2024-11-02 23:56:56 +00:00
from app import db
2024-09-26 16:01:55 +00:00
from app.constants import *
2025-01-14 13:54:17 +00:00
from app.community.util import tags_from_string
from app.models import Language, NotificationSubscription, Post, PostBookmark
2024-11-02 23:56:56 +00:00
from app.shared.tasks import task_selector
2025-01-14 13:54:17 +00:00
from app.utils import render_template, authorise_api_user, shorten_string, gibberish, ensure_directory_exists
2024-09-20 16:06:08 +00:00
2025-01-14 13:54:17 +00:00
from flask import abort, flash, redirect, request, url_for, current_app
2024-09-23 12:40:27 +00:00
from flask_babel import _
2024-09-20 16:06:08 +00:00
from flask_login import current_user
2025-01-14 13:54:17 +00:00
from pillow_heif import register_heif_opener
from PIL import Image, ImageOps
import os
2024-09-20 16:06:08 +00:00
# would be in app/constants.py
# function can be shared between WEB and API (only API calls it for now)
# post_vote in app/post/routes would just need to do 'return vote_for_post(post_id, vote_direction, SRC_WEB)'
def vote_for_post(post_id: int, vote_direction, src, auth=None):
2024-10-05 05:53:53 +00:00
if src == SRC_API:
2024-10-27 13:36:17 +00:00
post = Post.query.filter_by(id=post_id).one()
2024-10-08 03:26:40 +00:00
user = authorise_api_user(auth, return_type='model')
2024-09-20 16:06:08 +00:00
post = Post.query.get_or_404(post_id)
user = current_user
undo = post.vote(user, vote_direction)
2024-11-02 23:56:56 +00:00
task_selector('vote_for_post', user_id=user.id, post_id=post_id, vote_to_undo=undo, vote_direction=vote_direction)
2024-09-20 16:06:08 +00:00
if src == SRC_API:
return user.id
recently_upvoted = []
recently_downvoted = []
if vote_direction == 'upvote' and undo is None:
recently_upvoted = [post_id]
elif vote_direction == 'downvote' and undo is None:
recently_downvoted = [post_id]
template = 'post/_post_voting_buttons.html' if request.args.get('style', '') == '' else 'post/_post_voting_buttons_masonry.html'
return render_template(template, post=post, community=post.community, recently_upvoted=recently_upvoted,
2024-09-23 12:40:27 +00:00
# function can be shared between WEB and API (only API calls it for now)
# post_bookmark in app/post/routes would just need to do 'return bookmark_the_post(post_id, SRC_WEB)'
def bookmark_the_post(post_id: int, src, auth=None):
2024-10-05 05:53:53 +00:00
if src == SRC_API:
2024-10-27 13:36:17 +00:00
post = Post.query.filter_by(id=post_id, deleted=False).one()
2024-10-08 03:26:40 +00:00
user_id = authorise_api_user(auth)
2024-09-23 12:40:27 +00:00
post = Post.query.get_or_404(post_id)
if post.deleted:
user_id = current_user.id
existing_bookmark = PostBookmark.query.filter(PostBookmark.post_id == post_id, PostBookmark.user_id == user_id).first()
if not existing_bookmark:
db.session.add(PostBookmark(post_id=post_id, user_id=user_id))
if src == SRC_WEB:
flash(_('Bookmark added.'))
if src == SRC_WEB:
flash(_('This post has already been bookmarked.'))
if src == SRC_API:
return user_id
return redirect(url_for('activitypub.post_ap', post_id=post.id))
# function can be shared between WEB and API (only API calls it for now)
# post_remove_bookmark in app/post/routes would just need to do 'return remove_the_bookmark_from_post(post_id, SRC_WEB)'
def remove_the_bookmark_from_post(post_id: int, src, auth=None):
2024-10-05 05:53:53 +00:00
if src == SRC_API:
2024-10-27 13:36:17 +00:00
post = Post.query.filter_by(id=post_id, deleted=False).one()
2024-10-08 03:26:40 +00:00
user_id = authorise_api_user(auth)
2024-09-23 12:40:27 +00:00
post = Post.query.get_or_404(post_id)
if post.deleted:
user_id = current_user.id
existing_bookmark = PostBookmark.query.filter(PostBookmark.post_id == post_id, PostBookmark.user_id == user_id).first()
if existing_bookmark:
if src == SRC_WEB:
flash(_('Bookmark has been removed.'))
if src == SRC_API:
return user_id
return redirect(url_for('activitypub.post_ap', post_id=post.id))
2024-09-26 16:01:55 +00:00
# function can be shared between WEB and API (only API calls it for now)
# post_notification in app/post/routes would just need to do 'return toggle_post_notification(post_id, SRC_WEB)'
def toggle_post_notification(post_id: int, src, auth=None):
# Toggle whether the current user is subscribed to notifications about top-level replies to this post or not
2024-10-05 05:53:53 +00:00
if src == SRC_API:
2024-10-27 13:36:17 +00:00
post = Post.query.filter_by(id=post_id, deleted=False).one()
2024-10-08 03:26:40 +00:00
user_id = authorise_api_user(auth)
2024-09-26 16:01:55 +00:00
post = Post.query.get_or_404(post_id)
if post.deleted:
user_id = current_user.id
existing_notification = NotificationSubscription.query.filter(NotificationSubscription.entity_id == post.id,
NotificationSubscription.user_id == user_id,
NotificationSubscription.type == NOTIF_POST).first()
if existing_notification:
else: # no subscription yet, so make one
2024-10-27 13:36:17 +00:00
new_notification = NotificationSubscription(name=shorten_string(_('Replies to my post %(post_title)s', post_title=post.title)),
user_id=user_id, entity_id=post.id, type=NOTIF_POST)
2024-09-26 16:01:55 +00:00
if src == SRC_API:
return user_id
return render_template('post/_post_notification_toggle.html', post=post)
2025-01-14 13:54:17 +00:00
def make_post(input, community, type, src, auth=None, uploaded_file=None):
if src == SRC_API:
user = authorise_api_user(auth, return_type='model')
#if not basic_rate_limit_check(user):
# raise Exception('rate_limited')
title = input['title']
body = input['body']
url = input['url']
nsfw = input['nsfw']
notify_author = input['notify_author']
language_id = input['language_id']
tags = []
user = current_user
title = input.title.data
body = input.body.data
url = input.link_url.data
nsfw = input.nsfw.data
notify_author = input.notify_author.data
language_id = input.language_id.data
tags = tags_from_string(input.tags.data)
language = Language.query.filter_by(id=language_id).one()
request_json = {
'id': None,
'object': {
'name': title,
'type': 'Page',
'stickied': False if src == SRC_API else input.sticky.data,
'sensitive': nsfw,
'nsfl': False if src == SRC_API else input.nsfl.data,
'id': gibberish(), # this will be updated once we have the post.id
'mediaType': 'text/markdown',
'content': body,
'tag': tags,
'language': {'identifier': language.code, 'name': language.name}
if type == 'link' or (type == 'image' and src == SRC_API):
request_json['object']['attachment'] = [{'type': 'Link', 'href': url}]
elif type == 'image' and src == SRC_WEB and uploaded_file and uploaded_file.filename != '':
# check if this is an allowed type of file
file_ext = os.path.splitext(uploaded_file.filename)[1]
if file_ext.lower() not in allowed_extensions:
abort(400, description="Invalid image type.")
new_filename = gibberish(15)
# set up the storage directory
directory = 'app/static/media/posts/' + new_filename[0:2] + '/' + new_filename[2:4]
final_place = os.path.join(directory, new_filename + file_ext)
if file_ext.lower() == '.heic':
if file_ext.lower() == '.avif':
import pillow_avif
Image.MAX_IMAGE_PIXELS = 89478485
# resize if necessary
if not final_place.endswith('.svg'):
img = Image.open(final_place)
if '.' + img.format.lower() in allowed_extensions:
img = ImageOps.exif_transpose(img)
# limit full sized version to 2000px
img.thumbnail((2000, 2000))
request_json['object']['attachment'] = [{
'type': 'Image',
'url': f'https://{current_app.config["SERVER_NAME"]}/{final_place.replace("app/", "")}',
'name': input.image_alt_text.data,
'file_path': final_place
elif type == 'video':
request_json['object']['attachment'] = [{'type': 'Document', 'url': url}]
elif type == 'poll':
request_json['object']['type'] = 'Question'
choices = [input.choice_1, input.choice_2, input.choice_3, input.choice_4, input.choice_5,
input.choice_6, input.choice_7, input.choice_8, input.choice_9, input.choice_10]
key = 'oneOf' if input.mode.data == 'single' else 'anyOf'
request_json['object'][key] = []
for choice in choices:
choice_data = choice.data.strip()
if choice_data:
request_json['object'][key].append({'name': choice_data})
request_json['object']['endTime'] = end_poll_date(input.finish_in.data)
post = Post.new(user, community, request_json)
post.ap_id = f"https://{current_app.config['SERVER_NAME']}/post/{post.id}"
task_selector('make_post', user_id=user.id, post_id=post.id)
if src == SRC_API:
return user.id, post
return post