from app import db from app.auth.util import ip2location from app.models import IpBan, User, utcnow from app.utils import ip_address, user_ip_banned, user_cookie_banned, banned_ip_addresses, gibberish from app.api.alpha.utils.validators import required, string_expected from datetime import datetime from flask import redirect, url_for, flash, request, make_response, session, Markup from flask_babel import _ # would be in app/ SRC_WEB = 1 SRC_PUB = 2 SRC_API = 3 # function can be shared between WEB and API (only API calls it for now) def log_user_in(input, src): if src == SRC_WEB: username = password = elif src == SRC_API: required(["username_or_email", "password"], input) string_expected(["username_or_email", "password"], input) username = input['username_or_email'] password = input['password'] else: return None user = User.query.filter_by(user_name=username, ap_id=None).first() if user is None or user.deleted: if src == SRC_WEB: flash(_('No account exists with that user name.'), 'error') return redirect(url_for('auth.login')) elif src == SRC_API: raise Exception('incorrect_login') if not user.check_password(password): if src == SRC_WEB: if user.password_hash is None: message = Markup(_('Invalid password. Please reset your password.')) flash(message, 'error') return redirect(url_for('auth.login')) flash(_('Invalid password')) return redirect(url_for('auth.login')) elif src == SRC_API: raise Exception('incorrect_login') if != 1 and (user.banned or user_ip_banned() or user_cookie_banned()): # Detect if a banned user tried to log in from a new IP address if user.banned and not user_ip_banned(): # If so, ban their new IP address as well new_ip_ban = IpBan(ip_address=ip_address(), notes=user.user_name + ' used new IP address') db.session.add(new_ip_ban) db.session.commit() cache.delete_memoized(banned_ip_addresses) if src == SRC_WEB: flash(_('You have been banned.'), 'error') response = make_response(redirect(url_for('auth.login'))) # Set a cookie so we have another way to track banned people response.set_cookie('sesion', '17489047567495', expires=datetime(year=2099, month=12, day=30)) return response elif src == SRC_API: raise Exception('incorrect_login') if src == SRC_WEB: if user.waiting_for_approval(): return redirect(url_for('auth.please_wait')) login_user(user, remember=True) session['ui_language'] = user.interface_language user.last_seen = utcnow() user.ip_address = ip_address() ip_address_info = ip2location(user.ip_address) user.ip_address_country = ip_address_info['country'] if ip_address_info else user.ip_address_country db.session.commit() if src == SRC_WEB: next_page = request.args.get('next') if not next_page or url_parse(next_page).netloc != '': if len(user.communities()) == 0: next_page = url_for('topic.choose_topics') else: next_page = url_for('main.index') response = make_response(redirect(next_page)) if response.set_cookie('low_bandwidth', '1', expires=datetime(year=2099, month=12, day=30)) else: response.set_cookie('low_bandwidth', '0', expires=datetime(year=2099, month=12, day=30)) return response elif src == SRC_API: token = user.encode_jwt_token() if token: login_json = { "jwt": token, "registration_created": user.verified, "verify_email_sent": True } return login_json else: raise Exception('could_not_generate_token')