{% if theme() and file_exists('app/templates/themes/' + theme() + '/base.html') %} {% extends 'themes/' + theme() + '/base.html' %} {% else %} {% extends "base.html" %} {% endif %} %} {% from 'bootstrap/form.html' import render_form %} {% block app_content %}
{% if search == '' %}

{{ _('Domains') }}

{% else %}

{{ _('Domains containing "%(search)s"', search=search) }}

{% endif %} {% if not current_user.is_anonymous and current_user.trustworthy() %} {% endif %}
{% if not current_user.is_anonymous %}{% if user_access('ban users', current_user.id) or user_access('manage users', current_user.id) %}{%endif%}{%endif%} {% for domain in domains %} {% if not current_user.is_anonymous %} {% if user_access('ban users', current_user.id) or user_access('manage users', current_user.id) %} {% endif %} {% endif %} {% endfor %}
Domain # PostsActions
{{ domain.name }} {{ domain.post_count }} {{ _('Ban') }}
{% endblock %}