from __future__ import annotations import html import os from datetime import timedelta from random import randint from typing import Union, Tuple from flask import current_app, request, g, url_for from sqlalchemy import text from app import db, cache, constants, celery from app.models import User, Post, Community, BannedInstances, File, PostReply, AllowedInstances, Instance, utcnow, \ PostVote, PostReplyVote, ActivityPubLog, Notification, Site, CommunityMember import time import base64 import requests from cryptography.hazmat.primitives import serialization, hashes from cryptography.hazmat.primitives.asymmetric import padding from app.constants import * from urllib.parse import urlparse from PIL import Image, ImageOps from io import BytesIO import pytesseract from app.utils import get_request, allowlist_html, html_to_markdown, get_setting, ap_datetime, markdown_to_html, \ is_image_url, domain_from_url, gibberish, ensure_directory_exists, markdown_to_text, head_request, post_ranking, \ shorten_string, reply_already_exists, reply_is_just_link_to_gif_reaction, confidence def public_key(): if not os.path.exists('./public.pem'): os.system('openssl genrsa -out private.pem 2048') os.system('openssl rsa -in private.pem -outform PEM -pubout -out public.pem') else: publicKey = open('./public.pem', 'r').read() PUBLICKEY = publicKey.replace('\n', '\\n') # JSON-LD doesn't want to work with linebreaks, # but needs the \n character to know where to break the line ;) return PUBLICKEY def community_members(community_id): sql = 'SELECT COUNT(id) as c FROM "user" as u ' sql += 'INNER JOIN community_member cm on = cm.user_id ' sql += 'WHERE u.banned is false AND u.deleted is false AND cm.is_banned is false and cm.community_id = :community_id' return db.session.execute(text(sql), {'community_id': community_id}).scalar() def users_total(): return db.session.execute(text( 'SELECT COUNT(id) as c FROM "user" WHERE ap_id is null AND verified is true AND banned is false AND deleted is false')).scalar() def active_half_year(): return db.session.execute(text( "SELECT COUNT(id) as c FROM \"user\" WHERE last_seen >= CURRENT_DATE - INTERVAL '6 months' AND ap_id is null AND verified is true AND banned is false AND deleted is false")).scalar() def active_month(): return db.session.execute(text( "SELECT COUNT(id) as c FROM \"user\" WHERE last_seen >= CURRENT_DATE - INTERVAL '1 month' AND ap_id is null AND verified is true AND banned is false AND deleted is false")).scalar() def local_posts(): return db.session.execute(text('SELECT COUNT(id) as c FROM "post" WHERE ap_id is null')).scalar() def local_comments(): return db.session.execute(text('SELECT COUNT(id) as c FROM "post_reply" WHERE ap_id is null')).scalar() def send_activity(sender: User, host: str, content: str): date = time.strftime('%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S UTC', time.gmtime()) private_key = serialization.load_pem_private_key(sender.private_key, password=None) # todo: look up instance details to set host_inbox host_inbox = '/inbox' signed_string = f"(request-target): post {host_inbox}\nhost: {host}\ndate: " + date signature = private_key.sign(signed_string.encode('utf-8'), padding.PKCS1v15(), hashes.SHA256()) encoded_signature = base64.b64encode(signature).decode('utf-8') # Construct the Signature header header = f'keyId="https://{current_app.config["SERVER_NAME"]}/u/{sender.user_name}",headers="(request-target) host date",signature="{encoded_signature}"' # Create headers for the request headers = { 'Host': host, 'Date': date, 'Signature': header } # Make the HTTP request try: response ='https://{host}{host_inbox}', headers=headers, data=content, timeout=REQUEST_TIMEOUT) except requests.exceptions.RequestException: time.sleep(1) response ='https://{host}{host_inbox}', headers=headers, data=content, timeout=REQUEST_TIMEOUT / 2) return response.status_code def post_to_activity(post: Post, community: Community): activity_data = { "actor": f"https://{current_app.config['SERVER_NAME']}/c/{}", "to": [ "" ], "object": { "id": f"https://{current_app.config['SERVER_NAME']}/activities/create/{post.ap_create_id}", "actor": f"https://{current_app.config['SERVER_NAME']}/u/{}", "to": [ "" ], "object": { "type": "Page", "id": f"https://{current_app.config['SERVER_NAME']}/post/{}", "attributedTo": f"https://{current_app.config['SERVER_NAME']}/u/{}", "to": [ f"https://{current_app.config['SERVER_NAME']}/c/{}", "" ], "name": post.title, "cc": [], "content": post.body_html, "summary": markdown_to_text(post.body), "mediaType": "text/html", "source": { "content": post.body, "mediaType": "text/markdown" }, "attachment": [], "commentsEnabled": True, "sensitive": post.nsfw or post.nsfl, "published": ap_datetime(post.created_at), "audience": f"https://{current_app.config['SERVER_NAME']}/c/{}" }, "cc": [ f"https://{current_app.config['SERVER_NAME']}/c/{}" ], "type": "Create", "audience": f"https://{current_app.config['SERVER_NAME']}/c/{}" }, "cc": [ f"https://{current_app.config['SERVER_NAME']}/c/{}/followers" ], "type": "Announce", "id": f"https://{current_app.config['SERVER_NAME']}/activities/announce/{post.ap_announce_id}" } if post.edited_at is not None: activity_data["object"]["object"]["updated"] = ap_datetime(post.edited_at) if post.language is not None: activity_data["object"]["object"]["language"] = {"identifier": post.language} if post.type == POST_TYPE_LINK and post.url is not None: activity_data["object"]["object"]["attachment"] = {"href": post.url, "type": "Link"} if post.image_id is not None: activity_data["object"]["object"]["image"] = {"href": post.image.view_url(), "type": "Image"} if post.image.alt_text: activity_data["object"]["object"]["image"]['altText'] = post.image.alt_text return activity_data def banned_user_agents(): return [] # todo: finish this function @cache.memoize(150) def instance_blocked(host: str) -> bool: # see also utils.instance_banned() host = host.lower() if 'https://' in host or 'http://' in host: host = urlparse(host).hostname instance = BannedInstances.query.filter_by(domain=host.strip()).first() return instance is not None @cache.memoize(150) def instance_allowed(host: str) -> bool: host = host.lower() if 'https://' in host or 'http://' in host: host = urlparse(host).hostname instance = AllowedInstances.query.filter_by(domain=host.strip()).first() return instance is not None def find_actor_or_create(actor: str) -> Union[User, Community, None]: actor = actor.strip() user = None # actor parameter must be formatted as https://server/u/actor or https://server/c/actor # Initially, check if the user exists in the local DB already if current_app.config['SERVER_NAME'] + '/c/' in actor: return Community.query.filter(Community.ap_profile_id.ilike(actor)).first() # finds communities formatted like https://localhost/c/* if current_app.config['SERVER_NAME'] + '/u/' in actor: user = User.query.filter(User.user_name.ilike(actor.split('/')[-1])).filter_by(ap_id=None, banned=False).first() # finds local users if user is None: return None elif actor.startswith('https://'): server, address = extract_domain_and_actor(actor) if get_setting('use_allowlist', False): if not instance_allowed(server): return None else: if instance_blocked(server): return None user = User.query.filter(User.ap_profile_id.ilike(actor)).first() # finds users formatted like if (user and user.banned) or (user and user.deleted) : return None if user is None: user = Community.query.filter(Community.ap_profile_id.ilike(actor)).first() if user is not None: if not user.is_local() and user.ap_fetched_at < utcnow() - timedelta(days=7): # To reduce load on remote servers, refreshing the user profile happens after a delay of 1 to 10 seconds. Meanwhile, subsequent calls to # find_actor_or_create() which happen to be for the same actor might queue up refreshes of the same user. To avoid this, set a flag to # indicate that user is currently being refreshed. refresh_in_progress = cache.get(f'refreshing_{}') if not refresh_in_progress: cache.set(f'refreshing_{}', True, timeout=300) refresh_user_profile( return user else: # User does not exist in the DB, it's going to need to be created from it's remote home instance if actor.startswith('https://'): try: actor_data = get_request(actor, headers={'Accept': 'application/activity+json'}) except requests.exceptions.ReadTimeout: time.sleep(randint(3, 10)) actor_data = get_request(actor, headers={'Accept': 'application/activity+json'}) if actor_data.status_code == 200: actor_json = actor_data.json() actor_data.close() return actor_json_to_model(actor_json, address, server) else: # retrieve user details via webfinger, etc try: webfinger_data = get_request(f"https://{server}/.well-known/webfinger", params={'resource': f"acct:{address}@{server}"}) except requests.exceptions.ReadTimeout: time.sleep(randint(3, 10)) webfinger_data = get_request(f"https://{server}/.well-known/webfinger", params={'resource': f"acct:{address}@{server}"}) if webfinger_data.status_code == 200: webfinger_json = webfinger_data.json() webfinger_data.close() for links in webfinger_json['links']: if 'rel' in links and links['rel'] == 'self': # this contains the URL of the activitypub profile type = links['type'] if 'type' in links else 'application/activity+json' # retrieve the activitypub profile try: actor_data = get_request(links['href'], headers={'Accept': type}) except requests.exceptions.ReadTimeout: time.sleep(randint(3, 10)) actor_data = get_request(links['href'], headers={'Accept': type}) # to see the structure of the json contained in actor_data, do a GET to with header Accept: application/activity+json if actor_data.status_code == 200: actor_json = actor_data.json() actor_data.close() return actor_json_to_model(actor_json, address, server) return None def extract_domain_and_actor(url_string: str): # Parse the URL parsed_url = urlparse(url_string) # Extract the server domain name server_domain = parsed_url.netloc # Extract the part of the string after the last '/' character actor = parsed_url.path.split('/')[-1] return server_domain, actor def user_removed_from_remote_server(actor_url, is_piefed=False): result = False response = None try: if is_piefed: response = head_request(actor_url, headers={'Accept': 'application/activity+json'}) else: response = get_request(actor_url, headers={'Accept': 'application/activity+json'}) if response.status_code == 404 or response.status_code == 410: result = True else: result = False except: result = True finally: if response: response.close() return result def refresh_user_profile(user_id): if current_app.debug: refresh_user_profile_task(user_id) else: refresh_user_profile_task.apply_async(args=(user_id,), countdown=randint(1, 10)) @celery.task def refresh_user_profile_task(user_id): user = User.query.get(user_id) if user: try: actor_data = get_request(user.ap_profile_id, headers={'Accept': 'application/activity+json'}) except requests.exceptions.ReadTimeout: time.sleep(randint(3, 10)) actor_data = get_request(user.ap_profile_id, headers={'Accept': 'application/activity+json'}) if actor_data.status_code == 200: activity_json = actor_data.json() actor_data.close() user.user_name = activity_json['preferredUsername'] user.about_html = parse_summary(activity_json) user.ap_fetched_at = utcnow() user.public_key=activity_json['publicKey']['publicKeyPem'] avatar_changed = cover_changed = False if 'icon' in activity_json: if user.avatar_id and activity_json['icon']['url'] != user.avatar.source_url: user.avatar.delete_from_disk() avatar = File(source_url=activity_json['icon']['url']) user.avatar = avatar db.session.add(avatar) avatar_changed = True if 'image' in activity_json: if user.cover_id and activity_json['image']['url'] != user.cover.source_url: user.cover.delete_from_disk() cover = File(source_url=activity_json['image']['url']) user.cover = cover db.session.add(cover) cover_changed = True db.session.commit() if user.avatar_id and avatar_changed: make_image_sizes(user.avatar_id, 40, 250, 'users') if user.cover_id and cover_changed: make_image_sizes(user.cover_id, 700, 1600, 'users') def actor_json_to_model(activity_json, address, server): if activity_json['type'] == 'Person': user = User(user_name=activity_json['preferredUsername'], title=activity_json['name'] if 'name' in activity_json else None, email=f"{address}@{server}", about_html=parse_summary(activity_json), matrix_user_id=activity_json['matrixUserId'] if 'matrixUserId' in activity_json else '', indexable=activity_json['indexable'] if 'indexable' in activity_json else False, searchable=activity_json['discoverable'] if 'discoverable' in activity_json else True, created=activity_json['published'] if 'published' in activity_json else utcnow(), ap_id=f"{address}@{server}", ap_public_url=activity_json['id'], ap_profile_id=activity_json['id'], ap_inbox_url=activity_json['endpoints']['sharedInbox'], ap_followers_url=activity_json['followers'] if 'followers' in activity_json else None, ap_preferred_username=activity_json['preferredUsername'], ap_manually_approves_followers=activity_json['manuallyApprovesFollowers'] if 'manuallyApprovesFollowers' in activity_json else False, ap_fetched_at=utcnow(), ap_domain=server, public_key=activity_json['publicKey']['publicKeyPem'], instance_id=find_instance_id(server) # language=community_json['language'][0]['identifier'] # todo: language ) if 'icon' in activity_json: avatar = File(source_url=activity_json['icon']['url']) user.avatar = avatar db.session.add(avatar) if 'image' in activity_json: cover = File(source_url=activity_json['image']['url']) user.cover = cover db.session.add(cover) db.session.add(user) db.session.commit() if user.avatar_id: make_image_sizes(user.avatar_id, 40, 250, 'users') if user.cover_id: make_image_sizes(user.cover_id, 700, 1600, 'users') return user elif activity_json['type'] == 'Group': if 'attributedTo' in activity_json: # lemmy and mbin mods_url = activity_json['attributedTo'] elif 'moderators' in activity_json: # kbin mods_url = activity_json['moderators'] else: mods_url = None # only allow nsfw communities if enabled for this instance site = Site.query.get(1) # can't use because actor_json_to_model can be called from celery if activity_json['sensitive'] and not site.enable_nsfw: return None if 'nsfl' in activity_json and activity_json['nsfl'] and not site.enable_nsfl: return None community = Community(name=activity_json['preferredUsername'], title=activity_json['name'], description=activity_json['summary'] if 'summary' in activity_json else '', rules=activity_json['rules'] if 'rules' in activity_json else '', rules_html=markdown_to_html(activity_json['rules'] if 'rules' in activity_json else ''), nsfw=activity_json['sensitive'], restricted_to_mods=activity_json['postingRestrictedToMods'], new_mods_wanted=activity_json['newModsWanted'] if 'newModsWanted' in activity_json else False, private_mods=activity_json['privateMods'] if 'privateMods' in activity_json else False, created_at=activity_json['published'] if 'published' in activity_json else utcnow(), last_active=activity_json['updated'] if 'updated' in activity_json else utcnow(), ap_id=f"{address[1:]}@{server}" if address.startswith('!') else f"{address}@{server}", ap_public_url=activity_json['id'], ap_profile_id=activity_json['id'], ap_followers_url=activity_json['followers'], ap_inbox_url=activity_json['endpoints']['sharedInbox'], ap_moderators_url=mods_url, ap_fetched_at=utcnow(), ap_domain=server, public_key=activity_json['publicKey']['publicKeyPem'], # language=community_json['language'][0]['identifier'] # todo: language instance_id=find_instance_id(server), low_quality='memes' in activity_json['preferredUsername'] ) # parse markdown and overwrite html field with result if 'source' in activity_json and \ activity_json['source']['mediaType'] == 'text/markdown': community.description = activity_json['source']['content'] community.description_html = markdown_to_html(community.description) elif 'content' in activity_json: community.description_html = allowlist_html(activity_json['content']) community.description = html_to_markdown(community.description_html) if 'icon' in activity_json: icon = File(source_url=activity_json['icon']['url']) community.icon = icon db.session.add(icon) if 'image' in activity_json: image = File(source_url=activity_json['image']['url']) community.image = image db.session.add(image) db.session.add(community) db.session.commit() if community.icon_id: make_image_sizes(community.icon_id, 60, 250, 'communities') if community.image_id: make_image_sizes(community.image_id, 700, 1600, 'communities') return community def post_json_to_model(post_json, user, community) -> Post: post = Post(,, title=html.unescape(post_json['name']), comments_enabled=post_json['commentsEnabled'], sticky=post_json['stickied'] if 'stickied' in post_json else False, nsfw=post_json['sensitive'], nsfl=post_json['nsfl'] if 'nsfl' in post_json else False, ap_id=post_json['id'], type=constants.POST_TYPE_ARTICLE, posted_at=post_json['published'], last_active=post_json['published'], instance_id=user.instance_id ) if 'source' in post_json and \ post_json['source']['mediaType'] == 'text/markdown': post.body = post_json['source']['content'] post.body_html = markdown_to_html(post.body) elif 'content' in post_json: post.body_html = allowlist_html(post_json['content']) post.body = html_to_markdown(post.body_html) if 'attachment' in post_json and \ len(post_json['attachment']) > 0 and \ 'type' in post_json['attachment'][0]: if post_json['attachment'][0]['type'] == 'Link': post.url = post_json['attachment'][0]['href'] if is_image_url(post.url): post.type = POST_TYPE_IMAGE else: post.type = POST_TYPE_LINK domain = domain_from_url(post.url) # notify about links to banned websites. already_notified = set() # often admins and mods are the same people - avoid notifying them twice if domain.notify_mods: for community_member in notify = Notification(title='Suspicious content', url=post.ap_id, user_id=community_member.user_id, db.session.add(notify) already_notified.add(community_member.user_id) if domain.notify_admins: for admin in Site.admins(): if not in already_notified: notify = Notification(title='Suspicious content', url=post.ap_id,, db.session.add(notify) admin.unread_notifications += 1 if domain.banned: post = None if not domain.banned: domain.post_count += 1 post.domain = domain if 'image' in post_json and post: image = File(source_url=post_json['image']['url']) db.session.add(image) post.image = image if post is not None: db.session.add(post) community.post_count += 1 db.session.commit() return post # Save two different versions of a File, after downloading it from file.source_url. Set a width parameter to None to avoid generating one of that size def make_image_sizes(file_id, thumbnail_width=50, medium_width=120, directory='posts'): if current_app.debug: make_image_sizes_async(file_id, thumbnail_width, medium_width, directory) else: make_image_sizes_async.apply_async(args=(file_id, thumbnail_width, medium_width, directory), countdown=randint(1, 10)) # Delay by up to 10 seconds so servers do not experience a stampede of requests all in the same second @celery.task def make_image_sizes_async(file_id, thumbnail_width, medium_width, directory): file = File.query.get(file_id) if file and file.source_url: try: source_image_response = get_request(file.source_url) except: pass else: if source_image_response.status_code == 200: content_type = source_image_response.headers.get('content-type') if content_type and content_type.startswith('image'): source_image = source_image_response.content source_image_response.close() file_ext = os.path.splitext(file.source_url)[1] new_filename = gibberish(15) # set up the storage directory directory = f'app/static/media/{directory}/' + new_filename[0:2] + '/' + new_filename[2:4] ensure_directory_exists(directory) # file path and names to store the resized images on disk final_place = os.path.join(directory, new_filename + file_ext) final_place_thumbnail = os.path.join(directory, new_filename + '_thumbnail.webp') # Load image data into Pillow Image.MAX_IMAGE_PIXELS = 89478485 image = image = ImageOps.exif_transpose(image) img_width = image.width img_height = image.height # Resize the image to medium if medium_width: if img_width > medium_width: image.thumbnail((medium_width, medium_width)) file.file_path = final_place file.width = image.width file.height = image.height # Resize the image to a thumbnail (webp) if thumbnail_width: if img_width > thumbnail_width: image.thumbnail((thumbnail_width, thumbnail_width)), format="WebP", quality=93) file.thumbnail_path = final_place_thumbnail file.thumbnail_width = image.width file.thumbnail_height = image.height db.session.commit() # Alert regarding fascist meme content try: image_text = pytesseract.image_to_string('L'), timeout=30) except FileNotFoundError as e: image_text = '' if 'Anonymous' in image_text and ('No.' in image_text or ' N0' in image_text): # chan posts usually contain the text 'Anonymous' and ' No.12345' post = Post.query.filter_by( notification = Notification(title='Review this', user_id=1, author_id=post.user_id, url=url_for('activitypub.post_ap', db.session.add(notification) db.session.commit() # create a summary from markdown if present, otherwise use html if available def parse_summary(user_json) -> str: if 'source' in user_json and user_json['source'].get('mediaType') == 'text/markdown': # Convert Markdown to HTML markdown_text = user_json['source']['content'] html_content = html_to_markdown(markdown_text) return html_content elif 'summary' in user_json: return allowlist_html(user_json['summary']) else: return '' def default_context(): context = [ "", "", ] if current_app.config['FULL_AP_CONTEXT']: context.append({ "lemmy": "", "litepub": "", "pt": "", "sc": "", "ChatMessage": "litepub:ChatMessage", "commentsEnabled": "pt:commentsEnabled", "sensitive": "as:sensitive", "matrixUserId": "lemmy:matrixUserId", "postingRestrictedToMods": "lemmy:postingRestrictedToMods", "removeData": "lemmy:removeData", "stickied": "lemmy:stickied", "moderators": { "@type": "@id", "@id": "lemmy:moderators" }, "expires": "as:endTime", "distinguished": "lemmy:distinguished", "language": "sc:inLanguage", "identifier": "sc:identifier" }) return context def find_reply_parent(in_reply_to: str) -> Tuple[int, int, int]: if 'comment' in in_reply_to: parent_comment = PostReply.get_by_ap_id(in_reply_to) if not parent_comment: return (None, None, None) parent_comment_id = post_id = parent_comment.post_id root_id = parent_comment.root_id elif 'post' in in_reply_to: parent_comment_id = None post = Post.get_by_ap_id(in_reply_to) if not post: return (None, None, None) post_id = root_id = None else: parent_comment_id = None root_id = None post_id = None post = Post.get_by_ap_id(in_reply_to) if post: post_id = else: parent_comment = PostReply.get_by_ap_id(in_reply_to) if parent_comment: parent_comment_id = post_id = parent_comment.post_id root_id = parent_comment.root_id else: return (None, None, None) return post_id, parent_comment_id, root_id def find_liked_object(ap_id) -> Union[Post, PostReply, None]: post = Post.get_by_ap_id(ap_id) if post: return post else: post_reply = PostReply.get_by_ap_id(ap_id) if post_reply: return post_reply return None def find_instance_id(server): server = server.strip() instance = Instance.query.filter_by(domain=server).first() if instance: return else: # Our instance does not know about {server} yet. Initially, create a sparse row in the 'instance' table and spawn a background # task to update the row with more details later new_instance = Instance(domain=server, software='unknown', created_at=utcnow()) db.session.add(new_instance) db.session.commit() # Spawn background task to fill in more details refresh_instance_profile( return def refresh_instance_profile(instance_id: int): if current_app.debug: refresh_instance_profile_task(instance_id) else: refresh_instance_profile_task.apply_async(args=(instance_id,), countdown=randint(1, 10)) @celery.task def refresh_instance_profile_task(instance_id: int): instance = Instance.query.get(instance_id) try: instance_data = get_request(f"https://{instance.domain}", headers={'Accept': 'application/activity+json'}) except: return if instance_data.status_code == 200: try: instance_json = instance_data.json() instance_data.close() except requests.exceptions.JSONDecodeError as ex: instance_json = {} if 'type' in instance_json and instance_json['type'] == 'Application': if instance_json['name'].lower() == 'kbin': software = 'Kbin' elif instance_json['name'].lower() == 'mbin': software = 'Mbin' else: software = 'Lemmy' instance.inbox = instance_json['inbox'] instance.outbox = instance_json['outbox'] = software if instance.inbox.endswith('/site_inbox'): # Lemmy provides a /site_inbox but it always returns 400 when trying to POST to it. wtf. instance.inbox = instance.inbox.replace('/site_inbox', '/inbox') else: # it's pretty much always /inbox so just assume that it is for whatever this instance is running (mostly likely Mastodon) instance.inbox = f"https://{instance.domain}/inbox" instance.updated_at = utcnow() db.session.commit() # alter the effect of upvotes based on their instance. Default to 1.0 @cache.memoize(timeout=50) def instance_weight(domain): if domain: instance = Instance.query.filter_by(domain=domain).first() if instance: return instance.vote_weight return 1.0 def is_activitypub_request(): return 'application/ld+json' in request.headers.get('Accept', '') or 'application/activity+json' in request.headers.get('Accept', '') def activity_already_ingested(ap_id): return db.session.execute(text('SELECT id FROM "activity_pub_log" WHERE activity_id = :activity_id'), {'activity_id': ap_id}).scalar() def downvote_post(post, user): user.last_seen = utcnow() user.recalculate_attitude() existing_vote = PostVote.query.filter_by(, if not existing_vote: effect = -1.0 post.down_votes += 1 post.score -= 1.0 vote = PostVote(,,, effect=effect) += effect db.session.add(vote) else: # remove previously cast upvote if existing_vote.effect > 0: -= existing_vote.effect post.up_votes -= 1 post.score -= existing_vote.effect db.session.delete(existing_vote) # apply down vote effect = -1.0 post.down_votes += 1 post.score -= 1.0 vote = PostVote(,,, effect=effect) += effect db.session.add(vote) else: pass # they have already downvoted this post post.ranking = post_ranking(post.score, post.posted_at) db.session.commit() def downvote_post_reply(comment, user): user.last_seen = utcnow() user.recalculate_attitude() existing_vote = PostReplyVote.query.filter_by(, if not existing_vote: effect = -1.0 comment.down_votes += 1 comment.score -= 1.0 vote = PostReplyVote(,,, effect=effect) += effect db.session.add(vote) else: # remove previously cast upvote if existing_vote.effect > 0: -= existing_vote.effect comment.up_votes -= 1 comment.score -= existing_vote.effect db.session.delete(existing_vote) # apply down vote effect = -1.0 comment.down_votes += 1 comment.score -= 1.0 vote = PostReplyVote(,,, effect=effect) += effect db.session.add(vote) else: pass # they have already downvoted this reply comment.ranking = confidence(comment.up_votes, comment.down_votes) def upvote_post_reply(comment, user): user.last_seen = utcnow() user.recalculate_attitude() effect = instance_weight(user.ap_domain) existing_vote = PostReplyVote.query.filter_by(, if not existing_vote: comment.up_votes += 1 comment.score += effect vote = PostReplyVote(,,, effect=effect) if and effect > 0: effect = 0 += effect db.session.add(vote) else: # remove previously cast downvote if existing_vote.effect < 0: -= existing_vote.effect comment.down_votes -= 1 comment.score -= existing_vote.effect db.session.delete(existing_vote) # apply up vote comment.up_votes += 1 comment.score += effect vote = PostReplyVote(,,, effect=effect) if and effect > 0: effect = 0 += effect db.session.add(vote) else: pass # they have already upvoted this reply comment.ranking = confidence(comment.up_votes, comment.down_votes) def upvote_post(post, user): user.last_seen = utcnow() user.recalculate_attitude() effect = instance_weight(user.ap_domain) existing_vote = PostVote.query.filter_by(, if not existing_vote: post.up_votes += 1 post.score += effect vote = PostVote(,,, effect=effect) if and effect > 0: effect = 0 += effect db.session.add(vote) else: # remove previous cast downvote if existing_vote.effect < 0: -= existing_vote.effect post.down_votes -= 1 post.score -= existing_vote.effect db.session.delete(existing_vote) # apply up vote post.up_votes += 1 post.score += effect vote = PostVote(,,, effect=effect) if and effect > 0: effect = 0 += effect db.session.add(vote) post.ranking = post_ranking(post.score, post.posted_at) db.session.commit() def delete_post_or_comment(user_ap_id, community_ap_id, to_be_deleted_ap_id): if current_app.debug: delete_post_or_comment_task(user_ap_id, community_ap_id, to_be_deleted_ap_id) else: delete_post_or_comment_task.delay(user_ap_id, community_ap_id, to_be_deleted_ap_id) @celery.task def delete_post_or_comment_task(user_ap_id, community_ap_id, to_be_deleted_ap_id): deletor = find_actor_or_create(user_ap_id) community = find_actor_or_create(community_ap_id) to_delete = find_liked_object(to_be_deleted_ap_id) if deletor and community and to_delete: if deletor.is_admin() or community.is_moderator(deletor) or == if isinstance(to_delete, Post): to_delete.delete_dependencies() to_delete.flush_cache() db.session.delete(to_delete) community.post_count -= 1 db.session.commit() elif isinstance(to_delete, PostReply): -= 1 if to_delete.has_replies(): to_delete.body = 'Deleted by author' if == else 'Deleted by moderator' to_delete.body_html = markdown_to_html(to_delete.body) else: to_delete.delete_dependencies() db.session.delete(to_delete) db.session.commit() def create_post_reply(activity_log: ActivityPubLog, community: Community, in_reply_to, request_json: dict, user: User, announce_id=None) -> Union[Post, None]: if community.local_only: activity_log.exception_message = 'Community is local only, reply discarded' activity_log.result = 'ignored' return None post_id, parent_comment_id, root_id = find_reply_parent(in_reply_to) if post_id or parent_comment_id or root_id: # set depth to +1 of the parent depth if parent_comment_id: parent_comment = PostReply.query.get(parent_comment_id) depth = parent_comment.depth + 1 else: depth = 0 post_reply = PostReply(,, post_id=post_id, parent_id=parent_comment_id, root_id=root_id, nsfw=community.nsfw, nsfl=community.nsfl, up_votes=1, depth=depth, score=instance_weight(user.ap_domain), ap_id=request_json['object']['id'], ap_create_id=request_json['id'], ap_announce_id=announce_id, instance_id=user.instance_id) if 'source' in request_json['object'] and \ request_json['object']['source']['mediaType'] == 'text/markdown': post_reply.body = request_json['object']['source']['content'] post_reply.body_html = markdown_to_html(post_reply.body) elif 'content' in request_json['object']: post_reply.body_html = allowlist_html(request_json['object']['content']) post_reply.body = html_to_markdown(post_reply.body_html) if post_id is not None: post = Post.query.get(post_id) if post.comments_enabled: anchor = None if not parent_comment_id: notification_target = post else: notification_target = PostReply.query.get(parent_comment_id) if activity_log.exception_message = 'Replier blocked, reply discarded' activity_log.result = 'ignored' return None if reply_already_exists(,, parent_id=post_reply.parent_id, body=post_reply.body): activity_log.exception_message = 'Duplicate reply' activity_log.result = 'ignored' return None if reply_is_just_link_to_gif_reaction(post_reply.body): user.reputation -= 1 activity_log.exception_message = 'gif comment ignored' activity_log.result = 'ignored' return None db.session.add(post_reply) post.reply_count += 1 community.post_reply_count += 1 community.last_active = post.last_active = utcnow() activity_log.result = 'success' post_reply.ranking = confidence(post_reply.up_votes, post_reply.down_votes) db.session.commit() # send notification to the post/comment being replied to if notification_target.notify_author and post_reply.user_id != notification_target.user_id and is None: if isinstance(notification_target, PostReply): anchor = f"comment_{}" notification = Notification(title='Reply from ' +, user_id=notification_target.user_id, author_id=post_reply.user_id, url=url_for('activitypub.post_ap',, _anchor=anchor)) db.session.add(notification) += 1 db.session.commit() if user.reputation > 100: post_reply.up_votes += 1 post_reply.score += 1 post_reply.ranking = confidence(post_reply.up_votes, post_reply.down_votes) db.session.commit() else: activity_log.exception_message = 'Comments disabled, reply discarded' activity_log.result = 'ignored' return post else: activity_log.exception_message = 'Could not find parent post' return None else: activity_log.exception_message = 'Parent not found' def create_post(activity_log: ActivityPubLog, community: Community, request_json: dict, user: User, announce_id=None) -> Union[Post, None]: if community.local_only: activity_log.exception_message = 'Community is local only, post discarded' activity_log.result = 'ignored' return None nsfl_in_title = '[NSFL]' in request_json['object']['name'].upper() or '(NSFL)' in request_json['object']['name'].upper() post = Post(,, title=html.unescape(request_json['object']['name']), comments_enabled=request_json['object']['commentsEnabled'], sticky=request_json['object']['stickied'] if 'stickied' in request_json['object'] else False, nsfw=request_json['object']['sensitive'], nsfl=request_json['object']['nsfl'] if 'nsfl' in request_json['object'] else nsfl_in_title, ap_id=request_json['object']['id'], ap_create_id=request_json['id'], ap_announce_id=announce_id, type=constants.POST_TYPE_ARTICLE, up_votes=1, score=instance_weight(user.ap_domain), instance_id=user.instance_id ) if 'source' in request_json['object'] and request_json['object']['source']['mediaType'] == 'text/markdown': post.body = request_json['object']['source']['content'] post.body_html = markdown_to_html(post.body) elif 'content' in request_json['object'] and request_json['object']['content'] is not None: post.body_html = allowlist_html(request_json['object']['content']) post.body = html_to_markdown(post.body_html) if 'attachment' in request_json['object'] and len(request_json['object']['attachment']) > 0 and \ 'type' in request_json['object']['attachment'][0]: if request_json['object']['attachment'][0]['type'] == 'Link': post.url = request_json['object']['attachment'][0]['href'] if is_image_url(post.url): post.type = POST_TYPE_IMAGE else: post.type = POST_TYPE_LINK domain = domain_from_url(post.url) # notify about links to banned websites. already_notified = set() # often admins and mods are the same people - avoid notifying them twice if domain.notify_mods: for community_member in notify = Notification(title='Suspicious content', url=post.ap_id, user_id=community_member.user_id, db.session.add(notify) already_notified.add(community_member.user_id) if domain.notify_admins: for admin in Site.admins(): if not in already_notified: notify = Notification(title='Suspicious content', url=post.ap_id,, db.session.add(notify) if domain.banned: post = None activity_log.exception_message = + ' is blocked by admin' if not domain.banned: domain.post_count += 1 post.domain = domain if 'image' in request_json['object']: image = File(source_url=request_json['object']['image']['url']) db.session.add(image) post.image = image if post is not None: db.session.add(post) post.ranking = post_ranking(post.score, post.posted_at) community.post_count += 1 community.last_active = utcnow() activity_log.result = 'success' db.session.commit() if post.image_id: if post.type == POST_TYPE_IMAGE: make_image_sizes(post.image_id, 266, 512, 'posts') # the 512 sized image is for masonry view else: make_image_sizes(post.image_id, 266, None, 'posts') notify_about_post(post) if user.reputation > 100: post.up_votes += 1 post.score += 1 post.ranking = post_ranking(post.score, post.posted_at) db.session.commit() return post def notify_about_post(post: Post): people_to_notify = CommunityMember.query.filter_by(community_id=post.community_id, notify_new_posts=True, is_banned=False) for person in people_to_notify: if person.user_id != post.user_id: new_notification = Notification(title=shorten_string(post.title, 25), url=f"/post/{}", user_id=person.user_id, author_id=post.user_id) db.session.add(new_notification) user = User.query.get(person.user_id) # todo: make this more efficient by doing a join with CommunityMember at the start of the function user.unread_notifications += 1 db.session.commit() def update_post_reply_from_activity(reply: PostReply, request_json: dict): if 'source' in request_json['object'] and request_json['object']['source']['mediaType'] == 'text/markdown': reply.body = request_json['object']['source']['content'] reply.body_html = markdown_to_html(reply.body) elif 'content' in request_json['object']: reply.body_html = allowlist_html(request_json['object']['content']) reply.body = html_to_markdown(reply.body_html) reply.edited_at = utcnow() db.session.commit() def update_post_from_activity(post: Post, request_json: dict): post.title = request_json['object']['name'] if 'source' in request_json['object'] and request_json['object']['source']['mediaType'] == 'text/markdown': post.body = request_json['object']['source']['content'] post.body_html = markdown_to_html(post.body) elif 'content' in request_json['object']: post.body_html = allowlist_html(request_json['object']['content']) post.body = html_to_markdown(post.body_html) if 'attachment' in request_json['object'] and 'href' in request_json['object']['attachment']: post.url = request_json['object']['attachment']['href'] post.edited_at = utcnow() db.session.commit() def undo_downvote(activity_log, comment, post, target_ap_id, user): if '/comment/' in target_ap_id: comment = PostReply.query.filter_by(ap_id=target_ap_id).first() if '/post/' in target_ap_id: post = Post.query.filter_by(ap_id=target_ap_id).first() if (user and not user.is_local()) and post: existing_vote = PostVote.query.filter_by(, if existing_vote: -= existing_vote.effect post.down_votes -= 1 post.score -= existing_vote.effect db.session.delete(existing_vote) activity_log.result = 'success' if (user and not user.is_local()) and comment: existing_vote = PostReplyVote.query.filter_by(, if existing_vote: -= existing_vote.effect comment.down_votes -= 1 comment.score -= existing_vote.effect db.session.delete(existing_vote) activity_log.result = 'success' if user is None: activity_log.exception_message = 'Blocked or unfound user' if user and user.is_local(): activity_log.exception_message = 'Activity about local content which is already present' activity_log.result = 'ignored' return post def undo_vote(activity_log, comment, post, target_ap_id, user): voted_on = find_liked_object(target_ap_id) if (user and not user.is_local()) and isinstance(voted_on, Post): post = voted_on user.last_seen = utcnow() existing_vote = PostVote.query.filter_by(, if existing_vote: -= existing_vote.effect if existing_vote.effect < 0: # Lemmy sends 'like' for upvote and 'dislike' for down votes. Cool! When it undoes an upvote it sends an 'Undo Like'. Fine. When it undoes a downvote it sends an 'Undo Like' - not 'Undo Dislike'?! post.down_votes -= 1 else: post.up_votes -= 1 post.score -= existing_vote.effect db.session.delete(existing_vote) activity_log.result = 'success' if (user and not user.is_local()) and isinstance(voted_on, PostReply): comment = voted_on existing_vote = PostReplyVote.query.filter_by(, if existing_vote: -= existing_vote.effect if existing_vote.effect < 0: # Lemmy sends 'like' for upvote and 'dislike' for down votes. Cool! When it undoes an upvote it sends an 'Undo Like'. Fine. When it undoes a downvote it sends an 'Undo Like' - not 'Undo Dislike'?! comment.down_votes -= 1 else: comment.up_votes -= 1 comment.score -= existing_vote.effect db.session.delete(existing_vote) activity_log.result = 'success' else: if user is None or comment is None: activity_log.exception_message = 'Blocked or unfound user or comment' if user and user.is_local(): activity_log.exception_message = 'Activity about local content which is already present' activity_log.result = 'ignored' return post # given an activitypub id for a post or comment, retrieve it and all it's parent objects def backfill_from_ap_id(ap_id: str): if ap_id.startswith(f"https://{current_app.config['SERVER_NAME']}"): ... else: try: activity_data = get_request(ap_id, headers={'Accept': 'application/activity+json'}) except requests.exceptions.ReadTimeout: time.sleep(randint(3, 10)) activity_data = get_request(ap_id, headers={'Accept': 'application/activity+json'}) if activity_data.status_code == 200: actor_json = activity_data.json() activity_data.close() return actor_json_to_model(actor_json, address, server) def lemmy_site_data(): site = data = { "site_view": { "site": { "id": 1, "name":, "sidebar": site.sidebar, "published": site.created_at.isoformat(), "updated": site.updated.isoformat(), "icon": "", "banner": "", "description": site.description, "actor_id": f"https://{current_app.config['SERVER_NAME']}/", "last_refreshed_at": site.updated.isoformat(), "inbox_url": f"https://{current_app.config['SERVER_NAME']}/inbox", "public_key": site.public_key, "instance_id": 1 }, "local_site": { "id": 1, "site_id": 1, "site_setup": True, "enable_downvotes": site.enable_downvotes, "enable_nsfw": site.enable_nsfw, "enable_nsfl": site.enable_nsfl, "community_creation_admin_only": site.community_creation_admin_only, "require_email_verification": True, "application_question": site.application_question, "private_instance": False, "default_theme": "browser", "default_post_listing_type": "All", "hide_modlog_mod_names": True, "application_email_admins": True, "actor_name_max_length": 20, "federation_enabled": True, "captcha_enabled": True, "captcha_difficulty": "medium", "published": site.created_at.isoformat(), "updated": site.updated.isoformat(), "registration_mode": site.registration_mode, "reports_email_admins": site.reports_email_admins }, "local_site_rate_limit": { "id": 1, "local_site_id": 1, "message": 999, "message_per_second": 60, "post": 50, "post_per_second": 600, "register": 20, "register_per_second": 3600, "image": 100, "image_per_second": 3600, "comment": 100, "comment_per_second": 600, "search": 999, "search_per_second": 600, "published": site.created_at.isoformat(), }, "counts": { "id": 1, "site_id": 1, "users": 816, "posts": 3017, "comments": 19693, "communities": 7, "users_active_day": 21, "users_active_week": 49, "users_active_month": 85, "users_active_half_year": 312 } }, "admins": [ { "person": { "id": 2, "name": "Dave", "avatar": "", "banned": False, "published": "2023-06-02T09:46:20.302035", "actor_id": "", "local": True, "deleted": False, "matrix_user_id": "", "admin": True, "bot_account": False, "instance_id": 1 }, "counts": { "id": 1, "person_id": 2, "post_count": 165, "post_score": 1442, "comment_count": 2624, "comment_score": 10207 } }, { "person": { "id": 15059, "name": "idanoo", "banned": False, "published": "2023-06-08T22:13:43.366681", "actor_id": "", "local": True, "deleted": False, "matrix_user_id": "", "admin": True, "bot_account": False, "instance_id": 1 }, "counts": { "id": 6544, "person_id": 15059, "post_count": 0, "post_score": 0, "comment_count": 5, "comment_score": 10 } } ], "version": "1.0.0", "all_languages": [ { "id": 0, "code": "und", "name": "Undetermined" }, { "id": 1, "code": "aa", "name": "Afaraf" }, { "id": 2, "code": "ab", "name": "аҧсуа бызшәа" }, { "id": 3, "code": "ae", "name": "avesta" }, { "id": 4, "code": "af", "name": "Afrikaans" }, { "id": 5, "code": "ak", "name": "Akan" }, { "id": 6, "code": "am", "name": "አማርኛ" }, { "id": 7, "code": "an", "name": "aragonés" }, { "id": 8, "code": "ar", "name": "اَلْعَرَبِيَّةُ" }, { "id": 9, "code": "as", "name": "অসমীয়া" }, { "id": 10, "code": "av", "name": "авар мацӀ" }, { "id": 11, "code": "ay", "name": "aymar aru" }, { "id": 12, "code": "az", "name": "azərbaycan dili" }, { "id": 13, "code": "ba", "name": "башҡорт теле" }, { "id": 14, "code": "be", "name": "беларуская мова" }, { "id": 15, "code": "bg", "name": "български език" }, { "id": 16, "code": "bi", "name": "Bislama" }, { "id": 17, "code": "bm", "name": "bamanankan" }, { "id": 18, "code": "bn", "name": "বাংলা" }, { "id": 19, "code": "bo", "name": "བོད་ཡིག" }, { "id": 20, "code": "br", "name": "brezhoneg" }, { "id": 21, "code": "bs", "name": "bosanski jezik" }, { "id": 22, "code": "ca", "name": "Català" }, { "id": 23, "code": "ce", "name": "нохчийн мотт" }, { "id": 24, "code": "ch", "name": "Chamoru" }, { "id": 25, "code": "co", "name": "corsu" }, { "id": 26, "code": "cr", "name": "ᓀᐦᐃᔭᐍᐏᐣ" }, { "id": 27, "code": "cs", "name": "čeština" }, { "id": 28, "code": "cu", "name": "ѩзыкъ словѣньскъ" }, { "id": 29, "code": "cv", "name": "чӑваш чӗлхи" }, { "id": 30, "code": "cy", "name": "Cymraeg" }, { "id": 31, "code": "da", "name": "dansk" }, { "id": 32, "code": "de", "name": "Deutsch" }, { "id": 33, "code": "dv", "name": "ދިވެހި" }, { "id": 34, "code": "dz", "name": "རྫོང་ཁ" }, { "id": 35, "code": "ee", "name": "Eʋegbe" }, { "id": 36, "code": "el", "name": "Ελληνικά" }, { "id": 37, "code": "en", "name": "English" }, { "id": 38, "code": "eo", "name": "Esperanto" }, { "id": 39, "code": "es", "name": "Español" }, { "id": 40, "code": "et", "name": "eesti" }, { "id": 41, "code": "eu", "name": "euskara" }, { "id": 42, "code": "fa", "name": "فارسی" }, { "id": 43, "code": "ff", "name": "Fulfulde" }, { "id": 44, "code": "fi", "name": "suomi" }, { "id": 45, "code": "fj", "name": "vosa Vakaviti" }, { "id": 46, "code": "fo", "name": "føroyskt" }, { "id": 47, "code": "fr", "name": "Français" }, { "id": 48, "code": "fy", "name": "Frysk" }, { "id": 49, "code": "ga", "name": "Gaeilge" }, { "id": 50, "code": "gd", "name": "Gàidhlig" }, { "id": 51, "code": "gl", "name": "galego" }, { "id": 52, "code": "gn", "name": "Avañe'ẽ" }, { "id": 53, "code": "gu", "name": "ગુજરાતી" }, { "id": 54, "code": "gv", "name": "Gaelg" }, { "id": 55, "code": "ha", "name": "هَوُسَ" }, { "id": 56, "code": "he", "name": "עברית" }, { "id": 57, "code": "hi", "name": "हिन्दी" }, { "id": 58, "code": "ho", "name": "Hiri Motu" }, { "id": 59, "code": "hr", "name": "Hrvatski" }, { "id": 60, "code": "ht", "name": "Kreyòl ayisyen" }, { "id": 61, "code": "hu", "name": "magyar" }, { "id": 62, "code": "hy", "name": "Հայերեն" }, { "id": 63, "code": "hz", "name": "Otjiherero" }, { "id": 64, "code": "ia", "name": "Interlingua" }, { "id": 65, "code": "id", "name": "Bahasa Indonesia" }, { "id": 66, "code": "ie", "name": "Interlingue" }, { "id": 67, "code": "ig", "name": "Asụsụ Igbo" }, { "id": 68, "code": 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