/*! * baguetteBox.js * @author feimosi * @version 1.11.1 * @url https://github.com/feimosi/baguetteBox.js */ /* global define, module */ (function (root, factory) { 'use strict'; if (typeof define === 'function' && define.amd) { define(factory); } else if (typeof exports === 'object') { module.exports = factory(); } else { root.baguetteBox = factory(); } }(this, function () { 'use strict'; // SVG shapes used on the buttons var leftArrow = '', rightArrow = '', closeX = ''; // Global options and their defaults var options = {}, defaults = { captions: true, buttons: 'auto', fullScreen: false, noScrollbars: false, bodyClass: 'baguetteBox-open', titleTag: false, async: false, preload: 2, animation: 'slideIn', afterShow: null, afterHide: null, onChange: null, overlayBackgroundColor: 'rgba(0,0,0,.8)' }; // Object containing information about features compatibility var supports = {}; // DOM Elements references var overlay, slider, previousButton, nextButton, closeButton; // An array with all images in the current gallery var currentGallery = []; // Current image index inside the slider var currentIndex = 0; // Visibility of the overlay var isOverlayVisible = false; // Touch event start position (for slide gesture) var touch = {}; // If set to true ignore touch events because animation was already fired var touchFlag = false; // Regex pattern to match image files var regex = /.+\.(gif|jpe?g|png|webp)/i; // Object of all used galleries var data = {}; // Array containing temporary images DOM elements var imagesElements = []; // The last focused element before opening the overlay var documentLastFocus = null; var overlayClickHandler = function(event) { // Close the overlay when user clicks directly on the background if (event.target.id.indexOf('baguette-img') !== -1) { hideOverlay(); } }; var previousButtonClickHandler = function(event) { event.stopPropagation ? event.stopPropagation() : event.cancelBubble = true; // eslint-disable-line no-unused-expressions showPreviousImage(); }; var nextButtonClickHandler = function(event) { event.stopPropagation ? event.stopPropagation() : event.cancelBubble = true; // eslint-disable-line no-unused-expressions showNextImage(); }; var closeButtonClickHandler = function(event) { event.stopPropagation ? event.stopPropagation() : event.cancelBubble = true; // eslint-disable-line no-unused-expressions hideOverlay(); }; var touchstartHandler = function(event) { touch.count++; if (touch.count > 1) { touch.multitouch = true; } // Save x and y axis position touch.startX = event.changedTouches[0].pageX; touch.startY = event.changedTouches[0].pageY; }; var touchmoveHandler = function(event) { // If action was already triggered or multitouch return if (touchFlag || touch.multitouch) { return; } event.preventDefault ? event.preventDefault() : event.returnValue = false; // eslint-disable-line no-unused-expressions var touchEvent = event.touches[0] || event.changedTouches[0]; // Move at least 40 pixels to trigger the action if (touchEvent.pageX - touch.startX > 40) { touchFlag = true; showPreviousImage(); } else if (touchEvent.pageX - touch.startX < -40) { touchFlag = true; showNextImage(); // Move 100 pixels up to close the overlay } else if (touch.startY - touchEvent.pageY > 100) { hideOverlay(); } }; var touchendHandler = function() { touch.count--; if (touch.count <= 0) { touch.multitouch = false; } touchFlag = false; }; var contextmenuHandler = function() { touchendHandler(); }; var trapFocusInsideOverlay = function(event) { if (overlay.style.display === 'block' && (overlay.contains && !overlay.contains(event.target))) { event.stopPropagation(); initFocus(); } }; // forEach polyfill for IE8 // http://stackoverflow.com/a/14827443/1077846 /* eslint-disable */ if (![].forEach) { Array.prototype.forEach = function(callback, thisArg) { for (var i = 0; i < this.length; i++) { callback.call(thisArg, this[i], i, this); } }; } // filter polyfill for IE8 // https://gist.github.com/eliperelman/1031656 if (![].filter) { Array.prototype.filter = function(a, b, c, d, e) { c = this; d = []; for (e = 0; e < c.length; e++) a.call(b, c[e], e, c) && d.push(c[e]); return d; }; } /* eslint-enable */ // Script entry point function run(selector, userOptions) { // Fill supports object supports.transforms = testTransformsSupport(); supports.svg = testSvgSupport(); supports.passiveEvents = testPassiveEventsSupport(); buildOverlay(); removeFromCache(selector); return bindImageClickListeners(selector, userOptions); } function bindImageClickListeners(selector, userOptions) { // For each gallery bind a click event to every image inside it var galleryNodeList = document.querySelectorAll(selector); var selectorData = { galleries: [], nodeList: galleryNodeList }; data[selector] = selectorData; [].forEach.call(galleryNodeList, function(galleryElement) { if (userOptions && userOptions.filter) { regex = userOptions.filter; } // Get nodes from gallery elements or single-element galleries var tagsNodeList = []; if (galleryElement.tagName === 'A') { tagsNodeList = [galleryElement]; } else { tagsNodeList = galleryElement.getElementsByTagName('a'); } // Filter 'a' elements from those not linking to images tagsNodeList = [].filter.call(tagsNodeList, function(element) { if (element.className.indexOf(userOptions && userOptions.ignoreClass) === -1) { return regex.test(element.href); } }); if (tagsNodeList.length === 0) { return; } var gallery = []; [].forEach.call(tagsNodeList, function(imageElement, imageIndex) { var imageElementClickHandler = function(event) { event.preventDefault ? event.preventDefault() : event.returnValue = false; // eslint-disable-line no-unused-expressions prepareOverlay(gallery, userOptions); showOverlay(imageIndex); }; var imageItem = { eventHandler: imageElementClickHandler, imageElement: imageElement }; bind(imageElement, 'click', imageElementClickHandler); gallery.push(imageItem); }); selectorData.galleries.push(gallery); }); return selectorData.galleries; } function clearCachedData() { for (var selector in data) { if (data.hasOwnProperty(selector)) { removeFromCache(selector); } } } function removeFromCache(selector) { if (!data.hasOwnProperty(selector)) { return; } var galleries = data[selector].galleries; [].forEach.call(galleries, function(gallery) { [].forEach.call(gallery, function(imageItem) { unbind(imageItem.imageElement, 'click', imageItem.eventHandler); }); if (currentGallery === gallery) { currentGallery = []; } }); delete data[selector]; } function buildOverlay() { overlay = getByID('baguetteBox-overlay'); // Check if the overlay already exists if (overlay) { slider = getByID('baguetteBox-slider'); previousButton = getByID('previous-button'); nextButton = getByID('next-button'); closeButton = getByID('close-button'); return; } // Create overlay element overlay = create('div'); overlay.setAttribute('role', 'dialog'); overlay.id = 'baguetteBox-overlay'; document.getElementsByTagName('body')[0].appendChild(overlay); // Create gallery slider element slider = create('div'); slider.id = 'baguetteBox-slider'; overlay.appendChild(slider); // Create all necessary buttons previousButton = create('button'); previousButton.setAttribute('type', 'button'); previousButton.id = 'previous-button'; previousButton.setAttribute('aria-label', 'Previous'); previousButton.innerHTML = supports.svg ? leftArrow : '<'; overlay.appendChild(previousButton); nextButton = create('button'); nextButton.setAttribute('type', 'button'); nextButton.id = 'next-button'; nextButton.setAttribute('aria-label', 'Next'); nextButton.innerHTML = supports.svg ? rightArrow : '>'; overlay.appendChild(nextButton); closeButton = create('button'); closeButton.setAttribute('type', 'button'); closeButton.id = 'close-button'; closeButton.setAttribute('aria-label', 'Close'); closeButton.innerHTML = supports.svg ? closeX : '×'; overlay.appendChild(closeButton); previousButton.className = nextButton.className = closeButton.className = 'baguetteBox-button'; bindEvents(); } function keyDownHandler(event) { switch (event.keyCode) { case 37: // Left arrow showPreviousImage(); break; case 39: // Right arrow showNextImage(); break; case 27: // Esc hideOverlay(); break; case 36: // Home showFirstImage(event); break; case 35: // End showLastImage(event); break; } } function bindEvents() { var passiveEvent = supports.passiveEvents ? { passive: false } : null; var nonPassiveEvent = supports.passiveEvents ? { passive: true } : null; bind(overlay, 'click', overlayClickHandler); bind(previousButton, 'click', previousButtonClickHandler); bind(nextButton, 'click', nextButtonClickHandler); bind(closeButton, 'click', closeButtonClickHandler); bind(slider, 'contextmenu', contextmenuHandler); bind(overlay, 'touchstart', touchstartHandler, nonPassiveEvent); bind(overlay, 'touchmove', touchmoveHandler, passiveEvent); bind(overlay, 'touchend', touchendHandler); bind(document, 'focus', trapFocusInsideOverlay, true); } function unbindEvents() { var passiveEvent = supports.passiveEvents ? { passive: false } : null; var nonPassiveEvent = supports.passiveEvents ? { passive: true } : null; unbind(overlay, 'click', overlayClickHandler); unbind(previousButton, 'click', previousButtonClickHandler); unbind(nextButton, 'click', nextButtonClickHandler); unbind(closeButton, 'click', closeButtonClickHandler); unbind(slider, 'contextmenu', contextmenuHandler); unbind(overlay, 'touchstart', touchstartHandler, nonPassiveEvent); unbind(overlay, 'touchmove', touchmoveHandler, passiveEvent); unbind(overlay, 'touchend', touchendHandler); unbind(document, 'focus', trapFocusInsideOverlay, true); } function prepareOverlay(gallery, userOptions) { // If the same gallery is being opened prevent from loading it once again if (currentGallery === gallery) { return; } currentGallery = gallery; // Update gallery specific options setOptions(userOptions); // Empty slider of previous contents (more effective than .innerHTML = "") while (slider.firstChild) { slider.removeChild(slider.firstChild); } imagesElements.length = 0; var imagesFiguresIds = []; var imagesCaptionsIds = []; // Prepare and append images containers and populate figure and captions IDs arrays for (var i = 0, fullImage; i < gallery.length; i++) { fullImage = create('div'); fullImage.className = 'full-image'; fullImage.id = 'baguette-img-' + i; imagesElements.push(fullImage); imagesFiguresIds.push('baguetteBox-figure-' + i); imagesCaptionsIds.push('baguetteBox-figcaption-' + i); slider.appendChild(imagesElements[i]); } overlay.setAttribute('aria-labelledby', imagesFiguresIds.join(' ')); overlay.setAttribute('aria-describedby', imagesCaptionsIds.join(' ')); } function setOptions(newOptions) { if (!newOptions) { newOptions = {}; } // Fill options object for (var item in defaults) { options[item] = defaults[item]; if (typeof newOptions[item] !== 'undefined') { options[item] = newOptions[item]; } } /* Apply new options */ // Change transition for proper animation slider.style.transition = slider.style.webkitTransition = (options.animation === 'fadeIn' ? 'opacity .4s ease' : options.animation === 'slideIn' ? '' : 'none'); // Hide buttons if necessary if (options.buttons === 'auto' && ('ontouchstart' in window || currentGallery.length === 1)) { options.buttons = false; } // Set buttons style to hide or display them previousButton.style.display = nextButton.style.display = (options.buttons ? '' : 'none'); // Set overlay color try { overlay.style.backgroundColor = options.overlayBackgroundColor; } catch (e) { // Silence the error and continue } } function showOverlay(chosenImageIndex) { if (options.noScrollbars) { document.documentElement.style.overflowY = 'hidden'; document.body.style.overflowY = 'scroll'; } if (overlay.style.display === 'block') { return; } bind(document, 'keydown', keyDownHandler); currentIndex = chosenImageIndex; touch = { count: 0, startX: null, startY: null }; loadImage(currentIndex, function() { preloadNext(currentIndex); preloadPrev(currentIndex); }); updateOffset(); overlay.style.display = 'block'; if (options.fullScreen) { enterFullScreen(); } // Fade in overlay setTimeout(function() { overlay.className = 'visible'; if (options.bodyClass && document.body.classList) { document.body.classList.add(options.bodyClass); } if (options.afterShow) { options.afterShow(); } }, 50); if (options.onChange) { options.onChange(currentIndex, imagesElements.length); } documentLastFocus = document.activeElement; initFocus(); isOverlayVisible = true; } function initFocus() { if (options.buttons) { previousButton.focus(); } else { closeButton.focus(); } } function enterFullScreen() { if (overlay.requestFullscreen) { overlay.requestFullscreen(); } else if (overlay.webkitRequestFullscreen) { overlay.webkitRequestFullscreen(); } else if (overlay.mozRequestFullScreen) { overlay.mozRequestFullScreen(); } } function exitFullscreen() { if (document.exitFullscreen) { document.exitFullscreen(); } else if (document.mozCancelFullScreen) { document.mozCancelFullScreen(); } else if (document.webkitExitFullscreen) { document.webkitExitFullscreen(); } } function hideOverlay() { if (options.noScrollbars) { document.documentElement.style.overflowY = ''; document.body.style.overflowY = ''; } if (overlay.style.display === 'none') { return; } unbind(document, 'keydown', keyDownHandler); // Fade out and hide the overlay overlay.className = ''; setTimeout(function() { overlay.style.display = 'none'; if (document.fullscreen) { exitFullscreen(); } if (options.bodyClass && document.body.classList) { document.body.classList.remove(options.bodyClass); } if (options.afterHide) { options.afterHide(); } documentLastFocus && documentLastFocus.focus(); isOverlayVisible = false; }, 500); } function loadImage(index, callback) { var imageContainer = imagesElements[index]; var galleryItem = currentGallery[index]; // Return if the index exceeds prepared images in the overlay // or if the current gallery has been changed / closed if (typeof imageContainer === 'undefined' || typeof galleryItem === 'undefined') { return; } // If image is already loaded run callback and return if (imageContainer.getElementsByTagName('img')[0]) { if (callback) { callback(); } return; } // Get element reference, optional caption and source path var imageElement = galleryItem.imageElement; var thumbnailElement = imageElement.getElementsByTagName('img')[0]; var imageCaption = typeof options.captions === 'function' ? options.captions.call(currentGallery, imageElement) : imageElement.getAttribute('data-caption') || imageElement.title; var imageSrc = getImageSrc(imageElement); // Prepare figure element var figure = create('figure'); figure.id = 'baguetteBox-figure-' + index; figure.innerHTML = '