<ahref="{{ url_for('community.add_local') }}"class="btn btn-outline-secondary"aria-label="{{ _('Create local community') }}">{{ _('Create local community') }}</a>
<ahref="{{ url_for('community.add_remote') }}"class="btn btn-outline-secondary"aria-label="{{ _('Add community from another instance') }}">{{ _('Add remote community') }}</a>
<spanclass="{{ 'fe fe-chevron-up' if sort_by == 'content_retention ASC' }}{{ 'fe fe-chevron-down' if sort_by == 'content_retention DESC' }}"></span>
<th>{{ _('Layout') }}</th>
<buttonform="searchCommunities"name="sort_by"value="show_popular{{' ASC' if sort_by == 'show_popular DESC' else ' DESC' }}"class="btn"title="{{ _('Posts can be popular.') }}">
{{ _('Popular') }}
<spanclass="{{ 'fe fe-chevron-up' if sort_by == 'show_popular ASC' }}{{ 'fe fe-chevron-down' if sort_by == 'show_popular DESC' }}"></span>
<buttonform="searchCommunities"name="sort_by"value="show_all{{' ASC' if sort_by == 'show_all DESC' else ' DESC' }}"class="btn"title="{{ _('Posts show in the All feed.') }}">
{{ _('All') }}
<spanclass="{{ 'fe fe-chevron-up' if sort_by == 'show_all ASC' }}{{ 'fe fe-chevron-down' if sort_by == 'show_all DESC' }}"></span>
<buttonform="searchCommunities"name="sort_by"value="{{'nsfl ASC, nsfw ASC' if sort_by == 'nsfl DESC, nsfw DESC' else 'nsfl DESC, nsfw DESC' }}"class="btn"title="{{ _('Content warning, NSFW or NSFL set for community.') }}">
<td><spantitle="{{ _('Layout') }}">{{ community.default_layout if community.default_layout }}</span></td>
<td><spantitle="{{ _('Posts can be popular.') }}">{{ '✓'|safe if community.show_popular else '✗'|safe }}</span></td>
<td><spantitle="{{ _('Posts show in the All feed.') }}">{{ '✓'|safe if community.show_all else '✗'|safe }}</span></td>
<td><spantitle="{{ _('Content warning, NSFW or NSFL set for community.') }}">{{ '⚠'|safe if community.nsfw or community.nsfl or community.content_warning else ''|safe }}</span></td>