{% set content_blocked = post.blocked_by_content_filter(content_filters) or (current_user.hide_nsfw == 3 and post.nsfw) or (current_user.hide_nsfl == 3 and post.nsfl) or (current_user.ignore_bots == 3 and post.from_bot) -%} {% set blur_content = (current_user.hide_nsfw == 2 and post.nsfw) or (current_user.hide_nsfl == 2 and post.nsfl) or (current_user.ignore_bots == 2 and post.from_bot) -%} {% if content_blocked and content_blocked == '-1' -%} {# do nothing - blocked by keyword filter #} {% else -%}
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{% if post.sticky -%}{% endif -%} {% if post.type == POST_TYPE_IMAGE -%} {% elif post.type == POST_TYPE_POLL -%} {% elif (post.type == POST_TYPE_LINK or post.type == POST_TYPE_VIDEO) and post.domain_id -%} {% if post.url and (post.type == POST_TYPE_VIDEO or 'youtube.com' in post.url) -%} {% elif post.url.endswith('.mp3') -%} {% endif -%} {% endif -%} {% if post.nsfw -%}nsfw{% endif -%} {% if post.nsfl -%}nsfl{% endif -%} {% if post.reports > 0 and current_user.is_authenticated and post.community.is_moderator(current_user) -%} {% endif -%} {% if post.sticky -%}{% endif -%}

{% if show_post_community -%}c/{{ post.community.name }}{% endif -%} by {{ render_username(post.author) }} {{ arrow.get(post.last_active if sort == 'active' else post.posted_at).humanize(locale=locale) }}
{{ post.reply_count }} {% if post.type == POST_TYPE_IMAGE -%} {% if post.image_id -%} {% else -%} {% endif -%} {% endif -%}
{% endif -%}