from flask import redirect, url_for, flash, request, make_response, session, Markup, current_app, abort from flask_login import login_user, logout_user, current_user, login_required from flask_babel import _ from pillow_heif import register_heif_opener from sqlalchemy import or_, desc from app import db, constants, cache from app.activitypub.signature import RsaKeys, HttpSignature from app.activitypub.util import default_context from import SearchRemoteCommunity, AddLocalCommunity, CreatePostForm from import search_for_community, community_url_exists, actor_to_community, \ ensure_directory_exists, opengraph_parse, url_to_thumbnail_file, save_post, save_icon_file, save_banner_file from app.constants import SUBSCRIPTION_MEMBER, SUBSCRIPTION_OWNER, POST_TYPE_LINK, POST_TYPE_ARTICLE, POST_TYPE_IMAGE, \ SUBSCRIPTION_PENDING from app.models import User, Community, CommunityMember, CommunityJoinRequest, CommunityBan, Post, \ File, PostVote from import bp from app.utils import get_setting, render_template, allowlist_html, markdown_to_html, validation_required, \ shorten_string, markdown_to_text, domain_from_url, validate_image, gibberish, community_membership, ap_datetime import os from PIL import Image, ImageOps from datetime import datetime @bp.route('/add_local', methods=['GET', 'POST']) @login_required def add_local(): form = AddLocalCommunity() if get_setting('allow_nsfw', False) is False: form.nsfw.render_kw = {'disabled': True} if form.validate_on_submit() and not community_url_exists( # todo: more intense data validation if'/c/'): =[3:] private_key, public_key = RsaKeys.generate_keypair() community = Community(,,,,, private_key=private_key, public_key=public_key, ap_profile_id=current_app.config['SERVER_NAME'] + '/c/' +, subscriptions_count=1) icon_file = request.files['icon_file'] if icon_file and icon_file.filename != '': file = save_icon_file(icon_file) if file: community.icon = file banner_file = request.files['banner_file'] if banner_file and banner_file.filename != '': file = save_banner_file(banner_file) if file: community.image = file db.session.add(community) db.session.commit() membership = CommunityMember(,, is_moderator=True, is_owner=True) db.session.add(membership) db.session.commit() flash(_('Your new community has been created.')) return redirect('/c/' + return render_template('community/add_local.html', title=_('Create community'), form=form) @bp.route('/add_remote', methods=['GET', 'POST']) @login_required def add_remote(): form = SearchRemoteCommunity() new_community = None if form.validate_on_submit(): address = if address.startswith('!') and '@' in address: new_community = search_for_community(address) elif address.startswith('@') and '@' in address[1:]: # todo: the user is searching for a person instead ... elif '@' in address: new_community = search_for_community('!' + address) else: message = Markup( 'Type address in the format ! Search on to find some.') flash(message, 'error') return render_template('community/add_remote.html', title=_('Add remote community'), form=form, new_community=new_community, subscribed=community_membership(current_user, new_community) >= SUBSCRIPTION_MEMBER) # @bp.route('/c/', methods=['GET']) - defined in activitypub/, which calls this function for user requests. A bit weird. def show_community(community: Community): mods = community.moderators() is_moderator = current_user.is_authenticated and any(mod.user_id == for mod in mods) is_owner = current_user.is_authenticated and any( mod.user_id == and mod.is_owner == True for mod in mods) if community.private_mods: mod_list = [] else: mod_user_ids = [mod.user_id for mod in mods] mod_list = User.query.filter( if current_user.is_anonymous or current_user.ignore_bots: posts = community.posts.filter(Post.from_bot == False).order_by(desc(Post.last_active)).all() else: posts = community.posts.order_by(desc(Post.last_active)).all() description = shorten_string(community.description, 150) if community.description else None og_image = community.image.source_url if community.image_id else None return render_template('community/community.html', community=community, title=community.title, is_moderator=is_moderator, is_owner=is_owner, mods=mod_list, posts=posts, description=description, og_image=og_image, POST_TYPE_IMAGE=POST_TYPE_IMAGE, POST_TYPE_LINK=POST_TYPE_LINK, SUBSCRIPTION_PENDING=SUBSCRIPTION_PENDING, SUBSCRIPTION_MEMBER=SUBSCRIPTION_MEMBER) @bp.route('//subscribe', methods=['GET']) @login_required @validation_required def subscribe(actor): remote = False actor = actor.strip() if '@' in actor: community = Community.query.filter_by(banned=False, ap_id=actor).first() remote = True else: community = Community.query.filter_by(name=actor, banned=False, ap_id=None).first() if community is not None: if community_membership(current_user, community) != SUBSCRIPTION_MEMBER and community_membership(current_user, community) != SUBSCRIPTION_PENDING: if remote: # send ActivityPub message to remote community, asking to follow. Accept message will be sent to our shared inbox join_request = CommunityJoinRequest(, db.session.add(join_request) db.session.commit() follow = { "actor": f"https://{current_app.config['SERVER_NAME']}/u/{current_user.user_name}", "to": [community.ap_profile_id], "object": community.ap_profile_id, "type": "Follow", "id": f"https://{current_app.config['SERVER_NAME']}/activities/follow/{}" } try: message = HttpSignature.signed_request(community.ap_inbox_url, follow, current_user.private_key, current_user.profile_id() + '#main-key') if message.status_code == 200: flash('Your request to subscribe has been sent to ' + community.title) else: flash('Response status code was not 200', 'warning') current_app.logger.error('Response code for subscription attempt was ' + str(message.status_code) + ' ' + message.text) except Exception as ex: flash('Failed to send request to subscribe: ' + str(ex), 'error') current_app.logger.error("Exception while trying to subscribe" + str(ex)) else: # for local communities, joining is instant banned = CommunityBan.query.filter_by(, if banned: flash('You cannot join this community') member = CommunityMember(, db.session.add(member) db.session.commit() flash('You are subscribed to ' + community.title) referrer = request.headers.get('Referer', None) if referrer is not None: return redirect(referrer) else: return redirect('/c/' + actor) else: abort(404) @bp.route('//unsubscribe', methods=['GET']) @login_required def unsubscribe(actor): community = actor_to_community(actor) if community is not None: subscription = community_membership(current_user, community) if subscription: if subscription != SUBSCRIPTION_OWNER: proceed = True # Undo the Follow if '@' in actor: # this is a remote community, so activitypub is needed follow = { "actor": f"https://{current_app.config['SERVER_NAME']}/u/{current_user.user_name}", "to": [community.ap_profile_id], "object": community.ap_profile_id, "type": "Follow", "id": f"https://{current_app.config['SERVER_NAME']}/activities/follow/{gibberish(15)}" } undo = { 'actor': current_user.profile_id(), 'to': [community.ap_profile_id], 'type': 'Undo', 'id': f"https://{current_app.config['SERVER_NAME']}/activities/undo/" + gibberish(15), 'object': follow } try: message = HttpSignature.signed_request(community.ap_inbox_url, undo, current_user.private_key, current_user.profile_id() + '#main-key') if message.status_code != 200: flash('Response status code was not 200', 'warning') current_app.logger.error('Response code for unsubscription attempt was ' + str(message.status_code) + ' ' + message.text) proceed = False except Exception as ex: proceed = False flash('Failed to send request to unsubscribe: ' + str(ex), 'error') current_app.logger.error("Exception while trying to unsubscribe" + str(ex)) if proceed: db.session.query(CommunityMember).filter_by(, db.session.query(CommunityJoinRequest).filter_by(, db.session.commit() flash('You are unsubscribed from ' + community.title) cache.delete_memoized(community_membership, current_user, community) else: # todo: community deletion flash('You need to make someone else the owner before unsubscribing.', 'warning') # send them back where they came from referrer = request.headers.get('Referer', None) if referrer is not None: return redirect(referrer) else: return redirect('/c/' + actor) else: abort(404) @bp.route('//submit', methods=['GET', 'POST']) @login_required @validation_required def add_post(actor): community = actor_to_community(actor) form = CreatePostForm() if get_setting('allow_nsfw', False) is False: form.nsfw.render_kw = {'disabled': True} if get_setting('allow_nsfl', False) is False: form.nsfl.render_kw = {'disabled': True} if community.nsfw: = True form.nsfw.render_kw = {'disabled': True} if community.nsfl: = True form.nsfw.render_kw = {'disabled': True} images_disabled = 'disabled' if not get_setting('allow_local_image_posts', True) else '' # bug: this will disable posting of images to *remote* hosts too form.communities.choices = [(, c.display_name()) for c in current_user.communities()] if form.validate_on_submit(): post = Post(, save_post(form, post) community.post_count += 1 community.last_active = datetime.utcnow() db.session.commit() post.ap_id = f"https://{current_app.config['SERVER_NAME']}/post/{}" db.session.commit() if not community.is_local(): # this is a remote community - send the post to the instance that hosts it page = { 'type': 'Page', 'id': post.ap_id, 'attributedTo': current_user.ap_profile_id, 'to': [ community.ap_profile_id, '' ], 'name': post.title, 'cc': [], 'content': post.body_html, 'mediaType': 'text/html', 'source': { 'content': post.body, 'mediaType': 'text/markdown' }, 'attachment': [], 'commentsEnabled': post.comments_enabled, 'sensitive': post.nsfw, 'nsfl': post.nsfl, 'published': ap_datetime(datetime.utcnow()), 'audience': community.ap_profile_id } create = { "id": f"https://{current_app.config['SERVER_NAME']}/activities/create/{gibberish(15)}", "actor": current_user.ap_profile_id, "to": [ "" ], "cc": [ community.ap_profile_id ], "type": "Create", "audience": community.ap_profile_id, "object": page } try: message = HttpSignature.signed_request(community.ap_inbox_url, create, current_user.private_key, current_user.ap_profile_id + '#main-key') if message.status_code == 200: flash('Your post has been sent to ' + community.title) else: flash('Response status code was not 200', 'warning') current_app.logger.error('Response code for post attempt was ' + str(message.status_code) + ' ' + message.text) except Exception as ex: flash('Failed to send request to subscribe: ' + str(ex), 'error') current_app.logger.error("Exception while trying to subscribe" + str(ex)) else: # local community - send post out to followers ... return redirect(f"/c/{}") else: = = True return render_template('community/add_post.html', title=_('Add post to community'), form=form, community=community, images_disabled=images_disabled)