from app import db, cache from app.constants import * from app.models import CommunityBlock, CommunityMember from app.shared.tasks import task_selector from app.utils import authorise_api_user, blocked_communities from flask import current_app, flash from flask_babel import _ from flask_login import current_user # would be in app/ SRC_WEB = 1 SRC_PUB = 2 SRC_API = 3 SRC_PLD = 4 # admin preload form to seed communities # function can be shared between WEB and API (only API calls it for now) # call from admin.federation not tested def join_community(community_id: int, src, auth=None, user_id=None): if src == SRC_API: user_id = authorise_api_user(auth) send_async = not (current_app.debug or src == SRC_WEB) # False if using a browser sync_retval = task_selector('join_community', send_async, user_id=user_id, community_id=community_id, src=src) if send_async or sync_retval is True: member = CommunityMember(user_id=user_id, community_id=community_id) db.session.add(member) db.session.commit() if src == SRC_API: return user_id elif src == SRC_PLD: return sync_retval else: return # function can be shared between WEB and API (only API calls it for now) def leave_community(community_id: int, src, auth=None): user_id = authorise_api_user(auth) if src == SRC_API else cm = CommunityMember.query.filter_by(user_id=user_id, community_id=community_id).one() if not cm.is_owner: task_selector('leave_community', user_id=user_id, community_id=community_id) db.session.query(CommunityMember).filter_by(user_id=user_id, community_id=community_id).delete() db.session.commit() if src == SRC_WEB: flash('You have left the community') else: # todo: community deletion if src == SRC_API: raise Exception('need_to_make_someone_else_owner') else: flash('You need to make someone else the owner before unsubscribing.', 'warning') return if src == SRC_API: return user_id else: # let calling function handle redirect return def block_community(community_id, src, auth=None): if src == SRC_API: user_id = authorise_api_user(auth) else: user_id = existing = CommunityBlock.query.filter_by(user_id=user_id, community_id=community_id).first() if not existing: db.session.add(CommunityBlock(user_id=user_id, community_id=community_id)) db.session.commit() cache.delete_memoized(blocked_communities, user_id) if src == SRC_API: return user_id else: return # let calling function handle confirmation flash message and redirect def unblock_community(community_id, src, auth=None): if src == SRC_API: user_id = authorise_api_user(auth) else: user_id = existing_block = CommunityBlock.query.filter_by(user_id=user_id, community_id=community_id).first() if existing_block: db.session.delete(existing_block) db.session.commit() cache.delete_memoized(blocked_communities, user_id) if src == SRC_API: return user_id else: return # let calling function handle confirmation flash message and redirect