#ifndef FUNCTIONS_H #define FUNCTIONS_H #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include // WoW, global variables and namespaces are awesome namespace global { namespace battery { inline bool showLowBatteryDialog; inline bool showCriticalBatteryAlert; inline bool batteryAlertLock; } namespace reader { inline QString bookFile; inline int pageNumber; inline int bookNumber; inline bool skipOpenDialog; inline bool startBatteryWatchdog; inline bool startUsbmsPrompt; inline bool bookIsEpub; inline bool globalReadingSettings; inline int pdfOrientation; inline bool highlightAlreadyDone; inline int textAlignment; inline int lineSpacing; inline QString font; static inline int initialFontSize = 6; inline int fontSize; inline int margins; inline QString currentViewportText; } namespace kobox { inline bool showKoboxSplash; inline bool koboxSettingsRebootDialog; inline bool resetKoboxUserDataBool; inline bool resetKoboxDialog; } namespace mainwindow { namespace tabSwitcher { inline bool repaint; inline bool homePageWidgetCreated; inline bool appsWidgetCreated; inline bool appsWidgetSelected; inline bool settingsChooserWidgetCreated; inline bool settingsChooserWidgetSelected; inline bool libraryWidgetCreated; inline bool libraryWidgetSelected; inline bool localLibraryWidgetCreated; inline bool localLibraryWidgetSelected; } inline bool updateDialog; inline bool lowBatteryDialog; } namespace usbms { inline bool usbmsDialog; inline bool showUsbmsDialog; inline bool launchUsbms; inline bool koboxExportExtensions; } namespace settings { inline bool settingsRebootDialog; } namespace text { inline bool textBrowserDialog; inline QString textBrowserContents; inline QString textBrowserTitle = ""; // At default: empty; "Information" will be displayed } namespace keyboard { inline bool keyboardDialog; inline bool keypadDialog; inline bool searchDialog; inline bool encfsDialog; inline bool vncDialog; inline bool wifiPassphraseDialog; inline bool telemetryMessageDialog; inline QString keyboardText; inline QString keypadText; inline bool embed = true; } namespace toast { inline QString message; inline bool modalToast; inline bool indefiniteToast; inline int delay; } namespace device { inline bool isWifiAble; } namespace otaUpdate { inline bool isUpdateOta; inline bool downloadOta; } namespace encfs { inline QString passphrase; inline QString unlockTime; inline QString lockdownMessage; inline bool cancelSetup; inline bool cancelUnlock; inline bool lockdown; inline bool enableStorageEncryptionDialog; inline bool disableStorageEncryptionDialog; inline bool errorNoBooksInDropboxDialog; inline bool repackDialog; } namespace library { inline unsigned long bookId; inline bool isLatestBook; inline int latestBookNumber; inline QString bookTitle; inline bool librarySearchDialog; inline bool libraryResults; inline bool librarySyncDialog; } namespace bookInfoDialog { inline bool localInfoDialog; } namespace localLibrary { static inline QString rawDatabasePath = "/inkbox/LocalLibrary.db.raw"; static inline QString databaseDirectoryPath = "/mnt/onboard/onboard/.database/"; static inline QString databasePath = databaseDirectoryPath + "LocalLibrary.db"; static inline QString recentBooksDatabasePath = databaseDirectoryPath + "RecentBooks.db"; static inline QString pinnedBooksDatabasePath = databaseDirectoryPath + "PinnedBooks.db"; static inline QString highlightsDatabasePath = databaseDirectoryPath + "Highlights.db"; static inline QString todoDatabasePath = databaseDirectoryPath + "ToDo.db"; // Maximum signed integer value for 32-bit systems static inline int folderID = 2147483647; inline bool headless; namespace bookOptionsDialog { inline int bookID; inline bool deleteOption = true; inline bool bookDeleted; inline bool bookPinAction; inline QString folderPath; inline bool isFolder = false; } } namespace localStorage { inline QStringList searchResultsPaths; } namespace logger { inline bool status; } namespace userApps { inline bool appCompatibilityDialog; inline QString appCompatibilityText; inline bool appCompatibilityLastContinueStatus = true; // This is for RequiredFeatures to show only one dialog if 'Cancel' is clicked. inline bool appInfoDialog; inline bool launchApp; } namespace homePageWidget { static inline int recentBooksNumber = 8; static inline int recentBooksNumberPerRow = 4; static inline int recentBooksRowNumber = global::homePageWidget::recentBooksNumber / global::homePageWidget::recentBooksNumberPerRow; static inline int pinnedBooksNumber = 4; static inline int pinnedBooksNumberPerRow = 4; static inline int pinnedBooksRowNumber = global::homePageWidget::pinnedBooksNumber / global::homePageWidget::pinnedBooksNumberPerRow; } namespace highlightsListDialog { inline QString bookPath; } namespace wifi { enum class wifiState { configured, enabled, disabled, unknown, // To not confuse lastWifiState }; inline bool isConnected; class wifiNetworkData { public: QString mac; QString name; bool encryption; int signal; }; } namespace audio { inline bool enabled = false; struct musicFile { QString path; QString name; // Cut path for easier use in names int lengths; // length Seconds QString length; // In minutes:seconds int id; }; // 'None' is when 'currentAction' is empty enum class Action { // Function will be called with this enum Play, Next, Previous, Pause, Continue, Stop, // Sets 'paused' to false, 'isSomethingCurrentlyPlaying' to false, and 'itemCurrentlyPlaying' to -1; also stops playing SetVolume, }; inline QVector currentAction; inline QVector queue; inline QVector fileList; inline int itemCurrentlyPlaying = -1; // Also indicates in the queue menu which a gray color which is playing inline QMutex audioMutex; // These variables will be shared between threads, so here, it's to protect it inline int progressSeconds = -5; // -5 at default to avoid cutting song too early... yea inline bool paused = false; inline bool isSomethingCurrentlyPlaying = false; // Pause and continue inline bool firstScan = true; inline int volumeLevel = 40; // Default save value inline bool songChanged = false; } namespace telemetry { inline bool enabled = false; inline bool telemetryDialog = false; } inline QString systemInfoText; inline bool forbidOpenSearchDialog; inline bool isN705 = false; inline bool isN905C = false; inline bool isN613 = false; inline bool isN873 = false; inline bool isN236 = false; inline bool isN437 = false; inline bool isN306 = false; inline bool isN249 = false; inline bool isKT = false; inline bool runningInstanceIsReaderOnly; inline QString deviceID; } // https://stackoverflow.com/questions/6080853/c-multiple-definition-error-for-global-functions-in-the-header-file/20679534#20679534 namespace { QString deviceUID; QString device; QString batteryLevel; QString kernelVersion; int batteryLevelInt; int defaultEpubPageWidth; int defaultEpubPageHeight; int defaultPdfPageWidth; int defaultPdfPageHeight; bool checked_box = false; QFile logFile("/external_root/var/log/inkbox-gui.log"); void log(QString message, QString className = "undefined", bool applicationStart = false) { if(global::logger::status == true) { QString initialTime; if(applicationStart == true) { initialTime = QDateTime::currentDateTime().toString("dd/MM/yyyy @ hh:mm:ss"); } QDebug logger = qDebug(); logger.noquote(); QStringList logStringList; logStringList << QDateTime::currentDateTime().toString("dd/MM/yyyy @ hh:mm:ss") << "|" << className + ":" << message.trimmed(); QString logString = logStringList.join(" "); logger << logString; if(!logFile.isOpen()) { logFile.open(QIODevice::Append|QIODevice::Text); } QTextStream logFileOut(&logFile); if(applicationStart == true) { logFileOut << "========== InkBox binary start at " << initialTime << " ==========" << Qt::endl; } logFileOut << logString << Qt::endl; logFile.close(); } } void logEnabled(QString configOption, QString className) { log("Enabling " + configOption + " setting", className); } void logDisabled(QString configOption, QString className) { log("Disabling " + configOption + " setting", className); } bool checkconfig(QString file) { if(QFile::exists(file)) { QFile config(file); config.open(QIODevice::ReadOnly); QTextStream in (&config); const QString content = in.readAll(); config.close(); if(content.contains("true")) { return true; } else { return false; } } else { QString function = __func__; log(function + ": Warning: File '" + file + "' doesn't exist, returning false", "functions"); return false; } return 0; }; void setDefaultWorkDir() { QDir::setCurrent("/mnt/onboard/.adds/inkbox"); } int brightnessCheckconfig(QString file) { if(QFile::exists(file)) { QFile config(file); config.open(QIODevice::ReadWrite); QTextStream in (&config); const QString content = in.readAll(); int contentInt = content.toInt(); return contentInt; config.close(); } else { return EXIT_FAILURE; } return 0; } void setBrightness(int value) { if(global::deviceID == "n249\n") { if(QFile::exists("/var/run/brightness_write")) { std::ofstream fhandler; fhandler.open("/var/run/brightness_write"); fhandler << value; fhandler.close(); } } else { if(QFile::exists("/var/run/brightness")) { std::ofstream fhandler; fhandler.open("/var/run/brightness"); fhandler << value; fhandler.close(); } } } void setBrightness_ntxio(int value) { // Thanks to Kevin Short for this (GloLight) int light; if((light = open("/dev/ntx_io", O_RDWR)) == -1) { fprintf(stderr, "Error opening ntx_io device\n"); } ioctl(light, 241, value); close(light); } int displayQuote() { int quoteNumber = QRandomGenerator::global()->bounded(1, 6); return quoteNumber; } bool writeFile(QString filename, QString content) { QFile file(filename); if(file.open(QIODevice::ReadWrite | QIODevice::Truncate | QIODevice::Text)) { QTextStream stream(&file); stream << content; return true; } else { QString function = __func__; log(function + ": Failed to write string '" + content + "' to file '" + filename + "'", "functions"); return false; } } QString readFile(QString file) { if(QFile::exists(file)) { QFile fileToRead(file); fileToRead.open(QIODevice::ReadOnly); QTextStream in (&fileToRead); QString content = in.readAll(); return content; } else { return NULL; } } void brightnessWriteconfig(int value) { std::ofstream fhandler; fhandler.open(".config/03-brightness/config"); fhandler << value; fhandler.close(); } void warmthWriteconfig(int value) { std::ofstream fhandler; fhandler.open(".config/03-brightness/config-warmth"); fhandler << value; fhandler.close(); } int getBrightness() { if(global::deviceID == "n613\n") { QString brightnessConfig = readFile(".config/03-brightness/config"); int brightness; if(brightnessConfig.isEmpty()) { brightness = 0; } else { brightness = brightnessConfig.toInt(); } return brightness; } else { if(QFile::exists("/var/run/brightness")) { QFile brightness("/var/run/brightness"); brightness.open(QIODevice::ReadOnly); QString valuestr = brightness.readAll(); int value = valuestr.toInt(); brightness.close(); return value; } else { return 0; } } return 0; } QString getPowerSupplyOfType(QString type) { QDirIterator supplies("/sys/class/power_supply", QDirIterator::NoIteratorFlags); while(supplies.hasNext()) { supplies.next(); QString supply = supplies.filePath(); // Badly-classified device by some ntx kernels, ignore if ((type == "Battery") && (supplies.fileName() == "mc13892_charger")) { continue; } if (readFile(supplies.filePath() + "/type").trimmed() == type) { return supply; } } return NULL; } QString getBatteryFile() { static QString capacity; if (capacity.isNull()) { QString battery = getPowerSupplyOfType("Battery"); if (!battery.isNull()) { capacity = battery + "/capacity"; } } return capacity; } void getBatteryLevel() { batteryLevelInt = 100; batteryLevel = "100%"; if(global::deviceID == "kt\n") { if(QFile::exists("/sys/devices/system/yoshi_battery/yoshi_battery0/battery_capacity")) { batteryLevel = readFile("/sys/devices/system/yoshi_battery/yoshi_battery0/battery_capacity").trimmed(); batteryLevelInt = batteryLevel.toInt(); batteryLevel.append("%"); } } else { // probably superfluous, catched by default if(QFile::exists("/sys/devices/platform/pmic_battery.1/power_supply/mc13892_bat/capacity")) { batteryLevel = readFile("/sys/devices/platform/pmic_battery.1/power_supply/mc13892_bat/capacity").trimmed(); batteryLevelInt = batteryLevel.toInt(); batteryLevel.append("%"); } else { QString path = getBatteryFile(); if(QFile::exists(path)) { batteryLevel = readFile(path).trimmed(); batteryLevelInt = batteryLevel.toInt(); batteryLevel.append("%"); } } } } void writeconfig(std::string file, std::string config) { std::ofstream fhandler; fhandler.open(file); fhandler << config << std::boolalpha << checked_box << std::endl; fhandler.close(); } bool checkconfig_match(QString file, std::string pattern) { QFile config(file); config.open(QIODevice::ReadWrite); QTextStream in (&config); const QString content = in.readAll(); std::string contentstr = content.toStdString(); config.close(); // Thanks to https://stackoverflow.com/questions/22516463/how-do-i-find-a-complete-word-not-part-of-it-in-a-string-in-c std::regex r("\\b" + pattern + "\\b"); std::smatch m; if(std::regex_search(contentstr, m, r)) { return true; } else { return false; } return 0; }; bool isBatteryLow() { // Checks if battery level is under 15% of total capacity. getBatteryLevel(); if(batteryLevelInt <= 15) { return true; } else { return false; } return 0; } bool isBatteryCritical() { // Checks if the battery level is critical (i.e. <= 5%) getBatteryLevel(); if(batteryLevelInt <= 5) { QString function = __func__; log(function + ": Battery is at a critical charge level!", "functions"); return true; } else { return false; } return 0; } void zeroBrightness() { if(global::deviceID != "n613\n") { setBrightness(0); } else { setBrightness_ntxio(0); } } void poweroff(bool splash) { log("Powering off", "functions"); if(splash == true) { QString prog ("/sbin/poweroff"); QStringList args; QProcess *proc = new QProcess(); proc->start(prog, args); proc->waitForFinished(); proc->deleteLater(); } else { QString prog ("/sbin/poweroff"); QStringList args; args << "no_splash"; QProcess *proc = new QProcess(); proc->start(prog, args); proc->waitForFinished(); proc->deleteLater(); } } void reboot(bool splash) { log("Rebooting", "functions"); if(splash == true) { QString prog ("/sbin/reboot"); QStringList args; if(global::kobox::resetKoboxUserDataBool == true) { args << "splash" << "reset_kobox"; } QProcess *proc = new QProcess(); proc->start(prog, args); proc->waitForFinished(); proc->deleteLater(); } else { QString prog ("/sbin/reboot"); QStringList args; if(global::kobox::resetKoboxUserDataBool == true) { args << "no_splash" << "reset_kobox"; } else { args << "no_splash"; } QProcess *proc = new QProcess(); proc->start(prog, args); proc->waitForFinished(); proc->deleteLater(); } } QString getUID() { QString prog ("dd"); QStringList args; args << "if=/dev/mmcblk0" << "bs=512" << "skip=1" << "count=1" << "status=none"; QProcess *proc = new QProcess(); proc->start(prog, args); proc->waitForFinished(); deviceUID = proc->readAllStandardOutput(); deviceUID = deviceUID.left(256); proc->deleteLater(); return deviceUID; } void getKernelVersion() { QString prog ("uname"); QStringList args; args << "-r"; QProcess *proc = new QProcess(); proc->start(prog, args); proc->waitForFinished(); kernelVersion = proc->readAllStandardOutput(); kernelVersion = kernelVersion.trimmed(); proc->deleteLater(); setDefaultWorkDir(); writeFile("/external_root/run/initrd-fifo", "get_kernel_build_id\n"); QThread::msleep(100); writeFile("/external_root/run/initrd-fifo", "get_kernel_commit\n"); QThread::msleep(100); QString kernelBuildID = readFile("/external_root/run/kernel_build_id").trimmed(); kernelVersion.append(", build "); kernelVersion.append(kernelBuildID); QString kernelCommit = readFile("/external_root/run/kernel_commit").trimmed(); kernelVersion.append(", commit "); kernelVersion.append(kernelCommit); } QString getConnectionInformation() { QString getIpProg ("sh"); QStringList getIpArgs; if(global::deviceID != "n437\n" and global::deviceID != "n249\n") { getIpArgs << "-c" << "/sbin/ifconfig eth0 | grep 'inet addr' | cut -d: -f2 | awk '{print $1}'"; } else { getIpArgs << "-c" << "/sbin/ifconfig wlan0 | grep 'inet addr' | cut -d: -f2 | awk '{print $1}'"; } QProcess *getIpProc = new QProcess(); getIpProc->start(getIpProg, getIpArgs); getIpProc->waitForFinished(); QString ipAddress = getIpProc->readAllStandardOutput(); if(ipAddress == "") { ipAddress = "Not available"; } getIpProc->deleteLater(); return ipAddress; } void getSystemInfo() { getUID(); getKernelVersion(); global::systemInfoText = "InkBox OS version "; global::systemInfoText.append(readFile("/external_root/opt/isa/version")); global::systemInfoText.append("
Copyright © 2021-2024 Nicolas Mailloux and contributors
Special thanks to: Szybet, NiLuJe, akemnade, Rain92 (GitHub)"); global::systemInfoText.append("
GUI Git commit: "); global::systemInfoText.append(GIT_VERSION); global::systemInfoText.append("
Device UID: "); global::systemInfoText.append(deviceUID); global::systemInfoText.append("
Kernel version: "); global::systemInfoText.append(kernelVersion); global::systemInfoText.append("
Device: "); QString device = global::deviceID.trimmed(); global::systemInfoText.append(device); QString ipAddress = getConnectionInformation(); global::systemInfoText.append("
IP address: "); global::systemInfoText.append(ipAddress); } void resetKoboxUserData() { log("Resetting KoBox user data", "functions"); global::kobox::resetKoboxUserDataBool = true; reboot(true); } QString findEpubMetadata(QString book_file, QString metadata) { log("Finding ePUB metadata, query: " + metadata, "functions"); setDefaultWorkDir(); QString prog ("sh"); QStringList args; args << "find_epub_metadata.sh" << book_file << metadata; QProcess *proc = new QProcess(); proc->start(prog, args); proc->waitForFinished(); QString returnedMetadata = proc->readAllStandardOutput(); QString function = __func__; log(function + ": ePUB metadata is: " + returnedMetadata, "functions"); return returnedMetadata; } void defineDefaultPageSize(int fileType) { /* fileType can be: * 0: ePUB * 1: PDF */ if(fileType == 0) { if(global::deviceID == "n705\n") { defaultEpubPageHeight = 365; defaultEpubPageWidth = 365; } else if(global::deviceID == "n905\n" or global::deviceID == "kt\n") { defaultEpubPageHeight = 425; defaultEpubPageWidth = 425; } else if(global::deviceID == "n613\n" or global::deviceID == "n236\n" or global::deviceID == "n437\n" or global::deviceID == "n306\n" or global::deviceID == "n249\n" or global::deviceID == "emu\n") { defaultEpubPageHeight = 450; defaultEpubPageWidth = 450; } else if(global::deviceID == "n873\n") { defaultEpubPageHeight = 525; defaultEpubPageWidth = 525; } QString function = __func__; log(function + ": Defined default ePUB page height to " + QString::number(defaultEpubPageHeight), "functions"); log(function + ": Defined default ePUB page width to " + QString::number(defaultEpubPageWidth), "functions"); } else if(fileType == 1) { if(global::deviceID == "n705\n" or global::deviceID == "n905\n" or global::deviceID == "kt\n") { if(global::reader::pdfOrientation == 0) { defaultPdfPageHeight = 750; defaultPdfPageWidth = 550; } else { defaultPdfPageHeight = 550; defaultPdfPageWidth = 750; } } else if(global::deviceID == "n613\n" or global::deviceID == "n236\n" or global::deviceID == "n306\n" or global::deviceID == "emu\n") { if(global::reader::pdfOrientation == 0) { defaultPdfPageHeight = 974; defaultPdfPageWidth = 708; } else { defaultPdfPageHeight = 708; defaultPdfPageWidth = 974; } } else if(global::deviceID == "n437\n" or global::deviceID == "n249\n") { if(global::reader::pdfOrientation == 0) { defaultPdfPageHeight = 1398; defaultPdfPageWidth = 1022; } else { defaultPdfPageHeight = 1022; defaultPdfPageWidth = 1398; } } else if(global::deviceID == "n873\n") { if(global::reader::pdfOrientation == 0) { defaultPdfPageHeight = 1630; defaultPdfPageWidth = 1214; } else { defaultPdfPageHeight = 1214; defaultPdfPageWidth = 1630; } } QString function = __func__; log(function + "Defined default PDF page height to " + QString::number(defaultPdfPageHeight), "functions"); log(function + "Defined default PDF page width to " + QString::number(defaultPdfPageWidth), "functions"); } } void preSetBrightness(int brightnessValue) { if(global::deviceID == "n705\n" or global::deviceID == "n905\n" or global::deviceID == "n873\n" or global::deviceID == "n236\n" or global::deviceID == "n437\n" or global::deviceID == "n306\n" or global::deviceID == "n249\n" or global::deviceID == "kt\n") { setBrightness(brightnessValue); } else if(global::deviceID == "n613\n") { setBrightness_ntxio(brightnessValue); } else { setBrightness(brightnessValue); } } void cinematicBrightness(int value, int mode) { /* mode can be 0, 1, or 2, respectively: * 0: Bring UP brightness * 1: Bring DOWN brightness * 2: Auto; smooth brightness transition between two brightness levels */ if(global::deviceID != "n705\n" && global::deviceID != "n905\n" && global::deviceID != "kt\n") { QString function = __func__; log(function + ": Setting brightness to " + QString::number(value), "functions"); } if(mode == 0) { int brightness = 0; while(brightness != value) { brightness = brightness + 1; preSetBrightness(brightness); QThread::msleep(30); } } else if(mode == 1) { int brightness = getBrightness(); while(brightness != 0) { brightness = brightness - 1; preSetBrightness(brightness); QThread::msleep(30); } } else if(mode == 2) { int brightness = getBrightness(); if(brightness <= value) { while(brightness != value) { brightness = brightness + 1; preSetBrightness(brightness); QThread::msleep(30); } } else if(brightness >= value) { while(brightness != value) { brightness = brightness - 1; preSetBrightness(brightness); QThread::msleep(30); } } } } int getWarmth() { QString sysfsWarmthPath; int warmthValue; if(global::deviceID == "n873\n") { sysfsWarmthPath = "/sys/class/backlight/lm3630a_led/color"; } else if(global::deviceID == "n249\n") { sysfsWarmthPath = "/sys/class/backlight/backlight_warm/actual_brightness"; } QString warmthConfig = readFile(sysfsWarmthPath); warmthValue = warmthConfig.toInt(); if (global::deviceID == "n873\n") { warmthValue = 10 - warmthValue; } return warmthValue; } void setWarmth(int warmthValue) { QString sysfsWarmthPath; QString warmthValueStr; if(global::deviceID == "n873\n") { // Value 0 gives a warmer lighting than value 10 warmthValue = 10 - warmthValue; warmthValueStr = QString::number(warmthValue); sysfsWarmthPath = "/sys/class/backlight/lm3630a_led/color"; } else if(global::deviceID == "n249\n") { warmthValueStr = QString::number(warmthValue); sysfsWarmthPath = "/sys/class/backlight/backlight_warm/brightness"; } writeFile(sysfsWarmthPath, warmthValueStr); } void cinematicWarmth(int warmthValue) { int currentWarmth = getWarmth(); if(warmthValue < currentWarmth) { while(warmthValue < currentWarmth) { currentWarmth--; setWarmth(currentWarmth); QThread::msleep(30); } } else if(warmthValue > currentWarmth) { while(warmthValue > currentWarmth) { currentWarmth++; setWarmth(currentWarmth); QThread::msleep(30); } } } void installUpdate() { log("Installing update package", "functions"); writeFile("/mnt/onboard/onboard/.inkbox/can_really_update", "true\n"); writeFile("/external_root/opt/update/will_update", "true\n"); writeFile("/external_root/boot/flags/WILL_UPDATE", "true\n"); reboot(true); } bool getEncFSStatus() { return checkconfig("/external_root/run/encfs_mounted"); } bool isUsbPluggedIn() { if(global::deviceID == "kt\n") { if(readFile("/sys/devices/system/yoshi_battery/yoshi_battery0/battery_status") == "1\n") { return 1; } else { return 0; } } else if(global::deviceID == "n249\n") { if(readFile("/sys/class/power_supply/rn5t618-battery/status") != "Discharging\n") { return 1; } else { return 0; } } else { // Thanks to https://github.com/koreader/KoboUSBMS/blob/2efdf9d920c68752b2933f21c664dc1afb28fc2e/usbms.c#L148-L158 int ntxfd; if((ntxfd = open("/dev/ntx_io", O_RDWR)) == -1) { fprintf(stderr, "Error opening ntx_io device\n"); } unsigned long ptr = 0U; ioctl(ntxfd, 108, &ptr); close(ntxfd); return !!ptr; } } void updateUserAppsMainJsonFile() { QDirIterator appsDir("/mnt/onboard/onboard/.apps", QDirIterator::NoIteratorFlags); QFile newJsonFile = QFile{"/mnt/onboard/onboard/.apps/apps.json"}; QJsonDocument newJsonDocument; QJsonArray array; while (appsDir.hasNext()) { QDir dir(appsDir.next()); if(dir.exists() == true) { if(dir.path().split("/").last().contains(".") == false) { QFile jsonSmall = QFile{dir.path() + "/app.json"}; if(jsonSmall.exists() == true) { jsonSmall.open(QIODevice::ReadOnly | QIODevice::Text); QString jsonString = jsonSmall.readAll(); jsonSmall.close(); QJsonDocument jsonSmallDoc = QJsonDocument::fromJson(jsonString.toUtf8()); if(jsonSmallDoc["app"].isObject() == true) { QJsonObject jsonSmallMainObj = jsonSmallDoc["app"].toObject(); array.append(jsonSmallMainObj); } else { log("Error: User application '" + appsDir.path() + "''s JSON file descriptor is missing main object 'app'", "main"); } } else { QString message = "User application '" + appsDir.path() + "' does not contain any 'app.json' file: "; message.append(jsonSmall.fileName()); log(message, "main"); } } } } // https://forum.qt.io/topic/104791/how-i-can-create-json-format-in-qt/5 QJsonObject root; root["list"] = array; newJsonDocument.setObject(root); newJsonFile.open(QFile::WriteOnly | QFile::Text | QFile::Truncate); newJsonFile.write(newJsonDocument.toJson()); newJsonFile.flush(); newJsonFile.close(); } void updateUserAppsSmallJsonFiles() { QFile jsonFile = QFile{"/mnt/onboard/onboard/.apps/apps.json"}; jsonFile.open(QIODevice::ReadOnly | QIODevice::Text); QString fileRead = jsonFile.readAll(); jsonFile.close(); QJsonDocument jsonDocument = QJsonDocument::fromJson(fileRead.toUtf8()); if(jsonDocument["list"].isArray() == true) { QJsonArray jsonArray = jsonDocument["list"].toArray(); for(QJsonValueRef refJsonObject: jsonArray) { QJsonObject jsonMainObject = refJsonObject.toObject(); QString appName = jsonMainObject["Name"].toString(); // This needs to be here and not at the beggining of this function because it is an iterator QDirIterator appsDir("/mnt/onboard/onboard/.apps", QDirIterator::NoIteratorFlags); while (appsDir.hasNext()) { QDir dir(appsDir.next()); if(dir.exists() == true) { if(dir.path().split("/").last().toLower().contains(appName.toLower()) == true) { QJsonObject root; root["app"] = refJsonObject.toObject();; QJsonDocument newJsonDocument; newJsonDocument.setObject(root); QFile newSmallJson = QFile{dir.path() + "/" + "app.json"}; newSmallJson.open(QIODevice::ReadWrite); QTextStream stream(&newSmallJson); stream << newJsonDocument.toJson() << Qt::endl; newSmallJson.flush(); newSmallJson.close(); } } } } } } QString fileChecksum(const QString &fileName, QCryptographicHash::Algorithm hashAlgorithm) { QFile f(fileName); if (f.open(QFile::ReadOnly)) { QCryptographicHash hash(hashAlgorithm); if (hash.addData(&f)) { return hash.result().toHex(); } } } QJsonObject getBookMetadata(int bookID) { // Read library database from file QFile database(global::localLibrary::databasePath); QByteArray data; if(database.open(QIODevice::ReadOnly)) { data = database.readAll(); database.close(); } else { QString function = __func__; log(function + ": Failed to open local library database file for reading at '" + database.fileName() + "'", "functions"); } // Parse JSON data QJsonObject jsonObject = QJsonDocument::fromJson(qUncompress(QByteArray::fromBase64(data))).object(); QJsonArray jsonArrayList = jsonObject["database"].toArray(); return jsonArrayList.at(bookID - 1).toObject(); } QJsonObject readHighlightsDatabase() { // Read highlights database from file QFile database(global::localLibrary::highlightsDatabasePath); QByteArray data; if(database.open(QIODevice::ReadOnly)) { data = database.readAll(); database.close(); } else { QString function = __func__; log(function + ": Failed to open highlights database file for reading at '" + database.fileName() + "'", "functions"); } // Parse JSON data return QJsonDocument::fromJson(qUncompress(QByteArray::fromBase64(data))).object(); } void writeHighlightsDatabase(QJsonObject jsonObject) { QFile::remove(global::localLibrary::highlightsDatabasePath); writeFile(global::localLibrary::highlightsDatabasePath, qCompress(QJsonDocument(jsonObject).toJson()).toBase64()); } QJsonDocument readTodoDatabase() { // Read To-Do database from file QFile database(global::localLibrary::todoDatabasePath); QByteArray data; if(database.open(QIODevice::ReadOnly)) { data = database.readAll(); database.close(); } else { QString function = __func__; log(function + ": Failed to open To-Do database file for reading at '" + database.fileName() + "'", "functions"); } // Parse JSON data return QJsonDocument::fromJson(data); } void writeTodoDatabase(QJsonDocument jsonDocument) { QFile::remove(global::localLibrary::todoDatabasePath); writeFile(global::localLibrary::todoDatabasePath, jsonDocument.toJson()); } void highlightBookText(QString text, QString bookPath, bool remove) { if(remove == false) { if(!QFile::exists(global::localLibrary::highlightsDatabasePath)) { QJsonObject mainJsonObject; QJsonObject firstJsonObject; firstJsonObject.insert("BookPath", QJsonValue(bookPath)); firstJsonObject.insert("T-" + QUuid::createUuid().toString(QUuid::WithoutBraces), QJsonValue(text)); mainJsonObject["Book1"] = firstJsonObject; writeHighlightsDatabase(mainJsonObject); } else { QJsonObject jsonObject = readHighlightsDatabase(); bool highlightWrote = false; int length = jsonObject.length(); for(int i = 1; i <= length; i++) { if(jsonObject["Book" + QString::number(i)].toObject().value("BookPath").toString() == bookPath) { log("highlightBookText: Found existing book in database with path '" + bookPath + "'", "functions"); // Insert highlight QJsonObject highlightJsonObject = jsonObject["Book" + QString::number(i)].toObject(); // Finding available slot for highlight in case the one we are looking for is already occupied QString uuid = "T-"+ QUuid::createUuid().toString(QUuid::WithoutBraces); if(highlightJsonObject.contains(uuid)) { while(true) { if(highlightJsonObject.contains(uuid)) { uuid = "T-" + QUuid::createUuid().toString(QUuid::WithoutBraces); } else { break; } } } highlightJsonObject.insert(uuid, text); jsonObject["Book" + QString::number(i)] = highlightJsonObject; writeHighlightsDatabase(jsonObject); highlightWrote = true; } } if(highlightWrote == false) { // This block of code is called when the book is referenced in the database, but no highlights are currently indexed QJsonObject bookJsonObject; bookJsonObject.insert("BookPath", QJsonValue(bookPath)); bookJsonObject.insert("T-" + QUuid::createUuid().toString(QUuid::WithoutBraces), QJsonValue(text)); jsonObject["Book" + QString::number(length + 1)] = bookJsonObject; writeHighlightsDatabase(jsonObject); highlightWrote = true; } } } else { QJsonObject jsonObject = readHighlightsDatabase(); int length = jsonObject.length(); for(int i = 1; i <= length; i++) { if(jsonObject["Book" + QString::number(i)].toObject().value("BookPath").toString() == bookPath) { QJsonObject bookJsonObject = jsonObject["Book" + QString::number(i)].toObject(); foreach(const QString& key, bookJsonObject.keys()) { if(bookJsonObject.value(key).toString() == text) { log("Found matching highlight to remove with text '" + text + "'", "functions.h"); bookJsonObject.remove(key); } } jsonObject["Book" + QString::number(i)] = bookJsonObject; writeHighlightsDatabase(jsonObject); } } } } QJsonObject getHighlightsForBook(QString bookPath) { QJsonObject jsonObject = readHighlightsDatabase(); int length = jsonObject.length(); for(int i = 1; i <= length; i++) { if(jsonObject["Book" + QString::number(i)].toObject().value("BookPath").toString() == bookPath) { return jsonObject["Book" + QString::number(i)].toObject(); break; } } return QJsonObject(); } float determineYIncrease() { if(global::deviceID == "n705\n" or global::deviceID == "n905\n") { return 2; } else if(global::deviceID == "n613\n" or global::deviceID == "n236\n" or global::deviceID == "n306\n" or global::deviceID == "emu\n") { return 2.6; } else if(global::deviceID == "n437\n" or global::deviceID == "n249\n" or global::deviceID == "n873\n") { return 3; } else { return 2; } } global::wifi::wifiState checkWifiState() { QString interfaceName; if(global::deviceID == "n437\n" or global::deviceID == "n249\n" or global::deviceID == "kt\n") { interfaceName = "wlan0"; } else { interfaceName = "eth0"; } // Check if network interface has an IP address QNetworkInterface iface = QNetworkInterface::interfaceFromName(interfaceName); QList entries = iface.addressEntries(); if(!entries.isEmpty()) { // Interface is up and has an IP address global::wifi::isConnected = true; return global::wifi::wifiState::configured; } else { if(QFile::exists("/sys/class/net/" + interfaceName + "/operstate")) { // Interface is up but doesn't have an IP address global::wifi::isConnected = false; return global::wifi::wifiState::enabled; } else { // Interface is not up global::wifi::isConnected = false; return global::wifi::wifiState::disabled; } } } int testPing(QString ipAddress = "") { // For some reason, implementing a non-blocking version of this functions triggers a "terminate called without an active exception" error with a platform plugin compiled with a newer GCC 11 toolchain. The problem has been solved by transplanting this function into the related area which uses it. QString function = __func__; log(function + ": pinging IP address " + ipAddress, "functions"); QProcess *pingProcess = new QProcess(); QString pingProg = "ping"; QStringList pingArgs; pingArgs << "-c" << "1" << ipAddress; pingProcess->start(pingProg, pingArgs); pingProcess->waitForFinished(); int exitCode = pingProcess->exitCode(); pingProcess->deleteLater(); if(exitCode == 0) { log("Ping successful", "functions"); global::wifi::isConnected = true; } else { log("Ping unsuccessful", "functions"); if(ipAddress == "") { global::wifi::isConnected = false; } } return exitCode; } bool checkProcessName(QString name) { QDirIterator appsDir("/proc", QDirIterator::NoIteratorFlags); while (appsDir.hasNext()) { QDir dir(appsDir.next()); QFile process = QFile(dir.path() + "/cmdline"); if(process.exists() == true) { process.open(QIODevice::ReadOnly); QTextStream stream(&process); if(stream.readLine().contains(name) == true) { process.close(); return true; } process.close(); } } return false; } QString purgeHtml(QString text) { // https://stackoverflow.com/questions/2799379/is-there-an-easy-way-to-strip-html-from-a-qstring-in-qt // This can cause problems if someone names their directory with HTML tags, so stop here. Anki, which is a big project, also doesn't care about this return text.remove(QRegExp("<[^>]*>")); } void bool_writeconfig(QString file, bool option) { QString str; if(option == true) { str = "true"; } else { str = "false"; } std::ofstream fhandler; fhandler.open(file.toStdString()); fhandler << str.toStdString(); fhandler.close(); } } #endif // FUNCTIONS_H