2024-01-06 19:48:10 +13:00
from flask_wtf import FlaskForm, RecaptchaField
2025-01-30 11:13:12 +13:00
from wtforms import StringField, PasswordField, SubmitField, HiddenField, BooleanField, SelectField, RadioField
2023-08-05 21:25:18 +12:00
from wtforms.validators import ValidationError, DataRequired, Email, EqualTo, Length
from flask_babel import _, lazy_gettext as _l
2023-08-26 15:41:11 +12:00
from app.models import User, Community
2024-02-09 14:58:51 +13:00
from sqlalchemy import func
2023-08-05 21:25:18 +12:00
2025-01-30 11:13:12 +13:00
from app.utils import MultiCheckboxField
2023-08-05 21:25:18 +12:00
class LoginForm(FlaskForm):
2024-01-29 22:18:06 +13:00
user_name = StringField(_l('User name'), validators=[DataRequired()], render_kw={'autofocus': True, 'autocomplete': 'username'})
2023-08-05 21:25:18 +12:00
password = PasswordField(_l('Password'), validators=[DataRequired()])
2024-01-08 19:41:32 +13:00
low_bandwidth_mode = BooleanField(_l('Low bandwidth mode'))
2023-08-05 21:25:18 +12:00
submit = SubmitField(_l('Log In'))
class RegistrationForm(FlaskForm):
2024-01-29 22:18:06 +13:00
user_name = StringField(_l('User name'), validators=[DataRequired()], render_kw={'autofocus': True, 'autocomplete': 'username'})
2023-08-05 21:25:18 +12:00
email = HiddenField(_l('Email'))
2024-01-29 22:18:06 +13:00
real_email = StringField(_l('Email'), validators=[DataRequired(), Email(), Length(min=5, max=255)], render_kw={'autocomplete': 'email'})
password = PasswordField(_l('Password'), validators=[DataRequired(), Length(min=8, max=50)], render_kw={'autocomplete': 'new-password'})
2023-08-05 21:25:18 +12:00
password2 = PasswordField(
_l('Repeat password'), validators=[DataRequired(),
2024-04-30 21:29:49 +12:00
question = StringField(_l('Why would you like to join this site?'), validators=[DataRequired(), Length(min=1, max=512)])
2024-01-06 19:48:10 +13:00
recaptcha = RecaptchaField()
2023-08-05 21:25:18 +12:00
2023-08-26 15:41:11 +12:00
submit = SubmitField(_l('Register'))
2023-08-05 21:25:18 +12:00
def validate_real_email(self, email):
2024-02-09 14:58:51 +13:00
user = User.query.filter(func.lower(User.email) == func.lower(email.data.strip())).first()
2023-08-05 21:25:18 +12:00
if user is not None:
2024-01-21 10:40:43 +13:00
raise ValidationError(_l('An account with this email address already exists.'))
2023-08-05 21:25:18 +12:00
2023-08-26 15:41:11 +12:00
def validate_user_name(self, user_name):
2024-09-09 16:48:09 +12:00
user_name.data = user_name.data.strip()
if ' ' in user_name.data:
raise ValidationError(_l('User names cannot contain spaces.'))
2024-02-22 14:18:21 +13:00
if '@' in user_name.data:
raise ValidationError(_l('User names cannot contain @.'))
2024-02-09 14:58:51 +13:00
user = User.query.filter(func.lower(User.user_name) == func.lower(user_name.data.strip())).filter_by(ap_id=None).first()
2023-08-26 15:41:11 +12:00
if user is not None:
2023-12-29 17:32:35 +13:00
if user.deleted:
2024-01-21 10:40:43 +13:00
raise ValidationError(_l('This username was used in the past and cannot be reused.'))
2023-12-29 17:32:35 +13:00
2024-01-21 10:40:43 +13:00
raise ValidationError(_l('An account with this user name already exists.'))
2024-02-09 14:58:51 +13:00
community = Community.query.filter(func.lower(Community.name) == func.lower(user_name.data.strip())).first()
2023-08-26 15:41:11 +12:00
if community is not None:
2024-01-21 10:40:43 +13:00
raise ValidationError(_l('A community with this name exists so it cannot be used for a user.'))
def validate_password(self, password):
if not password.data:
2024-01-29 08:47:36 +13:00
password.data = password.data.strip()
2024-01-25 14:01:29 +13:00
if password.data == 'password' or password.data == '12345678' or password.data == '1234567890':
raise ValidationError(_l('This password is too common.'))
2024-01-21 10:40:43 +13:00
first_char = password.data[0] # the first character in the string
all_the_same = True
# Compare all characters to the first character
for char in password.data:
if char != first_char:
all_the_same = False
if all_the_same:
raise ValidationError(_l('This password is not secure.'))
if password.data == 'password' or password.data == '12345678' or password.data == '1234567890':
raise ValidationError(_l('This password is too common.'))
2023-08-26 15:41:11 +12:00
2023-08-05 21:25:18 +12:00
class ResetPasswordRequestForm(FlaskForm):
2024-01-29 22:18:06 +13:00
email = StringField(_l('Email'), validators=[DataRequired(), Email()], render_kw={'autofocus': True})
2023-08-05 21:25:18 +12:00
submit = SubmitField(_l('Request password reset'))
class ResetPasswordForm(FlaskForm):
2024-01-29 22:18:06 +13:00
password = PasswordField(_l('Password'), validators=[DataRequired()], render_kw={'autofocus': True})
2023-08-05 21:25:18 +12:00
password2 = PasswordField(
_l('Repeat password'), validators=[DataRequired(),
2023-10-21 15:49:01 +13:00
submit = SubmitField(_l('Set password'))
2025-01-30 11:13:12 +13:00
class ChooseTrumpMuskForm(FlaskForm):
options = [(1, _l('Please make it stop')),
(0, _l('A little is ok')),
(-1, _l('Bring it on')),
trump_musk_level = RadioField(_l('How tired of Trump and Musk news are you?'), choices=options, default=1, coerce=int,
render_kw={'class': 'form-select'})
submit = SubmitField(_l('Choose'))
class ChooseTopicsForm(FlaskForm):
chosen_topics = MultiCheckboxField(_l('Choose some topics you are interested in'), coerce=int)
submit = SubmitField(_l('Choose'))