from app import celery, db from app.activitypub.signature import default_context, post_request from app.constants import POST_TYPE_LINK, POST_TYPE_ARTICLE, POST_TYPE_IMAGE, POST_TYPE_VIDEO, POST_TYPE_POLL, MICROBLOG_APPS from app.models import CommunityBan, Instance, Notification, Poll, PollChoice, Post, User, UserFollower, utcnow from app.user.utils import search_for_user from app.utils import gibberish, instance_banned, ap_datetime from flask import current_app from flask_babel import _ import re """ Post JSON format { 'id': 'type': 'attributedTo': 'to': [] 'cc': [] 'tag': [] 'audience': 'content': 'mediaType': 'source': {} 'inReplyTo': (only added for Mentions and user followers, as Note with inReplyTo: None) 'published': 'updated': (inner oject of Update only) 'language': {} 'name': (not included in Polls, which are sent out as microblogs) 'attachment': [] 'commentsEnabled': 'sensitive': 'nsfl': 'stickied': 'image': (for posts with thumbnails only) 'endTime': (last 3 are for polls) 'votersCount': 'oneOf' / 'anyOf': } """ """ Create / Update / Announce JSON format { 'id': 'type': 'actor': 'object': 'to': [] 'cc': [] '@context': (outer object only) 'audience': (not in Announce) } """ @celery.task def make_post(send_async, user_id, post_id): send_post(user_id, post_id) @celery.task def edit_post(send_async, user_id, post_id): send_post(user_id, post_id, edit=True) def send_post(user_id, post_id, edit=False): user = User.query.filter_by(id=user_id).one() post = Post.query.filter_by(id=post_id).one() community = # Find any users Mentioned in post body with @user@instance syntax recipients = [] pattern = r"@([a-zA-Z0-9_.-]*)@([a-zA-Z0-9_.-]*)\b" matches = re.finditer(pattern, post.body) for match in matches: recipient = None if == current_app.config['SERVER_NAME']: user_name = if user_name != user.user_name: try: recipient = search_for_user(user_name) except: pass else: ap_id = f"{}@{}" try: recipient = search_for_user(ap_id) except: pass if recipient: add_recipient = True for existing_recipient in recipients: if ((not recipient.ap_id and recipient.user_name == existing_recipient.user_name) or (recipient.ap_id and recipient.ap_id == existing_recipient.ap_id)): add_recipient = False break if add_recipient: recipients.append(recipient) # Notify any local users that have been Mentioned for recipient in recipients: if recipient.is_local(): if edit: existing_notification = Notification.query.filter(Notification.user_id ==, Notification.url == f"https://{current_app.config['SERVER_NAME']}/post/{}").first() else: existing_notification = None if not existing_notification: notification = Notification(, title=_(f"You have been mentioned in post {}"), url=f"https://{current_app.config['SERVER_NAME']}/post/{}", recipient.unread_notifications += 1 db.session.add(notification) db.session.commit() if not return # local_only communities can also be used to send activity to User Followers # return now though, if there aren't any followers = UserFollower.query.filter_by(local_user_id=post.user_id).all() if not followers and community.local_only: return banned = CommunityBan.query.filter_by(user_id=user_id, if banned: return if not community.is_local(): if user.has_blocked_instance( or instance_banned(community.instance.domain): return type = 'Question' if post.type == POST_TYPE_POLL else 'Page' to = [community.public_url(), ""] cc = [] tag = post.tags_for_activitypub() for recipient in recipients: tag.append({'href': recipient.public_url(), 'name': recipient.mention_tag(), 'type': 'Mention'}) cc.append(recipient.public_url()) language = {'identifier': post.language_code(), 'name': post.language_name()} source = {'content': post.body, 'mediaType': 'text/markdown'} attachment = [] if post.type == POST_TYPE_LINK or post.type == POST_TYPE_VIDEO: attachment.append({'href': post.url, 'type': 'Link'}) elif post.type == POST_TYPE_IMAGE: attachment.append({'type': 'Image', 'url': post.image.source_url, 'name': post.image.alt_text}) page = { 'id': post.public_url(), 'type': type, 'attributedTo': user.public_url(), 'to': to, 'cc': cc, 'tag': tag, 'audience': community.public_url(), 'content': post.body_html if post.type != POST_TYPE_POLL else '
' + post.title + '
' + post.body_html, 'mediaType': 'text/html', 'source': source, 'published': ap_datetime(post.posted_at), 'language': language, 'name': post.title, 'attachment': attachment, 'commentsEnabled': post.comments_enabled, 'sensitive': post.nsfw or post.nsfl, 'nsfl': post.nsfl, 'stickied': post.sticky } if post.type != POST_TYPE_POLL: page['name'] = post.title if edit: page['updated'] = ap_datetime(utcnow()) if post.image_id: image_url = '' if post.image.source_url: image_url = post.image.source_url elif post.image.file_path: image_url = post.image.file_path.replace('app/static/', f"https://{current_app.config['SERVER_NAME']}/static/") elif post.image.thumbnail_path: image_url = post.image.thumbnail_path.replace('app/static/', f"https://{current_app.config['SERVER_NAME']}/static/") page['image'] = {'type': 'Image', 'url': image_url} if post.type == POST_TYPE_POLL: poll = Poll.query.filter_by( page['endTime'] = ap_datetime(poll.end_poll) page['votersCount'] = poll.total_votes() if edit else 0 choices = [] for choice in PollChoice.query.filter_by( choices.append({'type': 'Note', 'name': choice.choice_text, 'replies': {'type': 'Collection', 'totalItems': choice.num_votes if edit else 0}}) page['oneOf' if poll.mode == 'single' else 'anyOf'] = choices activity = 'create' if not edit else 'update' create_id = f"https://{current_app.config['SERVER_NAME']}/activities/{activity}/{gibberish(15)}" type = 'Create' if not edit else 'Update' create = { 'id': create_id, 'type': type, 'actor': user.public_url(), 'object': page, 'to': to, 'cc': cc, '@context': default_context(), 'audience': community.public_url() } domains_sent_to = [current_app.config['SERVER_NAME']] # if the community is local, and remote instance is something like Lemmy, Announce the activity # if the community is local, and remote instance is something like Mastodon, Announce creates (so the community Boosts it), but send updates directly and from the user # Announce of Poll doesn't work for Mastodon, so don't add domain to domains_sent_to, so they receive it if they're also following the User or they get Mentioned # if the community is remote, send activity directly if not community.local_only: if community.is_local(): del create['@context'] announce_id = f"https://{current_app.config['SERVER_NAME']}/activities/announce/{gibberish(15)}" actor = community.public_url() cc = [community.ap_followers_url] group_announce = { 'id': announce_id, 'type': 'Announce', 'actor': community.public_url(), 'object': create, 'to': to, 'cc': cc, '@context': default_context() } microblog_announce = { 'id': announce_id, 'type': 'Announce', 'actor': community.public_url(), 'object': post.ap_id, 'to': to, 'cc': cc, '@context': default_context() } for instance in community.following_instances(): if instance.inbox and and not user.has_blocked_instance( and not instance_banned(instance.domain): if in MICROBLOG_APPS: if activity == 'create': post_request(instance.inbox, microblog_announce, community.private_key, community.public_url() + '#main-key') else: post_request(instance.inbox, create, user.private_key, user.public_url() + '#main-key') else: post_request(instance.inbox, group_announce, community.private_key, community.public_url() + '#main-key') if post.type < POST_TYPE_POLL: domains_sent_to.append(instance.domain) else: post_request(community.ap_inbox_url, create, user.private_key, user.public_url() + '#main-key') domains_sent_to.append(community.instance.domain) # amend copy of the Create, for anyone Mentioned in post body or who is following the user, to a format more likely to be understood if '@context' not in create: create['@context'] = default_context() if 'name' in page: del page['name'] note = page if note['type'] == 'Page': note['type'] = 'Note' if post.type == POST_TYPE_LINK or post.type == POST_TYPE_VIDEO: note['content'] = '' elif post.type != POST_TYPE_POLL: note['content'] = '' + post.title + '
' if post.body_html: note['content'] = note['content'] + post.body_html note['inReplyTo'] = None create['object'] = note if not community.local_only: for recipient in recipients: if recipient.instance.domain not in domains_sent_to: post_request(recipient.instance.inbox, create, user.private_key, user.public_url() + '#main-key') domains_sent_to.append(recipient.instance.domain) if not followers: return # send the amended copy of the Create to anyone who is following the User, but hasn't already received something for follower in followers: user_details = User.query.get(follower.remote_user_id) if user_details: create['cc'].append(user_details.public_url()) instances = Instance.query.join(User, User.instance_id ==, UserFollower.remote_user_id == instances = instances.filter(UserFollower.local_user_id == post.user_id).filter(Instance.gone_forever == False) for instance in instances: if instance.domain not in domains_sent_to: post_request(instance.inbox, create, user.private_key, user.public_url() + '#main-key')