *bugged*, since those appear to be set at the system-level and isn't something I can change through the config file
- **In case you have any existing theme overrides**, I recommend that you enable the `battery percentage` option with the following settings to replicate what's been set in the config file for the best UI experience:
Go to `Apps > Tweaks > Appearance > Theme overrides > Battery Percentage`
"Visible": set to "-" (the theme config will turn it on by default)
"Font family": set to 'Exo-2-Bold-Italic_Universal'
"Font size": 18 px
"Text alignment": Left
"Fixed position": off
"Horizontal/Vertical offset": both set to 0 or off
The original design is based off the muOS theme which has the 3 primary menus as buildings, while the remaining menus are more minimal 'material' icons.
`Ver. B` is a an overworld-focused theme which changes the icons for `Expert`, `Apps`&`Settings` to overworld elements, in order to match the aesthetic of the buildings.