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synced 2025-02-03 00:31:25 -08:00
Merge pull request 'Adding admin remote instance scan function' (#368) from JollyDevelopment/pyfedi:jollydev/add-admin-remote-instance-scan-01 into main
Reviewed-on: https://codeberg.org/rimu/pyfedi/pulls/368
This commit is contained in:
4 changed files with 277 additions and 8 deletions
@ -56,6 +56,13 @@ class PreLoadCommunitiesForm(FlaskForm):
communities_num = IntegerField(_l('Number of Communities to add'), default=25)
pre_load_submit = SubmitField(_l('Add Communities'))
class RemoteInstanceScanForm(FlaskForm):
remote_url = StringField(_l('Remote Server'), validators=[DataRequired()])
communities_requested = IntegerField(_l('Number of Communities to add'), default=25)
minimum_posts = IntegerField(_l('Communities must have at least this many posts'), default=100)
minimum_active_users = IntegerField(_l('Communities must have at least this many active users in the past week.'), default=100)
dry_run = BooleanField(_l('Dry Run'))
remote_scan_submit = SubmitField(_l('Scan'))
class ImportExportBannedListsForm(FlaskForm):
import_file = FileField(_l('Import Bans List Json File'))
@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
import os
import re
from datetime import timedelta
from time import sleep
from io import BytesIO
@ -10,6 +11,7 @@ from flask_babel import _
from slugify import slugify
from sqlalchemy import text, desc, or_
from PIL import Image
from urllib.parse import urlparse
from app import db, celery, cache
from app.activitypub.routes import process_inbox_request, process_delete_request, replay_inbox_request
@ -17,7 +19,7 @@ from app.activitypub.signature import post_request, default_context
from app.activitypub.util import instance_allowed, instance_blocked, extract_domain_and_actor
from app.admin.forms import FederationForm, SiteMiscForm, SiteProfileForm, EditCommunityForm, EditUserForm, \
EditTopicForm, SendNewsletterForm, AddUserForm, PreLoadCommunitiesForm, ImportExportBannedListsForm, \
EditInstanceForm, RemoteInstanceScanForm
from app.admin.util import unsubscribe_from_everything_then_delete, unsubscribe_from_community, send_newsletter, \
from app.community.util import save_icon_file, save_banner_file, search_for_community
@ -196,6 +198,7 @@ def admin_federation():
form = FederationForm()
preload_form = PreLoadCommunitiesForm()
ban_lists_form = ImportExportBannedListsForm()
remote_scan_form = RemoteInstanceScanForm()
# this is the pre-load communities button
if preload_form.pre_load_submit.data and preload_form.validate():
@ -315,6 +318,250 @@ def admin_federation():
return redirect(url_for('admin.admin_federation'))
# this is the remote server scan
elif remote_scan_form.remote_scan_submit.data and remote_scan_form.validate():
# filters to be used later
already_known = list(db.session.execute(text('SELECT ap_public_url FROM "community"')).scalars())
banned_urls = list(db.session.execute(text('SELECT domain FROM "banned_instances"')).scalars())
seven_things_plus = [
'shit', 'piss', 'fuck',
'cunt', 'cocksucker', 'motherfucker', 'tits',
'memes', 'piracy', '196', 'greentext', 'usauthoritarianism',
'enoughmuskspam', 'political_weirdos', '4chan'
is_lemmy = False
is_mbin = False
# get the remote_url data
remote_url = remote_scan_form.remote_url.data
# test to make sure its a valid fqdn
regex_pattern = '^(https:\/\/)(?=.{1,255}$)((.{1,63}\.){1,127}(?![0-9]*$)[a-z0-9-]+\.?)$'
result = re.match(regex_pattern, remote_url)
if result is None:
flash(_(f'{remote_url} does not appear to be a valid url. Make sure input is in the form "https://server-name.tld" without trailing slashes or paths.'))
return redirect(url_for('admin.admin_federation'))
# check if it's a banned instance
# Parse the URL
parsed_url = urlparse(remote_url)
# Extract the server domain name
server_domain = parsed_url.netloc
if server_domain in banned_urls:
flash(_(f'{remote_url} is a banned instance.'))
return redirect(url_for('admin.admin_federation'))
# get dry run
dry_run = remote_scan_form.dry_run.data
# get the number of follows requested
communities_requested = remote_scan_form.communities_requested.data
# get the minimums
min_posts = remote_scan_form.minimum_posts.data
min_users = remote_scan_form.minimum_active_users.data
# get the nodeinfo
resp = get_request(f'{remote_url}/.well-known/nodeinfo')
nodeinfo_dict = json.loads(resp.text)
# check the ['links'] for instanceinfo url
schema2p0 = "http://nodeinfo.diaspora.software/ns/schema/2.0"
schema2p1 = "http://nodeinfo.diaspora.software/ns/schema/2.1"
for e in nodeinfo_dict['links']:
if e['rel'] == schema2p0 or e['rel'] == schema2p1:
remote_instanceinfo_url = e["href"]
# get the instanceinfo
resp = get_request(remote_instanceinfo_url)
instanceinfo_dict = json.loads(resp.text)
# determine the instance software
instance_software_name = instanceinfo_dict['software']['name']
# instance_software_version = instanceinfo_dict['software']['version']
# if the instance is not running lemmy or mbin break for now as
# we dont yet support others for scanning
if instance_software_name == "lemmy":
is_lemmy = True
elif instance_software_name == "mbin":
is_mbin = True
flash(_(f"{remote_url} does not appear to be a lemmy or mbin instance."))
return redirect(url_for('admin.admin_federation'))
if is_lemmy:
# lemmy has a hard-coded upper limit of 50 commnities
# in their api response
# loop through and send off requests to the remote endpoint for 50 communities at a time
comms_list = []
page = 1
get_more_communities = True
while get_more_communities:
params = {"sort":"Active","type_":"Local","limit":"50","page":f"{page}","show_nsfw":"false"}
resp = get_request(f"{remote_url}/api/v3/community/list", params=params)
page_dict = json.loads(resp.text)
# get the individual communities out of the communities[] list in the response and
# add them to a holding list[] of our own
for c in page_dict["communities"]:
# check the amount of items in the page_dict['communities'] list
# if it's lesss than 50 then we know its the last page of communities
# so we break the loop
if len(page_dict['communities']) < 50:
get_more_communities = False
page += 1
# filter out the communities
already_known_count = nsfw_count = low_content_count = low_active_users_count = bad_words_count = 0
candidate_communities = []
for community in comms_list:
# sort out already known communities
if community['community']['actor_id'] in already_known:
already_known_count += 1
# sort out any that have less than minimum posts
elif community['counts']['posts'] < min_posts:
low_content_count += 1
# sort out any that do not have greater than the requested active users over the past week
elif community['counts']['users_active_week'] < min_users:
low_active_users_count += 1
# sort out the 'seven things you can't say on tv' names (cursewords), plus some
# "low effort" communities
if any(badword in community['community']['name'].lower() for badword in seven_things_plus):
bad_words_count += 1
# get the community urls to join
community_urls_to_join = []
# if the admin user wants more added than we have, then just add all of them
if communities_requested > len(candidate_communities):
communities_to_add = len(candidate_communities)
communities_to_add = communities_requested
# make the list of urls
for i in range(communities_to_add):
# if its a dry run, just return the stats
if dry_run:
message = f"Dry-Run for {remote_url}: \
Local Communities on the server: {len(comms_list)}, \
Communities we already have: {already_known_count}, \
Communities below minimum posts: {low_content_count}, \
Communities below minimum users: {low_active_users_count}, \
Candidate Communities based on filters: {len(candidate_communities)}, \
Communities to join request: {communities_requested}, \
Communities to join based on current filters: {len(community_urls_to_join)}."
return redirect(url_for('admin.admin_federation'))
if is_mbin:
# loop through and send the right number of requests to the remote endpoint for mbin
# mbin does not have the hard-coded limit, but lets stick with 50 to match lemmy
mags_list = []
page = 1
get_more_magazines = True
while get_more_magazines:
params = {"p":f"{page}","perPage":"50","sort":"active","federation":"local","hide_adult":"hide"}
resp = get_request(f"{remote_url}/api/magazines", params=params)
page_dict = json.loads(resp.text)
# get the individual magazines out of the items[] list in the response and
# add them to a holding list[] of our own
for m in page_dict['items']:
# check the amount of items in the page_dict['items'] list
# if it's lesss than 50 then we know its the last page of magazines
# so we break the loop
if len(page_dict['items']) < 50:
get_more_magazines = False
page += 1
# filter out the magazines
already_known_count = low_content_count = low_subscribed_users_count = bad_words_count = 0
candidate_communities = []
for magazine in mags_list:
# sort out already known communities
if magazine['apProfileId'] in already_known:
already_known_count += 1
# sort out any that have less than minimum posts
elif magazine['entryCount'] < min_posts:
low_content_count += 1
# sort out any that do not have greater than the requested users over the past week
# mbin does not show active users here, so its based on subscriber count
elif magazine['subscriptionsCount'] < min_users:
low_subscribed_users_count += 1
# sort out the 'seven things you can't say on tv' names (cursewords), plus some
# "low effort" communities
if any(badword in magazine['name'].lower() for badword in seven_things_plus):
bad_words_count += 1
# get the community urls to join
community_urls_to_join = []
# if the admin user wants more added than we have, then just add all of them
if communities_requested > len(candidate_communities):
magazines_to_add = len(candidate_communities)
magazines_to_add = communities_requested
# make the list of urls
for i in range(magazines_to_add):
# if its a dry run, just return the stats
if dry_run:
message = f"Dry-Run for {remote_url}: \
Local Magazines on the server: {len(mags_list)}, \
Magazines we already have: {already_known_count}, \
Magazines below minimum posts: {low_content_count}, \
Magazines below minimum users: {low_subscribed_users_count}, \
Candidate Magazines based on filters: {len(candidate_communities)}, \
Magazines to join request: {communities_requested}, \
Magazines to join based on current filters: {len(community_urls_to_join)}."
return redirect(url_for('admin.admin_federation'))
user = User.query.get(1)
remote_scan_messages = []
for community in community_urls_to_join:
# get the relevant url bits
server, community = extract_domain_and_actor(community)
# find the community
new_community = search_for_community('!' + community + '@' + server)
# subscribe to the community
# capture the messages returned by do_subscribe
# and show to user if instance is in debug mode
if current_app.debug:
message = do_subscribe(new_community.ap_id, user.id, admin_preload=True)
message_we_wont_do_anything_with = do_subscribe.delay(new_community.ap_id, user.id, admin_preload=True)
if current_app.debug:
flash(_('Results: %(results)s', results=str(remote_scan_messages)))
_('Based on current filters, the subscription process for %(communities_to_join)d of %(candidate_communities)d communities launched in background, check admin/activities for details',
communities_to_join=len(community_urls_to_join), candidate_communities=len(candidate_communities)))
return redirect(url_for('admin.admin_federation'))
# this is the import bans button
elif ban_lists_form.import_submit.data and ban_lists_form.validate():
import_file = request.files['import_file']
@ -440,7 +687,7 @@ def admin_federation():
return render_template('admin/federation.html', title=_('Federation settings'),
form=form, preload_form=preload_form, ban_lists_form=ban_lists_form,
remote_scan_form=remote_scan_form, current_app_debug=current_app.debug,
@ -8,8 +8,10 @@ from flask_babel import _
from app import db, cache, celery
from app.activitypub.signature import post_request, default_context
from app.activitypub.util import extract_domain_and_actor
from app.models import User, Community, Instance, Site, ActivityPubLog, CommunityMember, Language
from app.utils import gibberish, topic_tree
from app.utils import gibberish, topic_tree, get_request
def unsubscribe_from_everything_then_delete(user_id):
@ -124,5 +126,3 @@ def topics_for_form_children(topics, current_topic: int, depth: int) -> List[Tup
result.extend(topics_for_form_children(topic['children'], current_topic, depth + 1))
return result
@ -17,7 +17,8 @@
<hr />
<div class="row">
<div class="col">
<p>Import / Export Bans</p>
<h4>{{ _('Import / Export Bans') }}</h4>
<p>Use this to import or export banned instances, domains, tags, and / or users.</p>
<p>JSON format:</p>
@ -38,9 +39,23 @@
<hr />
<div class="row">
<div class="column">
<p>Use this to "pre-load" known threadiverse communities, as ranked by posts and activity. The list of communities pulls from the same list as <a href="https://lemmyverse.net/communities">LemmyVerse</a>. NSFW communities and communities from banned instances are excluded.</p>
<h4>{{ _('Remote Server Scan') }}</h4>
<p>Use this to scan a remote lemmy server and "pre-load" it's communities, as ranked by posts and activity. NSFW communities and communities from banned instances are excluded. Communities with less than 100 posts and less than 500 active users in the past week are excluded.</p>
<p>Input should be in the form of <b>https://server-name.tld</b></p>
{% if current_app_debug %}
<p>*** This instance is in development mode. Loading more than 6 communities here could cause timeouts, depending on how your networking is setup. ***</p>
<p>*** This instance is in development mode. This function could cause timeouts depending on how your networking is setup. ***</p>
{% endif %}
{{ render_form(remote_scan_form) }}
<hr />
<div class="row">
<div class="column">
<h4>{{ _('Load From Lemmyverse Data') }}</h4>
<p>Use this to "pre-load" known threadiverse communities, as ranked by posts and activity. The list of communities pulls from the same list as <a href="https://lemmyverse.net/communities">LemmyVerse</a>. NSFW communities and communities from banned instances are excluded. Communities with less than 100 posts and less than 500 active users in the past week are excluded.</p>
{% if current_app_debug %}
<p>*** This instance is in development mode. This function could cause timeouts depending on how your networking is setup. ***</p>
{% endif %}
{{ render_form(preload_form) }}
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