#include "userapps.h" #include "ui_userapps.h" #include "mainwindow.h" #include "generaldialog.h" userapps::userapps(QWidget *parent) : QWidget(parent), ui(new Ui::userapps) { ui->setupUi(this); ui->launchBtn->setProperty("type", "borderless"); ui->launchBtn->setStyleSheet("background: lightGrey; font-size: 9pt; padding: 8px"); ui->launchBtn->setProperty("type", "borderless"); ui->iconBtn->setProperty("type", "borderless"); ui->iconBtn->setStyleSheet("QPushButton[type='borderless']:pressed { background: white; color: white; border: none; }"); ui->infoBtn->setProperty("type", "borderless"); ui->statusBtn->setProperty("type", "borderless"); ui->statusBtn->setStyleSheet("background: lightGrey; font-size: 9pt; padding: 8px"); } userapps::~userapps() { delete ui; } void userapps::provideInfo(QJsonObject jsonInfo) { QString name = jsonInfo["Name"].toString(); appName = name; // It is for searching for json entry while disabling / enabling jsonObject = jsonInfo; // Limit name size to avoid breaking the GUI if(name.size() > 20) { // If someone wants to break the GUI, they will do it ¯\^-^/¯ name.remove(16, 100); } ui->appNameLabel->setText(name); appDir.setPath("/mnt/onboard/onboard/.apps/" + name + "/" + name); QFile iconPath = QFile{appDir.path() + "/" + jsonInfo["IconPath"].toString()}; if(iconPath.exists() == true) { QIcon appIcon = QIcon(iconPath.fileName()); ui->iconBtn->setIconSize(QSize(40, 40)); ui->iconBtn->setIcon(appIcon); } else { QString function = __func__; QString message = ": Warning: Icon not found: "; message.append(iconPath.fileName()); log(function + message, className); ui->iconBtn->deleteLater(); ui->gridLayout->deleteLater(); } execPath.setFileName(jsonInfo["ExecPath"].toString()); userAppEnabled = jsonInfo["Enabled"].toBool(); if(userAppEnabled == true) { ui->statusBtn->setText("Disable"); } else { ui->statusBtn->setText("Enable"); } } // This function is needed when we dont want to repaint all widgets, but only change the the page (when no changes to the main JSON file were applied) void userapps::changePageEnabling(bool SecondPage) { if(SecondPage == true){ ui->stackedWidget->setCurrentIndex(1); } else { ui->stackedWidget->setCurrentIndex(0); } } void userapps::on_infoBtn_clicked() { log("Launching user application information dialog", className); // https://stackoverflow.com/questions/28181627/how-to-convert-a-qjsonobject-to-qstring QString jsonStringParsed = parseJsonShow(jsonObject); global::text::textBrowserContents = jsonStringParsed; global::userApps::appInfoDialog = true; generalDialogWindow = new generalDialog(); generalDialogWindow->setAttribute(Qt::WA_DeleteOnClose); generalDialogWindow->show(); } void userapps::on_statusBtn_clicked() { ui->statusBtn->setEnabled(false); // Here the text on this button is used as a boolean; no need to create a new one // Disable and Enable if(userAppEnabled == false) { userAppEnabled = true; ui->statusBtn->setText("Disable"); } else { userAppEnabled = false; ui->statusBtn->setText("Enable"); } QJsonObject jsonRootObject = jsonDocument.object(); QJsonArray jsonArrayList = jsonRootObject["list"].toArray(); int arraySize = jsonArrayList.size(); for(int i = 0; i < arraySize; i++) { QJsonObject jsonObject = jsonArrayList.at(i).toObject(); QString entryName = jsonObject["Name"].toString(); if(entryName == appName) { jsonObject.insert("Enabled", QJsonValue(userAppEnabled)); QJsonArray sonArrayListNew = jsonDocument.object()["list"].toArray(); sonArrayListNew.replace(i, jsonObject); jsonRootObject["list"] = sonArrayListNew; jsonDocument.setObject(jsonRootObject); emit updateJsonFileSignalUA(jsonDocument); } } ui->statusBtn->setEnabled(true); } void userapps::updateJsonFileSlotUA(QJsonDocument jsonDocumentProvided) { jsonDocument = jsonDocumentProvided; } void userapps::on_launchBtn_clicked() { // Some command to execute script or binary at "ExecPath" QJsonArray supportedDevices = jsonObject["SupportedDevices"].toArray(); // This will work even if we are looking for 'n306' and there is a device named 'n306b' because QJsonArray::contains() works that way if(supportedDevices.contains("all") == false and supportedDevices.contains(global::deviceID.trimmed()) == false) { log("Warning: User application '" + appName + "' does not support this device", className); global::userApps::appCompatibilityDialog = true; global::userApps::appCompatibilityText = "Your device is not compatible with this app.
Continue anyway
?"; generalDialogWindow = new generalDialog(); generalDialogWindow->setAttribute(Qt::WA_DeleteOnClose); generalDialogWindow->exec(); } else { global::userApps::launchApp = true; } if(manageRequiredFeatures() == true) { if(global::userApps::launchApp == true) { global::userApps::launchApp = false; QString message = "Launching user application at: '"; message.append("[" + appDir.path() + "]" + execPath.fileName()); message.append("'"); log(message, className); // Tell the OS that we're not running anymore writeFile("/tmp/inkbox_running", "false"); writeFile("/tmp/currentlyRunningUserApplication", appName); QProcess process; QStringList args; args << appDir.path() << execPath.fileName(); process.startDetached("launch_user_application.sh", args); qApp->quit(); } } } bool userapps::manageRequiredFeatures() { // This should be already set to 'true', but just in case global::userApps::appCompatibilityLastContinueStatus = true; QJsonArray jsonArray = jsonObject["RequiredFeatures"].toArray(); for(QJsonValueRef refJsonObject: jsonArray) { bool launchDialog = false; int featureId = refJsonObject.toInt(); // Wi-Fi connection required if(featureId == 0) { // Double 'if' conditions to avoid launching unnecesery testPing() in emu if(global::deviceID != "emu\n") { if(testPing(true) != 0) { global::userApps::appCompatibilityText = "This app needs a Wi-Fi connection, continue anyway?"; launchDialog = true; } } } // Rooted kernel required if(featureId == 1) { if(checkconfig("/external_root/opt/root/rooted") == true) { global::userApps::appCompatibilityText = "This app needs a rooted kernel, continue anyway?"; launchDialog = true; } } // Pseudoterminal support (ID: 2) is managed by the 'gui_apps' service (https://github.com/Kobo-InkBox/rootfs/blob/master/etc/init.d/gui_apps) if(launchDialog == true) { global::userApps::appCompatibilityDialog = true; generalDialogWindow = new generalDialog(); generalDialogWindow->setAttribute(Qt::WA_DeleteOnClose); generalDialogWindow->exec(); } if(global::userApps::appCompatibilityLastContinueStatus == false) { return false; } } return true; } QString userapps::parseJsonShow(QJsonObject json) { QString mainString; foreach(const QString& key, json.keys()) { QJsonValue value = json.value(key); QString appendString; appendString.append(""); appendString.append(key); appendString.append(": "); if(value.isString()) { appendString.append(value.toString()); } else if(value.isBool()) { appendString.append(QVariant(value.toBool()).toString()); } else if(value.isArray()) { QJsonArray array = value.toArray(); if(key == "RequiredFeatures") { bool foundRequiredFeature = false; appendString.append("None"); for(QJsonValueRef ref: array) { foundRequiredFeature = true; appendString.remove(appendString.size() - 4, 4); int id = ref.toInt(); if(id == 0) { appendString.append("Wi-Fi connection"); } else if(id == 1) { appendString.append("Rooted kernel"); } else if(id == 2) { appendString.append("Pseudoterminal support"); } appendString.append(", "); } if(foundRequiredFeature == true) { appendString.remove(appendString.size() - 2, 2); } } else if(key == "SupportedDevices") { for(QJsonValueRef ref: array) { QString name = ref.toString(); appendString.append(name); appendString.append(", "); } appendString.remove(appendString.size() - 2, 2); } } appendString.append("
"); mainString.append(appendString); } return mainString; }