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synced 2025-02-03 00:31:25 -08:00
107 lines
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107 lines
6.1 KiB
"""unique user ap profile id
Revision ID: 26138ecda7c3
Revises: a4debcf5ac6f
Create Date: 2024-11-14 19:28:59.596757
from alembic import op
import sqlalchemy as sa
from sqlalchemy import text
# revision identifiers, used by Alembic.
revision = '26138ecda7c3'
down_revision = 'a4debcf5ac6f'
branch_labels = None
depends_on = None
def upgrade():
# Find duplicate users by ap_profile_id
dupes_query = text('''
SELECT id FROM "user"
WHERE ap_profile_id IN (
SELECT ap_profile_id FROM "user"
GROUP BY ap_profile_id
conn = op.get_bind()
dupes = conn.execute(dupes_query).scalars()
print('Cleaning up duplicate users, this may take a while...')
for d in dupes:
user_query = text('SELECT id, ap_profile_id FROM "user" WHERE id = :id')
user = conn.execute(user_query, {"id": d}).first()
if not user:
# Find users with the same ap_profile_id
users_query = text('''
SELECT id FROM "user"
WHERE ap_profile_id = :ap_profile_id
users = conn.execute(users_query, {"ap_profile_id": user.ap_profile_id}).fetchall()
first = True
new_id = None
for u in users:
if first:
first = False
new_id = u.id
if new_id:
old_id = u.id
# Update references in various tables
conn.execute(text('UPDATE "post" SET user_id = :new_id WHERE user_id = :old_id'), {"new_id": new_id, "old_id": old_id})
conn.execute(text('DELETE FROM "post_vote" WHERE user_id = :old_id'), {"new_id": new_id, "old_id": old_id})
conn.execute(text('DELETE FROM "post_vote" WHERE author_id = :old_id'), {"new_id": new_id, "old_id": old_id})
conn.execute(text('UPDATE "post_reply" SET user_id = :new_id WHERE user_id = :old_id'), {"new_id": new_id, "old_id": old_id})
conn.execute(text('DELETE FROM "post_reply_vote" WHERE user_id = :old_id'), {"new_id": new_id, "old_id": old_id})
conn.execute(text('DELETE FROM "post_reply_vote" WHERE author_id = :old_id'), {"new_id": new_id, "old_id": old_id})
conn.execute(text('UPDATE "notification" SET user_id = :new_id WHERE user_id = :old_id'), {"new_id": new_id, "old_id": old_id})
conn.execute(text('UPDATE "notification" SET author_id = :new_id WHERE author_id = :old_id'), {"new_id": new_id, "old_id": old_id})
conn.execute(text('UPDATE "notification_subscription" SET user_id = :new_id WHERE user_id = :old_id'), {"new_id": new_id, "old_id": old_id})
conn.execute(text('DELETE FROM "community_member" WHERE user_id = :old_id'), {"new_id": new_id, "old_id": old_id})
conn.execute(text('DELETE FROM "instance_role" WHERE user_id = :old_id'), {"old_id": old_id})
conn.execute(text('DELETE FROM "mod_log" WHERE user_id = :old_id'), {"old_id": old_id})
conn.execute(text('UPDATE "chat_message" SET sender_id = :new_id WHERE sender_id = :old_id'), {"new_id": new_id, "old_id": old_id})
conn.execute(text('UPDATE "chat_message" SET recipient_id = :new_id WHERE recipient_id = :old_id'), {"new_id": new_id, "old_id": old_id})
conn.execute(text('UPDATE "community" SET user_id = :new_id WHERE user_id = :old_id'), {"new_id": new_id, "old_id": old_id})
conn.execute(text('UPDATE "domain_block" SET user_id = :new_id WHERE user_id = :old_id'), {"new_id": new_id, "old_id": old_id})
conn.execute(text('UPDATE "community_block" SET user_id = :new_id WHERE user_id = :old_id'), {"new_id": new_id, "old_id": old_id})
conn.execute(text('UPDATE "user_follower" SET local_user_id = :new_id WHERE local_user_id = :old_id'), {"new_id": new_id, "old_id": old_id})
conn.execute(text('UPDATE "user_follower" SET remote_user_id = :new_id WHERE remote_user_id = :old_id'), {"new_id": new_id, "old_id": old_id})
conn.execute(text('UPDATE "community_ban" SET user_id = :new_id WHERE user_id = :old_id'), {"new_id": new_id, "old_id": old_id})
conn.execute(text('UPDATE "user_note" SET target_id = :new_id WHERE target_id = :old_id'), {"new_id": new_id, "old_id": old_id})
conn.execute(text('UPDATE "user_block" SET blocked_id = :new_id WHERE blocked_id = :old_id'), {"new_id": new_id, "old_id": old_id})
conn.execute(text('UPDATE "community_join_request" SET user_id = :new_id WHERE user_id = :old_id'), {"new_id": new_id, "old_id": old_id})
conn.execute(text('UPDATE "filter" SET user_id = :new_id WHERE user_id = :old_id'), {"new_id": new_id, "old_id": old_id})
conn.execute(text('UPDATE "report" SET reporter_id = :new_id WHERE reporter_id = :old_id'), {"new_id": new_id, "old_id": old_id})
conn.execute(text('UPDATE "report" SET suspect_user_id = :new_id WHERE suspect_user_id = :old_id'), {"new_id": new_id, "old_id": old_id})
conn.execute(text('UPDATE "user_follow_request" SET follow_id = :new_id WHERE follow_id = :old_id'), {"new_id": new_id, "old_id": old_id})
# Delete the duplicate user
conn.execute(text('DELETE FROM "user" WHERE id = :old_id'), {"old_id": old_id})
# ### commands auto generated by Alembic - please adjust! ###
with op.batch_alter_table('user', schema=None) as batch_op:
batch_op.create_index(batch_op.f('ix_user_ap_profile_id'), ['ap_profile_id'], unique=True)
# ### end Alembic commands ###
def downgrade():
# ### commands auto generated by Alembic - please adjust! ###
with op.batch_alter_table('user', schema=None) as batch_op:
batch_op.create_index('ix_user_ap_profile_id', ['ap_profile_id'], unique=False)
# ### end Alembic commands ###