import random from flask import request, flash, url_for, current_app, redirect, g, abort from flask_login import login_required, current_user from flask_babel import _ from app import db, cache from app.activitypub.signature import RsaKeys from app.admin.routes import unsubscribe_everyone_then_delete from import bp from import AddTestCommunities, AddTestTopics, DeleteTestCommunities, DeleteTestTopics from app.inoculation import inoculation from app.models import Site, User, Community, CommunityMember, Language, Topic, utcnow from app.utils import render_template, community_membership, moderating_communities, joined_communities, menu_topics, markdown_to_html # a page for handy dev tools @bp.route('/dev/tools', methods=['GET', 'POST']) @login_required def tools(): if not current_app.debug: abort(404) communities_form = AddTestCommunities() topics_form = AddTestTopics() delete_communities_form = DeleteTestCommunities() delete_topics_form = DeleteTestTopics() # create 30 dev_ communities if and communities_form.validate(): for n in range(30): # generate a keypair private_key, public_key = RsaKeys.generate_keypair() # generate a Title, name, description, rules, as strings, all the same with num from loop # add local_only, ap_profile_id, ap_public_url. ap_followers_url, ap_domain, subscriptions_count # instance_id, and low_quality='memes' in bits as in the community thing loop_num = "{:02d}".format(n) title = "dev_Community_" + loop_num name = "dev_Community_" + loop_num description = "dev_Community_" + loop_num rules = "dev_Community_" + loop_num + "Rules" community = Community(title=title, name=name, description=description, rules=rules, nsfw=False, private_key=private_key, public_key=public_key, description_html=markdown_to_html(description), rules_html=markdown_to_html(rules), local_only=True, ap_profile_id='https://' + current_app.config['SERVER_NAME'] + '/c/' + name.lower(), ap_public_url='https://' + current_app.config['SERVER_NAME'] + '/c/' + name.lower(), ap_followers_url='https://' + current_app.config['SERVER_NAME'] + '/c/' + name.lower() + '/followers', ap_domain=current_app.config['SERVER_NAME'], subscriptions_count=1, instance_id=1, low_quality='memes' in name) # add and commit to db db.session.add(community) db.session.commit() # add community membership for current user # add to db membership = CommunityMember(,, is_moderator=True, is_owner=True) db.session.add(membership) # do the cache clearing bits cache.delete_memoized(community_membership, current_user, community) cache.delete_memoized(joined_communities, cache.delete_memoized(moderating_communities, # redirect browser to communities list page return redirect(url_for('main.list_communities')) # create 10 dev_ topics elif and topics_form.validate(): # get the list of communities in the db communities = Community.query.filter_by(banned=False) # pick 10 random communities from the communities list rand_communities = [] for c in range(10): rand_communities.append(random.choice(communities.all())) # generate new topics for n in range(10): # generate strings for name, machine_name, and default to 0 communities loop_num = "{:02d}".format(n) name = "dev_Topic_" + loop_num machine_name = "dev-topic-" + loop_num num_communities = 0 # make the topic topic = Topic(name=name, machine_name=machine_name, num_communities=num_communities) # add the new topic to the db db.session.add(topic) db.session.commit() # refresh the topic menu cache.delete_memoized(menu_topics) # get the list of topics in the db topics = Topic.query.filter_by() # pick 10 random topics from the topics list rand_topics = [] for t in range(10): rand_topics.append(random.choice(topics.all())) # get those topic_ids rand_topic_ids = [] for t in rand_topics: rand_topic_ids.append( # loop 10 times # get the community # add the topic_id to the community # save the db # update the num_communities for the topic # save the db again for i in range(10): community = rand_communities[i] community.topic_id = rand_topic_ids[i] db.session.commit() community.topic.num_communities = community.topic.communities.count() db.session.commit() # redirect browser to topics list page return redirect(url_for('main.list_topics')) # delete dev_ communities elif and delete_communities_form.validate(): # get the list of local communities communities = Community.query.filter_by(banned=False, local_only=True) # sort for ones whose name field starts with "dev_" dev_communities = [] for c in communities.all(): if"dev_"): dev_communities.append(c) # loop through the list and: # - ban the community # - set its last active state # - commit to db # - call the unsubscribe and delete from admin.routes for c in dev_communities: c.banned = True c.last_active = utcnow() db.session.commit() unsubscribe_everyone_then_delete( # redirect browser to communities list page flash(f'{len(dev_communities)} Dev Communities Deleted') return redirect(url_for('main.list_communities')) # delete dev_ topics elif and delete_topics_form.validate(): # get the list of topics in the db topics = Topic.query.filter_by() # sort for the ones whose name field starts with "dev_" dev_topics = [] for t in topics.all(): if"dev_"): dev_topics.append(t) # loop through the topics # if the topic has communities in it, set it aside and tell the dev # else delete it topics_with_communities = 0 deleted_topics = 0 for t in dev_topics: topic = Topic.query.filter_by( topic.num_communities = topic.communities.count() if topic.num_communities == 0: db.session.delete(topic) db.session.commit() else: topics_with_communities += 1 if topics_with_communities > 0: flash(_(f'{deleted_topics} Dev Topics Deleted. {topics_with_communities} Dev Topics remain as they still have communities')) return redirect(url_for('main.list_topics')) else: flash(_(f'{deleted_topics} Dev Topics Deleted.')) return redirect(url_for('main.list_topics')) else: return render_template('dev/tools.html', communities_form=communities_form, topics_form=topics_form, delete_communities_form=delete_communities_form, delete_topics_form=delete_topics_form, moderating_communities=moderating_communities(current_user.get_id()), joined_communities=joined_communities(current_user.get_id()), menu_topics=menu_topics(),, inoculation=inoculation[random.randint(0, len(inoculation) - 1)] if else None )