{% if post.reports and current_user.is_authenticated and post.community.is_moderator(current_user) %} {% endif %}submitted {{ moment(post.posted_at).fromNow() }} by {{ render_username(post.author) }} {% if post.edited_at %} edited {{ moment(post.edited_at).fromNow() }}{% endif %}
{% if post.reports and current_user.is_authenticated and post.community.is_moderator(current_user) %} {% endif %}submitted {{ moment(post.posted_at).fromNow() }} by {{ render_username(post.author) }} {% if post.edited_at %} edited {{ moment(post.edited_at).fromNow() }}{% endif %}
{% if post.type == POST_TYPE_LINK %} {% if 'youtube.com' in post.url %} {% endif %} {% elif post.type == POST_TYPE_IMAGE %} {% else %} {% if post.image_id and not (post.url and 'youtube.com' in post.url) %} {% endif %} {% endif %} {{ post.body_html|safe if post.body_html else '' }}