diff --git a/app/activitypub/util.py b/app/activitypub/util.py
index fd94c34b..898a509c 100644
--- a/app/activitypub/util.py
+++ b/app/activitypub/util.py
@@ -2569,21 +2569,7 @@ def verify_object_from_source(request_json):
return request_json
-# This is for followers on microblog apps
-# Used to let them know a Poll has been updated with a new vote
-# The plan is to also use it for activities on local user's posts that aren't understood by being Announced (anything beyond the initial Create)
-# This would need for posts to have things like a 'Replies' collection and a 'Likes' collection, so these can be downloaded when the post updates
-# Using collecions like this (as PeerTube does) circumvents the problem of not having a remote user's private key.
-# The problem of what to do for remote user's activity on a remote user's post in a local community still exists (can't Announce it, can't inform of post update)
def inform_followers_of_post_update(post_id: int, sending_instance_id: int):
- if current_app.debug:
- inform_followers_of_post_update_task(post_id, sending_instance_id)
- else:
- inform_followers_of_post_update_task.delay(post_id, sending_instance_id)
-def inform_followers_of_post_update_task(post_id: int, sending_instance_id: int):
post = Post.query.get(post_id)
page_json = post_to_page(post)
page_json['updated'] = ap_datetime(utcnow())
diff --git a/app/community/routes.py b/app/community/routes.py
index d5e61031..319a469a 100644
--- a/app/community/routes.py
+++ b/app/community/routes.py
@@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ from app.community.forms import SearchRemoteCommunity, CreateDiscussionForm, Cre
EscalateReportForm, ResolveReportForm, CreateVideoForm, CreatePollForm, RetrieveRemotePost, \
from app.community.util import search_for_community, actor_to_community, \
- save_post, save_icon_file, save_banner_file, send_to_remote_instance, \
+ save_icon_file, save_banner_file, send_to_remote_instance, \
delete_post_from_community, delete_post_reply_from_community, community_in_list, find_local_users, tags_from_string, \
allowed_extensions, end_poll_date
@@ -43,6 +43,7 @@ from app.utils import get_setting, render_template, allowlist_html, markdown_to_
community_moderators, communities_banned_from, show_ban_message, recently_upvoted_posts, recently_downvoted_posts, \
blocked_users, languages_for_form, menu_topics, add_to_modlog, \
blocked_communities, remove_tracking_from_link, piefed_markdown_to_lemmy_markdown, ensure_directory_exists
+from app.shared.post import make_post
from feedgen.feed import FeedGenerator
from datetime import timezone, timedelta
from copy import copy
@@ -630,110 +631,15 @@ def add_post(actor, type):
form.language_id.choices = languages_for_form()
- if not can_create_post(current_user, community):
- abort(401)
if form.validate_on_submit():
community = Community.query.get_or_404(form.communities.data)
- if not can_create_post(current_user, community):
+ try:
+ uploaded_file = request.files['image_file'] if type == 'image' else None
+ post = make_post(form, community, post_type, 1, uploaded_file=uploaded_file)
+ except Exception as ex:
+ flash(_('Your post was not accepted because %(reason)s', reason=str(ex)), 'error')
- language = Language.query.get(form.language_id.data)
- request_json = {
- 'id': None,
- 'object': {
- 'name': form.title.data,
- 'type': 'Page',
- 'stickied': form.sticky.data,
- 'sensitive': form.nsfw.data,
- 'nsfl': form.nsfl.data,
- 'id': gibberish(), # this will be updated once we have the post.id
- 'mediaType': 'text/markdown',
- 'content': form.body.data,
- 'tag': tags_from_string(form.tags.data),
- 'language': {'identifier': language.code, 'name': language.name}
- }
- }
- if type == 'link':
- request_json['object']['attachment'] = [{'type': 'Link', 'href': form.link_url.data}]
- elif type == 'image':
- uploaded_file = request.files['image_file']
- if uploaded_file and uploaded_file.filename != '':
- # check if this is an allowed type of file
- file_ext = os.path.splitext(uploaded_file.filename)[1]
- if file_ext.lower() not in allowed_extensions:
- abort(400, description="Invalid image type.")
- new_filename = gibberish(15)
- # set up the storage directory
- directory = 'app/static/media/posts/' + new_filename[0:2] + '/' + new_filename[2:4]
- ensure_directory_exists(directory)
- final_place = os.path.join(directory, new_filename + file_ext)
- uploaded_file.seek(0)
- uploaded_file.save(final_place)
- if file_ext.lower() == '.heic':
- register_heif_opener()
- if file_ext.lower() == '.avif':
- import pillow_avif
- Image.MAX_IMAGE_PIXELS = 89478485
- # resize if necessary
- if not final_place.endswith('.svg'):
- img = Image.open(final_place)
- if '.' + img.format.lower() in allowed_extensions:
- img = ImageOps.exif_transpose(img)
- # limit full sized version to 2000px
- img.thumbnail((2000, 2000))
- img.save(final_place)
- request_json['object']['attachment'] = [{
- 'type': 'Image',
- 'url': f'https://{current_app.config["SERVER_NAME"]}/{final_place.replace("app/", "")}',
- 'name': form.image_alt_text.data,
- 'file_path': final_place
- }]
- elif type == 'video':
- request_json['object']['attachment'] = [{'type': 'Document', 'url': form.video_url.data}]
- elif type == 'poll':
- request_json['object']['type'] = 'Question'
- choices = [form.choice_1, form.choice_2, form.choice_3, form.choice_4, form.choice_5,
- form.choice_6, form.choice_7, form.choice_8, form.choice_9, form.choice_10]
- key = 'oneOf' if form.mode.data == 'single' else 'anyOf'
- request_json['object'][key] = []
- for choice in choices:
- choice_data = choice.data.strip()
- if choice_data:
- request_json['object'][key].append({'name': choice_data})
- request_json['object']['endTime'] = end_poll_date(form.finish_in.data)
- # todo: add try..except
- post = Post.new(current_user, community, request_json)
- if form.notify_author.data:
- new_notification = NotificationSubscription(name=post.title, user_id=current_user.id, entity_id=post.id, type=NOTIF_POST)
- db.session.add(new_notification)
- current_user.language_id = form.language_id.data
- g.site.last_active = utcnow()
- post.ap_id = f"https://{current_app.config['SERVER_NAME']}/post/{post.id}"
- db.session.commit()
- if post.type == POST_TYPE_POLL:
- poll = Poll.query.filter_by(post_id=post.id).first()
- if not poll.local_only:
- federate_post_to_user_followers(post)
- if not community.local_only and not poll.local_only:
- federate_post(community, post)
- else:
- federate_post_to_user_followers(post)
- if not community.local_only:
- federate_post(community, post)
resp = make_response(redirect(f"/post/{post.id}"))
# remove cookies used to maintain state when switching post type
@@ -760,7 +666,6 @@ def add_post(actor, type):
form.language_id.data = source_post.language_id
form.link_url.data = source_post.url
# empty post to pass since add_post.html extends edit_post.html
# and that one checks for a post.image_id for editing image posts
post = None
@@ -775,197 +680,6 @@ def add_post(actor, type):
-def federate_post(community, post):
- page = {
- 'type': 'Page',
- 'id': post.ap_id,
- 'attributedTo': current_user.public_url(),
- 'to': [
- community.public_url(),
- 'https://www.w3.org/ns/activitystreams#Public'
- ],
- 'name': post.title,
- 'cc': [],
- 'content': post.body_html if post.body_html else '',
- 'mediaType': 'text/html',
- 'source': {'content': post.body if post.body else '', 'mediaType': 'text/markdown'},
- 'attachment': [],
- 'commentsEnabled': post.comments_enabled,
- 'sensitive': post.nsfw,
- 'nsfl': post.nsfl,
- 'stickied': post.sticky,
- 'published': ap_datetime(utcnow()),
- 'audience': community.public_url(),
- 'language': {
- 'identifier': post.language_code(),
- 'name': post.language_name()
- },
- 'tag': post.tags_for_activitypub()
- }
- create = {
- "id": f"https://{current_app.config['SERVER_NAME']}/activities/create/{gibberish(15)}",
- "actor": current_user.public_url(),
- "to": [
- "https://www.w3.org/ns/activitystreams#Public"
- ],
- "cc": [
- community.public_url()
- ],
- "type": "Create",
- "audience": community.public_url(),
- "object": page,
- '@context': default_context()
- }
- if post.type == POST_TYPE_LINK or post.type == POST_TYPE_VIDEO:
- page['attachment'] = [{'href': post.url, 'type': 'Link'}]
- elif post.image_id:
- image_url = ''
- if post.image.source_url:
- image_url = post.image.source_url
- elif post.image.file_path:
- image_url = post.image.file_path.replace('app/static/',
- f"https://{current_app.config['SERVER_NAME']}/static/")
- elif post.image.thumbnail_path:
- image_url = post.image.thumbnail_path.replace('app/static/',
- f"https://{current_app.config['SERVER_NAME']}/static/")
- # NB image is a dict while attachment is a list of dicts (usually just one dict in the list)
- page['image'] = {'type': 'Image', 'url': image_url}
- if post.type == POST_TYPE_IMAGE:
- page['attachment'] = [{'type': 'Image',
- 'url': post.image.source_url, # source_url is always a https link, no need for .replace() as done above
- 'name': post.image.alt_text}]
- if post.type == POST_TYPE_POLL:
- poll = Poll.query.filter_by(post_id=post.id).first()
- page['type'] = 'Question'
- page['endTime'] = ap_datetime(poll.end_poll)
- page['votersCount'] = 0
- choices = []
- for choice in PollChoice.query.filter_by(post_id=post.id).all():
- choices.append({
- "type": "Note",
- "name": choice.choice_text,
- "replies": {
- "type": "Collection",
- "totalItems": 0
- }
- })
- page['oneOf' if poll.mode == 'single' else 'anyOf'] = choices
- if not community.is_local(): # this is a remote community - send the post to the instance that hosts it
- post_request_in_background(community.ap_inbox_url, create, current_user.private_key,
- current_user.public_url() + '#main-key', timeout=10)
- flash(_('Your post to %(name)s has been made.', name=community.title))
- else: # local community - send (announce) post out to followers
- announce = {
- "id": f"https://{current_app.config['SERVER_NAME']}/activities/announce/{gibberish(15)}",
- "type": 'Announce',
- "to": [
- "https://www.w3.org/ns/activitystreams#Public"
- ],
- "actor": community.public_url(),
- "cc": [
- community.ap_followers_url
- ],
- '@context': default_context(),
- 'object': create
- }
- microblog_announce = copy(announce)
- microblog_announce['object'] = post.ap_id
- sent_to = 0
- for instance in community.following_instances():
- if instance.inbox and not current_user.has_blocked_instance(instance.id) and not instance_banned(
- instance.domain):
- if instance.software in MICROBLOG_APPS:
- send_to_remote_instance(instance.id, community.id, microblog_announce)
- else:
- send_to_remote_instance(instance.id, community.id, announce)
- sent_to += 1
- if sent_to:
- flash(_('Your post to %(name)s has been made.', name=community.title))
- else:
- flash(_('Your post to %(name)s has been made.', name=community.title))
-def federate_post_to_user_followers(post):
- followers = UserFollower.query.filter_by(local_user_id=post.user_id)
- if not followers:
- return
- note = {
- 'type': 'Note',
- 'id': post.ap_id,
- 'inReplyTo': None,
- 'attributedTo': current_user.public_url(),
- 'to': [
- 'https://www.w3.org/ns/activitystreams#Public'
- ],
- 'cc': [
- current_user.followers_url()
- ],
- 'content': '',
- 'mediaType': 'text/html',
- 'attachment': [],
- 'commentsEnabled': post.comments_enabled,
- 'sensitive': post.nsfw,
- 'nsfl': post.nsfl,
- 'stickied': post.sticky,
- 'published': ap_datetime(utcnow()),
- 'language': {
- 'identifier': post.language_code(),
- 'name': post.language_name()
- },
- 'tag': post.tags_for_activitypub()
- }
- create = {
- "id": f"https://{current_app.config['SERVER_NAME']}/activities/create/{gibberish(15)}",
- "actor": current_user.public_url(),
- "to": [
- "https://www.w3.org/ns/activitystreams#Public"
- ],
- "cc": [
- current_user.followers_url()
- ],
- "type": "Create",
- "object": note,
- '@context': default_context()
- }
- if post.type == POST_TYPE_ARTICLE:
- note['content'] = '
' + post.title + '
- elif post.type == POST_TYPE_LINK or post.type == POST_TYPE_VIDEO:
- note['content'] = '' + post.title + '
- elif post.type == POST_TYPE_IMAGE:
- note['content'] = '' + post.title + '
- if post.image_id and post.image.source_url:
- note['attachment'] = [{'type': 'Image', 'url': post.image.source_url, 'name': post.image.alt_text}]
- if post.body_html:
- note['content'] = note['content'] + '' + post.body_html + '
- if post.type == POST_TYPE_POLL:
- poll = Poll.query.filter_by(post_id=post.id).first()
- note['type'] = 'Question'
- note['endTime'] = ap_datetime(poll.end_poll)
- note['votersCount'] = 0
- choices = []
- for choice in PollChoice.query.filter_by(post_id=post.id).all():
- choices.append({
- "type": "Note",
- "name": choice.choice_text,
- "replies": {
- "type": "Collection",
- "totalItems": 0
- }
- })
- note['oneOf' if poll.mode == 'single' else 'anyOf'] = choices
- instances = Instance.query.join(User, User.instance_id == Instance.id).join(UserFollower, UserFollower.remote_user_id == User.id)
- instances = instances.filter(UserFollower.local_user_id == post.user_id).filter(Instance.gone_forever == False)
- for instance in instances:
- if instance.inbox and not current_user.has_blocked_instance(instance.id) and not instance_banned(instance.domain):
- post_request_in_background(instance.inbox, create, current_user.private_key, current_user.public_url() + '#main-key')
@bp.route('/community//report', methods=['GET', 'POST'])
def community_report(community_id: int):
diff --git a/app/community/util.py b/app/community/util.py
index 186f59e9..11f54780 100644
--- a/app/community/util.py
+++ b/app/community/util.py
@@ -235,233 +235,6 @@ def actor_to_community(actor) -> Community:
return community
-def save_post(form, post: Post, type: int):
- post.indexable = current_user.indexable
- post.sticky = form.sticky.data
- post.nsfw = form.nsfw.data
- post.nsfl = form.nsfl.data
- post.notify_author = form.notify_author.data
- post.language_id = form.language_id.data
- current_user.language_id = form.language_id.data
- post.title = form.title.data.strip()
- post.body = piefed_markdown_to_lemmy_markdown(form.body.data)
- post.body_html = markdown_to_html(post.body)
- if not type or type == POST_TYPE_ARTICLE:
- post.type = POST_TYPE_ARTICLE
- elif type == POST_TYPE_LINK:
- url_changed = post.id is None or form.link_url.data != post.url
- post.url = remove_tracking_from_link(form.link_url.data.strip())
- post.type = POST_TYPE_LINK
- domain = domain_from_url(form.link_url.data)
- domain.post_count += 1
- post.domain = domain
- if url_changed:
- if post.image_id:
- remove_old_file(post.image_id)
- post.image_id = None
- if post.url.endswith('.mp4') or post.url.endswith('.webm'):
- post.type = POST_TYPE_VIDEO
- file = File(source_url=form.link_url.data) # make_image_sizes() will take care of turning this into a still image
- post.image = file
- db.session.add(file)
- else:
- unused, file_extension = os.path.splitext(form.link_url.data)
- # this url is a link to an image - turn it into a image post
- if file_extension.lower() in allowed_extensions:
- file = File(source_url=form.link_url.data)
- post.image = file
- db.session.add(file)
- post.type = POST_TYPE_IMAGE
- else:
- # check opengraph tags on the page and make a thumbnail if an image is available in the og:image meta tag
- if not post.type == POST_TYPE_VIDEO:
- tn_url = form.link_url.data
- if tn_url[:32] == 'https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=':
- tn_url = 'https://youtu.be/' + tn_url[32:43] # better chance of thumbnail from youtu.be than youtube.com
- opengraph = opengraph_parse(tn_url)
- if opengraph and (opengraph.get('og:image', '') != '' or opengraph.get('og:image:url', '') != ''):
- filename = opengraph.get('og:image') or opengraph.get('og:image:url')
- if not filename.startswith('/'):
- file = url_to_thumbnail_file(filename)
- if file:
- file.alt_text = shorten_string(opengraph.get('og:title'), 295)
- post.image = file
- db.session.add(file)
- elif type == POST_TYPE_IMAGE:
- post.type = POST_TYPE_IMAGE
- alt_text = form.image_alt_text.data if form.image_alt_text.data else form.title.data
- uploaded_file = request.files['image_file']
- # If we are uploading new file in the place of existing one just remove the old one
- if post.image_id is not None and uploaded_file:
- post.image.delete_from_disk()
- image_id = post.image_id
- post.image_id = None
- db.session.add(post)
- db.session.commit()
- File.query.filter_by(id=image_id).delete()
- if uploaded_file and uploaded_file.filename != '':
- if post.image_id:
- remove_old_file(post.image_id)
- post.image_id = None
- # check if this is an allowed type of file
- file_ext = os.path.splitext(uploaded_file.filename)[1]
- if file_ext.lower() not in allowed_extensions:
- abort(400)
- new_filename = gibberish(15)
- # set up the storage directory
- directory = 'app/static/media/posts/' + new_filename[0:2] + '/' + new_filename[2:4]
- ensure_directory_exists(directory)
- # save the file
- final_place = os.path.join(directory, new_filename + file_ext)
- final_place_medium = os.path.join(directory, new_filename + '_medium.webp')
- final_place_thumbnail = os.path.join(directory, new_filename + '_thumbnail.webp')
- uploaded_file.seek(0)
- uploaded_file.save(final_place)
- if file_ext.lower() == '.heic':
- register_heif_opener()
- Image.MAX_IMAGE_PIXELS = 89478485
- # resize if necessary
- img = Image.open(final_place)
- if '.' + img.format.lower() in allowed_extensions:
- img = ImageOps.exif_transpose(img)
- # limit full sized version to 2000px
- img_width = img.width
- img_height = img.height
- img.thumbnail((2000, 2000))
- img.save(final_place)
- # medium sized version
- img.thumbnail((512, 512))
- img.save(final_place_medium, format="WebP", quality=93)
- # save a third, smaller, version as a thumbnail
- img.thumbnail((170, 170))
- img.save(final_place_thumbnail, format="WebP", quality=93)
- thumbnail_width = img.width
- thumbnail_height = img.height
- file = File(file_path=final_place_medium, file_name=new_filename + file_ext, alt_text=alt_text,
- width=img_width, height=img_height, thumbnail_width=thumbnail_width,
- thumbnail_height=thumbnail_height, thumbnail_path=final_place_thumbnail,
- source_url=final_place.replace('app/static/', f"https://{current_app.config['SERVER_NAME']}/static/"))
- db.session.add(file)
- db.session.commit()
- post.image_id = file.id
- elif type == POST_TYPE_VIDEO:
- form.video_url.data = form.video_url.data.strip()
- url_changed = post.id is None or form.video_url.data != post.url
- post.url = remove_tracking_from_link(form.video_url.data.strip())
- post.type = POST_TYPE_VIDEO
- domain = domain_from_url(form.video_url.data)
- domain.post_count += 1
- post.domain = domain
- if url_changed:
- if post.image_id:
- remove_old_file(post.image_id)
- post.image_id = None
- if form.video_url.data.endswith('.mp4') or form.video_url.data.endswith('.webm'):
- file = File(source_url=form.video_url.data) # make_image_sizes() will take care of turning this into a still image
- post.image = file
- db.session.add(file)
- else:
- # check opengraph tags on the page and make a thumbnail if an image is available in the og:image meta tag
- tn_url = form.video_url.data
- if tn_url[:32] == 'https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=':
- tn_url = 'https://youtu.be/' + tn_url[32:43] # better chance of thumbnail from youtu.be than youtube.com
- opengraph = opengraph_parse(tn_url)
- if opengraph and (opengraph.get('og:image', '') != '' or opengraph.get('og:image:url', '') != ''):
- filename = opengraph.get('og:image') or opengraph.get('og:image:url')
- if not filename.startswith('/'):
- file = url_to_thumbnail_file(filename)
- if file:
- file.alt_text = shorten_string(opengraph.get('og:title'), 295)
- post.image = file
- db.session.add(file)
- elif type == POST_TYPE_POLL:
- post.body = form.title.data + '\n' + form.body.data if post.title not in form.body.data else form.body.data
- post.body_html = markdown_to_html(post.body)
- post.type = POST_TYPE_POLL
- else:
- raise Exception('invalid post type')
- if post.id is None:
- if current_user.reputation > 100:
- post.up_votes = 1
- post.score = 1
- if current_user.reputation < -100:
- post.score = -1
- post.ranking = post.post_ranking(post.score, utcnow())
- # Filter by phrase
- blocked_phrases_list = blocked_phrases()
- for blocked_phrase in blocked_phrases_list:
- if blocked_phrase in post.title:
- abort(401)
- return
- if post.body:
- for blocked_phrase in blocked_phrases_list:
- if blocked_phrase in post.body:
- abort(401)
- return
- db.session.add(post)
- else:
- db.session.execute(text('DELETE FROM "post_tag" WHERE post_id = :post_id'), {'post_id': post.id})
- post.tags = tags_from_string_old(form.tags.data)
- db.session.commit()
- # Save poll choices. NB this will delete all votes whenever a poll is edited. Partially because it's easier to code but also to stop malicious alterations to polls after people have already voted
- if type == POST_TYPE_POLL:
- db.session.execute(text('DELETE FROM "poll_choice_vote" WHERE post_id = :post_id'), {'post_id': post.id})
- db.session.execute(text('DELETE FROM "poll_choice" WHERE post_id = :post_id'), {'post_id': post.id})
- for i in range(1, 10):
- choice_data = getattr(form, f"choice_{i}").data.strip()
- if choice_data != '':
- db.session.add(PollChoice(post_id=post.id, choice_text=choice_data, sort_order=i))
- poll = Poll.query.filter_by(post_id=post.id).first()
- if poll is None:
- poll = Poll(post_id=post.id)
- db.session.add(poll)
- poll.mode = form.mode.data
- if form.finish_in:
- poll.end_poll = end_poll_date(form.finish_in.data)
- poll.local_only = form.local_only.data
- poll.latest_vote = None
- db.session.commit()
- # Notify author about replies
- # Remove any subscription that currently exists
- existing_notification = NotificationSubscription.query.filter(NotificationSubscription.entity_id == post.id,
- NotificationSubscription.user_id == current_user.id,
- NotificationSubscription.type == NOTIF_POST).first()
- if existing_notification:
- db.session.delete(existing_notification)
- # Add subscription if necessary
- if form.notify_author.data:
- new_notification = NotificationSubscription(name=post.title, user_id=current_user.id, entity_id=post.id,
- type=NOTIF_POST)
- db.session.add(new_notification)
- g.site.last_active = utcnow()
- db.session.commit()
def end_poll_date(end_choice):
delta_mapping = {
'30m': timedelta(minutes=30),
diff --git a/app/post/routes.py b/app/post/routes.py
index dee6a2b9..089b4a25 100644
--- a/app/post/routes.py
+++ b/app/post/routes.py
@@ -10,8 +10,8 @@ from wtforms import SelectField, RadioField
from app import db, constants, cache, celery
from app.activitypub.signature import HttpSignature, post_request, default_context, post_request_in_background
-from app.activitypub.util import notify_about_post_reply, inform_followers_of_post_update, update_post_from_activity
-from app.community.util import save_post, send_to_remote_instance
+from app.activitypub.util import notify_about_post_reply, update_post_from_activity
+from app.community.util import send_to_remote_instance
from app.inoculation import inoculation
from app.post.forms import NewReplyForm, ReportPostForm, MeaCulpaForm, CrossPostForm
from app.community.forms import CreateLinkForm, CreateImageForm, CreateDiscussionForm, CreateVideoForm, CreatePollForm, EditImageForm
@@ -35,6 +35,7 @@ from app.utils import get_setting, render_template, allowlist_html, markdown_to_
languages_for_form, menu_topics, add_to_modlog, blocked_communities, piefed_markdown_to_lemmy_markdown, \
permission_required, blocked_users, get_request, is_local_image_url, is_video_url, can_upvote, can_downvote
from app.shared.reply import make_reply, edit_reply
+from app.shared.post import edit_post
def show_post(post_id: int):
@@ -359,7 +360,8 @@ def poll_vote(post_id):
poll_votes = PollChoice.query.join(PollChoiceVote, PollChoiceVote.choice_id == PollChoice.id).filter(PollChoiceVote.post_id == post.id, PollChoiceVote.user_id == current_user.id).all()
for pv in poll_votes:
if post.author.is_local():
- inform_followers_of_post_update(post.id, 1)
+ from app.shared.tasks import task_selector
+ task_selector('edit_post', user_id=current_user.id, post_id=post.id)
pollvote_json = {
'@context': default_context(),
@@ -587,7 +589,7 @@ def post_edit(post_id: int):
del form.finish_in
del form.communities
mods = post.community.moderators()
@@ -607,26 +609,16 @@ def post_edit(post_id: int):
form.nsfl.data = True
form.nsfw.render_kw = {'disabled': True}
- old_url = post.url
form.language_id.choices = languages_for_form()
if form.validate_on_submit():
- save_post(form, post, post_type)
- post.community.last_active = utcnow()
- post.edited_at = utcnow()
- if post.url != old_url:
- post.calculate_cross_posts(url_changed=True)
- db.session.commit()
- flash(_('Your changes have been saved.'), 'success')
- # federate edit
- if not post.community.local_only:
- federate_post_update(post)
- federate_post_edit_to_user_followers(post)
+ try:
+ uploaded_file = request.files['image_file'] if post_type == POST_TYPE_IMAGE else None
+ edit_post(form, post, post_type, 1, uploaded_file=uploaded_file)
+ flash(_('Your changes have been saved.'), 'success')
+ except Exception as ex:
+ flash(_('Your edit was not accepted because %(reason)s', reason=str(ex)), 'error')
+ abort(401)
return redirect(url_for('activitypub.post_ap', post_id=post.id))
@@ -651,7 +643,7 @@ def post_edit(post_id: int):
with open(path, "rb")as file:
form.image_file.data = file.read()
elif post_type == POST_TYPE_VIDEO:
form.video_url.data = post.url
elif post_type == POST_TYPE_POLL:
@@ -678,186 +670,6 @@ def post_edit(post_id: int):
-def federate_post_update(post):
- page_json = {
- 'type': 'Page',
- 'id': post.ap_id,
- 'attributedTo': current_user.public_url(),
- 'to': [
- post.community.public_url(),
- 'https://www.w3.org/ns/activitystreams#Public'
- ],
- 'name': post.title,
- 'cc': [],
- 'content': post.body_html if post.body_html else '',
- 'mediaType': 'text/html',
- 'source': {'content': post.body if post.body else '', 'mediaType': 'text/markdown'},
- 'attachment': [],
- 'commentsEnabled': post.comments_enabled,
- 'sensitive': post.nsfw,
- 'nsfl': post.nsfl,
- 'stickied': post.sticky,
- 'published': ap_datetime(post.posted_at),
- 'updated': ap_datetime(post.edited_at),
- 'audience': post.community.public_url(),
- 'language': {
- 'identifier': post.language_code(),
- 'name': post.language_name()
- },
- 'tag': post.tags_for_activitypub()
- }
- update_json = {
- 'id': f"https://{current_app.config['SERVER_NAME']}/activities/update/{gibberish(15)}",
- 'type': 'Update',
- 'actor': current_user.public_url(),
- 'audience': post.community.public_url(),
- 'to': [post.community.public_url(), 'https://www.w3.org/ns/activitystreams#Public'],
- 'published': ap_datetime(utcnow()),
- 'cc': [
- current_user.followers_url()
- ],
- 'object': page_json,
- }
- if post.type == POST_TYPE_LINK or post.type == POST_TYPE_VIDEO:
- page_json['attachment'] = [{'href': post.url, 'type': 'Link'}]
- elif post.image_id:
- if post.image.file_path:
- image_url = post.image.file_path.replace('app/static/',
- f"https://{current_app.config['SERVER_NAME']}/static/")
- elif post.image.thumbnail_path:
- image_url = post.image.thumbnail_path.replace('app/static/',
- f"https://{current_app.config['SERVER_NAME']}/static/")
- else:
- image_url = post.image.source_url
- # NB image is a dict while attachment is a list of dicts (usually just one dict in the list)
- page_json['image'] = {'type': 'Image', 'url': image_url}
- if post.type == POST_TYPE_IMAGE:
- page_json['attachment'] = [{'type': 'Image',
- 'url': post.image.source_url, # source_url is always a https link, no need for .replace() as done above
- 'name': post.image.alt_text}]
- if post.type == POST_TYPE_POLL:
- poll = Poll.query.filter_by(post_id=post.id).first()
- page_json['type'] = 'Question'
- page_json['endTime'] = ap_datetime(poll.end_poll)
- page_json['votersCount'] = 0
- choices = []
- for choice in PollChoice.query.filter_by(post_id=post.id).all():
- choices.append({
- "type": "Note",
- "name": choice.choice_text,
- "replies": {
- "type": "Collection",
- "totalItems": 0
- }
- })
- page_json['oneOf' if poll.mode == 'single' else 'anyOf'] = choices
- if not post.community.is_local(): # this is a remote community, send it to the instance that hosts it
- success = post_request(post.community.ap_inbox_url, update_json, current_user.private_key,
- current_user.public_url() + '#main-key')
- if success is False or isinstance(success, str):
- flash('Failed to send edit to remote server', 'error')
- else: # local community - send it to followers on remote instances
- announce = {
- "id": f"https://{current_app.config['SERVER_NAME']}/activities/announce/{gibberish(15)}",
- "type": 'Announce',
- "to": [
- "https://www.w3.org/ns/activitystreams#Public"
- ],
- "actor": post.community.ap_profile_id,
- "cc": [
- post.community.ap_followers_url
- ],
- '@context': default_context(),
- 'object': update_json
- }
- for instance in post.community.following_instances():
- if instance.inbox and not current_user.has_blocked_instance(instance.id) and not instance_banned(
- instance.domain):
- send_to_remote_instance(instance.id, post.community.id, announce)
-def federate_post_edit_to_user_followers(post):
- followers = UserFollower.query.filter_by(local_user_id=post.user_id)
- if not followers:
- return
- note = {
- 'type': 'Note',
- 'id': post.ap_id,
- 'inReplyTo': None,
- 'attributedTo': current_user.public_url(),
- 'to': [
- 'https://www.w3.org/ns/activitystreams#Public'
- ],
- 'cc': [
- current_user.followers_url()
- ],
- 'content': '',
- 'mediaType': 'text/html',
- 'source': {'content': post.body if post.body else '', 'mediaType': 'text/markdown'},
- 'attachment': [],
- 'commentsEnabled': post.comments_enabled,
- 'sensitive': post.nsfw,
- 'nsfl': post.nsfl,
- 'stickied': post.sticky,
- 'published': ap_datetime(utcnow()),
- 'updated': ap_datetime(post.edited_at),
- 'language': {
- 'identifier': post.language_code(),
- 'name': post.language_name()
- },
- 'tag': post.tags_for_activitypub()
- }
- update = {
- "id": f"https://{current_app.config['SERVER_NAME']}/activities/create/{gibberish(15)}",
- "actor": current_user.public_url(),
- "to": [
- "https://www.w3.org/ns/activitystreams#Public"
- ],
- "cc": [
- current_user.followers_url()
- ],
- "type": "Update",
- "object": note,
- '@context': default_context()
- }
- if post.type == POST_TYPE_ARTICLE:
- note['content'] = '' + post.title + '
- elif post.type == POST_TYPE_LINK or post.type == POST_TYPE_VIDEO:
- note['content'] = '' + post.title + '
- elif post.type == POST_TYPE_IMAGE:
- note['content'] = '' + post.title + '
- if post.image_id and post.image.source_url:
- note['attachment'] = [{'type': 'Image', 'url': post.image.source_url, 'name': post.image.alt_text}]
- elif post.type == POST_TYPE_POLL:
- poll = Poll.query.filter_by(post_id=post.id).first()
- note['type'] = 'Question'
- note['endTime'] = ap_datetime(poll.end_poll)
- note['votersCount'] = 0
- choices = []
- for choice in PollChoice.query.filter_by(post_id=post.id).all():
- choices.append({
- "type": "Note",
- "name": choice.choice_text,
- "replies": {
- "type": "Collection",
- "totalItems": 0
- }
- })
- note['oneOf' if poll.mode == 'single' else 'anyOf'] = choices
- if post.body_html:
- note['content'] = note['content'] + '' + post.body_html + '
- instances = Instance.query.join(User, User.instance_id == Instance.id).join(UserFollower, UserFollower.remote_user_id == User.id)
- instances = instances.filter(UserFollower.local_user_id == post.user_id)
- for instance in instances:
- if instance.inbox and not instance_banned(instance.domain):
- post_request_in_background(instance.inbox, update, current_user.private_key, current_user.public_url() + '#main-key')
@bp.route('/post//delete', methods=['GET', 'POST'])
def post_delete(post_id: int):