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2024-04-14 21:35:09 -07:00
extends Control
var Selected_Node = ""
var Turn = 0
var Location_X = ""
var Location_Y = ""
var pos = Vector2(25, 25)
var Areas: PackedStringArray
# this is seperate the Areas for special circumstances, like castling.
var Special_Area: PackedStringArray
func _on_flow_send_location(location: String):
# variables for later
var number = 0
Location_X = ""
var node = get_node("Flow/" + location)
# This is to try and grab the X and Y coordinates from the board
while location.substr(number, 1) != "-":
Location_X += location.substr(number, 1)
number += 1
Location_Y = location.substr(number + 1)
# Now... we need to figure out how to select the pieces. If there is a valid move, do stuff.
# If we re-select, just go to that other piece
if Selected_Node == "" && node.get_child_count() != 0 && node.get_child(0).Item_Color == Turn:
Selected_Node = location
elif Selected_Node != "" && node.get_child_count() != 0 && node.get_child(0).Item_Color == Turn && node.get_child(0).name == "Rook":
# Castling
for i in Areas:
if i == node.name:
var king = get_node("Flow/" + Selected_Node).get_child(0)
var rook = node.get_child(0)
# Using a seperate array because Areas wouldn't be really consistant...
king.reparent(get_node("Flow/" + Special_Area[1]))
rook.reparent(get_node("Flow/" + Special_Area[0]))
king.position = pos
rook.position = pos
# We have to get the parent because it will break lmao.
# En Passant
elif Selected_Node != "" && node.get_child_count() != 0 && node.get_child(0).Item_Color != Turn && node.get_child(0).name == "Pawn" && Special_Area.size() != 0 && Special_Area[0] == node.name && node.get_child(0).get("En_Passant") == true:
for i in Special_Area:
if i == node.name:
var pawn = get_node("Flow/" + Selected_Node).get_child(0)
pawn.reparent(get_node("Flow/" + Special_Area[1]))
pawn.position = pos
elif Selected_Node != "" && node.get_child_count() != 0 && node.get_child(0).Item_Color == Turn:
# Re-select
Selected_Node = location
elif Selected_Node != "" && node.get_child_count() != 0 && node.get_child(0).Item_Color != Turn:
# Taking over a piece
for i in Areas:
if i == node.name:
var Piece = get_node("Flow/" + Selected_Node).get_child(0)
# Win conditions
if node.get_child(0).name == "King":
$PlayerTurnLabel.text = "Damn, you win!"
print("Damn, you win!")
Piece.position = pos
elif Selected_Node != "" && node.get_child_count() == 0:
# Moving a piece
for i in Areas:
if i == node.name:
var Piece = get_node("Flow/" + Selected_Node).get_child(0)
Piece.position = pos
func Update_Game(node):
Selected_Node = ""
if Turn == 0:
$PlayerTurnLabel.text = "Blacks Turn"
Turn = 1
Turn = 0
$PlayerTurnLabel.text = "Whites Turn"
# get the en-passantable pieces and undo them
var things = get_node("Flow").get_children()
for i in things:
if i.get_child_count() != 0 && i.get_child(0).name == "Pawn" && i.get_child(0).Item_Color == Turn && i.get_child(0).En_Passant == true:
i.get_child(0).set("En_Passant", false)
# Remove the abilities once they are either used or not used
if node.get_child(0).name == "Pawn":
if node.get_child(0).Double_Start == true:
node.get_child(0).En_Passant = true
node.get_child(0).Double_Start = false
if node.get_child(0).name == "King":
node.get_child(0).Castling = false
if node.get_child(0).name == "Rook":
node.get_child(0).Castling = false
# Below is the movement that is used for the pieces
func Get_Moveable_Areas():
var Flow = get_node("Flow")
# Clearing the arrays
var Piece = get_node("Flow/" + Selected_Node).get_child(0)
# For the selected piece that we have, we can get the movement that we need here.
if Piece.name == "Pawn":
Get_Pawn(Piece, Flow)
elif Piece.name == "Bishop":
elif Piece.name == "King":
elif Piece.name == "Queen":
elif Piece.name == "Rook":
elif Piece.name == "Knight":
func Get_Pawn(Piece, Flow):
# This is for going from the bottom to the top, also known as the white pawns.
if Piece.Item_Color == 0:
if not Is_Null(Location_X + "-" + str(int(Location_Y) - 1)) && Flow.get_node(Location_X + "-" + str(int(Location_Y) - 1)).get_child_count() == 0:
Areas.append(Location_X + "-" + str(int(Location_Y) - 1))
if not Is_Null(Location_X + "-" + str(int(Location_Y) - 2)) && Piece.Double_Start == true && Flow.get_node(Location_X + "-" + str(int(Location_Y) - 2)).get_child_count() == 0:
Areas.append(Location_X + "-" + str(int(Location_Y) - 2))
# Attacking squares
if not Is_Null(str(int(Location_X) - 1) + "-" + str(int(Location_Y) - 1)) && Flow.get_node(str(int(Location_X) - 1) + "-" + str(int(Location_Y) - 1)).get_child_count() == 1:
Areas.append(str(int(Location_X) - 1) + "-" + str(int(Location_Y) - 1))
if not Is_Null(str(int(Location_X) + 1) + "-" + str(int(Location_Y) - 1)) && Flow.get_node(str(int(Location_X) + 1) + "-" + str(int(Location_Y) - 1)).get_child_count() == 1:
Areas.append(str(int(Location_X) + 1) + "-" + str(int(Location_Y) - 1))
# En passant
if not Is_Null(str(int(Location_X) - 1) + "-" + Location_Y) && not Is_Null(str(int(Location_X) - 1) + "-" + str(int(Location_Y) - 1)):
if Flow.get_node(str(int(Location_X) - 1) + "-" + Location_Y).get_child_count() == 1 && Flow.get_node(str(int(Location_X) - 1) + "-" + str(int(Location_Y) - 1)).get_child_count() != 1:
Special_Area.append(str(int(Location_X) - 1) + "-" + Location_Y)
Special_Area.append(str(int(Location_X) - 1) + "-" + str(int(Location_Y) - 1))
if not Is_Null(str(int(Location_X) + 1) + "-" + Location_Y) && not Is_Null(str(int(Location_X) + 1) + "-" + str(int(Location_Y) - 1)):
if Flow.get_node(str(int(Location_X) + 1) + "-" + Location_Y).get_child_count() == 1 && Flow.get_node(str(int(Location_X) + 1) + "-" + str(int(Location_Y) - 1)).get_child_count() != 1:
Special_Area.append(str(int(Location_X) + 1) + "-" + Location_Y)
Special_Area.append(str(int(Location_X) + 1) + "-" + str(int(Location_Y) - 1))
# Black pawns
if not Is_Null(Location_X + "-" + str(int(Location_Y) + 1)) && Flow.get_node(Location_X + "-" + str(int(Location_Y) + 1)).get_child_count() == 0:
Areas.append(Location_X + "-" + str(int(Location_Y) + 1))
if not Is_Null(Location_X + "-" + str(int(Location_Y) + 2)) && Piece.Double_Start == true && Flow.get_node(Location_X + "-" + str(int(Location_Y) + 2)).get_child_count() == 0:
Areas.append(Location_X + "-" + str(int(Location_Y) + 2))
# Attacking squares
if not Is_Null(str(int(Location_X) - 1) + "-" + str(int(Location_Y) + 1)) && Flow.get_node(str(int(Location_X) - 1) + "-" + str(int(Location_Y) + 1)).get_child_count() == 1:
Areas.append(str(int(Location_X) - 1) + "-" + str(int(Location_Y) + 1))
if not Is_Null(str(int(Location_X) + 1) + "-" + str(int(Location_Y) + 1)) && Flow.get_node(str(int(Location_X) + 1) + "-" + str(int(Location_Y) + 1)).get_child_count() == 1:
Areas.append(str(int(Location_X) + 1) + "-" + str(int(Location_Y) + 1))
if not Is_Null(str(int(Location_X) - 1) + "-" + Location_Y) && not Is_Null(str(int(Location_X) - 1) + "-" + str(int(Location_Y) + 1)):
if Flow.get_node(str(int(Location_X) - 1) + "-" + Location_Y).get_child_count() == 1 && Flow.get_node(str(int(Location_X) - 1) + "-" + str(int(Location_Y) + 1)).get_child_count() != 1:
Special_Area.append(str(int(Location_X) - 1) + "-" + Location_Y)
Special_Area.append(str(int(Location_X) - 1) + "-" + str(int(Location_Y) + 1))
if not Is_Null(str(int(Location_X) + 1) + "-" + Location_Y) && not Is_Null(str(int(Location_X) + 1) + "-" + str(int(Location_Y) + 1)):
if Flow.get_node(str(int(Location_X) + 1) + "-" + Location_Y).get_child_count() == 1 && Flow.get_node(str(int(Location_X) + 1) + "-" + str(int(Location_Y) + 1)).get_child_count() != 1:
Special_Area.append(str(int(Location_X) + 1) + "-" + Location_Y)
Special_Area.append(str(int(Location_X) + 1) + "-" + str(int(Location_Y) + 1))
func Get_Around(Piece):
# Single Rows
if not Is_Null(Location_X + "-" + str(int(Location_Y) + 1)):
Areas.append(Location_X + "-" + str(int(Location_Y) + 1))
if not Is_Null(Location_X + "-" + str(int(Location_Y) - 1)):
Areas.append(Location_X + "-" + str(int(Location_Y) - 1))
if not Is_Null(str(int(Location_X) + 1) + "-" + Location_Y):
Areas.append(str(int(Location_X) + 1) + "-" + Location_Y)
if not Is_Null(str(int(Location_X) - 1) + "-" + Location_Y):
Areas.append(str(int(Location_X) - 1) + "-" + Location_Y)
# Diagonal
if not Is_Null(str(int(Location_X) + 1) + "-" + str(int(Location_Y) + 1)):
Areas.append(str(int(Location_X) + 1) + "-" + str(int(Location_Y) + 1))
if not Is_Null(str(int(Location_X) - 1) + "-" + str(int(Location_Y) + 1)):
Areas.append(str(int(Location_X) - 1) + "-" + str(int(Location_Y) + 1))
if not Is_Null(str(int(Location_X) + 1) + "-" + str(int(Location_Y) - 1)):
Areas.append(str(int(Location_X) + 1) + "-" + str(int(Location_Y) - 1))
if not Is_Null(str(int(Location_X) - 1) + "-" + str(int(Location_Y) - 1)):
Areas.append(str(int(Location_X) - 1) + "-" + str(int(Location_Y) - 1))
# Castling, if that is the case
if Piece.Castling == true:
func Get_Rows(Flow):
var Add_X = 1
# Getting the horizontal rows first.
while not Is_Null(str(int(Location_X) + Add_X) + "-" + Location_Y):
Areas.append(str(int(Location_X) + Add_X) + "-" + Location_Y)
if Flow.get_node(str(int(Location_X) + Add_X) + "-" + Location_Y).get_child_count() != 0:
Add_X += 1
Add_X = 1
while not Is_Null(str(int(Location_X) - Add_X) + "-" + Location_Y):
Areas.append(str(int(Location_X) - Add_X) + "-" + Location_Y)
if Flow.get_node(str(int(Location_X) - Add_X) + "-" + Location_Y).get_child_count() != 0:
Add_X += 1
var Add_Y = 1
# Now we are getting the vertical rows.
while not Is_Null(Location_X + "-" + str(int(Location_Y) + Add_Y)):
Areas.append(Location_X + "-" + str(int(Location_Y) + Add_Y))
if Flow.get_node(Location_X + "-" + str(int(Location_Y) + Add_Y)).get_child_count() != 0:
Add_Y += 1
Add_Y = 1
while not Is_Null(Location_X + "-" + str(int(Location_Y) - Add_Y)):
Areas.append(Location_X + "-" + str(int(Location_Y) - Add_Y))
if Flow.get_node(Location_X + "-" + str(int(Location_Y) - Add_Y)).get_child_count() != 0:
Add_Y += 1
func Get_Diagonals(Flow):
var Add_X = 1
var Add_Y = 1
while not Is_Null(str(int(Location_X) + Add_X) + "-" + str(int(Location_Y) + Add_Y)):
Areas.append(str(int(Location_X) + Add_X) + "-" + str(int(Location_Y) + Add_Y))
if Flow.get_node(str(int(Location_X) + Add_X) + "-" + str(int(Location_Y) + Add_Y)).get_child_count() != 0:
Add_X += 1
Add_Y += 1
Add_X = 1
Add_Y = 1
while not Is_Null(str(int(Location_X) - Add_X) + "-" + str(int(Location_Y) + Add_Y)):
Areas.append(str(int(Location_X) - Add_X) + "-" + str(int(Location_Y) + Add_Y))
if Flow.get_node(str(int(Location_X) - Add_X) + "-" + str(int(Location_Y) + Add_Y)).get_child_count() != 0:
Add_X += 1
Add_Y += 1
Add_X = 1
Add_Y = 1
while not Is_Null(str(int(Location_X) + Add_X) + "-" + str(int(Location_Y) - Add_Y)):
Areas.append(str(int(Location_X) + Add_X) + "-" + str(int(Location_Y) - Add_Y))
if Flow.get_node(str(int(Location_X) + Add_X) + "-" + str(int(Location_Y) - Add_Y)).get_child_count() != 0:
Add_X += 1
Add_Y += 1
Add_X = 1
Add_Y = 1
while not Is_Null(str(int(Location_X) - Add_X) + "-" + str(int(Location_Y) - Add_Y)):
Areas.append(str(int(Location_X) - Add_X) + "-" + str(int(Location_Y) - Add_Y))
if Flow.get_node(str(int(Location_X) - Add_X) + "-" + str(int(Location_Y) - Add_Y)).get_child_count() != 0:
Add_X += 1
Add_Y += 1
func Get_Horse():
var The_X = 2
var The_Y = 1
var number = 0
while number != 8:
# So this one is interesting. This is most likely the cleanest code here.
# Get the numbers, replace the numbers, and loop until it stops.
if not Is_Null(str(int(Location_X) + The_X) + "-" + str(int(Location_Y) + The_Y)):
Areas.append(str(int(Location_X) + The_X) + "-" + str(int(Location_Y) + The_Y))
number += 1
match number:
The_X = 1
The_Y = 2
The_X = -2
The_Y = 1
The_X = -1
The_Y = 2
The_X = 2
The_Y = -1
The_X = 1
The_Y = -2
The_X = -2
The_Y = -1
The_X = -1
The_Y = -2
func Castle():
# This is the castling section right here, used if a person wants to castle.
var Flow = get_node("Flow")
var X_Counter = 1
# These are very similar to gathering a row, except we want free tiles and a rook
# Counting up
while not Is_Null(str(int(Location_X) + X_Counter) + "-" + Location_Y) && Flow.get_node(str(int(Location_X) + X_Counter) + "-" + Location_Y).get_child_count() == 0:
X_Counter += 1
if not Is_Null(str(int(Location_X) + X_Counter) + "-" + Location_Y) && Flow.get_node(str(int(Location_X) + X_Counter) + "-" + Location_Y).get_child(0).name == "Rook":
if Flow.get_node(str(int(Location_X) + X_Counter) + "-" + Location_Y).get_child(0).Castling == true:
Areas.append(str(int(Location_X) + X_Counter) + "-" + Location_Y)
Special_Area.append(str(int(Location_X) + 1) + "-" + Location_Y)
Special_Area.append(str(int(Location_X) + 2) + "-" + Location_Y)
# Counting down
X_Counter = -1
while not Is_Null(str(int(Location_X) + X_Counter) + "-" + Location_Y) && Flow.get_node(str(int(Location_X) + X_Counter) + "-" + Location_Y).get_child_count() == 0:
X_Counter -= 1
if not Is_Null(str(int(Location_X) + X_Counter) + "-" + Location_Y) && Flow.get_node(str(int(Location_X) + X_Counter) + "-" + Location_Y).get_child(0).name == "Rook":
if Flow.get_node(str(int(Location_X) + X_Counter) + "-" + Location_Y).get_child(0).Castling == true:
Areas.append(str(int(Location_X) + X_Counter) + "-" + Location_Y)
Special_Area.append(str(int(Location_X) - 1) + "-" + Location_Y)
Special_Area.append(str(int(Location_X) - 2) + "-" + Location_Y)
# One function that shortens everything. Its also a pretty good way to see if we went off the board or not.
func Is_Null(Location):
if get_node_or_null("Flow/" + Location) == null:
return true
return false