for celery, run this: celery -A celery_worker.celery worker --loglevel=INFO on prod web server, celery is managed by systemd: /etc/default/celeryd and /etc/systemd/system/celeryd.service sudo systemctl stop celeryd sudo systemctl restart celeryd or sudo service celeryd restart *** check for celery-related problems by looking in /var/log/celery *** for profiling: use python instead of flask run translations: See to add a new language which can be worked on: pybabel init -i messages.pot -d app/translations -l after changes to the files in app/translations/* are mode, they need to be compiled pybabel compile -d app/translations sass is used to compile .scss files into .css files. Get the latest version of the command line app from as old versions produce slightly different output.