2024-06-28 18:34:29 +02:00

94 lines
9.3 KiB

{% set content_blocked = post.blocked_by_content_filter(content_filters)
or (current_user.hide_nsfw == 3 and post.nsfw)
or (current_user.hide_nsfl == 3 and post.nsfl)
or (current_user.ignore_bots == 3 and post.from_bot) -%}
{% set blur_content = (current_user.hide_nsfw == 2 and post.nsfw)
or (current_user.hide_nsfl == 2 and post.nsfl)
or (current_user.ignore_bots == 2 and post.from_bot) -%}
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{# do nothing - blocked by keyword filter #}
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<div class="row main_row">
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<a href="{{ post.url }}" rel="nofollow ugc" target="_blank" aria-label="{{ _('Follow link') }}"><span class="fe fe-external"></span></a>
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<a href="{{ post.image.view_url() }}" rel="nofollow ugc" aria-label="{{ _('View image') }}" target="_blank"><span class="fe fe-magnify"></span></a>
{% else -%}
<a href="{{ url_for('activitypub.post_ap', }}" aria-label="{{ _('Read post') }}"><span class="fe fe-reply"></span></a>
{% endif -%}
{% else -%}
{% if post.type == POST_TYPE_VIDEO -%}
<a href="{{ url_for('activitypub.post_ap',, sort='new' if sort == 'active' else None, autoplay='true') }}" rel="nofollow ugc" aria-label="{{ _('Read article') }}"><span class="fe fe-video"></span><img src="{{ post.image.thumbnail_url() }}"
alt="{{ post.image.alt_text if post.image.alt_text else '' }}" loading="lazy" class="{{ 'blur' if (post.nsfw and not or (post.nsfl and not }}" /></a>
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<a href="{{ post.url }}" rel="nofollow ugc" target="_blank" aria-label="{{ _('Read article') }}"><span class="fe fe-external"></span><img src="{{ post.image.thumbnail_url() }}"
alt="{{ post.image.alt_text if post.image.alt_text else '' }}" loading="lazy" class="{{ 'blur' if (post.nsfw and not or (post.nsfl and not }}" /></a>
{% elif post.type == POST_TYPE_IMAGE -%}
{% if post.image_id -%}
<a href="{{ post.image.view_url() }}" rel="nofollow ugc" aria-label="{{ _('View image') }}" target="_blank"><span class="fe fe-magnify"></span><img src="{{ post.image.thumbnail_url() }}"
alt="{{ post.image.alt_text if post.image.alt_text else '' }}" loading="lazy" class="{{ 'blur' if (post.nsfw and not or (post.nsfl and not }}" /></a>
{% endif -%}
{% else -%}
<a href="{{ url_for('activitypub.post_ap', }}" aria-label="{{ _('Read post') }}"><span class="fe fe-reply"></span><img src="{{ post.image.thumbnail_url() }}"
alt="{{ post.image.alt_text if post.image.alt_text else '' }}" loading="lazy" class="{{ 'blur' if (post.nsfw and not or (post.nsfl and not }}" /></a>
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<a href="{{ post.url }}" rel="nofollow ugc" target="_blank" aria-label="{{ _('Read article') }}"><span class="fe fe-external"></span></a>
{% endif -%}
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<h3>{% if post.sticky -%}<span class="fe fe-sticky-left"></span>{% endif -%}<a href="{{ url_for('activitypub.post_ap',, sort='new' if sort == 'active' else None) }}" class="post_teaser_title_a">{{ post.title }}</a>
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{% elif post.url.endswith('.mp3') -%}
<span class="fe fe-audio" aria-hidden="true"></span>
{% endif -%}
<span class="domain_link" aria-hidden="true">(<a href="/d/{{ post.domain_id }}" aria-label="{{ _('All posts about this domain') }}">{{ }}</a>)</span>
{% endif -%}
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{% if post.nsfl -%}<span class="warning_badge nsfl" title="{{ _('Potentially emotionally scarring content') }}">nsfl</span>{% endif -%}
{% if post.reports > 0 and current_user.is_authenticated and -%}
<span class="red fe fe-report" title="{{ _('Reported. Check post for issues.') }}"></span>
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<span class="author small">{% if show_post_community -%}<a href="/c/{{ }}" aria-label="{{ _('Go to community %(name)s', }}">c/{{ }}</a>{% endif -%}
by {{ render_username( }} {{ moment(post.last_active if sort == 'active' else post.posted_at).fromNow() }}</span>
<div class="post_utilities">
<a href="{{ url_for('activitypub.post_ap',, sort='new' if sort == 'active' else None, _anchor='post_replies') }}" aria-label="{{ _('View comments') }}"><span class="fe fe-reply"></span> <span aria-label="{{ _('Number of comments:') }}">{{ post.reply_count }}</span></a>
{% if post.type == POST_TYPE_IMAGE -%}
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<a href="{{ post.url }}" rel="nofollow ugc" class="preview_image" target="_blank" aria-label="{{ _('View image') }}" aria-hidden="true"><span class="fe fe-magnify"></span></a>
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{% endif -%}