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synced 2025-02-03 08:41:25 -08:00
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193 lines
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from app import cache
from app.api.alpha.utils.validators import required, integer_expected, boolean_expected, string_expected
from app.api.alpha.views import reply_view, reply_report_view
from app.models import PostReply, Post
from app.shared.reply import vote_for_reply, bookmark_the_post_reply, remove_the_bookmark_from_post_reply, toggle_post_reply_notification, make_reply, edit_reply, \
delete_reply, restore_reply, report_reply
from app.utils import authorise_api_user, blocked_users, blocked_instances
from sqlalchemy import desc
# person_id param: the author of the reply; user_id param: the current logged-in user
def cached_reply_list(post_id, person_id, sort, max_depth, user_id):
if post_id:
replies = PostReply.query.filter(PostReply.post_id == post_id, PostReply.depth <= max_depth)
if person_id:
replies = PostReply.query.filter_by(user_id=person_id)
if user_id is not None:
blocked_person_ids = blocked_users(user_id)
if blocked_person_ids:
replies = replies.filter(PostReply.user_id.not_in(blocked_person_ids))
blocked_instance_ids = blocked_instances(user_id)
if blocked_instance_ids:
replies = replies.filter(PostReply.instance_id.not_in(blocked_instance_ids))
if sort == "Hot":
replies = replies.order_by(desc(PostReply.ranking)).order_by(desc(PostReply.posted_at))
elif sort == "Top":
replies = replies.order_by(desc(PostReply.up_votes - PostReply.down_votes))
elif sort == "New":
replies = replies.order_by(desc(PostReply.posted_at))
return replies.all()
def get_reply_list(auth, data, user_id=None):
sort = data['sort'] if data and 'sort' in data else "New"
max_depth = data['max_depth'] if data and 'max_depth' in data else 8
page = int(data['page']) if data and 'page' in data else 1
limit = int(data['limit']) if data and 'limit' in data else 10
post_id = data['post_id'] if data and 'post_id' in data else None
person_id = data['person_id'] if data and 'person_id' in data else None
if data and not post_id and not person_id:
raise Exception('missing_parameters')
if auth:
user_id = authorise_api_user(auth)
replies = cached_reply_list(post_id, person_id, sort, max_depth, user_id)
# user_id: the logged in user
# person_id: the author of the posts being requested
start = (page - 1) * limit
end = start + limit
replies = replies[start:end]
replylist = []
for reply in replies:
replylist.append(reply_view(reply=reply, variant=2, user_id=user_id))
list_json = {
"comments": replylist
return list_json
# would be in app/constants.py
def post_reply_like(auth, data):
required(['comment_id', 'score'], data)
integer_expected(['comment_id', 'score'], data)
score = data['score']
reply_id = data['comment_id']
if score == 1:
direction = 'upvote'
elif score == -1:
direction = 'downvote'
score = 0
direction = 'reversal'
user_id = vote_for_reply(reply_id, direction, SRC_API, auth)
reply_json = reply_view(reply=reply_id, variant=4, user_id=user_id, my_vote=score)
return reply_json
def put_reply_save(auth, data):
required(['comment_id', 'save'], data)
integer_expected(['comment_id'], data)
boolean_expected(['save'], data)
reply_id = data['comment_id']
save = data['save']
user_id = bookmark_the_post_reply(reply_id, SRC_API, auth) if save else remove_the_bookmark_from_post_reply(reply_id, SRC_API, auth)
reply_json = reply_view(reply=reply_id, variant=4, user_id=user_id)
return reply_json
def put_reply_subscribe(auth, data):
required(['comment_id', 'subscribe'], data)
integer_expected(['comment_id'], data)
boolean_expected(['subscribe'], data)
reply_id = data['comment_id']
subscribe = data['subscribe'] # not actually processed - is just a toggle
user_id = toggle_post_reply_notification(reply_id, SRC_API, auth)
reply_json = reply_view(reply=reply_id, variant=4, user_id=user_id)
return reply_json
def post_reply(auth, data):
required(['body', 'post_id'], data)
string_expected(['body',], data)
integer_expected(['post_id', 'parent_id', 'language_id'], data)
body = data['body']
post_id = data['post_id']
parent_id = data['parent_id'] if 'parent_id' in data else None
language_id = data['language_id'] if 'language_id' in data else 2 # FIXME: use site language
if language_id < 2:
language_id = 2 # FIXME: use site language
input = {'body': body, 'notify_author': True, 'language_id': language_id}
post = Post.query.filter_by(id=post_id).one()
user_id, reply = make_reply(input, post, parent_id, SRC_API, auth)
reply_json = reply_view(reply=reply, variant=4, user_id=user_id)
return reply_json
def put_reply(auth, data):
required(['comment_id'], data)
string_expected(['body',], data)
integer_expected(['comment_id', 'language_id'], data)
reply_id = data['comment_id']
body = data['body'] if 'body' in data else ''
language_id = data['language_id'] if 'language_id' in data else 2 # FIXME: use site language
if language_id < 2:
language_id = 2 # FIXME: use site language
input = {'body': body, 'notify_author': True, 'language_id': language_id}
reply = PostReply.query.filter_by(id=reply_id).one()
post = Post.query.filter_by(id=reply.post_id).one()
user_id, reply = edit_reply(input, reply, post, SRC_API, auth)
reply_json = reply_view(reply=reply, variant=4, user_id=user_id)
return reply_json
def post_reply_delete(auth, data):
required(['comment_id', 'deleted'], data)
integer_expected(['comment_id'], data)
boolean_expected(['deleted'], data)
reply_id = data['comment_id']
deleted = data['deleted']
if deleted == True:
user_id, reply = delete_reply(reply_id, SRC_API, auth)
user_id, reply = restore_reply(reply_id, SRC_API, auth)
reply_json = reply_view(reply=reply, variant=4, user_id=user_id)
return reply_json
def post_reply_report(auth, data):
required(['comment_id', 'reason'], data)
integer_expected(['comment_id'], data)
string_expected(['reason'], data)
reply_id = data['comment_id']
reason = data['reason']
input = {'reason': reason, 'description': '', 'report_remote': True}
user_id, report = report_reply(reply_id, input, SRC_API, auth)
reply_json = reply_report_view(report=report, reply_id=reply_id, user_id=user_id)
return reply_json