import os.path from datetime import datetime, timedelta from math import log from random import randint import flask import markdown2 import requests from sqlalchemy.sql.operators import or_, and_ from app import db, cache from app.activitypub.util import make_image_sizes_async, refresh_user_profile, find_actor_or_create, \ refresh_community_profile_task, users_total, active_month, local_posts, local_communities, local_comments from app.activitypub.signature import default_context from app.constants import SUBSCRIPTION_PENDING, SUBSCRIPTION_MEMBER, POST_TYPE_IMAGE, POST_TYPE_LINK, \ SUBSCRIPTION_OWNER, SUBSCRIPTION_MODERATOR, POST_TYPE_VIDEO from import send_email, send_welcome_email from app.inoculation import inoculation from app.main import bp from flask import g, session, flash, request, current_app, url_for, redirect, make_response, jsonify from flask_moment import moment from flask_login import current_user, login_required from flask_babel import _, get_locale from sqlalchemy import select, desc, text from sqlalchemy_searchable import search from app.utils import render_template, get_setting, gibberish, request_etag_matches, return_304, blocked_domains, \ ap_datetime, ip_address, retrieve_block_list, shorten_string, markdown_to_text, user_filters_home, \ joined_communities, moderating_communities, parse_page, theme_list, get_request, markdown_to_html, allowlist_html, \ blocked_instances, communities_banned_from, topic_tree, recently_upvoted_posts, recently_downvoted_posts, \ generate_image_from_video_url, blocked_users, microblog_content_to_title from app.models import Community, CommunityMember, Post, Site, User, utcnow, Domain, Topic, File, Instance, \ InstanceRole, Notification, Language, community_language from PIL import Image import pytesseract @bp.route('/', methods=['HEAD', 'GET', 'POST']) @bp.route('/home', methods=['GET', 'POST']) @bp.route('/home/', methods=['GET', 'POST']) def index(sort=None): if 'application/ld+json' in request.headers.get('Accept', '') or 'application/activity+json' in request.headers.get( 'Accept', ''): return activitypub_application() return home_page('home', sort) @bp.route('/popular', methods=['GET']) @bp.route('/popular/', methods=['GET']) def popular(sort=None): return home_page('popular', sort) @bp.route('/all', methods=['GET']) @bp.route('/all/', methods=['GET']) def all_posts(sort=None): return home_page('all', sort) def home_page(type, sort): verification_warning() if sort is None: sort = current_user.default_sort if current_user.is_authenticated else 'hot' # If nothing has changed since their last visit, return HTTP 304 current_etag = f"{type}_{sort}_{hash(str(}" if current_user.is_anonymous and request_etag_matches(current_etag): return return_304(current_etag) page = request.args.get('page', 1, type=int) low_bandwidth = request.cookies.get('low_bandwidth', '0') == '1' if current_user.is_anonymous: flash(_('Create an account to tailor this feed to your interests.')) posts = Post.query.filter(Post.from_bot == False, Post.nsfw == False, Post.nsfl == False) posts = posts.join(Community, == Post.community_id) if type == 'home': posts = posts.filter(Community.show_home == True) elif type == 'popular': posts = posts.filter(Community.show_popular == True).filter(Post.score > 100) elif type == 'all': posts = posts.filter(Community.show_all == True) content_filters = {} else: if type == 'home': posts = Post.query.join(CommunityMember, Post.community_id == CommunityMember.community_id).filter( CommunityMember.is_banned == False) # posts = posts.join(User, CommunityMember.user_id == == posts = posts.filter(CommunityMember.user_id == elif type == 'popular': posts = Post.query.filter(Post.from_bot == False) posts = posts.join(Community, == Post.community_id) posts = posts.filter(Community.show_popular == True, Post.score > 100) elif type == 'all': posts = Post.query posts = posts.join(Community, == Post.community_id) posts = posts.filter(Community.show_all == True) if current_user.ignore_bots: posts = posts.filter(Post.from_bot == False) if current_user.show_nsfl is False: posts = posts.filter(Post.nsfl == False) if current_user.show_nsfw is False: posts = posts.filter(Post.nsfw == False) domains_ids = blocked_domains( if domains_ids: posts = posts.filter(or_(Post.domain_id.not_in(domains_ids), Post.domain_id == None)) instance_ids = blocked_instances( if instance_ids: posts = posts.filter(or_(Post.instance_id.not_in(instance_ids), Post.instance_id == None)) # filter blocked users blocked_accounts = blocked_users( if blocked_accounts: posts = posts.filter(Post.user_id.not_in(blocked_accounts)) content_filters = user_filters_home( # Sorting if sort == 'hot': posts = posts.order_by(desc(Post.ranking)).order_by(desc(Post.posted_at)) elif sort == 'top': posts = posts.filter(Post.posted_at > utcnow() - timedelta(days=1)).order_by(desc(Post.up_votes - Post.down_votes)) elif sort == 'new': posts = posts.order_by(desc(Post.posted_at)) elif sort == 'active': posts = posts.order_by(desc(Post.last_active)) # Pagination posts = posts.paginate(page=page, per_page=100 if current_user.is_authenticated and not low_bandwidth else 50, error_out=False) if type == 'home': next_url = url_for('main.index', page=posts.next_num, sort=sort) if posts.has_next else None prev_url = url_for('main.index', page=posts.prev_num, sort=sort) if posts.has_prev and page != 1 else None elif type == 'popular': next_url = url_for('main.popular', page=posts.next_num, sort=sort) if posts.has_next else None prev_url = url_for('main.popular', page=posts.prev_num, sort=sort) if posts.has_prev and page != 1 else None elif type == 'all': next_url = url_for('main.all_posts', page=posts.next_num, sort=sort) if posts.has_next else None prev_url = url_for('main.all_posts', page=posts.prev_num, sort=sort) if posts.has_prev and page != 1 else None # Active Communities active_communities = Community.query.filter_by(banned=False) if current_user.is_authenticated: # do not show communities current user is banned from banned_from = communities_banned_from( if banned_from: active_communities = active_communities.filter( active_communities = active_communities.order_by(desc(Community.last_active)).limit(5).all() # Voting history if current_user.is_authenticated: recently_upvoted = recently_upvoted_posts( recently_downvoted = recently_downvoted_posts( else: recently_upvoted = [] recently_downvoted = [] return render_template('index.html', posts=posts, active_communities=active_communities, show_post_community=True, POST_TYPE_IMAGE=POST_TYPE_IMAGE, POST_TYPE_LINK=POST_TYPE_LINK, POST_TYPE_VIDEO=POST_TYPE_VIDEO, low_bandwidth=low_bandwidth, recently_upvoted=recently_upvoted, recently_downvoted=recently_downvoted, SUBSCRIPTION_PENDING=SUBSCRIPTION_PENDING, SUBSCRIPTION_MEMBER=SUBSCRIPTION_MEMBER, etag=f"{type}_{sort}_{hash(str(}", next_url=next_url, prev_url=prev_url, #rss_feed=f"https://{current_app.config['SERVER_NAME']}/feed", #rss_feed_name=f"Posts on " +, title=f"{} - {}", description=shorten_string(markdown_to_text(, 150), content_filters=content_filters, type=type, sort=sort, moderating_communities=moderating_communities(current_user.get_id()), joined_communities=joined_communities(current_user.get_id()), inoculation=inoculation[randint(0, len(inoculation) - 1)]) @bp.route('/topics', methods=['GET']) def list_topics(): verification_warning() topics = topic_tree() return render_template('list_topics.html', topics=topics, title=_('Browse by topic'), low_bandwidth=request.cookies.get('low_bandwidth', '0') == '1', moderating_communities=moderating_communities(current_user.get_id()), joined_communities=joined_communities(current_user.get_id())) @bp.route('/communities', methods=['GET']) def list_communities(): verification_warning() search_param = request.args.get('search', '') topic_id = int(request.args.get('topic_id', 0)) language_id = int(request.args.get('language_id', 0)) page = request.args.get('page', 1, type=int) low_bandwidth = request.cookies.get('low_bandwidth', '0') == '1' sort_by = request.args.get('sort_by', 'post_reply_count desc') topics = Topic.query.order_by( languages = Language.query.order_by( communities = Community.query.filter_by(banned=False) if search_param == '': pass else: communities = communities.filter(or_(Community.title.ilike(f"%{search_param}%"), Community.ap_id.ilike(f"%{search_param}%"))) if topic_id != 0: communities = communities.filter_by(topic_id=topic_id) if language_id != 0: communities = communities.join(community_language).filter(community_language.c.language_id == language_id) if current_user.is_authenticated: banned_from = communities_banned_from( if banned_from: communities = communities.filter( communities = communities.order_by(text('community.' + sort_by)) # Pagination communities = communities.paginate(page=page, per_page=250 if current_user.is_authenticated and not low_bandwidth else 50, error_out=False) next_url = url_for('main.list_communities', page=communities.next_num, sort_by=sort_by, language_id=language_id) if communities.has_next else None prev_url = url_for('main.list_communities', page=communities.prev_num, sort_by=sort_by, language_id=language_id) if communities.has_prev and page != 1 else None return render_template('list_communities.html', communities=communities, search=search_param, title=_('Communities'), SUBSCRIPTION_PENDING=SUBSCRIPTION_PENDING, SUBSCRIPTION_MEMBER=SUBSCRIPTION_MEMBER, SUBSCRIPTION_OWNER=SUBSCRIPTION_OWNER, SUBSCRIPTION_MODERATOR=SUBSCRIPTION_MODERATOR, next_url=next_url, prev_url=prev_url, topics=topics, languages=languages, topic_id=topic_id, language_id=language_id, sort_by=sort_by, low_bandwidth=low_bandwidth, moderating_communities=moderating_communities(current_user.get_id()), joined_communities=joined_communities(current_user.get_id())) @bp.route('/communities/local', methods=['GET']) def list_local_communities(): verification_warning() sort_by = text('community.' + request.args.get('sort_by') if request.args.get('sort_by') else 'community.post_reply_count desc') communities = Community.query.filter_by(ap_id=None, banned=False) return render_template('list_communities.html', communities=communities.order_by(sort_by).all(), title=_('Local communities'), sort_by=sort_by, SUBSCRIPTION_PENDING=SUBSCRIPTION_PENDING, SUBSCRIPTION_MEMBER=SUBSCRIPTION_MEMBER, SUBSCRIPTION_OWNER=SUBSCRIPTION_OWNER, SUBSCRIPTION_MODERATOR=SUBSCRIPTION_MODERATOR, low_bandwidth=request.cookies.get('low_bandwidth', '0') == '1', moderating_communities=moderating_communities(current_user.get_id()), joined_communities=joined_communities(current_user.get_id())) @bp.route('/communities/subscribed', methods=['GET']) def list_subscribed_communities(): verification_warning() sort_by = text('community.' + request.args.get('sort_by') if request.args.get('sort_by') else 'community.post_reply_count desc') if current_user.is_authenticated: communities = Community.query.filter_by(banned=False).join(CommunityMember).filter(CommunityMember.user_id == else: communities = [] return render_template('list_communities.html', communities=communities, title=_('Joined communities'), SUBSCRIPTION_PENDING=SUBSCRIPTION_PENDING, SUBSCRIPTION_MEMBER=SUBSCRIPTION_MEMBER, sort_by=sort_by, SUBSCRIPTION_OWNER=SUBSCRIPTION_OWNER, SUBSCRIPTION_MODERATOR=SUBSCRIPTION_MODERATOR, low_bandwidth=request.cookies.get('low_bandwidth', '0') == '1', moderating_communities=moderating_communities(current_user.get_id()), joined_communities=joined_communities(current_user.get_id())) @bp.route('/donate') def donate(): return render_template('donate.html') @bp.route('/about') def about_page(): user_amount = users_total() MAU = active_month() posts_amount = local_posts() admins = db.session.execute(text('SELECT user_name, email FROM "user" WHERE "id" IN (SELECT "user_id" FROM "user_role" WHERE "role_id" = 4) ORDER BY id')).all() staff = db.session.execute(text('SELECT user_name FROM "user" WHERE "id" IN (SELECT "user_id" FROM "user_role" WHERE "role_id" = 2) ORDER BY id')).all() domains_amount = db.session.execute(text('SELECT COUNT(id) as c FROM "domain" WHERE "banned" IS false')).scalar() community_amount = local_communities() instance = Instance.query.filter_by(id=1).first() return render_template('about.html', user_amount=user_amount, mau=MAU, posts_amount=posts_amount, domains_amount=domains_amount, community_amount=community_amount, instance=instance, admins=admins, staff=staff) @bp.route('/privacy') def privacy(): return render_template('privacy.html') @bp.route('/login') def login(): return redirect(url_for('auth.login')) @bp.route('/robots.txt') def robots(): resp = make_response(render_template('robots.txt')) resp.mimetype = 'text/plain' return resp @bp.route('/sitemap.xml') @cache.cached(timeout=6000) def sitemap(): posts = Post.query.filter(Post.from_bot == False) posts = posts.join(Community, == Post.community_id) posts = posts.filter(Community.show_all == True, Community.ap_id == None) # sitemap.xml only includes local posts if not posts = posts.filter(Community.nsfw == False) if not posts = posts.filter(Community.nsfl == False) posts = posts.order_by(desc(Post.posted_at)) resp = make_response(render_template('sitemap.xml', posts=posts, current_app=current_app)) resp.mimetype = 'text/xml' return resp @bp.route('/keyboard_shortcuts') def keyboard_shortcuts(): return render_template('keyboard_shortcuts.html') def list_files(directory): for root, dirs, files in os.walk(directory): for file in files: yield os.path.join(root, file) @bp.route('/test') def test(): #test_html = '

I'm slowly realising that I probably have some mild #LongCovid

Since having covid (now had it twice since 2022): iron deficiencies, breathing problems, constant asthma, and now a sudden allergy to some foods apparently.

My partner and I have been careful throughout the pandemic but clearly not careful enough at times (twice each) since "opening up".

And though it could be far far worse, I feel pretty violated right now TBH.


' #test_html = '@aww I can't contain my excitement' #test_html = '

#Garten #gardening

So - unser "Tulpenurlaub" ist vorbei, wir sind mit unserem 26PS E-Auto gut überall hin und wieder nach Hause gekommen.

Unsere 1. Station war der "Hortus Bulborum", Anlage einer gemeinnützigen Organisation, die sich der Erhaltung historischer Tulpenzwiebeln widmet. Um sie zu erhalten, müssen die Zwiebeln natürlich jedes Jahr wachsen und blühen . . .

' # test_html = '

Seems like @firefox @mozilla is doing something right

' test_html = '

John Helmer: \"If Israel escalates by attacking Iran and striking at the country’s infrastructure, then Iran’s counter will be [...] Electric War.\"

Naked Capitalism commentary:

full article source:

If Israel escalates by attacking Iran and striking at the country’s infrastructure, then Iran’s counter will be to take a page out of Russia’s book and commence the one line of attack which Israel, the US and their allies cannot withstand any better than Ukraine – that’s
Electric War.
For the seven months which have elapsed since Hamas began its operation against Israel on October 7, and Israel commenced its genocide against the Palestinians, there has been no targeting by Hamas, Hezbollah, the Houthis, or the Syrian and Iraqi groups of Israel’s highly vulnerable maritime gas platforms, gas pipelines, coal and oil-fired electricity generating plants, the coal and oil storages nearby, solar and wind power units, or the electricity grids keeping the country alight.
The Arab inhibitions and calculations are understandable. Iran’s will disappear if Israel triggers a new round of attacks.
#iran #israel #palestine #zionismisterrorism #imperialism #decolonization

' return microblog_content_to_title(test_html) md = "::: spoiler I'm all for ya having fun and your right to hurt yourself.\n\nI am a former racer, commuter, and professional Buyer for a chain of bike shops. I'm also disabled from the crash involving the 6th and 7th cars that have hit me in the last 170k+ miles of riding. I only barely survived what I simplify as a \"broken neck and back.\" Cars making U-turns are what will get you if you ride long enough, \n\nespecially commuting. It will look like just another person turning in front of you, you'll compensate like usual, and before your brain can even register what is really happening, what was your normal escape route will close and you're going to crash really hard. It is the only kind of crash that your intuition is useless against.\n:::" return markdown_to_html(md) users_to_notify = User.query.join(Notification, == Notification.user_id).filter( User.ap_id == None, Notification.created_at > User.last_seen, == False, User.email_unread_sent == False, # they have not been emailed since last activity User.email_unread == True # they want to be emailed ).all() for user in users_to_notify: notifications = Notification.query.filter(Notification.user_id ==, == False, Notification.created_at > user.last_seen).all() if notifications: # Also get the top 20 posts since their last login posts = Post.query.join(CommunityMember, Post.community_id == CommunityMember.community_id).filter( CommunityMember.is_banned == False) posts = posts.filter(CommunityMember.user_id == if user.ignore_bots: posts = posts.filter(Post.from_bot == False) if user.show_nsfl is False: posts = posts.filter(Post.nsfl == False) if user.show_nsfw is False: posts = posts.filter(Post.nsfw == False) domains_ids = blocked_domains( if domains_ids: posts = posts.filter(or_(Post.domain_id.not_in(domains_ids), Post.domain_id == None)) posts = posts.filter(Post.posted_at > user.last_seen).order_by(desc(Post.score)) posts = posts.limit(20).all() # Send email! send_email(_('[PieFed] You have unread notifications'), sender=f'PieFed ', recipients=[], text_body=flask.render_template('email/unread_notifications.txt', user=user, notifications=notifications), html_body=flask.render_template('email/unread_notifications.html', user=user, notifications=notifications, posts=posts, domain=current_app.config['SERVER_NAME'])) user.email_unread_sent = True db.session.commit() return 'ok' @bp.route('/test_email') @login_required def test_email(): send_email('This is a test email', f'{} <{current_app.config["MAIL_FROM"]}>', [], 'This is a test email. If you received this, email sending is working!', '

This is a test email. If you received this, email sending is working!

') return f'Email sent to {}.' @bp.route('/find_voters') def find_voters(): user_ids = db.session.execute(text('SELECT id from "user" ORDER BY last_seen DESC LIMIT 5000')).scalars() voters = {} for user_id in user_ids: recently_downvoted = recently_downvoted_posts(user_id) if len(recently_downvoted) > 10: voters[user_id] = str(recently_downvoted) return str(find_duplicate_values(voters)) def find_duplicate_values(dictionary): # Create a dictionary to store the keys for each value value_to_keys = {} # Iterate through the input dictionary for key, value in dictionary.items(): # If the value is not already in the dictionary, add it if value not in value_to_keys: value_to_keys[value] = [key] else: # If the value is already in the dictionary, append the key to the list value_to_keys[value].append(key) # Filter out the values that have only one key (i.e., unique values) duplicates = {value: keys for value, keys in value_to_keys.items() if len(keys) > 1} return duplicates def verification_warning(): if hasattr(current_user, 'verified') and current_user.verified is False: flash(_('Please click the link in your email inbox to verify your account.'), 'warning') @cache.cached(timeout=6) def activitypub_application(): application_data = { '@context': default_context(), 'type': 'Application', 'id': f"https://{current_app.config['SERVER_NAME']}/", 'name': 'PieFed', 'summary': + ' - ' +, 'published': ap_datetime(, 'updated': ap_datetime(, 'inbox': f"https://{current_app.config['SERVER_NAME']}/site_inbox", 'outbox': f"https://{current_app.config['SERVER_NAME']}/site_outbox", } resp = jsonify(application_data) resp.content_type = 'application/activity+json' return resp # instance actor (literally uses the word 'actor' without the /u/) # required for interacting with instances using 'secure mode' (aka authorized fetch) @bp.route('/actor', methods=['GET']) def instance_actor(): application_data = { '@context': default_context(), 'type': 'Application', 'id': f"https://{current_app.config['SERVER_NAME']}/actor", 'preferredUsername': f"{current_app.config['SERVER_NAME']}", 'url': f"https://{current_app.config['SERVER_NAME']}/about", 'manuallyApprovesFollowers': True, 'inbox': f"https://{current_app.config['SERVER_NAME']}/actor/inbox", 'outbox': f"https://{current_app.config['SERVER_NAME']}/actor/outbox", 'publicKey': { 'id': f"https://{current_app.config['SERVER_NAME']}/actor#main-key", 'owner': f"https://{current_app.config['SERVER_NAME']}/actor", 'publicKeyPem': }, 'endpoints': { 'sharedInbox': f"https://{current_app.config['SERVER_NAME']}/site_inbox", } } resp = jsonify(application_data) resp.content_type = 'application/activity+json' return resp