if(!setTheme) { const setTheme = theme => { if (theme === 'auto' && window.matchMedia('(prefers-color-scheme: dark)').matches) { document.documentElement.setAttribute('data-bs-theme', 'dark') } else { document.documentElement.setAttribute('data-bs-theme', theme) } } } // fires after DOM is ready for manipulation document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", function () { setupYouTubeLazyLoad(); setupCommunityNameInput(); setupShowMoreLinks(); setupConfirmFirst(); setupSubmitOnInputChange(); setupTimeTracking(); setupMobileNav(); setupLightDark(); setupKeyboardShortcuts(); setupTopicChooser(); setupConversationChooser(); setupMarkdownEditorEnabler(); setupAddPollChoice(); setupShowElementLinks(); setupLightboxTeaser(); setupLightboxPostBody(); }); function setupYouTubeLazyLoad() { const lazyVideos = document.querySelectorAll(".video-wrapper"); if ("IntersectionObserver" in window) { let videoObserver = new IntersectionObserver((entries, observer) => { entries.forEach((entry) => { if (entry.isIntersecting) { let videoWrapper = entry.target; let iframe = document.createElement("iframe"); iframe.src = videoWrapper.getAttribute("data-src"); iframe.allow = "accelerometer; autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture; fullscreen"; videoWrapper.innerHTML = ""; videoWrapper.appendChild(iframe); videoObserver.unobserve(videoWrapper); } }); }); lazyVideos.forEach((video) => { videoObserver.observe(video); }); } else { // Fallback for older browsers lazyVideos.forEach((video) => { let iframe = document.createElement("iframe"); iframe.src = video.getAttribute("data-src"); iframe.allow = "accelerometer; autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture; fullscreen"; video.innerHTML = ""; video.appendChild(iframe); }); } } // All elements with the class "showElement" will show the DOM element referenced by the data-id attribute function setupShowElementLinks() { var elements = document.querySelectorAll('.showElement'); elements.forEach(function(element) { element.addEventListener('click', function(event) { event.preventDefault(); var dataId = this.getAttribute('data-id'); var targetElement = document.getElementById(dataId); if (targetElement) { targetElement.style.display = 'inherit'; } }); }); } function renderMasonry(masonry, htmlSnippets) { const mainPane = document.querySelector('.main_pane'); const mainPaneWidth = mainPane.offsetWidth; let numColumns; if (mainPaneWidth < 600) { numColumns = 2; // 2 columns for mobile } else if (mainPaneWidth < 992) { numColumns = 3; // 3 columns for phablet } else if (mainPaneWidth < 1200) { numColumns = 4; // 4 columns for tablet or laptop } else { numColumns = 5; // 5 columns for larger screens } const columns = []; // Create and append column divs for (let i = 0; i < numColumns; i++) { const column = document.createElement('div'); column.classList.add('column'); masonry.appendChild(column); columns.push(column); } // Distribute HTML snippets to columns htmlSnippets.forEach(function(htmlSnippet, index) { const columnIndex = index % numColumns; const column = columns[columnIndex]; const item = document.createElement('div'); item.innerHTML = htmlSnippet; column.appendChild(item); }); setupLightboxGallery(); } function setupLightboxGallery() { // Check if there are elements with either "post_list_masonry_wide" or "post_list_masonry" class var galleryPosts = document.querySelectorAll('.masonry'); // Enable lightbox on masonry images if (galleryPosts.length > 0) { baguetteBox.run('.masonry', { fullScreen: false, titleTag: true, preload: 5, captions: function(element) { return element.getElementsByTagName('img')[0].title; } }); } } function setupLightboxTeaser() { function popStateListener(event) { baguetteBox.hide(); } baguetteBox.run('.post_teaser', { fullScreen: false, noScrollbars: true, async: true, preload: 3, ignoreClass: 'preview_image', afterShow: function() { window.history.pushState('#lightbox', document.title, document.location+'#lightbox'); window.addEventListener('popstate', popStateListener); function baguetteBoxClickImg(event) { if (this.style.width != "100vw" && this.offsetWidth < window.innerWidth) { this.style.width = "100vw"; this.style.maxHeight = "none"; } else { this.style.width = ""; this.style.maxHeight = ""; this.removeEventListener('click', baguetteBoxClickImg); baguetteBox.hide(); } }; for (const el of document.querySelectorAll('div#baguetteBox-overlay img')) { el.addEventListener('click', baguetteBoxClickImg); } }, afterHide: function() { if (window.history.state === '#lightbox') { window.history.back(); window.removeEventListener('popstate', popStateListener); } }, }); } function setupLightboxPostBody() { const images = document.querySelectorAll('.post_body img'); images.forEach(function(img) { const parent = img.parentNode; const link = document.createElement('a'); link.href = img.src; link.setAttribute('data-caption', img.alt); parent.replaceChild(link, img); link.appendChild(img); }); baguetteBox.run('.post_body', { fullScreen: false, titleTag: true, async: true, preload: 3 }); } // fires after all resources have loaded, including stylesheets and js files window.addEventListener("load", function () { setupHideButtons(); }); function setupMobileNav() { var navbarToggler = document.getElementById('navbar-toggler'); var navbarSupportedContent = document.getElementById('navbarSupportedContent'); navbarToggler.addEventListener("click", function(event) { toggleClass('navbarSupportedContent', 'show_menu'); var isExpanded = navbarSupportedContent.classList.contains('show_menu'); navbarToggler.setAttribute('aria-expanded', isExpanded ? 'true' : 'false'); navbarSupportedContent.setAttribute('aria-expanded', isExpanded ? 'true' : 'false'); }); if(window.innerWidth < 992) { navbarToggler.setAttribute('aria-expanded', 'false'); } } function setupLightDark() { const elem = document.getElementById('light_mode'); elem.addEventListener("click", function(event) { setTheme('light') setStoredTheme('light') }); const elem2 = document.getElementById('dark_mode'); elem2.addEventListener("click", function(event) { setTheme('dark') setStoredTheme('dark') }); } function toggleClass(elementId, className) { var element = document.getElementById(elementId); if (element.classList.contains(className)) { // If the element has the class, remove it element.classList.remove(className); } else { // If the element doesn't have the class, add it element.classList.add(className); } } function findOutermostParent(element, className) { while (element && !element.classList.contains(className)) { element = element.parentNode; } return element; } function setupAutoResize(element) { const elem = document.getElementById(element); elem.addEventListener("keyup", function(event) { const outerWrapper = findOutermostParent(elem, 'downarea'); elem.style.height = 'auto'; // Reset height to auto to calculate scrollHeight accurately elem.style.height = (elem.scrollHeight + 2) + 'px'; // Add 2px to avoid cutting off text outerWrapper.style.height = (elem.scrollHeight + 61) + 'px'; }); } // disabled for now function setupImageExpander() { // Get all elements with the class "preview_image" var imageLinks = document.querySelectorAll('.preview_image'); // Loop through each element and attach a click event listener imageLinks.forEach(function(link) { link.addEventListener('click', function(event) { event.preventDefault(); // Prevent the default behavior of the anchor link // Check if the image is already visible var image = this.nextElementSibling; // Assumes the image is always the next sibling var isImageVisible = image && image.style.display !== 'none'; // Toggle the visibility of the image if (isImageVisible) { image.remove(); // Remove the image from the DOM } else { image = document.createElement('img'); image.src = this.href; // Set the image source to the href of the anchor link image.alt = 'Image'; // Set the alt attribute for accessibility image.className = 'preview_image_shown'; // Add click event listener to the inserted image image.addEventListener('click', function() { // Replace location.href with the URL of the clicked image window.location.href = image.src; }); // Insert the image after the anchor link this.parentNode.insertBefore(image, this.nextSibling); } // Toggle a class on the anchor to indicate whether the image is being shown or not this.classList.toggle('imageVisible', !isImageVisible); }); }); } function collapseReply(comment_id) { const reply = document.getElementById('comment_' + comment_id); let isHidden = false; if(reply) { const hidables = parentElement.querySelectorAll('.hidable'); hidables.forEach(hidable => { hidable.style.display = isHidden ? 'block' : 'none'; }); const moreHidables = parentElement.parentElement.querySelectorAll('.hidable'); moreHidables.forEach(hidable => { hidable.style.display = isHidden ? 'block' : 'none'; }); // Toggle the content of hideEl if (isHidden) { hideEl.innerHTML = "[-] hide"; } else { hideEl.innerHTML = "[+] show"; } isHidden = !isHidden; // Toggle the state } } // every element with the 'confirm_first' class gets a popup confirmation dialog function setupConfirmFirst() { const show_first = document.querySelectorAll('.confirm_first'); show_first.forEach(element => { element.addEventListener("click", function(event) { if (!confirm("Are you sure?")) { event.preventDefault(); // As the user clicked "Cancel" in the dialog, prevent the default action. } }); }); const go_back = document.querySelectorAll('.go_back'); go_back.forEach(element => { element.addEventListener("click", function(event) { history.back(); event.preventDefault(); return false; }); }) const redirect_login = document.querySelectorAll('.redirect_login'); redirect_login.forEach(element => { element.addEventListener("click", function(event) { location.href = '/auth/login'; event.preventDefault(); return false; }); }); } function setupSubmitOnInputChange() { const inputElements = document.querySelectorAll('.submit_on_change'); inputElements.forEach(element => { element.addEventListener("change", function() { const form = findParentForm(element); if (form) { form.submit(); } }); }); } // Find the parent form of an element function findParentForm(element) { let currentElement = element; while (currentElement) { if (currentElement.tagName === 'FORM') { return currentElement; } currentElement = currentElement.parentElement; } return null; } function setupShowMoreLinks() { const comments = document.querySelectorAll('.comment'); comments.forEach(comment => { const content = comment.querySelector('.limit_height'); if (content && content.clientHeight > 400) { content.style.overflow = 'hidden'; content.style.maxHeight = '400px'; const showMoreLink = document.createElement('a'); showMoreLink.classList.add('show-more'); showMoreLink.classList.add('hidable'); showMoreLink.innerHTML = ''; showMoreLink.href = '#'; showMoreLink.addEventListener('click', function(event) { event.preventDefault(); content.classList.toggle('expanded'); if (content.classList.contains('expanded')) { content.style.overflow = 'visible'; content.style.maxHeight = ''; showMoreLink.innerHTML = ''; } else { content.style.overflow = 'hidden'; content.style.maxHeight = '400px'; showMoreLink.innerHTML = ''; } }); content.insertAdjacentElement('afterend', showMoreLink); } }); } function setupCommunityNameInput() { var communityNameInput = document.getElementById('community_name'); if (communityNameInput) { communityNameInput.addEventListener('keyup', function() { var urlInput = document.getElementById('url'); urlInput.value = titleToURL(communityNameInput.value); }); } } function setupHideButtons() { const hideEls2 = document.querySelectorAll('.hide_button a'); hideEls2.forEach(hideEl => { let isHidden = false; hideEl.addEventListener('click', event => { event.preventDefault(); const parentElement = hideEl.parentElement.parentElement; const hidables = parentElement.parentElement.querySelectorAll('.hidable'); hidables.forEach(hidable => { hidable.style.display = 'none'; }); const unhide = parentElement.parentElement.querySelectorAll('.unhide'); unhide[0].style.display = 'inline-block'; }); }); const showEls = document.querySelectorAll('a.unhide'); showEls.forEach(showEl => { showEl.addEventListener('click', event => { event.preventDefault(); showEl.style.display = 'none'; const hidables = showEl.parentElement.parentElement.parentElement.querySelectorAll('.hidable'); hidables.forEach(hidable => { hidable.style.display = ''; }); }); }); if(typeof toBeHidden !== "undefined" && toBeHidden) { toBeHidden.forEach((arrayElement) => { // Build the ID of the outer div const divId = "comment_" + arrayElement; // Access the outer div by its ID const commentDiv = document.getElementById(divId); if (commentDiv) { // Access the inner div with class "hide_button" inside the outer div const hideButton = commentDiv.querySelectorAll(".hide_button a"); if (hideButton) { // Programmatically trigger a click event on the "hide_button" anchor hideButton[0].click(); } else { console.log(`"hide_button" not found in ${divId}`); } } else { console.log(`Div with ID ${divId} not found`); } }); } } function titleToURL(title) { // Convert the title to lowercase and replace spaces with hyphens return title.toLowerCase().replace(/\s+/g, '_'); } var timeTrackingInterval; var currentlyVisible = true; function setupTimeTracking() { // Check for Page Visibility API support if (document.visibilityState) { const lastUpdate = new Date(localStorage.getItem('lastUpdate')) || new Date(); // Initialize variables to track time let timeSpent = parseInt(localStorage.getItem('timeSpent')) || 0; displayTimeTracked(); timeTrackingInterval = setInterval(() => { timeSpent += 2; localStorage.setItem('timeSpent', timeSpent); // Display timeSpent displayTimeTracked(); }, 2000) // Event listener for visibility changes document.addEventListener("visibilitychange", function() { const currentDate = new Date(); if (currentDate.getMonth() !== lastUpdate.getMonth() || currentDate.getFullYear() !== lastUpdate.getFullYear()) { // Reset counter for a new month timeSpent = 0; localStorage.setItem('timeSpent', timeSpent); localStorage.setItem('lastUpdate', currentDate.toString()); displayTimeTracked(); } if (document.visibilityState === "visible") { console.log('visible') currentlyVisible = true timeTrackingInterval = setInterval(() => { timeSpent += 2; localStorage.setItem('timeSpent', timeSpent); displayTimeTracked(); }, 2000) } else { currentlyVisible = false; if(timeTrackingInterval) { clearInterval(timeTrackingInterval); } } }); } } var currentPost; // keep track of which is the current post. Set by mouse movements (see const votableElements) and by J and K key presses var showCurrentPost = false; // when true, the currently selected post will be visibly different from the others. Set to true by J and K key presses function setupKeyboardShortcuts() { document.addEventListener('keydown', function(event) { if (document.activeElement.tagName !== 'INPUT' && document.activeElement.tagName !== 'TEXTAREA') { if(document.activeElement.classList.contains('skip-link')) { return; } var didSomething = false; if(event.shiftKey && event.key === '?') { location.href = '/keyboard_shortcuts'; didSomething = true; } else if (event.key === 'a') { if(currentPost) { currentPost.querySelector('.upvote_button').click(); didSomething = true; } } else if (event.key === 'z') { if(currentPost) { currentPost.querySelector('.downvote_button').click(); didSomething = true; } } else if (event.key === 'x') { if(currentPost) { currentPost.querySelector('.preview_image').click(); didSomething = true; } } else if (event.key === 'l') { if (currentPost) { currentPost.querySelector('.post_link').click(); didSomething = true; } } else if (event.key === 'Enter') { if(currentPost && document.activeElement.tagName !== 'a') { currentPost.querySelector('.post_teaser_title_a').click(); didSomething = true; } } else if (event.key === 'j') { showCurrentPost = true; if(currentPost) { if(currentPost.nextElementSibling) { var elementToRemoveClass = document.querySelector('.post_teaser.current_post'); if(elementToRemoveClass) elementToRemoveClass.classList.remove('current_post'); currentPost = currentPost.nextElementSibling; currentPost.classList.add('current_post'); } didSomething = true; } else { currentPost = document.querySelector('.post_teaser'); currentPost.classList.add('current_post'); } // Check if the current post is out of the viewport var rect = currentPost.getBoundingClientRect(); if (rect.bottom > window.innerHeight || rect.top < 0) { currentPost.scrollIntoView({ behavior: 'smooth', block: 'start' }); } } else if (event.key === 'k') { showCurrentPost = true; if(currentPost) { if(currentPost.previousElementSibling) { var elementToRemoveClass = document.querySelector('.post_teaser.current_post'); if(elementToRemoveClass) elementToRemoveClass.classList.remove('current_post'); currentPost = currentPost.previousElementSibling; currentPost.classList.add('current_post'); } didSomething = true; } else { currentPost = document.querySelector('.post_teaser'); currentPost.classList.add('current_post'); } // Check if the current post is out of the viewport var rect = currentPost.getBoundingClientRect(); if (rect.bottom > window.innerHeight || rect.top < 0) { currentPost.scrollIntoView({ behavior: 'smooth', block: 'end' }); } } if(didSomething) { event.preventDefault(); } } // While typing a post or reply, Ctrl + Enter submits the form if(document.activeElement.tagName === 'TEXTAREA') { if (event.ctrlKey && event.key === 'Enter') { var form = document.activeElement.closest('form'); if (form) { form.submit.click(); } } } }); const votableElements = document.querySelectorAll('.post_teaser, .post_type_image, .post_type_normal'); votableElements.forEach(votable => { votable.addEventListener('mouseover', event => { currentPost = event.currentTarget; if(showCurrentPost) { var elementToRemoveClass = document.querySelector('.post_teaser.current_post'); elementToRemoveClass.classList.remove('current_post'); currentPost.classList.add('current_post'); } }); votable.addEventListener('mouseout', event => { //currentPost = null; if(showCurrentPost) { //var elementToRemoveClass = document.querySelector('.post_teaser.current_post'); //elementToRemoveClass.classList.remove('current_post'); } }); }); } function setupTopicChooser() { // at /topic/news/submit, clicking on an anchor element needs to save the clicked community id to a hidden field and then submit the form var chooseTopicLinks = document.querySelectorAll('a.choose_topic_for_post'); chooseTopicLinks.forEach(function(link) { link.addEventListener('click', function(event) { event.preventDefault(); var communityIdInput = document.getElementById('community_id'); var communityForm = document.getElementById('choose_community'); // Set the value of the hidden input field if (communityIdInput) { communityIdInput.value = this.getAttribute('data-id'); } if (communityForm) { communityForm.submit(); } }); }); } function setupConversationChooser() { const changeSender = document.getElementById('changeSender'); if(changeSender) { changeSender.addEventListener('change', function() { const user_id = changeSender.options[changeSender.selectedIndex].value; location.href = '/chat/' + user_id; }); } } function formatTime(seconds) { const hours = Math.floor(seconds / 3600); const minutes = Math.floor((seconds % 3600) / 60); let result = ''; if (hours > 0) { result += `${hours} ${hours === 1 ? 'hour' : 'hours'}`; } if (minutes > 0) { if (result !== '') { result += ' '; } result += `${minutes} ${minutes === 1 ? 'minute' : 'minutes'}`; } if (result === '') { result = 'Less than a minute'; } return result; } function displayTimeTracked() { const timeSpentElement = document.getElementById('timeSpent'); let timeSpent = parseInt(localStorage.getItem('timeSpent')) || 0; if(timeSpentElement && timeSpent) { timeSpentElement.textContent = formatTime(timeSpent) } } function setupMarkdownEditorEnabler() { const markdownEnablerLinks = document.querySelectorAll('.markdown_editor_enabler'); markdownEnablerLinks.forEach(function(link) { link.addEventListener('click', function(event) { event.preventDefault(); const dataId = link.dataset.id; if(dataId) { var downarea = new DownArea({ elem: document.querySelector('#' + dataId), resize: DownArea.RESIZE_VERTICAL, hide: ['heading', 'bold-italic'], value: document.getElementById(dataId).value }); setupAutoResize(dataId); link.style.display = 'none'; } }); }); } function setupAddPollChoice() { const addChoiceButton = document.getElementById('addPollChoice'); const pollChoicesFieldset = document.getElementById('pollChoicesFieldset'); if(pollChoicesFieldset == null) { return; } const formGroups = pollChoicesFieldset.getElementsByClassName('form-group'); if(addChoiceButton && addChoiceButton) { addChoiceButton.addEventListener('click', function(event) { // Loop through the form groups and show the first hidden one for (let i = 0; i < formGroups.length; i++) { if (formGroups[i].style.display === 'none') { formGroups[i].style.display = 'block'; break; // Stop once we've shown the next hidden form group } } }); } } function getCookie(name) { var cookies = document.cookie.split(';'); for (var i = 0; i < cookies.length; i++) { var cookie = cookies[i].trim(); if (cookie.indexOf(name + '=') === 0) { return cookie.substring(name.length + 1); } } return null; } /* register a service worker */ if ('serviceWorker' in navigator) { window.addEventListener('load', function() { navigator.serviceWorker.register('/static/service_worker.js', {scope: '/static/'}).then(function(registration) { // Registration was successful // console.log('ServiceWorker2 registration successful with scope: ', registration.scope); }, function(err) { // registration failed :( console.log('ServiceWorker registration failed: ', err); }); }); }