mirror of
synced 2025-02-03 00:31:25 -08:00
Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/main'
# Conflicts: # app/user/forms.py
This commit is contained in:
20 changed files with 203 additions and 66 deletions
@ -125,7 +125,17 @@ class AddUserForm(FlaskForm):
verified = BooleanField(_l('Email address is verified'))
banned = BooleanField(_l('Banned'))
newsletter = BooleanField(_l('Subscribe to email newsletter'))
ignore_bots = BooleanField(_l('Hide posts by bots'))
hide_type_choices = [(0, _l('Show')),
(1, _l('Hide completely')),
(2, _l('Blur')),
(3, _l('Make semi-transparent'))]
ignore_bots = SelectField(_l('Hide posts by bots'), choices=hide_type_choices,
default=0, coerce=int, render_kw={'class': 'form-select'})
hide_nsfw = SelectField(_l('Show NSFW posts'), choices=hide_type_choices, default=1,
coerce=int, render_kw={'class': 'form-select'})
hide_nsfl = SelectField(_l('Show NSFL posts'), choices=hide_type_choices, default=1,
coerce=int, render_kw={'class': 'form-select'})
nsfw = BooleanField(_l('Show NSFW posts'))
nsfl = BooleanField(_l('Show NSFL posts'))
role_options = [(2, _l('User')),
@ -178,6 +188,14 @@ class EditUserForm(FlaskForm):
bot = BooleanField(_l('This profile is a bot'))
verified = BooleanField(_l('Email address is verified'))
banned = BooleanField(_l('Banned'))
hide_type_choices = [(0, _l('Show')),
(1, _l('Hide completely')),
(2, _l('Blur')),
(3, _l('Make semi-transparent'))]
hide_nsfw = SelectField(_l('Show NSFW posts'), choices=hide_type_choices, default=1,
coerce=int, render_kw={'class': 'form-select'})
hide_nsfl = SelectField(_l('Show NSFL posts'), choices=hide_type_choices, default=1,
coerce=int, render_kw={'class': 'form-select'})
role_options = [(2, _l('User')),
(3, _l('Staff')),
(4, _l('Admin')),
@ -743,6 +743,8 @@ def admin_user_edit(user_id):
if form.validate_on_submit():
user.bot = form.bot.data
user.banned = form.banned.data
user.hide_nsfw = form.hide_nsfw.data
user.hide_nsfl = form.hide_nsfl.data
if form.verified.data and not user.verified:
user.verified = form.verified.data
@ -774,6 +776,8 @@ def admin_user_edit(user_id):
form.bot.data = user.bot
form.verified.data = user.verified
form.banned.data = user.banned
form.hide_nsfw.data = user.hide_nsfw
form.hide_nsfl.data = user.hide_nsfl
if user.roles and user.roles.count() > 0:
form.role.data = user.roles[0].id
@ -828,8 +832,8 @@ def admin_users_add():
user.cover = file
user.newsletter = form.newsletter.data
user.ignore_bots = form.ignore_bots.data
user.show_nsfw = form.nsfw.data
user.show_nsfl = form.nsfl.data
user.hide_nsfw = form.hide_nsfw.data
user.hide_nsfl = form.hide_nsfl.data
user.instance_id = 1
@ -330,11 +330,11 @@ def register(app):
posts = Post.query.join(CommunityMember, Post.community_id == CommunityMember.community_id).filter(
CommunityMember.is_banned == False)
posts = posts.filter(CommunityMember.user_id == user.id)
if user.ignore_bots:
if user.ignore_bots == 1:
posts = posts.filter(Post.from_bot == False)
if user.show_nsfl is False:
if user.hide_nsfl == 1:
posts = posts.filter(Post.nsfl == False)
if user.show_nsfw is False:
if user.hide_nsfw == 1:
posts = posts.filter(Post.nsfw == False)
domains_ids = blocked_domains(user.id)
if domains_ids:
@ -201,11 +201,11 @@ def show_community(community: Community):
posts = posts.filter(Post.from_bot == False, Post.nsfw == False, Post.nsfl == False, Post.deleted == False)
content_filters = {}
if current_user.ignore_bots:
if current_user.ignore_bots == 1:
posts = posts.filter(Post.from_bot == False)
if current_user.show_nsfl is False:
if current_user.hide_nsfl == 1:
posts = posts.filter(Post.nsfl == False)
if current_user.show_nsfw is False:
if current_user.hide_nsfw == 1:
posts = posts.filter(Post.nsfw == False)
content_filters = user_filters_posts(current_user.id)
posts = posts.filter(Post.deleted == False)
@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ def show_domain(domain_id):
if domain.banned:
domain = None
if domain:
if current_user.is_anonymous or current_user.ignore_bots:
if current_user.is_anonymous or current_user.ignore_bots == 1:
posts = Post.query.join(Community, Community.id == Post.community_id).\
filter(Post.from_bot == False, Post.domain_id == domain.id, Community.banned == False, Post.deleted == False).\
@ -97,11 +97,11 @@ def home_page(type, sort):
posts = posts.join(Community, Community.id == Post.community_id)
posts = posts.filter(Community.show_all == True, Post.deleted == False)
if current_user.ignore_bots:
if current_user.ignore_bots == 1:
posts = posts.filter(Post.from_bot == False)
if current_user.show_nsfl is False:
if current_user.hide_nsfl == 1:
posts = posts.filter(Post.nsfl == False)
if current_user.show_nsfw is False:
if current_user.hide_nsfw == 1:
posts = posts.filter(Post.nsfw == False)
domains_ids = blocked_domains(current_user.id)
@ -211,9 +211,9 @@ def list_communities():
banned_from = communities_banned_from(current_user.id)
if banned_from:
communities = communities.filter(Community.id.not_in(banned_from))
if not current_user.show_nsfw:
if current_user.hide_nsfw == 1:
communities = communities.filter(Community.nsfw == False)
if not current_user.show_nsfl:
if current_user.hide_nsfl == 1:
communities = communities.filter(Community.nsfl == False)
communities = communities.filter(and_(Community.nsfw == False, Community.nsfl == False))
@ -263,9 +263,9 @@ def list_local_communities():
banned_from = communities_banned_from(current_user.id)
if banned_from:
communities = communities.filter(Community.id.not_in(banned_from))
if not current_user.show_nsfw:
if current_user.hide_nsfw == 1:
communities = communities.filter(Community.nsfw == False)
if not current_user.show_nsfl:
if current_user.hide_nsfl == 1:
communities = communities.filter(Community.nsfl == False)
communities = communities.filter(and_(Community.nsfw == False, Community.nsfl == False))
@ -440,11 +440,11 @@ def test():
posts = Post.query.join(CommunityMember, Post.community_id == CommunityMember.community_id).filter(
CommunityMember.is_banned == False)
posts = posts.filter(CommunityMember.user_id == user.id)
if user.ignore_bots:
if user.ignore_bots == 1:
posts = posts.filter(Post.from_bot == False)
if user.show_nsfl is False:
if user.hide_nsfl == 1:
posts = posts.filter(Post.nsfl == False)
if user.show_nsfw is False:
if user.hide_nsfw == 1:
posts = posts.filter(Post.nsfw == False)
domains_ids = blocked_domains(user.id)
if domains_ids:
@ -585,8 +585,8 @@ class User(UserMixin, db.Model):
about_html = db.Column(db.Text) # html
keywords = db.Column(db.String(256))
matrix_user_id = db.Column(db.String(256))
show_nsfw = db.Column(db.Boolean, default=False)
show_nsfl = db.Column(db.Boolean, default=False)
hide_nsfw = db.Column(db.Integer, default=1)
hide_nsfl = db.Column(db.Integer, default=1)
created = db.Column(db.DateTime, default=utcnow)
last_seen = db.Column(db.DateTime, default=utcnow, index=True)
avatar_id = db.Column(db.Integer, db.ForeignKey('file.id'), index=True)
@ -606,7 +606,7 @@ class User(UserMixin, db.Model):
searchable = db.Column(db.Boolean, default=True)
indexable = db.Column(db.Boolean, default=False)
bot = db.Column(db.Boolean, default=False)
ignore_bots = db.Column(db.Boolean, default=False)
ignore_bots = db.Column(db.Integer, default=0)
unread_notifications = db.Column(db.Integer, default=0)
ip_address = db.Column(db.String(50))
instance_id = db.Column(db.Integer, db.ForeignKey('instance.id'), index=True)
@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ def post_replies(post_id: int, sort_by: str, show_first: int = 0) -> List[PostRe
instance_ids = blocked_instances(current_user.id)
if instance_ids:
comments = comments.filter(or_(PostReply.instance_id.not_in(instance_ids), PostReply.instance_id == None))
if current_user.ignore_bots:
if current_user.ignore_bots == 1:
comments = comments.filter(PostReply.from_bot == False)
blocked_accounts = blocked_users(current_user.id)
if blocked_accounts:
@ -30,11 +30,11 @@ def run_search():
posts = Post.query.search(q)
if current_user.is_authenticated:
if current_user.ignore_bots:
if current_user.ignore_bots == 1:
posts = posts.filter(Post.from_bot == False)
if current_user.show_nsfl is False:
if current_user.hide_nsfl == 1:
posts = posts.filter(Post.nsfl == False)
if current_user.show_nsfw is False:
if current_user.hide_nsfw == 1:
posts = posts.filter(Post.nsfw == False)
domains_ids = blocked_domains(current_user.id)
if domains_ids:
@ -26,7 +26,7 @@ def show_tag(tag):
join(post_tag, post_tag.c.post_id == Post.id).filter(post_tag.c.tag_id == tag.id). \
filter(Community.banned == False, Post.deleted == False)
if current_user.is_anonymous or current_user.ignore_bots:
if current_user.is_anonymous or current_user.ignore_bots == 1:
posts = posts.filter(Post.from_bot == False)
if current_user.is_authenticated:
@ -75,7 +75,7 @@ def show_tag_rss(tag):
join(post_tag, post_tag.c.post_id == Post.id).filter(post_tag.c.tag_id == tag.id). \
filter(Community.banned == False, Post.deleted == False)
if current_user.is_anonymous or current_user.ignore_bots:
if current_user.is_anonymous or current_user.ignore_bots == 1:
posts = posts.filter(Post.from_bot == False)
posts = posts.order_by(desc(Post.posted_at)).limit(100).all()
@ -27,8 +27,8 @@
{{ render_field(form.verified) }}
{{ render_field(form.banned) }}
<p>receive newsletter: {{ user.newsletter }}</p>
<p>view nsfw: {{ user.show_nsfw }}</p>
<p>view nsfl: {{ user.show_nsfl }}</p>
{{ render_field(form.hide_nsfw) }}
{{ render_field(form.hide_nsfl) }}
<p>searchable: {{ user.searchable }}</p>
<p>indexable: {{ user.indexable }}</p>
{{ render_field(form.role) }}
@ -50,4 +50,4 @@
<hr />
{% endblock %}
{% endblock %}
@ -86,7 +86,11 @@
{% for community in communities.items -%}
<tr class="">
{% set content_blocked = (current_user.hide_nsfw == 3 and community.nsfw)
or (current_user.hide_nsfl == 3 and community.nsfl) -%}
{% set blur_content = (current_user.hide_nsfw == 2 and community.nsfw)
or (current_user.hide_nsfl == 2 and community.nsfl) -%}
<tr class="{{ 'blocked' if content_blocked }}{{ 'blur' if blur_content }}">
<td width="70">{% if current_user.is_authenticated -%}
{% if community_membership(current_user, community) in [SUBSCRIPTION_MEMBER, SUBSCRIPTION_MODERATOR, SUBSCRIPTION_OWNER] -%}
<a class="btn btn-primary btn-sm" href="/community/{{ community.link() }}/unsubscribe" rel="nofollow" aria-label="{{ _('Leave %(name)s', name=community.display_name()) }}">{{ _('Leave') }}</a>
@ -1,8 +1,14 @@
{% set content_blocked = post.blocked_by_content_filter(content_filters) -%}
{% set content_blocked = post.blocked_by_content_filter(content_filters)
or (current_user.hide_nsfw == 3 and post.nsfw)
or (current_user.hide_nsfl == 3 and post.nsfl)
or (current_user.ignore_bots == 3 and post.from_bot) -%}
{% set blur_content = (current_user.hide_nsfw == 2 and post.nsfw)
or (current_user.hide_nsfl == 2 and post.nsfl)
or (current_user.ignore_bots == 2 and post.from_bot) -%}
{% if content_blocked and content_blocked == '-1' -%}
{# do nothing - blocked by keyword filter #}
{% else -%}
<div class="post_teaser type_{{ post.type }}{{ ' reported' if post.reports > 0 and current_user.is_authenticated and post.community.is_moderator() }}{{ ' blocked' if content_blocked }}"
<div class="post_teaser type_{{ post.type }}{{ ' reported' if post.reports > 0 and current_user.is_authenticated and post.community.is_moderator() }}{{ ' blocked' if content_blocked }}{{ ' blur' if blur_content }}"
{% if content_blocked -%} title="{{ _('Filtered: ') }}{{ content_blocked }}"{% endif -%} tabindex="0">
<div class="row">
<div class="col-12">
@ -1,10 +1,16 @@
{# do not use any back ticks in the HTML produced by this template - javascript needs to load it as a string. See community.html #}
{% set content_blocked = post.blocked_by_content_filter(content_filters) %}
{% set content_blocked = post.blocked_by_content_filter(content_filters)
or (current_user.hide_nsfw == 3 and post.nsfw)
or (current_user.hide_nsfl == 3 and post.nsfl)
or (current_user.ignore_bots == 3 and post.from_bot) -%}
{% set blur_content = (current_user.hide_nsfw == 2 and post.nsfw)
or (current_user.hide_nsfl == 2 and post.nsfl)
or (current_user.ignore_bots == 2 and post.from_bot) -%}
{% if content_blocked and content_blocked == '-1' %}
{# do nothing - blocked by keyword filter #}
{% else %}
{% set post_title = post.title.replace('`', "'") %}
<div class="item{{ ' reported' if post.reports > 0 and current_user.is_authenticated and post.community.is_moderator() }}{{ ' blocked' if content_blocked }}"
<div class="item{{ ' reported' if post.reports > 0 and current_user.is_authenticated and post.community.is_moderator() }}{{ ' blocked' if content_blocked }}{{ ' blur' if blur_content }}"
{% if content_blocked %} title="{{ _('Filtered: ') }}{{ content_blocked }}"{% endif %}>
{% if post.image_id %}
<div class="masonry_thumb" title="{{ post_title }}">
@ -25,13 +25,6 @@
{{ render_field(form.newsletter) }}
{{ render_field(form.email_unread) }}
<h5> Visibility </h5>
{{ render_field(form.ignore_bots) }}
{{ render_field(form.reply_collapse_threshold) }}
<small class="field_hint">{{ _('Collapse replies with a score at or below this level - click to view.') }}</small>
{{ render_field(form.reply_hide_threshold) }}
<small class="field_hint">{{ _('Hide replies with a score at or below this level.') }}</small>
{{ render_field(form.nsfw) }}
{{ render_field(form.nsfl) }}
{{ render_field(form.searchable) }}
{{ render_field(form.indexable) }}
<h5> Preferences </h5>
@ -18,10 +18,24 @@
<h1>{{ _('Filters') }}</h1>
{% include "user/_user_nav.html" %}
<form method='post' enctype="multipart/form-data" role="form">
{{ form.csrf_token() }}
<h5> Visibility </h5>
{{ render_field(form.ignore_bots) }}
{{ render_field(form.hide_nsfw) }}
{{ render_field(form.hide_nsfl) }}
{{ render_field(form.reply_collapse_threshold) }}
<small class="field_hint">{{ _('Collapse replies with a score at or below this level - click to view.') }}</small>
{{ render_field(form.reply_hide_threshold) }}
<small class="field_hint">{{ _('Hide replies with a score at or below this level.') }}</small>
{{ render_field(form.submit) }}
<hr />
<h5>Keyword Filters</h5>
<div class="rh_action_buttons">
<a class="btn btn-primary" href="{{ url_for('user.user_settings_filters_add') }}">{{ _('Add filter') }}</a>
<p class="card-text">{{ _('Filters can hide posts that contain keywords you specify, either by making them less noticeable or invisible.') }}</p>
{% if filters %}
<table class="table table-striped" role="table">
@ -48,6 +62,7 @@
{% else %}
<p>{{ _('No filters defined yet.') }}</p>
{% endif %}
<p class="card-text">Manage what users, communities, domains or instances you want to block. Blocking them means you will no longer see any posts associated with them.</p>
<nav id="block_chooser">
@ -138,4 +153,4 @@
{% endblock %}
{% endblock %}
@ -57,11 +57,11 @@ def show_topic(topic_path):
posts = posts.filter(Post.from_bot == False, Post.nsfw == False, Post.nsfl == False, Post.deleted == False)
content_filters = {}
if current_user.ignore_bots:
if current_user.ignore_bots == 1:
posts = posts.filter(Post.from_bot == False)
if current_user.show_nsfl is False:
if current_user.hide_nsfl == 1:
posts = posts.filter(Post.nsfl == False)
if current_user.show_nsfw is False:
if current_user.hide_nsfw == 1:
posts = posts.filter(Post.nsfw == False)
posts = posts.filter(Post.deleted == False)
content_filters = user_filters_posts(current_user.id)
@ -89,7 +89,23 @@ class ReportUserForm(FlaskForm):
return ', '.join(result)
class FilterEditForm(FlaskForm):
class FilterForm(FlaskForm):
hide_type_choices = [(0, _l('Show')),
(1, _l('Hide completely')),
(2, _l('Blur')),
(3, _l('Make semi-transparent'))]
ignore_bots = SelectField(_l('Hide posts by bots'), choices=hide_type_choices,
default=0, coerce=int, render_kw={'class': 'form-select'})
hide_nsfw = SelectField(_l('Show NSFW posts'), choices=hide_type_choices,
default=1, coerce=int, render_kw={'class': 'form-select'})
hide_nsfl = SelectField(_l('Show NSFL posts'), choices=hide_type_choices,
default=1, coerce=int, render_kw={'class': 'form-select'})
reply_collapse_threshold = IntegerField(_l('Reply collapse threshold'))
reply_hide_threshold = IntegerField(_l('Reply hide threshold'))
submit = SubmitField(_l('Save settings'))
class KeywordFilterEditForm(FlaskForm):
title = StringField(_l('Name'), validators=[DataRequired(), Length(min=3, max=50)])
filter_home = BooleanField(_l('Home feed'), default=True)
filter_posts = BooleanField(_l('Posts in communities'))
@ -17,8 +17,8 @@ from app.models import Post, Community, CommunityMember, User, PostReply, PostVo
Instance, Report, UserBlock, CommunityBan, CommunityJoinRequest, CommunityBlock, Filter, Domain, DomainBlock, \
InstanceBlock, NotificationSubscription, PostBookmark, PostReplyBookmark
from app.user import bp
from app.user.forms import ProfileForm, SettingsForm, DeleteAccountForm, ReportUserForm, FilterEditForm, \
from app.user.forms import ProfileForm, SettingsForm, DeleteAccountForm, ReportUserForm, \
FilterForm, KeywordFilterEditForm, RemoteFollowForm
from app.user.utils import purge_user_then_delete, unsubscribe_from_community
from app.utils import get_setting, render_template, markdown_to_html, user_access, markdown_to_text, shorten_string, \
is_image_url, ensure_directory_exists, gibberish, file_get_contents, community_membership, user_filters_home, \
@ -228,9 +228,6 @@ def change_settings():
if form.validate_on_submit():
propagate_indexable = form.indexable.data != current_user.indexable
current_user.newsletter = form.newsletter.data
current_user.ignore_bots = form.ignore_bots.data
current_user.show_nsfw = form.nsfw.data
current_user.show_nsfl = form.nsfl.data
current_user.searchable = form.searchable.data
current_user.indexable = form.indexable.data
current_user.default_sort = form.default_sort.data
@ -238,8 +235,6 @@ def change_settings():
current_user.email_unread = form.email_unread.data
current_user.markdown_editor = form.markdown_editor.data
current_user.interface_language = form.interface_language.data
current_user.reply_collapse_threshold = form.reply_collapse_threshold.data
current_user.reply_hide_threshold = form.reply_hide_threshold.data
session['ui_language'] = form.interface_language.data
import_file = request.files['import_file']
if propagate_indexable:
@ -270,17 +265,12 @@ def change_settings():
elif request.method == 'GET':
form.newsletter.data = current_user.newsletter
form.email_unread.data = current_user.email_unread
form.ignore_bots.data = current_user.ignore_bots
form.nsfw.data = current_user.show_nsfw
form.nsfl.data = current_user.show_nsfl
form.searchable.data = current_user.searchable
form.indexable.data = current_user.indexable
form.default_sort.data = current_user.default_sort
form.theme.data = current_user.theme
form.markdown_editor.data = current_user.markdown_editor
form.interface_language.data = current_user.interface_language
form.reply_collapse_threshold.data = current_user.reply_collapse_threshold
form.reply_hide_threshold.data = current_user.reply_hide_threshold
return render_template('user/edit_settings.html', title=_('Edit profile'), form=form, user=current_user,
@ -751,9 +741,26 @@ def import_settings_task(user_id, filename):
@bp.route('/user/settings/filters', methods=['GET'])
@bp.route('/user/settings/filters', methods=['GET', 'POST'])
def user_settings_filters():
form = FilterForm()
if form.validate_on_submit():
current_user.ignore_bots = form.ignore_bots.data
current_user.hide_nsfw = form.hide_nsfw.data
current_user.hide_nsfl = form.hide_nsfl.data
current_user.reply_collapse_threshold = form.reply_collapse_threshold.data
current_user.reply_hide_threshold = form.reply_hide_threshold.data
flash(_('Your changes have been saved.'), 'success')
return redirect(url_for('user.user_settings_filters'))
elif request.method == 'GET':
form.ignore_bots.data = current_user.ignore_bots
form.hide_nsfw.data = current_user.hide_nsfw
form.hide_nsfl.data = current_user.hide_nsfl
form.reply_collapse_threshold.data = current_user.reply_collapse_threshold
form.reply_hide_threshold.data = current_user.reply_hide_threshold
filters = Filter.query.filter_by(user_id=current_user.id).order_by(Filter.title).all()
blocked_users = User.query.filter_by(deleted=False).join(UserBlock, UserBlock.blocked_id == User.id).\
filter(UserBlock.blocker_id == current_user.id).order_by(User.user_name).all()
@ -763,7 +770,7 @@ def user_settings_filters():
filter(DomainBlock.user_id == current_user.id).order_by(Domain.name).all()
blocked_instances = Instance.query.join(InstanceBlock, InstanceBlock.instance_id == Instance.id).\
filter(InstanceBlock.user_id == current_user.id).order_by(Instance.domain).all()
return render_template('user/filters.html', filters=filters, user=current_user,
return render_template('user/filters.html', form=form, filters=filters, user=current_user,
blocked_users=blocked_users, blocked_communities=blocked_communities,
blocked_domains=blocked_domains, blocked_instances=blocked_instances,
@ -775,7 +782,7 @@ def user_settings_filters():
@bp.route('/user/settings/filters/add', methods=['GET', 'POST'])
def user_settings_filters_add():
form = FilterEditForm()
form = KeywordFilterEditForm()
form.filter_replies.render_kw = {'disabled': True}
if form.validate_on_submit():
content_filter = Filter(title=form.title.data, filter_home=form.filter_home.data, filter_posts=form.filter_posts.data,
@ -804,7 +811,7 @@ def user_settings_filters_edit(filter_id):
content_filter = Filter.query.get_or_404(filter_id)
if current_user.id != content_filter.user_id:
form = FilterEditForm()
form = KeywordFilterEditForm()
form.filter_replies.render_kw = {'disabled': True}
if form.validate_on_submit():
content_filter.title = form.title.data
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,68 @@
"""filter options
Revision ID: 5bee0ac7d99f
Revises: 363f2f07ff30
Create Date: 2024-06-28 13:48:47.692409
from alembic import op
import sqlalchemy as sa
# revision identifiers, used by Alembic.
revision = '5bee0ac7d99f'
down_revision = '363f2f07ff30'
branch_labels = None
depends_on = None
def upgrade():
# ### commands auto generated by Alembic - please adjust! ###
with op.batch_alter_table('user', schema=None) as batch_op:
batch_op.execute('UPDATE "user" SET show_nsfw = NOT show_nsfw')
batch_op.alter_column('show_nsfw', new_column_name='hide_nsfw')
batch_op.execute('UPDATE "user" SET show_nsfl = NOT show_nsfl')
batch_op.alter_column('show_nsfl', new_column_name='hide_nsfl')
# ### end Alembic commands ###
def downgrade():
# ### commands auto generated by Alembic - please adjust! ###
with op.batch_alter_table('user', schema=None) as batch_op:
batch_op.execute('UPDATE "user" SET hide_nsfl = CASE WHEN hide_nsfl = 1 THEN 0 ELSE 1 END')
batch_op.alter_column('hide_nsfl', new_column_name='show_nsfl')
batch_op.execute('UPDATE "user" SET hide_nsfw = CASE WHEN hide_nsfw = 1 THEN 0 ELSE 1 END')
batch_op.alter_column('hide_nsfw', new_column_name='show_nsfw')
# ### end Alembic commands ###
Add table
Reference in a new issue