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synced 2025-01-24 03:43:42 -08:00
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116 lines
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from flask import session
from flask_login import current_user
from flask_wtf import FlaskForm
from wtforms import StringField, SubmitField, PasswordField, BooleanField, EmailField, TextAreaField, FileField, \
RadioField, DateField, SelectField
from wtforms.fields.choices import SelectMultipleField
from wtforms.validators import ValidationError, DataRequired, Email, EqualTo, Length, Optional
from flask_babel import _, lazy_gettext as _l
from app.utils import MultiCheckboxField
class ProfileForm(FlaskForm):
title = StringField(_l('Display name'), validators=[Optional(), Length(max=255)])
email = EmailField(_l('Email address'), validators=[Email(), DataRequired(), Length(min=5, max=255)])
password_field = PasswordField(_l('Set new password'), validators=[Optional(), Length(min=1, max=50)],
render_kw={"autocomplete": 'new-password'})
about = TextAreaField(_l('Bio'), validators=[Optional(), Length(min=3, max=5000)], render_kw={'rows': 5})
matrixuserid = StringField(_l('Matrix User ID'), validators=[Optional(), Length(max=255)], render_kw={'autocomplete': 'off'})
profile_file = FileField(_l('Avatar image'))
banner_file = FileField(_l('Top banner image'))
bot = BooleanField(_l('This profile is a bot'))
submit = SubmitField(_l('Save profile'))
def validate_email(self, field):
if current_user.another_account_using_email(field.data):
raise ValidationError(_l('That email address is already in use by another account'))
def validate_matrix_user_id(self, matrix_user_id):
if not matrix_user_id.data.strip().startswith('@'):
raise ValidationError(_l('Matrix user ids start with @'))
class SettingsForm(FlaskForm):
interface_language = SelectField(_l('Interface language'), coerce=str, validators=[Optional()], render_kw={'class': 'form-select'})
newsletter = BooleanField(_l('Subscribe to email newsletter'))
email_unread = BooleanField(_l('Receive email about missed notifications'))
ignore_bots = BooleanField(_l('Hide posts by bots'))
nsfw = BooleanField(_l('Show NSFW posts'))
nsfl = BooleanField(_l('Show NSFL posts'))
markdown_editor = BooleanField(_l('Use markdown editor GUI when writing'))
searchable = BooleanField(_l('Show profile in user list'))
indexable = BooleanField(_l('My posts appear in search results'))
manually_approves_followers = BooleanField(_l('Manually approve followers'))
import_file = FileField(_l('Import community subscriptions and user blocks from Lemmy'))
sorts = [('hot', _l('Hot')),
('top', _l('Top')),
('new', _l('New')),
('active', _l('Active')),
default_sort = SelectField(_l('By default, sort posts by'), choices=sorts, validators=[DataRequired()], coerce=str, render_kw={'class': 'form-select'})
theme = SelectField(_l('Theme'), coerce=str, render_kw={'class': 'form-select'})
submit = SubmitField(_l('Save settings'))
class DeleteAccountForm(FlaskForm):
submit = SubmitField(_l('Yes, delete my account'))
class ReportUserForm(FlaskForm):
reason_choices = [('1', _l('Breaks community rules')),
('7', _l('Spam')),
('2', _l('Harassment')),
('3', _l('Threatening violence')),
('4', _l('Promoting hate / genocide')),
('15', _l('Misinformation / disinformation')),
('16', _l('Racism, sexism, transphobia')),
('17', _l('Malicious reporting')),
('6', _l('Sharing personal info - doxing')),
('5', _l('Minor abuse or sexualization')),
('8', _l('Non-consensual intimate media')),
('9', _l('Prohibited transaction')), ('10', _l('Impersonation')),
('11', _l('Copyright violation')), ('12', _l('Trademark violation')),
('13', _l('Self-harm or suicide')),
('14', _l('Other'))]
reasons = MultiCheckboxField(_l('Reason'), choices=reason_choices)
description = StringField(_l('More info'))
report_remote = BooleanField('Also send report to originating instance')
submit = SubmitField(_l('Report'))
def reasons_to_string(self, reason_data) -> str:
result = []
for reason_id in reason_data:
for choice in self.reason_choices:
if choice[0] == reason_id:
return ', '.join(result)
class FilterEditForm(FlaskForm):
title = StringField(_l('Name'), validators=[DataRequired(), Length(min=3, max=50)])
filter_home = BooleanField(_l('Home feed'), default=True)
filter_posts = BooleanField(_l('Posts in communities'))
filter_replies = BooleanField(_l('Comments on posts'))
hide_type_choices = [(0, _l('Make semi-transparent')), (1, _l('Hide completely'))]
hide_type = RadioField(_l('Action to take'), choices=hide_type_choices, default=1, coerce=int)
keywords = TextAreaField(_l('Keywords that trigger this filter'),
render_kw={'placeholder': 'One keyword or phrase per line', 'rows': 3},
validators=[DataRequired(), Length(min=3, max=500)])
expire_after = DateField(_l('Expire after'), validators=[Optional()])
submit = SubmitField(_l('Save'))
class RemoteFollowForm(FlaskForm):
instance_url = StringField(_l('Your remote instance:'), validators=[DataRequired(), Length(min=3, max=50)],
render_kw={'placeholder': 'e.g. mastodon.social'})
type_choices = [
('mastodon', _l('Mastodon, Misskey, Akkoma, Iceshrimp and friends')),
('friendica', _l('Friendica')),
('hubzilla', _l('Hubzilla')),
('lemmy', _l('Lemmy')),
('pixelfed', _l('Pixelfed')),
instance_type = SelectField(_l('Instance type'), choices=type_choices, render_kw={'class': 'form-select'})
submit = SubmitField(_l('View profile on remote instance'))