from datetime import timedelta from random import randint from flask import request, current_app, abort, jsonify, json, g, url_for, redirect, make_response from flask_login import current_user from sqlalchemy import desc, or_ import werkzeug.exceptions from app import db, constants, cache, celery from app.activitypub import bp from app.activitypub.signature import HttpSignature, post_request, VerificationError, default_context, LDSignature from import show_community from import send_to_remote_instance from import continue_discussion, show_post from app.user.routes import show_profile from app.constants import * from app.models import User, Community, CommunityJoinRequest, CommunityMember, CommunityBan, ActivityPubLog, Post, \ PostReply, Instance, PostVote, PostReplyVote, File, AllowedInstances, BannedInstances, utcnow, Site, Notification, \ ChatMessage, Conversation, UserFollower, UserBlock, Poll, PollChoice from app.activitypub.util import public_key, users_total, active_half_year, active_month, local_posts, local_comments, \ post_to_activity, find_actor_or_create, instance_blocked, find_reply_parent, find_liked_object, \ lemmy_site_data, is_activitypub_request, delete_post_or_comment, community_members, \ user_removed_from_remote_server, create_post, create_post_reply, update_post_reply_from_activity, \ update_post_from_activity, undo_vote, undo_downvote, post_to_page, get_redis_connection, find_reported_object, \ process_report, ensure_domains_match, can_edit, can_delete, remove_data_from_banned_user, resolve_remote_post, \ inform_followers_of_post_update, comment_model_to_json, restore_post_or_comment, ban_user, unban_user, \ log_incoming_ap, find_community_ap_id, site_ban_remove_data, community_ban_remove_data from app.utils import gibberish, get_setting, render_template, \ community_membership, ap_datetime, ip_address, can_downvote, \ can_upvote, can_create_post, awaken_dormant_instance, shorten_string, can_create_post_reply, sha256_digest, \ community_moderators, markdown_to_html, html_to_text, add_to_modlog_activitypub @bp.route('/testredis') def testredis_get(): redis_client = get_redis_connection() redis_client.set("cowbell", "1", ex=600) x = redis_client.get('cowbell') if x is not None: return "Redis: OK" else: return "Redis: FAIL" @bp.route('/.well-known/webfinger') def webfinger(): if request.args.get('resource'): query = request.args.get('resource') # if 'acct:' in query: actor = query.split(':')[1].split('@')[0] # alice elif 'https:' in query or 'http:' in query: actor = query.split('/')[-1] else: return 'Webfinger regex failed to match' # special case: instance actor if actor == current_app.config['SERVER_NAME']: webfinger_data = { "subject": f"acct:{actor}@{current_app.config['SERVER_NAME']}", "aliases": [f"https://{current_app.config['SERVER_NAME']}/actor"], "links": [ { "rel": "", "type": "text/html", "href": f"https://{current_app.config['SERVER_NAME']}/about" }, { "rel": "self", "type": "application/activity+json", "href": f"https://{current_app.config['SERVER_NAME']}/actor", } ] } resp = jsonify(webfinger_data) resp.headers.add_header('Access-Control-Allow-Origin', '*') return resp seperator = 'u' type = 'Person' user = User.query.filter(or_(User.user_name == actor.strip(), User.alt_user_name == actor.strip())).filter_by(deleted=False, banned=False, ap_id=None).first() if user is None: community = Community.query.filter_by(name=actor.strip(), ap_id=None).first() if community is None: return '' seperator = 'c' type = 'Group' webfinger_data = { "subject": f"acct:{actor}@{current_app.config['SERVER_NAME']}", "aliases": [f"https://{current_app.config['SERVER_NAME']}/{seperator}/{actor}"], "links": [ { "rel": "", "type": "text/html", "href": f"https://{current_app.config['SERVER_NAME']}/{seperator}/{actor}" }, { "rel": "self", "type": "application/activity+json", "href": f"https://{current_app.config['SERVER_NAME']}/{seperator}/{actor}", "properties": { "": type } } ] } resp = jsonify(webfinger_data) resp.headers.add_header('Access-Control-Allow-Origin', '*') return resp else: abort(404) @bp.route('/.well-known/nodeinfo') @cache.cached(timeout=600) def nodeinfo(): nodeinfo_data = {"links": [{"rel": "", "href": f"https://{current_app.config['SERVER_NAME']}/nodeinfo/2.0"}, {"rel": "", "href": f"https://{current_app.config['SERVER_NAME']}"}]} return jsonify(nodeinfo_data) @bp.route('/.well-known/host-meta') @cache.cached(timeout=600) def host_meta(): resp = make_response('\n\n\n') resp.content_type = 'application/xrd+xml; charset=utf-8' return resp @bp.route('/nodeinfo/2.0') @bp.route('/nodeinfo/2.0.json') @cache.cached(timeout=600) def nodeinfo2(): nodeinfo_data = { "version": "2.0", "software": { "name": "PieFed", "version": "0.1" }, "protocols": [ "activitypub" ], "usage": { "users": { "total": users_total(), "activeHalfyear": active_half_year(), "activeMonth": active_month() }, "localPosts": local_posts(), "localComments": local_comments() }, "openRegistrations": != 'Closed' } return jsonify(nodeinfo_data) @bp.route('/api/v1/instance') @cache.cached(timeout=600) def api_v1_instance(): retval = { 'title':, 'uri': current_app.config['SERVER_NAME'], 'stats': { "user_count": users_total(), "status_count": local_posts() + local_comments(), "domain_count": 1 }, 'registrations': != 'Closed', 'approval_required': == 'RequireApplication' } return jsonify(retval) @bp.route('/api/v1/instance/domain_blocks') @cache.cached(timeout=600) def domain_blocks(): use_allowlist = get_setting('use_allowlist', False) if use_allowlist: return jsonify([]) else: retval = [] for domain in BannedInstances.query.all(): retval.append({ 'domain': domain.domain, 'digest': sha256_digest(domain.domain), 'severity': 'suspend', 'comment': domain.reason if domain.reason else '' }) return jsonify(retval) @bp.route('/api/v3/site') @cache.cached(timeout=600) def lemmy_site(): return jsonify(lemmy_site_data()) @bp.route('/api/v3/federated_instances') @cache.cached(timeout=600) def lemmy_federated_instances(): instances = Instance.query.filter( != 1).all() linked = [] allowed = [] blocked = [] for instance in AllowedInstances.query.all(): allowed.append({"id":, "domain": instance.domain, "published": utcnow(), "updated": utcnow()}) for instance in BannedInstances.query.all(): blocked.append({"id":, "domain": instance.domain, "published": utcnow(), "updated": utcnow()}) for instance in instances: instance_data = {"id":, "domain": instance.domain, "published": instance.created_at.isoformat(), "updated": instance.updated_at.isoformat()} if instance_data['software'] = if instance.version: instance_data['version'] = instance.version if not any(blocked_instance.get('domain') == instance.domain for blocked_instance in blocked): linked.append(instance_data) return jsonify({ "federated_instances": { "linked": linked, "allowed": allowed, "blocked": blocked } }) @bp.route('/u/', methods=['GET', 'HEAD']) def user_profile(actor): """ Requests to this endpoint can be for a JSON representation of the user, or a HTML rendering of their profile. The two types of requests are differentiated by the header """ actor = actor.strip() # admins can view deleted accounts if current_user.is_authenticated and current_user.is_admin(): if '@' in actor: user: User = User.query.filter_by(ap_id=actor.lower()).first() else: user: User = User.query.filter(or_(User.user_name == actor, User.alt_user_name == actor)).filter_by(ap_id=None).first() if user is None: user = User.query.filter_by(ap_profile_id=f'https://{current_app.config["SERVER_NAME"]}/u/{actor.lower()}', deleted=False, ap_id=None).first() else: if '@' in actor: user: User = User.query.filter_by(ap_id=actor.lower(), deleted=False, banned=False).first() else: user: User = User.query.filter(or_(User.user_name == actor, User.alt_user_name == actor)).filter_by(deleted=False, ap_id=None).first() if user is None: user = User.query.filter_by(ap_profile_id=f'https://{current_app.config["SERVER_NAME"]}/u/{actor.lower()}', deleted=False, ap_id=None).first() if user is not None: main_user_name = True if user.alt_user_name == actor: main_user_name = False if request.method == 'HEAD': if is_activitypub_request(): resp = jsonify('') resp.content_type = 'application/activity+json' return resp else: return '' if is_activitypub_request(): server = current_app.config['SERVER_NAME'] actor_data = { "@context": default_context(), "type": "Person" if not else "Service", "id": user.public_url(main_user_name), "preferredUsername": actor, "name": user.title if user.title else user.user_name, "inbox": f"{user.public_url(main_user_name)}/inbox", "outbox": f"{user.public_url(main_user_name)}/outbox", "discoverable": user.searchable, "indexable": user.indexable, "manuallyApprovesFollowers": False if not user.ap_manually_approves_followers else user.ap_manually_approves_followers, "publicKey": { "id": f"{user.public_url(main_user_name)}#main-key", "owner": user.public_url(main_user_name), "publicKeyPem": user.public_key }, "endpoints": { "sharedInbox": f"https://{server}/inbox" }, "published": ap_datetime(user.created), } if not main_user_name: actor_data['name'] = 'Anonymous' actor_data['published'] = ap_datetime(user.created + timedelta(minutes=randint(-2592000, 0))) actor_data['summary'] = '

This is an anonymous alternative account of another account. It has been generated automatically for a Piefed user who chose to keep their interactions private. They cannot reply to your messages using this account, but only upvote (like) or downvote (dislike). For more information about Piefed and this feature see

' if user.avatar_id is not None and main_user_name: actor_data["icon"] = { "type": "Image", "url": f"https://{current_app.config['SERVER_NAME']}{user.avatar_image()}" } if user.cover_id is not None and main_user_name: actor_data["image"] = { "type": "Image", "url": f"https://{current_app.config['SERVER_NAME']}{user.cover_image()}" } if user.about_html and main_user_name: actor_data['summary'] = user.about_html actor_data['source'] = {'content': user.about, 'mediaType': 'text/markdown'} if user.matrix_user_id and main_user_name: actor_data['matrixUserId'] = user.matrix_user_id resp = jsonify(actor_data) resp.content_type = 'application/activity+json' resp.headers.set('Link', f'; rel="alternate"; type="text/html"') return resp else: if main_user_name: return show_profile(user) else: return render_template('errors/alt_profile.html') else: abort(404) @bp.route('/u//outbox', methods=['GET']) def user_outbox(actor): outbox = { "@context": default_context(), 'type': 'OrderedCollection', 'id': f"https://{current_app.config['SERVER_NAME']}/u/{actor}/outbox", 'orderedItems': [], 'totalItems': 0 } resp = jsonify(outbox) resp.content_type = 'application/activity+json' return resp @bp.route('/c/', methods=['GET']) def community_profile(actor): """ Requests to this endpoint can be for a JSON representation of the community, or a HTML rendering of it. The two types of requests are differentiated by the header """ actor = actor.strip() if '@' in actor: # don't provide activitypub info for remote communities if 'application/ld+json' in request.headers.get('Accept', '') or 'application/activity+json' in request.headers.get('Accept', ''): abort(400) community: Community = Community.query.filter_by(ap_id=actor.lower(), banned=False).first() else: community: Community = Community.query.filter_by(name=actor, ap_id=None).first() if community is not None: if is_activitypub_request(): server = current_app.config['SERVER_NAME'] actor_data = {"@context": default_context(), "type": "Group", "id": f"https://{server}/c/{actor}", "name": community.title, "sensitive": True if community.nsfw or community.nsfl else False, "preferredUsername": actor, "inbox": f"https://{server}/c/{actor}/inbox", "outbox": f"https://{server}/c/{actor}/outbox", "followers": f"https://{server}/c/{actor}/followers", "moderators": f"https://{server}/c/{actor}/moderators", "featured": f"https://{server}/c/{actor}/featured", "attributedTo": f"https://{server}/c/{actor}/moderators", "postingRestrictedToMods": community.restricted_to_mods or community.local_only, "newModsWanted": community.new_mods_wanted, "privateMods": community.private_mods, "url": f"https://{server}/c/{actor}", "publicKey": { "id": f"https://{server}/c/{actor}#main-key", "owner": f"https://{server}/c/{actor}", "publicKeyPem": community.public_key }, "endpoints": { "sharedInbox": f"https://{server}/inbox" }, "published": ap_datetime(community.created_at), "updated": ap_datetime(community.last_active), } if community.description_html: actor_data["summary"] = community.description_html actor_data['source'] = {'content': community.description, 'mediaType': 'text/markdown'} if community.icon_id is not None: actor_data["icon"] = { "type": "Image", "url": f"https://{current_app.config['SERVER_NAME']}{community.icon_image()}" } if community.image_id is not None: actor_data["image"] = { "type": "Image", "url": f"https://{current_app.config['SERVER_NAME']}{community.header_image()}" } resp = jsonify(actor_data) resp.content_type = 'application/activity+json' resp.headers.set('Link', f'; rel="alternate"; type="text/html"') return resp else: # browser request - return html return show_community(community) else: abort(404) @bp.route('/inbox', methods=['POST']) def shared_inbox(): try: request_json = request.get_json(force=True) except werkzeug.exceptions.BadRequest as e: log_incoming_ap('', APLOG_NOTYPE, APLOG_FAILURE, None, 'Unable to parse json body: ' + e.description) return '', 200 = Site.query.get(1) # is not initialized by @app.before_request when request.path == '/inbox' store_ap_json = if not 'id' in request_json or not 'type' in request_json or not 'actor' in request_json or not 'object' in request_json: log_incoming_ap('', APLOG_NOTYPE, APLOG_FAILURE, request_json if store_ap_json else None, 'Missing minimum expected fields in JSON') return '', 200 id = request_json['id'] if request_json['type'] == 'Announce' and isinstance(request_json['object'], dict): object = request_json['object'] if not 'id' in object or not 'type' in object or not 'actor' in object or not 'object' in object: if 'type' in object and (object['type'] == 'Page' or object['type'] == 'Note'): log_incoming_ap(id, APLOG_ANNOUNCE, APLOG_IGNORED, request_json if store_ap_json else None, 'Intended for Mastodon') else: log_incoming_ap(id, APLOG_ANNOUNCE, APLOG_FAILURE, request_json if store_ap_json else None, 'Missing minimum expected fields in JSON Announce object') return '', 200 if isinstance(object['actor'], str) and object['actor'].startswith('https://' + current_app.config['SERVER_NAME']): log_incoming_ap(id, APLOG_DUPLICATE, APLOG_IGNORED, request_json if store_ap_json else None, 'Activity about local content which is already present') return '', 200 redis_client = get_redis_connection() if redis_client.exists(id): # Something is sending same activity multiple times log_incoming_ap(id, APLOG_DUPLICATE, APLOG_IGNORED, request_json if store_ap_json else None, 'Unnecessary retry attempt') return '', 200 redis_client.set(id, 1, ex=90) # Save the activity ID into redis, to avoid duplicate activities # Ignore unutilised PeerTube activity if isinstance(request_json['actor'], str) and request_json['actor'].endswith('accounts/peertube'): log_incoming_ap(id, APLOG_PT_VIEW, APLOG_IGNORED, request_json if store_ap_json else None, 'PeerTube View or CacheFile activity') return '' # Ignore account deletion requests from users that do not already exist here account_deletion = False if (request_json['type'] == 'Delete' and 'object' in request_json and isinstance(request_json['object'], str) and request_json['actor'] == request_json['object']): account_deletion = True actor = User.query.filter_by(ap_profile_id=request_json['actor'].lower()).first() if not actor: log_incoming_ap(id, APLOG_DELETE, APLOG_IGNORED, request_json if store_ap_json else None, 'Does not exist here') return '', 200 else: actor = find_actor_or_create(request_json['actor']) if not actor: actor_name = request_json['actor'] log_incoming_ap(id, APLOG_NOTYPE, APLOG_FAILURE, request_json if store_ap_json else None, f'Actor could not be found 1: {actor_name}') return '', 200 if actor.is_local(): # should be impossible (can be Announced back, but not sent without access to privkey) log_incoming_ap(id, APLOG_NOTYPE, APLOG_FAILURE, request_json if store_ap_json else None, 'ActivityPub activity from a local actor') return '', 200 actor.instance.last_seen = utcnow() actor.instance.dormant = False actor.instance.gone_forever = False actor.instance.failures = 0 actor.instance.ip_address = ip_address() db.session.commit() try: HttpSignature.verify_request(request, actor.public_key, skip_date=True) except VerificationError as e: if not 'signature' in request_json: log_incoming_ap(id, APLOG_NOTYPE, APLOG_FAILURE, request_json if store_ap_json else None, 'Could not verify HTTP signature: ' + str(e)) return '', 400 # HTTP sig will fail if or PeerTube have bounced a request, so check LD sig instead try: LDSignature.verify_signature(request_json, actor.public_key) except VerificationError as e: log_incoming_ap(id, APLOG_NOTYPE, APLOG_FAILURE, request_json if store_ap_json else None, 'Could not verify LD signature: ' + str(e)) return '', 400 # When a user is deleted, the only way to be fairly sure they get deleted everywhere is to tell the whole fediverse. # Earlier check means this is only for users that already exist, processing it here means that http signature will have been verified if account_deletion == True: if current_app.debug: process_delete_request(request_json, store_ap_json) else: process_delete_request.delay(request_json, store_ap_json) return '' if current_app.debug: process_inbox_request(request_json, store_ap_json) else: process_inbox_request.delay(request_json, store_ap_json) return '' @bp.route('/site_inbox', methods=['POST']) def site_inbox(): return shared_inbox() @bp.route('/u//inbox', methods=['POST']) def user_inbox(actor): return shared_inbox() @bp.route('/c//inbox', methods=['POST']) def community_inbox(actor): return shared_inbox() def replay_inbox_request(request_json): if not 'id' in request_json or not 'type' in request_json or not 'actor' in request_json or not 'object' in request_json: log_incoming_ap('', APLOG_NOTYPE, APLOG_FAILURE, request_json, 'REPLAY: Missing minimum expected fields in JSON') return id = request_json['id'] if request_json['type'] == 'Announce' and isinstance(request_json['object'], dict): object = request_json['object'] if not 'id' in object or not 'type' in object or not 'actor' in object or not 'object' in object: if 'type' in object and (object['type'] == 'Page' or object['type'] == 'Note'): log_incoming_ap(id, APLOG_ANNOUNCE, APLOG_IGNORED, request_json, 'REPLAY: Intended for Mastodon') else: log_incoming_ap(id, APLOG_ANNOUNCE, APLOG_FAILURE, request_json, 'REPLAY: Missing minimum expected fields in JSON Announce object') return if isinstance(object['actor'], str) and object['actor'].startswith('https://' + current_app.config['SERVER_NAME']): log_incoming_ap(id, APLOG_DUPLICATE, APLOG_IGNORED, request_json if store_ap_json else None, 'Activity about local content which is already present') return # Ignore unutilised PeerTube activity if isinstance(request_json['actor'], str) and request_json['actor'].endswith('accounts/peertube'): log_incoming_ap(id, APLOG_PT_VIEW, APLOG_IGNORED, request_json, 'REPLAY: PeerTube View or CacheFile activity') return # Ignore account deletion requests from users that do not already exist here account_deletion = False if (request_json['type'] == 'Delete' and 'object' in request_json and isinstance(request_json['object'], str) and request_json['actor'] == request_json['object']): account_deletion = True actor = User.query.filter_by(ap_profile_id=request_json['actor'].lower()).first() if not actor: log_incoming_ap(id, APLOG_DELETE, APLOG_IGNORED, request_json, 'REPLAY: Does not exist here') return else: actor = find_actor_or_create(request_json['actor']) if not actor: actor_name = request_json['actor'] log_incoming_ap(id, APLOG_NOTYPE, APLOG_FAILURE, request_json, f'REPLAY: Actor could not be found 1: {actor_name}') return if actor.is_local(): # should be impossible (can be Announced back, but not sent back without access to privkey) log_incoming_ap(id, APLOG_NOTYPE, APLOG_FAILURE, request_json, 'REPLAY: ActivityPub activity from a local actor') return # When a user is deleted, the only way to be fairly sure they get deleted everywhere is to tell the whole fediverse. if account_deletion == True: process_delete_request(request_json, True) return process_inbox_request(request_json, True) return @celery.task def process_inbox_request(request_json, store_ap_json): with current_app.app_context(): site = Site.query.get(1) # can't use because celery doesn't use Flask's g variable # For an Announce, Accept, or Reject, we have the community, and need to find the user # For everything else, we have the user, and need to find the community # Benefits of always using request_json['actor']: # It's the actor who signed the request, and whose signature has been verified # Because of the earlier check, we know that they already exist, and so don't need to check again # Using actors from inner objects has a vulnerability to spoofing attacks (e.g. if 'attributedTo' doesn't match the 'Create' actor) id = request_json['id'] if request_json['type'] == 'Announce' or request_json['type'] == 'Accept' or request_json['type'] == 'Reject': community_ap_id = request_json['actor'] community = find_actor_or_create(community_ap_id, community_only=True, create_if_not_found=False) if not community or not isinstance(community, Community): log_incoming_ap(id, APLOG_ANNOUNCE, APLOG_FAILURE, request_json, 'Actor was not a community') return user_ap_id = None # found in 'if request_json['type'] == 'Announce', or it's a local user (for 'Accept'/'Reject') else: user_ap_id = request_json['actor'] user = find_actor_or_create(user_ap_id, create_if_not_found=False) if not user or not isinstance(user, User): log_incoming_ap(id, APLOG_NOTYPE, APLOG_FAILURE, request_json, 'Actor was not a user') return user.last_seen = site.last_active = utcnow() db.session.commit() community = None # found as needed # Follow: remote user wants to join/follow one of our users or communities if request_json['type'] == 'Follow': target_ap_id = request_json['object'] follow_id = request_json['id'] target = find_actor_or_create(target_ap_id, create_if_not_found=False) if not target: log_incoming_ap(id, APLOG_FOLLOW, APLOG_FAILURE, request_json if store_ap_json else None, 'Could not find target of Follow') return if isinstance(target, Community): community = target reject_follow = False if community.local_only: log_incoming_ap(id, APLOG_FOLLOW, APLOG_FAILURE, request_json if store_ap_json else None, 'Local only cannot be followed by remote users') reject_follow = True else: # check if user is banned from this community user_banned = CommunityBan.query.filter_by(, if user_banned: log_incoming_ap(id, APLOG_FOLLOW, APLOG_FAILURE, request_json if store_ap_json else None, 'Remote user has been banned') reject_follow = True if reject_follow: # send reject message to deny the follow reject = {"@context": default_context(), "actor": community.public_url(), "to": [user.public_url()], "object": {"actor": user.public_url(), "to": None, "object": community.public_url(), "type": "Follow", "id": follow_id}, "type": "Reject", "id": f"https://{current_app.config['SERVER_NAME']}/activities/reject/" + gibberish(32)} post_request(user.ap_inbox_url, reject, community.private_key, f"{community.public_url()}#main-key") else: if community_membership(user, community) != SUBSCRIPTION_MEMBER: member = CommunityMember(, db.session.add(member) db.session.commit() cache.delete_memoized(community_membership, user, community) # send accept message to acknowledge the follow accept = {"@context": default_context(), "actor": community.public_url(), "to": [user.public_url()], "object": {"actor": user.public_url(), "to": None, "object": community.public_url(), "type": "Follow", "id": follow_id}, "type": "Accept", "id": f"https://{current_app.config['SERVER_NAME']}/activities/accept/" + gibberish(32)} post_request(user.ap_inbox_url, accept, community.private_key, f"{community.public_url()}#main-key") log_incoming_ap(id, APLOG_FOLLOW, APLOG_SUCCESS, request_json if store_ap_json else None) return elif isinstance(target, User): local_user = target remote_user = user if not local_user.is_local(): log_incoming_ap(id, APLOG_FOLLOW, APLOG_FAILURE, request_json if store_ap_json else None, 'Follow request for remote user received') return existing_follower = UserFollower.query.filter_by(, if not existing_follower: auto_accept = not local_user.ap_manually_approves_followers new_follower = UserFollower(,, is_accepted=auto_accept) if not local_user.ap_followers_url: local_user.ap_followers_url = local_user.public_url() + '/followers' db.session.add(new_follower) db.session.commit() accept = {"@context": default_context(), "actor": local_user.public_url(), "to": [remote_user.public_url()], "object": {"actor": remote_user.public_url(), "to": None, "object": local_user.public_url(), "type": "Follow", "id": follow_id}, "type": "Accept", "id": f"https://{current_app.config['SERVER_NAME']}/activities/accept/" + gibberish(32)} post_request(remote_user.ap_inbox_url, accept, local_user.private_key, f"{local_user.public_url()}#main-key") log_incoming_ap(id, APLOG_FOLLOW, APLOG_SUCCESS, request_json if store_ap_json else None) return # Accept: remote server is accepting our previous follow request if request_json['type'] == 'Accept': user = None if isinstance(request_json['object'], str): # accepts using a string with the ID of the follow request join_request_parts = request_json['object'].split('/') join_request = CommunityJoinRequest.query.get(join_request_parts[-1]) if join_request: user = User.query.get(join_request.user_id) elif request_json['object']['type'] == 'Follow': user_ap_id = request_json['object']['actor'] user = find_actor_or_create(user_ap_id, create_if_not_found=False) if not user: log_incoming_ap(id, APLOG_ACCEPT, APLOG_FAILURE, request_json if store_ap_json else None, 'Could not find recipient of Accept') return join_request = CommunityJoinRequest.query.filter_by(, if join_request: existing_membership = CommunityMember.query.filter_by(user_id=join_request.user_id, community_id=join_request.community_id).first() if not existing_membership: member = CommunityMember(user_id=join_request.user_id, community_id=join_request.community_id) db.session.add(member) community.subscriptions_count += 1 db.session.commit() cache.delete_memoized(community_membership, user, community) log_incoming_ap(id, APLOG_ACCEPT, APLOG_SUCCESS, request_json if store_ap_json else None) return # Reject: remote server is rejecting our previous follow request if request_json['type'] == 'Reject': if request_json['object']['type'] == 'Follow': user_ap_id = request_json['object']['actor'] user = find_actor_or_create(user_ap_id, create_if_not_found=False) if not user: log_incoming_ap(id, APLOG_ACCEPT, APLOG_FAILURE, request_json if store_ap_json else None, 'Could not find recipient of Reject') return join_request = CommunityJoinRequest.query.filter_by(, if join_request: db.session.delete(join_request) existing_membership = CommunityMember.query.filter_by(, if existing_membership: db.session.delete(existing_membership) cache.delete_memoized(community_membership, user, community) db.session.commit() log_incoming_ap(id, APLOG_ACCEPT, APLOG_SUCCESS, request_json if store_ap_json else None) return # Create is new content. Update is often an edit, but Updates from Lemmy can also be new content if request_json['type'] == 'Create' or request_json['type'] == 'Update': if request_json['object']['type'] == 'ChatMessage': sender = user recipient_ap_id = request_json['object']['to'][0] recipient = find_actor_or_create(recipient_ap_id, create_if_not_found=False) if recipient and recipient.is_local(): if sender.created_recently() or sender.reputation <= -10: log_incoming_ap(id, APLOG_CHATMESSAGE, APLOG_FAILURE, request_json if store_ap_json else None, 'Sender not eligible to send') return elif recipient.has_blocked_user( or recipient.has_blocked_instance(sender.instance_id): log_incoming_ap(id, APLOG_CHATMESSAGE, APLOG_FAILURE, request_json if store_ap_json else None, 'Sender blocked by recipient') return else: # Find existing conversation to add to existing_conversation = Conversation.find_existing_conversation(recipient=recipient, sender=sender) if not existing_conversation: existing_conversation = Conversation( existing_conversation.members.append(recipient) existing_conversation.members.append(sender) db.session.add(existing_conversation) db.session.commit() # Save ChatMessage to DB encrypted = request_json['object']['encrypted'] if 'encrypted' in request_json['object'] else None new_message = ChatMessage(,,, body_html=request_json['object']['content'], body=html_to_text(request_json['object']['content']), encrypted=encrypted) db.session.add(new_message) existing_conversation.updated_at = utcnow() db.session.commit() # Notify recipient notify = Notification(title=shorten_string('New message from ' + sender.display_name()), url=f'/chat/{}#message_{new_message}',, db.session.add(notify) recipient.unread_notifications += 1 = False db.session.commit() log_incoming_ap(id, APLOG_CHATMESSAGE, APLOG_SUCCESS, request_json if store_ap_json else None) return # inner object of Create is not a ChatMessage else: if (request_json['object']['type'] == 'Note' and 'name' in request_json['object'] and # Poll Votes 'inReplyTo' in request_json['object'] and 'attributedTo' in request_json['object']): post_being_replied_to = Post.query.filter_by(ap_id=request_json['object']['inReplyTo']).first() if post_being_replied_to: poll_data = Poll.query.get( choice = PollChoice.query.filter_by(, choice_text=request_json['object']['name']).first() if poll_data and choice: poll_data.vote_for_choice(, db.session.commit() log_incoming_ap(id, APLOG_CREATE, APLOG_SUCCESS, request_json if store_ap_json else None) if inform_followers_of_post_update(, user.instance_id) return community_ap_id = find_community_ap_id(request_json) if not ensure_domains_match(request_json['object']): log_incoming_ap(id, APLOG_CREATE, APLOG_FAILURE, request_json if store_ap_json else None, 'Domains do not match') return community = find_actor_or_create(community_ap_id, community_only=True, create_if_not_found=False) if community_ap_id else None if community and community.local_only: log_incoming_ap(id, APLOG_CREATE, APLOG_FAILURE, request_json if store_ap_json else None, 'Remote Create in local_only community') return if not community: log_incoming_ap(id, APLOG_CREATE, APLOG_FAILURE, request_json if store_ap_json else None, 'Blocked or unfound community') return object_type = request_json['object']['type'] new_content_types = ['Page', 'Article', 'Link', 'Note', 'Question'] if object_type in new_content_types: # create or update a post process_new_content(user, community, store_ap_json, request_json, announced=False) return elif object_type == 'Video': # PeerTube: editing a video (PT doesn't Announce these) post = Post.query.filter_by(ap_id=request_json['object']['id']).first() if post: if == post.user_id: update_post_from_activity(post, request_json) log_incoming_ap(id, APLOG_UPDATE, APLOG_SUCCESS, request_json if store_ap_json else None) return else: log_incoming_ap(id, APLOG_UPDATE, APLOG_FAILURE, request_json if store_ap_json else None, 'Edit attempt denied') return else: log_incoming_ap(id, APLOG_UPDATE, APLOG_FAILURE, request_json if store_ap_json else None, 'PeerTube post not found') return else: log_incoming_ap(id, APLOG_CREATE, APLOG_FAILURE, request_json if store_ap_json else None, 'Unacceptable type (create): ' + object_type) return if request_json['type'] == 'Delete': if isinstance(request_json['object'], str): ap_id = request_json['object'] # lemmy else: ap_id = request_json['object']['id'] # kbin to_delete = find_liked_object(ap_id) # Just for Posts and Replies (User deletes go through process_delete_request()) if to_delete: if to_delete.deleted: log_incoming_ap(id, APLOG_DELETE, APLOG_IGNORED, request_json if store_ap_json else None, 'Activity about local content which is already deleted') else: delete_post_or_comment(user, to_delete, store_ap_json, request_json) announce_activity_to_followers(, user, request_json) else: log_incoming_ap(id, APLOG_DELETE, APLOG_FAILURE, request_json if store_ap_json else None, 'Delete: cannot find ' + ap_id) return if request_json['type'] == 'Like' or request_json['type'] == 'EmojiReact': # Upvote process_upvote(user, store_ap_json, request_json, announced=False) return if request_json['type'] == 'Dislike': # Downvote if site.enable_downvotes is False: log_incoming_ap(id, APLOG_DISLIKE, APLOG_IGNORED, request_json if store_ap_json else None, 'Dislike ignored because of allow_dislike setting') return process_downvote(user, store_ap_json, request_json, announced=False) return if request_json['type'] == 'Flag': # Reported content reported = find_reported_object(request_json['object']) if reported: process_report(user, reported, request_json) log_incoming_ap(id, APLOG_REPORT, APLOG_SUCCESS, request_json if store_ap_json else None) announce_activity_to_followers(, user, request_json) else: log_incoming_ap(id, APLOG_REPORT, APLOG_IGNORED, request_json if store_ap_json else None, 'Report ignored due to missing content') return if request_json['type'] == 'Add': # remote site is adding a local user as a moderator, and is sending directly rather than announcing (happens if not subscribed) mod = user community_ap_id = find_community_ap_id(request_json) community = find_actor_or_create(community_ap_id, community_only=True, create_if_not_found=False) if community_ap_id else None if community: if not community.is_moderator(mod) and not community.is_instance_admin(mod): log_incoming_ap(id, APLOG_ADD, APLOG_FAILURE, request_json if store_ap_json else None, 'Does not have permission') return target = request_json['target'] moderators_url = community.ap_moderators_url if target == moderators_url: new_mod = find_actor_or_create(request_json['object'], create_if_not_found=False) if new_mod and new_mod.is_local(): existing_membership = CommunityMember.query.filter_by(, if existing_membership: existing_membership.is_moderator = True else: new_membership = CommunityMember(,, is_moderator=True) db.session.add(new_membership) db.session.commit() log_incoming_ap(id, APLOG_ADD, APLOG_SUCCESS, request_json if store_ap_json else None) else: log_incoming_ap(id, APLOG_ADD, APLOG_FAILURE, request_json if store_ap_json else None, 'Cannot find: ' + request_json['object']) return else: # Lemmy might not send anything directly to sticky a post if no-one is subscribed (could not get it to generate the activity) log_incoming_ap(id, APLOG_ADD, APLOG_FAILURE, request_json if store_ap_json else None, 'Unknown target for Add') else: log_incoming_ap(id, APLOG_ADD, APLOG_FAILURE, request_json if store_ap_json else None, 'Add: cannot find community') return if request_json['type'] == 'Remove': # remote site is removing a local user as a moderator, and is sending directly rather than announcing (happens if not subscribed) mod = user community_ap_id = find_community_ap_id(request_json) community = find_actor_or_create(community_ap_id, community_only=True, create_if_not_found=False) if community_ap_id else None if community: if not community.is_moderator(mod) and not community.is_instance_admin(mod): log_incoming_ap(id, APLOG_ADD, APLOG_FAILURE, request_json if store_ap_json else None, 'Does not have permission') return target = request_json['target'] moderators_url = community.ap_moderators_url if target == moderators_url: old_mod = find_actor_or_create(request_json['object'], create_if_not_found=False) if old_mod and old_mod.is_local(): existing_membership = CommunityMember.query.filter_by(, if existing_membership: existing_membership.is_moderator = False db.session.commit() log_incoming_ap(id, APLOG_REMOVE, APLOG_SUCCESS, request_json if store_ap_json else None) else: log_incoming_ap(id, APLOG_ADD, APLOG_FAILURE, request_json if store_ap_json else None, 'Cannot find: ' + request_json['object']) return else: # Lemmy might not send anything directly to unsticky a post if no-one is subscribed (could not get it to generate the activity) log_incoming_ap(id, APLOG_ADD, APLOG_FAILURE, request_json if store_ap_json else None, 'Unknown target for Remove') else: log_incoming_ap(id, APLOG_ADD, APLOG_FAILURE, request_json if store_ap_json else None, 'Remove: cannot find community') return if request_json['type'] == 'Block': # remote site is banning one of their users blocker = user blocked_ap_id = request_json['object'].lower() blocked = User.query.filter_by(ap_profile_id=blocked_ap_id).first() if store_ap_json: request_json['cc'] = [] # cut very long list of instances if not blocked: log_incoming_ap(id, APLOG_USERBAN, APLOG_IGNORED, request_json if store_ap_json else None, 'Does not exist here') return # target = request_json['target'] # target is supposed to determine the scope - whether it is an instance-wide ban or just one community. Lemmy doesn't use it right though # community = find_actor_or_create(target, create_if_not_found=False, community_only=True) remove_data = request_json['removeData'] if 'removeData' in request_json else False # Lemmy currently only sends userbans for admins banning local users # Banning remote users is hacked by banning them from every community of which they are a part # There's plans to change this in the future though. if not blocker.is_instance_admin() or not blocked.instance_id == blocker.instance_id: log_incoming_ap(id, APLOG_USERBAN, APLOG_FAILURE, request_json if store_ap_json else None, 'Does not have permission') return if blocked.banned: # We may have already banned them - we don't want remote temp bans to over-ride our permanent bans return if blocked.is_local(): # Sanity check current_app.logger.error('Attempt to ban local user: ' + str(request_json)) return blocked.banned = True db.session.commit() if 'expires' in request_json: blocked.banned_until = request_json['expires'] elif 'endTime' in request_json: blocked.banned_until = request_json['endTime'] try: db.session.commit() except: # I don't know the format of expires or endTime so let's see how this goes db.session.rollback() current_app.logger.error('could not save banned_until value: ' + str(request_json)) if remove_data: site_ban_remove_data(, blocked) log_incoming_ap(id, APLOG_USERBAN, APLOG_SUCCESS, request_json if store_ap_json else None) else: log_incoming_ap(id, APLOG_USERBAN, APLOG_IGNORED, request_json if store_ap_json else None, 'Banned, but content retained') return if request_json['type'] == 'Undo': if request_json['object']['type'] == 'Follow': # Unsubscribe from a community or user target_ap_id = request_json['object']['object'] target = find_actor_or_create(target_ap_id, create_if_not_found=False) if isinstance(target, Community): community = target member = CommunityMember.query.filter_by(, join_request = CommunityJoinRequest.query.filter_by(, if member: db.session.delete(member) community.subscriptions_count -= 1 if join_request: db.session.delete(join_request) db.session.commit() cache.delete_memoized(community_membership, user, community) log_incoming_ap(id, APLOG_UNDO_FOLLOW, APLOG_SUCCESS, request_json if store_ap_json else None) return if isinstance(target, User): local_user = target remote_user = user follower = UserFollower.query.filter_by(,, is_accepted=True).first() if follower: db.session.delete(follower) db.session.commit() log_incoming_ap(id, APLOG_UNDO_FOLLOW, APLOG_SUCCESS, request_json if store_ap_json else None) return if not target: log_incoming_ap(id, APLOG_UNDO_FOLLOW, APLOG_FAILURE, request_json if store_ap_json else None, 'Unfound target') return if request_json['object']['type'] == 'Delete': # Restore something previously deleted if isinstance(request_json['object']['object'], str): ap_id = request_json['object']['object'] # lemmy else: ap_id = request_json['object']['object']['id'] # kbin restorer = user to_restore = find_liked_object(ap_id) # a user or a mod/admin is undoing the delete of a post or reply if to_restore: if not to_restore.deleted: log_incoming_ap(id, APLOG_UNDO_DELETE, APLOG_IGNORED, request_json if store_ap_json else None, 'Activity about local content which is already restored') else: restore_post_or_comment(restorer, to_restore, store_ap_json, request_json) announce_activity_to_followers(, user, request_json) else: log_incoming_ap(id, APLOG_UNDO_DELETE, APLOG_FAILURE, request_json if store_ap_json else None, 'Undo delete: cannot find ' + ap_id) return if request_json['object']['type'] == 'Like' or request_json['object']['type'] == 'Dislike': # Undoing an upvote or downvote post = comment = None target_ap_id = request_json['object']['object'] post_or_comment = undo_vote(comment, post, target_ap_id, user) if post_or_comment: log_incoming_ap(id, APLOG_UNDO_VOTE, APLOG_SUCCESS, request_json if store_ap_json else None) announce_activity_to_followers(, user, request_json) else: log_incoming_ap(id, APLOG_UNDO_VOTE, APLOG_FAILURE, request_json if store_ap_json else None, 'Unfound object ' + target_ap_id) return if request_json['object']['type'] == 'Block': # remote site is unbanning one of their users unblocker = user unblocked_ap_id = request_json['object']['object'].lower() unblocked = User.query.filter_by(ap_profile_id=unblocked_ap_id).first() if store_ap_json: request_json['cc'] = [] # cut very long list of instances request_json['object']['cc'] = [] if not unblocked: log_incoming_ap(id, APLOG_USERBAN, APLOG_IGNORED, request_json if store_ap_json else None, 'Does not exist here') return unblock_from_ap_id = request_json['object']['target'] if not unblocker.is_instance_admin() or not unblocked.instance_id == unblocker.instance_id: log_incoming_ap(id, APLOG_USERBAN, APLOG_FAILURE, request_json if store_ap_json else None, 'Does not have permission') return # (no removeData field in an undo/ban - cannot restore without knowing if deletion was part of ban, or different moderator action) #unblocked.banned = False # uncommented until there's a mechanism for processing ban expiry date #db.session.commit() log_incoming_ap(id, APLOG_UNDO_USERBAN, APLOG_SUCCESS, request_json if store_ap_json else None) return # Announce is new content and votes that happened on a remote server. if request_json['type'] == 'Announce': if isinstance(request_json['object'], str): # Mastodon, PeerTube, if request_json['object'].startswith('https://' + current_app.config['SERVER_NAME']): log_incoming_ap(id, APLOG_DUPLICATE, APLOG_IGNORED, request_json if store_ap_json else None, 'Activity about local content which is already present') return post = resolve_remote_post(request_json['object'],, announce_actor=community.ap_profile_id, store_ap_json=store_ap_json) if post: log_incoming_ap(id, APLOG_ANNOUNCE, APLOG_SUCCESS, request_json) else: log_incoming_ap(id, APLOG_ANNOUNCE, APLOG_FAILURE, request_json, 'Could not resolve post') return user_ap_id = request_json['object']['actor'] user = find_actor_or_create(user_ap_id) if not user or not isinstance(user, User): log_incoming_ap(id, APLOG_ANNOUNCE, APLOG_FAILURE, request_json, 'Blocked or unfound user for Announce object actor ' + user_ap_id) return user.last_seen = site.last_active = utcnow() user.instance.last_seen = utcnow() user.instance.dormant = False user.instance.gone_forever = False user.instance.failures = 0 db.session.commit() if request_json['object']['type'] == 'Create' or request_json['object']['type'] == 'Update': object_type = request_json['object']['object']['type'] new_content_types = ['Page', 'Article', 'Link', 'Note', 'Question'] if object_type in new_content_types: # create or update a post process_new_content(user, community, store_ap_json, request_json) elif request_json['object']['type'] == 'Update' and request_json['object']['object']['type'] == 'Group': # force refresh next time community is heard from community.ap_fetched_at = None db.session.commit() log_incoming_ap(id, APLOG_UPDATE, APLOG_SUCCESS, request_json if store_ap_json else None) else: log_incoming_ap(id, APLOG_CREATE, APLOG_FAILURE, request_json if store_ap_json else None, 'Unacceptable type (create): ' + object_type) return if request_json['object']['type'] == 'Delete': # Announced Delete if isinstance(request_json['object']['object'], str): ap_id = request_json['object']['object'] # lemmy else: ap_id = request_json['object']['object']['id'] # kbin to_delete = find_liked_object(ap_id) # Just for Posts and Replies (User deletes aren't announced) if to_delete: if to_delete.deleted: log_incoming_ap(id, APLOG_DELETE, APLOG_IGNORED, request_json if store_ap_json else None, 'Activity about local content which is already deleted') else: delete_post_or_comment(user, to_delete, store_ap_json, request_json) else: log_incoming_ap(id, APLOG_DELETE, APLOG_FAILURE, request_json if store_ap_json else None, 'Delete: cannot find ' + ap_id) return if request_json['object']['type'] == 'Like' or request_json['object']['type'] == 'EmojiReact': # Announced Upvote process_upvote(user, store_ap_json, request_json) return if request_json['object']['type'] == 'Dislike': # Announced Downvote if site.enable_downvotes is False: log_incoming_ap(id, APLOG_DISLIKE, APLOG_IGNORED, request_json if store_ap_json else None, 'Dislike ignored because of allow_dislike setting') return process_downvote(user, store_ap_json, request_json) return if request_json['object']['type'] == 'Flag': # Announce of reported content reported = find_reported_object(request_json['object']['object']) if reported: process_report(user, reported, request_json['object']) log_incoming_ap(id, APLOG_REPORT, APLOG_SUCCESS, request_json if store_ap_json else None) else: log_incoming_ap(id, APLOG_REPORT, APLOG_IGNORED, request_json if store_ap_json else None, 'Report ignored due to missing content') return if request_json['object']['type'] == 'Lock': # Announce of post lock mod = user post_id = request_json['object']['object'] post = Post.query.filter_by(ap_id=post_id).first() reason = request_json['object']['summary'] if 'summary' in request_json['object'] else '' if post: if or post.comments_enabled = False db.session.commit() add_to_modlog_activitypub('lock_post', mod,, link_text=shorten_string(post.title), link=f'post/{}', reason=reason) log_incoming_ap(id, APLOG_LOCK, APLOG_SUCCESS, request_json if store_ap_json else None) else: log_incoming_ap(id, APLOG_LOCK, APLOG_FAILURE, request_json if store_ap_json else None, 'Lock: Does not have permission') else: log_incoming_ap(id, APLOG_LOCK, APLOG_FAILURE, request_json if store_ap_json else None, 'Lock: post not found') return if request_json['object']['type'] == 'Add': # Announce of adding mods or stickying a post target = request_json['object']['target'] featured_url = community.ap_featured_url moderators_url = community.ap_moderators_url if target == featured_url: post = Post.query.filter_by(ap_id=request_json['object']['object']).first() if post: post.sticky = True db.session.commit() log_incoming_ap(id, APLOG_ADD, APLOG_SUCCESS, request_json if store_ap_json else None) else: log_incoming_ap(id, APLOG_ADD, APLOG_FAILURE, request_json if store_ap_json else None, 'Cannot find: ' + request_json['object']['object']) return if target == moderators_url: user = find_actor_or_create(request_json['object']['object']) if user: existing_membership = CommunityMember.query.filter_by(, if existing_membership: existing_membership.is_moderator = True else: new_membership = CommunityMember(,, is_moderator=True) db.session.add(new_membership) db.session.commit() log_incoming_ap(id, APLOG_ADD, APLOG_SUCCESS, request_json if store_ap_json else None) else: log_incoming_ap(id, APLOG_ADD, APLOG_FAILURE, request_json if store_ap_json else None, 'Cannot find: ' + request_json['object']['object']) return log_incoming_ap(id, APLOG_ADD, APLOG_FAILURE, request_json if store_ap_json else None, 'Unknown target for Add') return if request_json['object']['type'] == 'Remove': # Announce of removing mods or unstickying a post target = request_json['object']['target'] featured_url = community.ap_featured_url moderators_url = community.ap_moderators_url if target == featured_url: post = Post.query.filter_by(ap_id=request_json['object']['object']).first() if post: post.sticky = False db.session.commit() log_incoming_ap(id, APLOG_REMOVE, APLOG_SUCCESS, request_json if store_ap_json else None) else: log_incoming_ap(id, APLOG_REMOVE, APLOG_FAILURE, request_json if store_ap_json else None, 'Cannot find: ' + target) return if target == moderators_url: user = find_actor_or_create(request_json['object']['object'], create_if_not_found=False) if user: existing_membership = CommunityMember.query.filter_by(, if existing_membership: existing_membership.is_moderator = False db.session.commit() log_incoming_ap(id, APLOG_REMOVE, APLOG_SUCCESS, request_json if store_ap_json else None) else: log_incoming_ap(id, APLOG_REMOVE, APLOG_FAILURE, request_json if store_ap_json else None, 'Cannot find: ' + request_json['object']['object']) return log_incoming_ap(id, APLOG_REMOVE, APLOG_FAILURE, request_json if store_ap_json else None, 'Unknown target for Remove') return if request_json['object']['type'] == 'Block': # Announce of user ban. Mod is banning a user from a community, blocker = user # or an admin is banning a user from all the site's communities as part of a site ban blocked_ap_id = request_json['object']['object'].lower() blocked = User.query.filter_by(ap_profile_id=blocked_ap_id).first() if not blocked: log_incoming_ap(id, APLOG_USERBAN, APLOG_IGNORED, request_json if store_ap_json else None, 'Does not exist here') return remove_data = request_json['object']['removeData'] if 'removeData' in request_json['object'] else False if not community.is_moderator(blocker) and not community.is_instance_admin(blocker): log_incoming_ap(id, APLOG_USERBAN, APLOG_FAILURE, request_json if store_ap_json else None, 'Does not have permission') return if remove_data == True: community_ban_remove_data(,, blocked) log_incoming_ap(id, APLOG_USERBAN, APLOG_SUCCESS, request_json if store_ap_json else None) else: log_incoming_ap(id, APLOG_USERBAN, APLOG_IGNORED, request_json if store_ap_json else None, 'Banned, but content retained') ban_user(blocker, blocked, community, request_json) return if request_json['object']['type'] == 'Undo': if request_json['object']['object']['type'] == 'Delete': # Announce of undo of Delete if isinstance(request_json['object']['object']['object'], str): ap_id = request_json['object']['object']['object'] # lemmy else: ap_id = request_json['object']['object']['object']['id'] # kbin restorer = user to_restore = find_liked_object(ap_id) # a user or a mod/admin is undoing the delete of a post or reply if to_restore: if not to_restore.deleted: log_incoming_ap(id, APLOG_UNDO_DELETE, APLOG_IGNORED, request_json if store_ap_json else None, 'Content was not deleted') else: restore_post_or_comment(restorer, to_restore, store_ap_json, request_json) else: log_incoming_ap(id, APLOG_UNDO_DELETE, APLOG_FAILURE, request_json if store_ap_json else None, 'Undo delete: cannot find ' + ap_id) return if request_json['object']['object']['type'] == 'Like' or request_json['object']['object']['type'] == 'Dislike': # Announce of undo of upvote or downvote post = comment = None target_ap_id = request_json['object']['object']['object'] post_or_comment = undo_vote(comment, post, target_ap_id, user) if post_or_comment: log_incoming_ap(id, APLOG_UNDO_VOTE, APLOG_SUCCESS, request_json if store_ap_json else None) else: log_incoming_ap(id, APLOG_UNDO_VOTE, APLOG_FAILURE, request_json if store_ap_json else None, 'Unfound object ' + target_ap_id) return if request_json['object']['object']['type'] == 'Lock': # Announce of undo of post lock mod = user post_id = request_json['object']['object']['object'] post = Post.query.filter_by(ap_id=post_id).first() reason = request_json['object']['summary'] if 'summary' in request_json['object'] else '' if post: if or post.comments_enabled = True db.session.commit() add_to_modlog_activitypub('unlock_post', mod,, link_text=shorten_string(post.title), link=f'post/{}', reason=reason) log_incoming_ap(id, APLOG_LOCK, APLOG_SUCCESS, request_json if store_ap_json else None) else: log_incoming_ap(id, APLOG_LOCK, APLOG_FAILURE, request_json if store_ap_json else None, 'Lock: Does not have permission') else: log_incoming_ap(id, APLOG_LOCK, APLOG_FAILURE, request_json if store_ap_json else None, 'Lock: post not found') return if request_json['object']['object']['type'] == 'Block': # Announce of undo of user ban. Mod is unbanning a user from a community, blocker = user # or an admin is unbanning a user from all the site's communities as part of a site unban blocked_ap_id = request_json['object']['object']['object'].lower() blocked = User.query.filter_by(ap_profile_id=blocked_ap_id).first() if not blocked: log_incoming_ap(id, APLOG_USERBAN, APLOG_IGNORED, request_json if store_ap_json else None, 'Does not exist here') return if not community.is_moderator(blocker) and not community.is_instance_admin(blocker): log_incoming_ap(id, APLOG_USERBAN, APLOG_FAILURE, request_json if store_ap_json else None, 'Does not have permission') return unban_user(blocker, blocked, community, request_json) log_incoming_ap(id, APLOG_USERBAN, APLOG_SUCCESS, request_json if store_ap_json else None) return log_incoming_ap(id, APLOG_MONITOR, APLOG_PROCESSING, request_json if store_ap_json else None, 'Unmatched activity') @celery.task def process_delete_request(request_json, store_ap_json): with current_app.app_context(): # this function processes self-deletes (retain case here, as user_removed_from_remote_server() uses a JSON request) id = request_json['id'] user_ap_id = request_json['actor'] user = User.query.filter_by(ap_profile_id=user_ap_id.lower()).first() if user: # check that the user really has been deleted, to avoid spoofing attacks if user_removed_from_remote_server(user_ap_id, == 'PieFed'): # soft self-delete user.deleted = True user.deleted_by = db.session.commit() log_incoming_ap(id, APLOG_DELETE, APLOG_SUCCESS, request_json if store_ap_json else None) else: log_incoming_ap(id, APLOG_DELETE, APLOG_FAILURE, request_json if store_ap_json else None, 'User not actually deleted.') # TODO: acknowledge 'removeData' field from Lemmy # TODO: hard-delete in 7 days (should purge avatar and cover images, but keep posts and replies unless already soft-deleted by removeData = True) def announce_activity_to_followers(community, creator, activity): # avoid announcing activity sent to local users unless it is also in a local community if not community.is_local(): return # remove context from what will be inner object del activity["@context"] announce_activity = { '@context': default_context(), "actor": community.public_url(), "to": [ "" ], "object": activity, "cc": [ f"{community.public_url()}/followers" ], "type": "Announce", "id": f"https://{current_app.config['SERVER_NAME']}/activities/announce/{gibberish(15)}" } for instance in community.following_instances(include_dormant=True): # awaken dormant instances if they've been sleeping for long enough to be worth trying again awaken_dormant_instance(instance) # All good? Send! if instance and and not instance_blocked(instance.inbox): if creator.instance_id != # don't send it to the instance that hosts the creator as presumably they already have the content send_to_remote_instance(,, announce_activity) @bp.route('/c//outbox', methods=['GET']) def community_outbox(actor): actor = actor.strip() community = Community.query.filter_by(name=actor, banned=False, ap_id=None).first() if community is not None: sticky_posts = community.posts.filter(Post.sticky == True, Post.deleted == False).order_by(desc(Post.posted_at)).limit(50).all() remaining_limit = 50 - len(sticky_posts) remaining_posts = community.posts.filter(Post.sticky == False, Post.deleted == False).order_by(desc(Post.posted_at)).limit(remaining_limit).all() posts = sticky_posts + remaining_posts community_data = { "@context": default_context(), "type": "OrderedCollection", "id": f"https://{current_app.config['SERVER_NAME']}/c/{actor}/outbox", "totalItems": len(posts), "orderedItems": [] } for post in posts: community_data['orderedItems'].append(post_to_activity(post, community)) return jsonify(community_data) @bp.route('/c//featured', methods=['GET']) def community_featured(actor): actor = actor.strip() community = Community.query.filter_by(name=actor, banned=False, ap_id=None).first() if community is not None: posts = Post.query.filter_by(, sticky=True, deleted=False).all() community_data = { "@context": default_context(), "type": "OrderedCollection", "id": f"https://{current_app.config['SERVER_NAME']}/c/{actor}/featured", "totalItems": len(posts), "orderedItems": [] } for post in posts: community_data['orderedItems'].append(post_to_page(post)) return jsonify(community_data) @bp.route('/c//moderators', methods=['GET']) def community_moderators_route(actor): actor = actor.strip() community = Community.query.filter_by(name=actor, banned=False, ap_id=None).first() if community is not None: moderator_ids = community_moderators( moderators = User.query.filter([mod.user_id for mod in moderator_ids])).all() community_data = { "@context": default_context(), "type": "OrderedCollection", "id": f"https://{current_app.config['SERVER_NAME']}/c/{actor}/moderators", "totalItems": len(moderators), "orderedItems": [] } for moderator in moderators: community_data['orderedItems'].append(moderator.ap_profile_id) return jsonify(community_data) @celery.task def process_user_follow_request(request_json, activitypublog_id, remote_user_id): activity_log = ActivityPubLog.query.get(activitypublog_id) local_user_ap_id = request_json['object'] follow_id = request_json['id'] local_user = find_actor_or_create(local_user_ap_id, create_if_not_found=False) remote_user = User.query.get(remote_user_id) if local_user and local_user.is_local() and not remote_user.is_local(): existing_follower = UserFollower.query.filter_by(, if not existing_follower: auto_accept = not local_user.ap_manually_approves_followers new_follower = UserFollower(,, is_accepted=auto_accept) if not local_user.ap_followers_url: local_user.ap_followers_url = local_user.public_url() + '/followers' db.session.add(new_follower) accept = { "@context": default_context(), "actor": local_user.public_url(), "to": [ remote_user.public_url() ], "object": { "actor": remote_user.public_url(), "to": None, "object": local_user.public_url(), "type": "Follow", "id": follow_id }, "type": "Accept", "id": f"https://{current_app.config['SERVER_NAME']}/activities/accept/" + gibberish(32) } if post_request(remote_user.ap_inbox_url, accept, local_user.private_key, f"{local_user.public_url()}#main-key") is True: activity_log.result = 'success' else: activity_log.exception_message = 'Error sending Accept' else: activity_log.exception_message = 'Could not find local user' activity_log.result = 'failure' db.session.commit() @bp.route('/c//followers', methods=['GET']) def community_followers(actor): actor = actor.strip() community = Community.query.filter_by(name=actor, banned=False, ap_id=None).first() if community is not None: result = { "@context": default_context(), "id": f'https://{current_app.config["SERVER_NAME"]}/c/{actor}/followers', "type": "Collection", "totalItems": community_members(, "items": [] } resp = jsonify(result) resp.content_type = 'application/activity+json' return resp else: abort(404) @bp.route('/u//followers', methods=['GET']) def user_followers(actor): actor = actor.strip() user = User.query.filter_by(user_name=actor, banned=False, ap_id=None).first() if user is not None and user.ap_followers_url: # Get all followers, except those that are blocked by user by doing an outer join followers = User.query.join(UserFollower, == UserFollower.remote_user_id)\ .outerjoin(UserBlock, ( == UserBlock.blocker_id) & (UserFollower.local_user_id == UserBlock.blocked_id))\ .filter((UserFollower.local_user_id == & ( == None))\ .all() items = [] for f in followers: items.append(f.ap_public_url) result = { "@context": default_context(), "id": user.ap_followers_url, "type": "Collection", "totalItems": len(items), "items": items } resp = jsonify(result) resp.content_type = 'application/activity+json' return resp else: abort(404) @bp.route('/comment/', methods=['GET', 'HEAD']) def comment_ap(comment_id): reply = PostReply.query.get_or_404(comment_id) if is_activitypub_request(): reply_data = comment_model_to_json(reply) if request.method == 'GET' else [] resp = jsonify(reply_data) resp.content_type = 'application/activity+json' resp.headers.set('Vary', 'Accept') resp.headers.set('Link', f'; rel="alternate"; type="text/html"') return resp else: return continue_discussion(, comment_id) @bp.route('/post//', methods=['GET', 'HEAD']) def post_ap2(post_id): return redirect(url_for('activitypub.post_ap', post_id=post_id)) @bp.route('/post/', methods=['GET', 'HEAD', 'POST']) def post_ap(post_id): if (request.method == 'GET' or request.method == 'HEAD') and is_activitypub_request(): post = Post.query.get_or_404(post_id) if request.method == 'GET': post_data = post_to_page(post) post_data['@context'] = default_context() else: # HEAD request post_data = [] resp = jsonify(post_data) resp.content_type = 'application/activity+json' resp.headers.set('Vary', 'Accept') resp.headers.set('Link', f'; rel="alternate"; type="text/html"') return resp else: return show_post(post_id) @bp.route('/activities//') @cache.cached(timeout=600) def activities_json(type, id): activity = ActivityPubLog.query.filter_by(activity_id=f"https://{current_app.config['SERVER_NAME']}/activities/{type}/{id}").first() if activity: if activity.activity_json is not None: activity_json = json.loads(activity.activity_json) else: activity_json = {} resp = jsonify(activity_json) resp.content_type = 'application/activity+json' return resp else: abort(404) # Other instances can query the result of their POST to the inbox by using this endpoint. The ID of the activity they # sent (minus the https:// on the front) is the id parameter. e.g. @bp.route('/activity_result/') def activity_result(id): activity = ActivityPubLog.query.filter_by(activity_id=f'https://{id}').first() if activity: if activity.result == 'success': return jsonify('Ok') else: return jsonify({'error': activity.result, 'message': activity.exception_message}) else: abort(404) def process_new_content(user, community, store_ap_json, request_json, announced=True): id = request_json['id'] if not announced: in_reply_to = request_json['object']['inReplyTo'] if 'inReplyTo' in request_json['object'] else None ap_id = request_json['object']['id'] announce_id = None activity_json = request_json else: in_reply_to = request_json['object']['object']['inReplyTo'] if 'inReplyTo' in request_json['object']['object'] else None ap_id = request_json['object']['object']['id'] announce_id = request_json['id'] activity_json = request_json['object'] if not in_reply_to: # Creating a new post post = Post.query.filter_by(ap_id=ap_id).first() if post: if activity_json['type'] == 'Create': log_incoming_ap(id, APLOG_CREATE, APLOG_FAILURE, request_json if store_ap_json else None, 'Create processed after Update') return if == post.user_id: update_post_from_activity(post, activity_json) log_incoming_ap(id, APLOG_UPDATE, APLOG_SUCCESS, request_json if store_ap_json else None) if not announced: announce_activity_to_followers(,, request_json) return else: log_incoming_ap(id, APLOG_UPDATE, APLOG_FAILURE, request_json if store_ap_json else None, 'Edit attempt denied') return else: if can_create_post(user, community): try: post = create_post(store_ap_json, community, activity_json, user, announce_id=announce_id) if post: log_incoming_ap(id, APLOG_CREATE, APLOG_SUCCESS, request_json if store_ap_json else None) if not announced: announce_activity_to_followers(community, user, request_json) return except TypeError as e: current_app.logger.error('TypeError: ' + str(request_json)) log_incoming_ap(id, APLOG_CREATE, APLOG_FAILURE, request_json if store_ap_json else None, 'TypeError. See log file.') return else: log_incoming_ap(id, APLOG_CREATE, APLOG_FAILURE, request_json if store_ap_json else None, 'User cannot create post in Community') return else: # Creating a reply / comment reply = PostReply.query.filter_by(ap_id=ap_id).first() if reply: if activity_json['type'] == 'Create': log_incoming_ap(id, APLOG_CREATE, APLOG_FAILURE, request_json if store_ap_json else None, 'Create processed after Update') return if == reply.user_id: update_post_reply_from_activity(reply, activity_json) log_incoming_ap(id, APLOG_UPDATE, APLOG_SUCCESS, request_json if store_ap_json else None) if not announced: announce_activity_to_followers(,, request_json) return else: log_incoming_ap(id, APLOG_UPDATE, APLOG_FAILURE, request_json if store_ap_json else None, 'Edit attempt denied') return else: if can_create_post_reply(user, community): try: reply = create_post_reply(store_ap_json, community, in_reply_to, activity_json, user, announce_id=announce_id) if reply: log_incoming_ap(id, APLOG_CREATE, APLOG_SUCCESS, request_json if store_ap_json else None) if not announced: announce_activity_to_followers(community, user, request_json) return except TypeError as e: current_app.logger.error('TypeError: ' + str(request_json)) log_incoming_ap(id, APLOG_CREATE, APLOG_FAILURE, request_json if store_ap_json else None, 'TypeError. See log file.') return else: log_incoming_ap(id, APLOG_CREATE, APLOG_FAILURE, request_json if store_ap_json else None, 'User cannot create reply in Community') return def process_upvote(user, store_ap_json, request_json, announced=True): id = request_json['id'] ap_id = request_json['object'] if not announced else request_json['object']['object'] liked = find_liked_object(ap_id) if liked is None: log_incoming_ap(id, APLOG_LIKE, APLOG_FAILURE, request_json if store_ap_json else None, 'Unfound object ' + ap_id) return if can_upvote(user, if isinstance(liked, (Post, PostReply)):, 'upvote') log_incoming_ap(id, APLOG_LIKE, APLOG_SUCCESS, request_json if store_ap_json else None) if not announced: announce_activity_to_followers(, user, request_json) else: log_incoming_ap(id, APLOG_LIKE, APLOG_IGNORED, request_json if store_ap_json else None, 'Cannot upvote this') def process_downvote(user, store_ap_json, request_json, announced=True): id = request_json['id'] ap_id = request_json['object'] if not announced else request_json['object']['object'] liked = find_liked_object(ap_id) if liked is None: log_incoming_ap(id, APLOG_DISLIKE, APLOG_FAILURE, request_json if store_ap_json else None, 'Unfound object ' + ap_id) return if can_downvote(user, if isinstance(liked, (Post, PostReply)):, 'downvote') log_incoming_ap(id, APLOG_DISLIKE, APLOG_SUCCESS, request_json if store_ap_json else None) if not announced: announce_activity_to_followers(, user, request_json) else: log_incoming_ap(id, APLOG_DISLIKE, APLOG_IGNORED, request_json if store_ap_json else None, 'Cannot downvote this')