from __future__ import annotations from app import cache, db from app.constants import * from app.models import Community, CommunityMember, Post, PostReply, PostVote, User from app.utils import blocked_communities from sqlalchemy import text # 'stub' param: set to True to exclude optional fields def post_view(post: Post | int, variant, stub=False, user_id=None, my_vote=0): if isinstance(post, int): post = Post.query.get(post) if not post or post.deleted: raise Exception('post_not_found') # Variant 1 - models/post/post.dart if variant == 1: include = ['id', 'title', 'user_id', 'community_id', 'deleted', 'nsfw', 'sticky'] v1 = { getattr(post, for column in post.__table__.columns if in include} v1.update({'published': post.posted_at.isoformat() + 'Z', 'ap_id': post.profile_id(), 'local': post.is_local(), 'language_id': post.language_id if post.language_id else 0, 'removed': post.deleted, 'locked': not post.comments_enabled}) if post.body and not stub: v1['body'] = post.body if post.edited_at: v1['edited_at'] = post.edited_at.isoformat() + 'Z' if post.type == POST_TYPE_LINK or post.type == POST_TYPE_VIDEO: if post.url: v1['url'] = post.url if post.image_id: v1['thumbnail_url'] = post.image.thumbnail_url() if post.image.alt_text: v1['alt_text'] = post.image.alt_text if post.type == POST_TYPE_IMAGE: if post.image_id: v1['url'] = post.image.view_url() v1['thumbnail_url'] = post.image.medium_url() if post.image.alt_text: v1['alt_text'] = post.image.alt_text return v1 # Variant 2 - views/post_view.dart - /post/list api endpoint if variant == 2: # counts - models/post/post_aggregates.dart counts = {'post_id':, 'comments': post.reply_count, 'score': post.score, 'upvotes': post.up_votes, 'downvotes': post.down_votes, 'published': post.posted_at.isoformat() + 'Z', 'newest_comment_time': post.last_active.isoformat() + 'Z'} if user_id: bookmarked = db.session.execute(text('SELECT user_id FROM "post_bookmark" WHERE post_id = :post_id and user_id = :user_id'), {'post_id':, 'user_id': user_id}).scalar() post_sub = db.session.execute(text('SELECT user_id FROM "notification_subscription" WHERE type = :type and entity_id = :entity_id and user_id = :user_id'), {'type': NOTIF_POST, 'entity_id':, 'user_id': user_id}).scalar() followed = db.session.execute(text('SELECT user_id FROM "community_member" WHERE community_id = :community_id and user_id = :user_id'), {"community_id": post.community_id, "user_id": user_id}).scalar() else: bookmarked = post_sub = followed = False if not stub: banned = db.session.execute(text('SELECT user_id FROM "community_ban" WHERE user_id = :user_id and community_id = :community_id'), {'user_id': post.user_id, 'community_id': post.community_id}).scalar() moderator = db.session.execute(text('SELECT is_moderator FROM "community_member" WHERE user_id = :user_id and community_id = :community_id'), {'user_id': post.user_id, 'community_id': post.community_id}).scalar() admin = db.session.execute(text('SELECT user_id FROM "user_role" WHERE user_id = :user_id and role_id = 4'), {'user_id': post.user_id}).scalar() else: banned = False moderator = False admin = False if my_vote == 0 and user_id is not None: post_vote = db.session.execute(text('SELECT effect FROM "post_vote" WHERE post_id = :post_id and user_id = :user_id'), {'post_id':, 'user_id': user_id}).scalar() effect = post_vote if post_vote else 0 else: effect = my_vote my_vote = int(effect) saved = True if bookmarked else False activity_alert = True if post_sub else False creator_banned_from_community = True if banned else False creator_is_moderator = True if moderator else False creator_is_admin = True if admin else False subscribe_type = 'Subscribed' if followed else 'NotSubscribed' v2 = {'post': post_view(post=post, variant=1, stub=stub), 'counts': counts, 'banned_from_community': False, 'subscribed': subscribe_type, 'saved': saved, 'read': False, 'hidden': False, 'unread_comments': post.reply_count, 'my_vote': my_vote, 'activity_alert': activity_alert, 'creator_banned_from_community': creator_banned_from_community, 'creator_is_moderator': creator_is_moderator, 'creator_is_admin': creator_is_admin} try: creator = user_view(user=post.user_id, variant=1, stub=True) community = community_view(community=post.community_id, variant=1, stub=True) v2.update({'creator': creator, 'community': community}) except: raise return v2 # Variant 3 - models/post/get_post_response.dart - /post api endpoint if variant == 3: modlist = cached_modlist_for_community(post.community_id) xplist = [] if post.cross_posts: for xp_id in post.cross_posts: entry = post_view(post=xp_id, variant=2, stub=True) xplist.append(entry) v3 = {'post_view': post_view(post=post, variant=2, user_id=user_id), 'community_view': community_view(community=post.community_id, variant=2), 'moderators': modlist, 'cross_posts': xplist} return v3 # Variant 4 - models/post/post_response.dart - api endpoint for /post/like and post/save if variant == 4: v4 = {'post_view': post_view(post=post, variant=2, user_id=user_id)} return v4 @cache.memoize(timeout=600) def cached_user_view_variant_1(user: User, stub=False): include = ['id', 'user_name', 'title', 'banned', 'deleted', 'bot'] v1 = { getattr(user, for column in user.__table__.columns if in include} v1.update({'published': user.created.isoformat() + 'Z', 'actor_id': user.public_url(), 'local': user.is_local(), 'instance_id': user.instance_id if user.instance_id else 1}) if user.about and not stub: v1['about'] = user.about if user.avatar_id: v1['avatar'] = user.avatar.view_url() if user.cover_id and not stub: v1['banner'] = user.cover.view_url() return v1 # 'user' param can be anyone (including the logged in user), 'user_id' param belongs to the user making the request def user_view(user: User | int, variant, stub=False, user_id=None): if isinstance(user, int): user = User.query.get(user) if not user: raise Exception('user_not_found') # Variant 1 - models/person/person.dart if variant == 1: return cached_user_view_variant_1(user=user, stub=stub) # Variant 2 - views/person_view.dart if variant == 2: counts = {'person_id':, 'post_count': user.post_count, 'comment_count': user.post_reply_count} v2 = {'person': user_view(user=user, variant=1), 'counts': counts, 'is_admin': user.is_admin()} return v2 # Variant 3 - models/user/get_person_details.dart - /user?person_id api endpoint if variant == 3: modlist = cached_modlist_for_user(user) v3 = {'person_view': user_view(user=user, variant=2), 'moderates': modlist, 'posts': [], 'comments': []} return v3 # Variant 4 - models/user/block_person_response.dart - /user/block api endpoint if variant == 4: block = db.session.execute(text('SELECT blocker_id FROM "user_block" WHERE blocker_id = :blocker_id and blocked_id = :blocked_id'), {'blocker_id': user_id, 'blocked_id':}).scalar() blocked = True if block else False v4 = {'person_view': user_view(user=user, variant=2), 'blocked': blocked} return v4 @cache.memoize(timeout=600) def cached_community_view_variant_1(community: Community, stub=False): include = ['id', 'name', 'title', 'banned', 'nsfw', 'restricted_to_mods'] v1 = { getattr(community, for column in community.__table__.columns if in include} v1.update({'published': community.created_at.isoformat() + 'Z', 'updated': community.created_at.isoformat() + 'Z', 'deleted': False, 'removed': False, 'actor_id': community.public_url(), 'local': community.is_local(), 'hidden': not community.show_all, 'instance_id': community.instance_id if community.instance_id else 1}) if community.description and not stub: v1['description'] = community.description if community.icon_id: v1['icon'] = community.icon.view_url() if community.image_id and not stub: v1['banner'] = community.image.view_url() return v1 def community_view(community: Community | int | str, variant, stub=False, user_id=None): if isinstance(community, int): community = Community.query.get(community) elif isinstance(community, str): name, ap_domain = community.split('@') community = Community.query.filter_by(name=name, ap_domain=ap_domain).first() if not community: raise Exception('community_not_found') # Variant 1 - models/community/community.dart if variant == 1: return cached_community_view_variant_1(community=community, stub=stub) # Variant 2 - views/community_view.dart - /community/list api endpoint if variant == 2: # counts - models/community/community_aggregates include = ['id', 'subscriptions_count', 'post_count', 'post_reply_count'] counts = { getattr(community, for column in community.__table__.columns if in include} counts.update({'published': community.created_at.isoformat() + 'Z'}) if user_id: followed = db.session.execute(text('SELECT user_id FROM "community_member" WHERE community_id = :community_id and user_id = :user_id'), {"community_id":, "user_id": user_id}).scalar() blocked = True if in blocked_communities(user_id) else False else: followed = blocked = False subscribe_type = 'Subscribed' if followed else 'NotSubscribed' v2 = {'community': community_view(community=community, variant=1, stub=stub), 'subscribed': subscribe_type, 'blocked': blocked, 'counts': counts} return v2 # Variant 3 - models/community/get_community_response.dart - /community api endpoint if variant == 3: modlist = cached_modlist_for_community( v3 = {'community_view': community_view(community=community, variant=2, stub=False, user_id=user_id), 'moderators': modlist, 'discussion_languages': []} return v3 # Variant 4 - models/community/community_response.dart - /community/follow api endpoint if variant == 4: v4 = {'community_view': community_view(community=community, variant=2, stub=False, user_id=user_id), 'discussion_languages': []} return v4 # Variant 5 - models/community/block_community_response.dart - /community/block api endpoint if variant == 5: block = db.session.execute(text('SELECT user_id FROM "community_block" WHERE user_id = :user_id and community_id = :community_id'), {'user_id': user_id, 'community_id':}).scalar() blocked = True if block else False v5 = {'community_view': community_view(community=community, variant=2, stub=False, user_id=user_id), 'blocked': blocked} return v5 # would be better to incrementally add to a post_reply.path field @cache.memoize(timeout=86400) def calculate_path(reply): path = "0." + str( if reply.depth == 1: path = "0." + str(reply.parent_id) + "." + str( elif reply.depth > 1: path = "0" parent_id = reply.parent_id depth = reply.depth - 1 path_ids = [, reply.parent_id] while depth > 0: pid = db.session.execute(text('SELECT parent_id FROM "post_reply" WHERE id = :parent_id'), {'parent_id': parent_id}).scalar() path_ids.append(pid) parent_id = pid depth -= 1 for pid in path_ids[::-1]: path += "." + str(pid) return path # would be better to incrementally add to a post_reply.child_count field (walk along .path, and ++ each one) @cache.memoize(timeout=86400) def calculate_if_has_children(reply): # result used as True / False return db.session.execute(text('SELECT COUNT(id) AS c FROM "post_reply" WHERE parent_id = :id'), {'id':}).scalar() def reply_view(reply: PostReply | int, variant, user_id=None, my_vote=0): if isinstance(reply, int): reply = PostReply.query.get(reply) if not reply or reply.deleted: raise Exception('reply_not_found') # Variant 1 - models/comment/comment.dart if variant == 1: include = ['id', 'user_id', 'post_id', 'body', 'deleted'] v1 = { getattr(reply, for column in reply.__table__.columns if in include} v1['path'] = calculate_path(reply) v1.update({'published': reply.posted_at.isoformat() + 'Z', 'ap_id': reply.profile_id(), 'local': reply.is_local(), 'language_id': reply.language_id if reply.language_id else 0, 'removed': reply.deleted, 'distinguished': False}) return v1 # Variant 2 - views/comment_view.dart - /comment/list api endpoint if variant == 2: # counts - models/comment/comment_aggregates.dart counts = {'comment_id':, 'score': reply.score, 'upvotes': reply.up_votes, 'downvotes': reply.down_votes, 'published': reply.posted_at.isoformat() + 'Z', 'child_count': 1 if calculate_if_has_children(reply) else 0} bookmarked = db.session.execute(text('SELECT user_id FROM "post_reply_bookmark" WHERE post_reply_id = :post_reply_id and user_id = :user_id'), {'post_reply_id':, 'user_id': user_id}).scalar() reply_sub = db.session.execute(text('SELECT user_id FROM "notification_subscription" WHERE type = :type and entity_id = :entity_id and user_id = :user_id'), {'type': NOTIF_REPLY, 'entity_id':, 'user_id': user_id}).scalar() banned = db.session.execute(text('SELECT user_id FROM "community_ban" WHERE user_id = :user_id and community_id = :community_id'), {'user_id': reply.user_id, 'community_id': reply.community_id}).scalar() moderator = db.session.execute(text('SELECT is_moderator FROM "community_member" WHERE user_id = :user_id and community_id = :community_id'), {'user_id': reply.user_id, 'community_id': reply.community_id}).scalar() admin = db.session.execute(text('SELECT user_id FROM "user_role" WHERE user_id = :user_id and role_id = 4'), {'user_id': reply.user_id}).scalar() if my_vote == 0 and user_id is not None: reply_vote = db.session.execute(text('SELECT effect FROM "post_reply_vote" WHERE post_reply_id = :post_reply_id and user_id = :user_id'), {'post_reply_id':, 'user_id': user_id}).scalar() effect = reply_vote if reply_vote else 0 else: effect = my_vote my_vote = int(effect) saved = True if bookmarked else False activity_alert = True if reply_sub else False creator_banned_from_community = True if banned else False creator_is_moderator = True if moderator else False creator_is_admin = True if admin else False v2 = {'comment': reply_view(reply=reply, variant=1), 'counts': counts, 'banned_from_community': False, 'subscribed': 'NotSubscribed', 'saved': saved, 'creator_blocked': False, 'my_vote': my_vote, 'activity_alert': activity_alert, 'creator_banned_from_community': creator_banned_from_community, 'creator_is_moderator': creator_is_moderator, 'creator_is_admin': creator_is_admin} try: creator = user_view(user=reply.user_id, variant=1, stub=True) community = community_view(community=reply.community_id, variant=1, stub=True) post = post_view(post=reply.post_id, variant=1) v2.update({'creator': creator, 'community': community, 'post': post}) except: raise return v2 # Variant 3 - would be for /comment api endpoint # Variant 4 - models/comment/comment_response.dart - /comment/like api endpoint if variant == 4: v4 = {'comment_view': reply_view(reply=reply, variant=2, user_id=user_id)} return v4 @cache.memoize(timeout=86400) def cached_modlist_for_community(community_id): moderator_ids = db.session.execute(text('SELECT user_id FROM "community_member" WHERE community_id = :community_id and is_moderator = True'), {'community_id': community_id}).scalars() modlist = [] for m_id in moderator_ids: entry = { 'community': community_view(community=community_id, variant=1, stub=True), 'moderator': user_view(user=m_id, variant=1, stub=True) } modlist.append(entry) return modlist @cache.memoize(timeout=86400) def cached_modlist_for_user(user): community_ids = db.session.execute(text('SELECT community_id FROM "community_member" WHERE user_id = :user_id and is_moderator = True'), {'user_id':}).scalars() modlist = [] for c_id in community_ids: entry = { 'community': community_view(community=c_id, variant=1, stub=True), 'moderator': user_view(user=user, variant=1, stub=True) } modlist.append(entry) return modlist