
714 lines
27 KiB
Raw Normal View History

using System;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using Avalonia.Controls;
using Avalonia.Platform.Storage;
2024-07-14 09:30:31 -07:00
using Avalonia.VisualTree;
using CommunityToolkit.Mvvm.ComponentModel;
namespace SourceGit.ViewModels
public class Histories : ObservableObject
public bool IsLoading
get => _isLoading;
set => SetProperty(ref _isLoading, value);
public List<Models.Commit> Commits
get => _commits;
var lastSelected = AutoSelectedCommit;
if (SetProperty(ref _commits, value))
if (value.Count > 0 && lastSelected != null)
AutoSelectedCommit = value.Find(x => x.SHA == lastSelected.SHA);
public Models.CommitGraph Graph
get => _graph;
set => SetProperty(ref _graph, value);
public Models.Commit AutoSelectedCommit
get => _autoSelectedCommit;
set => SetProperty(ref _autoSelectedCommit, value);
public long NavigationId
get => _navigationId;
private set => SetProperty(ref _navigationId, value);
public object DetailContext
get => _detailContext;
set => SetProperty(ref _detailContext, value);
public Histories(Repository repo)
_repo = repo;
public void Cleanup()
2024-02-20 02:27:59 -08:00
Commits = new List<Models.Commit>();
_repo = null;
_graph = null;
_autoSelectedCommit = null;
if (_detailContext is CommitDetail cd)
2024-02-20 02:27:59 -08:00
else if (_detailContext is RevisionCompare rc)
2024-02-20 02:27:59 -08:00
_detailContext = null;
public void NavigateTo(string commitSHA)
var commit = _commits.Find(x => x.SHA.StartsWith(commitSHA, StringComparison.Ordinal));
if (commit != null)
AutoSelectedCommit = commit;
NavigationId = _navigationId + 1;
if (_detailContext is CommitDetail detail)
detail.Commit = commit;
var commitDetail = new CommitDetail(_repo.FullPath);
commitDetail.Commit = commit;
DetailContext = commitDetail;
public void Select(IList commits)
if (commits.Count == 0)
_repo.SearchResultSelectedCommit = null;
DetailContext = null;
else if (commits.Count == 1)
var commit = commits[0] as Models.Commit;
_repo.SearchResultSelectedCommit = commit;
AutoSelectedCommit = commit;
NavigationId = _navigationId + 1;
if (_detailContext is CommitDetail detail)
detail.Commit = commit;
var commitDetail = new CommitDetail(_repo.FullPath);
commitDetail.Commit = commit;
DetailContext = commitDetail;
else if (commits.Count == 2)
_repo.SearchResultSelectedCommit = null;
var end = commits[0] as Models.Commit;
var start = commits[1] as Models.Commit;
DetailContext = new RevisionCompare(_repo.FullPath, start, end);
_repo.SearchResultSelectedCommit = null;
DetailContext = commits.Count;
public void DoubleTapped(Models.Commit commit)
if (commit == null || commit.IsCurrentHead)
var firstRemoteBranch = null as Models.Branch;
foreach (var d in commit.Decorators)
if (d.Type == Models.DecoratorType.LocalBranchHead)
var b = _repo.Branches.Find(x => x.FriendlyName == d.Name);
if (b != null)
else if (d.Type == Models.DecoratorType.RemoteBranchHead && firstRemoteBranch == null)
firstRemoteBranch = _repo.Branches.Find(x => x.FriendlyName == d.Name);
if (PopupHost.CanCreatePopup())
if (firstRemoteBranch != null)
PopupHost.ShowPopup(new CreateBranch(_repo, firstRemoteBranch));
PopupHost.ShowPopup(new CheckoutCommit(_repo, commit));
public ContextMenu MakeContextMenu(DataGrid datagrid)
if (datagrid.SelectedItems.Count != 1)
return null;
var current = _repo.CurrentBranch;
if (current == null)
return null;
2024-07-14 09:30:31 -07:00
var commit = (datagrid.SelectedItem as Models.Commit)!;
var menu = new ContextMenu();
var tags = new List<Models.Tag>();
if (commit.HasDecorators)
foreach (var d in commit.Decorators)
if (d.Type == Models.DecoratorType.CurrentBranchHead)
FillCurrentBranchMenu(menu, current);
else if (d.Type == Models.DecoratorType.LocalBranchHead)
var b = _repo.Branches.Find(x => x.IsLocal && d.Name == x.Name);
FillOtherLocalBranchMenu(menu, b, current, commit.IsMerged);
else if (d.Type == Models.DecoratorType.RemoteBranchHead)
var b = _repo.Branches.Find(x => !x.IsLocal && d.Name == x.FriendlyName);
FillRemoteBranchMenu(menu, b, current, commit.IsMerged);
else if (d.Type == Models.DecoratorType.Tag)
var t = _repo.Tags.Find(x => x.Name == d.Name);
if (t != null)
if (menu.Items.Count > 0)
menu.Items.Add(new MenuItem() { Header = "-" });
if (tags.Count > 0)
foreach (var tag in tags)
FillTagMenu(menu, tag);
menu.Items.Add(new MenuItem() { Header = "-" });
if (current.Head != commit.SHA)
var reset = new MenuItem();
reset.Header = new Views.NameHighlightedTextBlock("CommitCM.Reset", current.Name);
reset.Icon = App.CreateMenuIcon("Icons.Reset");
2024-07-14 09:30:31 -07:00
reset.Click += (_, e) =>
if (PopupHost.CanCreatePopup())
PopupHost.ShowPopup(new Reset(_repo, current, commit));
e.Handled = true;
var reword = new MenuItem();
reword.Header = App.Text("CommitCM.Reword");
reword.Icon = App.CreateMenuIcon("Icons.Edit");
2024-07-14 09:30:31 -07:00
reword.Click += (_, e) =>
if (_repo.WorkingCopyChangesCount > 0)
App.RaiseException(_repo.FullPath, "You have local changes. Please run stash or discard first.");
if (PopupHost.CanCreatePopup())
PopupHost.ShowPopup(new Reword(_repo, commit));
e.Handled = true;
var squash = new MenuItem();
squash.Header = App.Text("CommitCM.Squash");
squash.Icon = App.CreateMenuIcon("Icons.SquashIntoParent");
squash.IsEnabled = commit.Parents.Count == 1;
2024-07-14 09:30:31 -07:00
squash.Click += (_, e) =>
if (_repo.WorkingCopyChangesCount > 0)
App.RaiseException(_repo.FullPath, "You have local changes. Please run stash or discard first.");
if (commit.Parents.Count == 1)
var parent = _commits.Find(x => x.SHA == commit.Parents[0]);
if (parent != null && PopupHost.CanCreatePopup())
PopupHost.ShowPopup(new Squash(_repo, commit, parent));
e.Handled = true;
if (!commit.IsMerged)
var rebase = new MenuItem();
rebase.Header = new Views.NameHighlightedTextBlock("CommitCM.Rebase", current.Name);
rebase.Icon = App.CreateMenuIcon("Icons.Rebase");
2024-07-14 09:30:31 -07:00
rebase.Click += (_, e) =>
if (PopupHost.CanCreatePopup())
PopupHost.ShowPopup(new Rebase(_repo, current, commit));
e.Handled = true;
var cherryPick = new MenuItem();
cherryPick.Header = App.Text("CommitCM.CherryPick");
cherryPick.Icon = App.CreateMenuIcon("Icons.CherryPick");
2024-07-14 09:30:31 -07:00
cherryPick.Click += (_, e) =>
if (PopupHost.CanCreatePopup())
PopupHost.ShowPopup(new CherryPick(_repo, commit));
e.Handled = true;
var revert = new MenuItem();
revert.Header = App.Text("CommitCM.Revert");
revert.Icon = App.CreateMenuIcon("Icons.Undo");
2024-07-14 09:30:31 -07:00
revert.Click += (_, e) =>
if (PopupHost.CanCreatePopup())
PopupHost.ShowPopup(new Revert(_repo, commit));
e.Handled = true;
var interactiveRebase = new MenuItem();
interactiveRebase.Header = new Views.NameHighlightedTextBlock("CommitCM.InteractiveRebase", current.Name);
interactiveRebase.Icon = App.CreateMenuIcon("Icons.InteractiveRebase");
interactiveRebase.IsVisible = current.Head != commit.SHA;
2024-07-14 09:30:31 -07:00
interactiveRebase.Click += (_, e) =>
if (_repo.WorkingCopyChangesCount > 0)
App.RaiseException(_repo.FullPath, "You have local changes. Please run stash or discard first.");
2024-07-14 09:30:31 -07:00
var toplevel = datagrid.FindAncestorOfType<Views.Launcher>();
if (toplevel == null)
var dialog = new Views.InteractiveRebase() { DataContext = new InteractiveRebase(_repo, current, commit) };
2024-07-14 09:30:31 -07:00
e.Handled = true;
if (current.Head != commit.SHA)
var checkoutCommit = new MenuItem();
checkoutCommit.Header = App.Text("CommitCM.Checkout");
checkoutCommit.Icon = App.CreateMenuIcon("Icons.Detached");
2024-07-14 09:30:31 -07:00
checkoutCommit.Click += (_, e) =>
if (PopupHost.CanCreatePopup())
PopupHost.ShowPopup(new CheckoutCommit(_repo, commit));
e.Handled = true;
menu.Items.Add(new MenuItem() { Header = "-" });
if (current.Head != commit.SHA)
var compareWithHead = new MenuItem();
compareWithHead.Header = App.Text("CommitCM.CompareWithHead");
compareWithHead.Icon = App.CreateMenuIcon("Icons.Compare");
2024-07-14 09:30:31 -07:00
compareWithHead.Click += (_, e) =>
var head = _commits.Find(x => x.SHA == current.Head);
if (head == null)
_repo.SearchResultSelectedCommit = null;
head = new Commands.QuerySingleCommit(_repo.FullPath, current.Head).Result();
if (head != null)
DetailContext = new RevisionCompare(_repo.FullPath, commit, head);
e.Handled = true;
if (_repo.WorkingCopyChangesCount > 0)
var compareWithWorktree = new MenuItem();
compareWithWorktree.Header = App.Text("CommitCM.CompareWithWorktree");
compareWithWorktree.Icon = App.CreateMenuIcon("Icons.Compare");
2024-07-14 09:30:31 -07:00
compareWithWorktree.Click += (_, e) =>
DetailContext = new RevisionCompare(_repo.FullPath, commit, null);
e.Handled = true;
menu.Items.Add(new MenuItem() { Header = "-" });
var createBranch = new MenuItem();
createBranch.Icon = App.CreateMenuIcon("Icons.Branch.Add");
createBranch.Header = App.Text("CreateBranch");
2024-07-14 09:30:31 -07:00
createBranch.Click += (_, e) =>
if (PopupHost.CanCreatePopup())
PopupHost.ShowPopup(new CreateBranch(_repo, commit));
e.Handled = true;
var createTag = new MenuItem();
createTag.Icon = App.CreateMenuIcon("Icons.Tag.Add");
createTag.Header = App.Text("CreateTag");
2024-07-14 09:30:31 -07:00
createTag.Click += (_, e) =>
if (PopupHost.CanCreatePopup())
PopupHost.ShowPopup(new CreateTag(_repo, commit));
e.Handled = true;
menu.Items.Add(new MenuItem() { Header = "-" });
var saveToPatch = new MenuItem();
saveToPatch.Icon = App.CreateMenuIcon("Icons.Diff");
saveToPatch.Header = App.Text("CommitCM.SaveAsPatch");
saveToPatch.Click += async (_, e) =>
var topLevel = App.GetTopLevel();
if (topLevel == null)
var options = new FolderPickerOpenOptions() { AllowMultiple = false };
var selected = await topLevel.StorageProvider.OpenFolderPickerAsync(options);
if (selected.Count == 1)
var succ = new Commands.FormatPatch(_repo.FullPath, commit.SHA, selected[0].Path.LocalPath).Exec();
if (succ)
App.SendNotification(_repo.FullPath, App.Text("SaveAsPatchSuccess"));
e.Handled = true;
var archive = new MenuItem();
archive.Icon = App.CreateMenuIcon("Icons.Archive");
archive.Header = App.Text("Archive");
2024-07-14 09:30:31 -07:00
archive.Click += (_, e) =>
if (PopupHost.CanCreatePopup())
PopupHost.ShowPopup(new Archive(_repo, commit));
e.Handled = true;
menu.Items.Add(new MenuItem() { Header = "-" });
var copySHA = new MenuItem();
copySHA.Header = App.Text("CommitCM.CopySHA");
copySHA.Icon = App.CreateMenuIcon("Icons.Copy");
2024-07-14 09:30:31 -07:00
copySHA.Click += (_, e) =>
e.Handled = true;
2024-07-23 20:45:16 -07:00
var copyInfo = new MenuItem();
copyInfo.Header = App.Text("CommitCM.CopyInfo");
copyInfo.Icon = App.CreateMenuIcon("Icons.Copy");
copyInfo.Click += (_, e) =>
App.CopyText($"{commit.SHA.Substring(0, 10)} - {commit.Subject}");
e.Handled = true;
2024-07-23 20:45:16 -07:00
return menu;
private void FillCurrentBranchMenu(ContextMenu menu, Models.Branch current)
var submenu = new MenuItem();
submenu.Icon = App.CreateMenuIcon("Icons.Branch");
submenu.Header = current.Name;
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(current.Upstream))
var upstream = current.Upstream.Substring(13);
var fastForward = new MenuItem();
fastForward.Header = new Views.NameHighlightedTextBlock("BranchCM.FastForward", upstream);
fastForward.Icon = App.CreateMenuIcon("Icons.FastForward");
fastForward.IsEnabled = current.TrackStatus.Ahead.Count == 0;
2024-07-14 09:30:31 -07:00
fastForward.Click += (_, e) =>
if (PopupHost.CanCreatePopup())
PopupHost.ShowAndStartPopup(new Merge(_repo, upstream, current.Name));
e.Handled = true;
var pull = new MenuItem();
pull.Header = new Views.NameHighlightedTextBlock("BranchCM.Pull", upstream);
pull.Icon = App.CreateMenuIcon("Icons.Pull");
2024-07-14 09:30:31 -07:00
pull.Click += (_, e) =>
if (PopupHost.CanCreatePopup())
PopupHost.ShowPopup(new Pull(_repo, null));
e.Handled = true;
var push = new MenuItem();
push.Header = new Views.NameHighlightedTextBlock("BranchCM.Push", current.Name);
push.Icon = App.CreateMenuIcon("Icons.Push");
push.IsEnabled = _repo.Remotes.Count > 0;
2024-07-14 09:30:31 -07:00
push.Click += (_, e) =>
if (PopupHost.CanCreatePopup())
PopupHost.ShowPopup(new Push(_repo, current));
e.Handled = true;
submenu.Items.Add(new MenuItem() { Header = "-" });
2024-06-14 21:44:35 -07:00
var detect = Commands.GitFlow.DetectType(_repo.FullPath, _repo.Branches, current.Name);
if (detect.IsGitFlowBranch)
var finish = new MenuItem();
finish.Header = new Views.NameHighlightedTextBlock("BranchCM.Finish", current.Name);
finish.Icon = App.CreateMenuIcon("Icons.GitFlow");
2024-07-14 09:30:31 -07:00
finish.Click += (_, e) =>
if (PopupHost.CanCreatePopup())
2024-06-14 21:44:35 -07:00
PopupHost.ShowPopup(new GitFlowFinish(_repo, current, detect.Type, detect.Prefix));
e.Handled = true;
submenu.Items.Add(new MenuItem() { Header = "-" });
var rename = new MenuItem();
rename.Header = new Views.NameHighlightedTextBlock("BranchCM.Rename", current.Name);
rename.Icon = App.CreateMenuIcon("Icons.Rename");
2024-07-14 09:30:31 -07:00
rename.Click += (_, e) =>
if (PopupHost.CanCreatePopup())
PopupHost.ShowPopup(new RenameBranch(_repo, current));
e.Handled = true;
private void FillOtherLocalBranchMenu(ContextMenu menu, Models.Branch branch, Models.Branch current, bool merged)
var submenu = new MenuItem();
submenu.Icon = App.CreateMenuIcon("Icons.Branch");
submenu.Header = branch.Name;
var checkout = new MenuItem();
checkout.Header = new Views.NameHighlightedTextBlock("BranchCM.Checkout", branch.Name);
checkout.Icon = App.CreateMenuIcon("Icons.Check");
2024-07-14 09:30:31 -07:00
checkout.Click += (_, e) =>
e.Handled = true;
var merge = new MenuItem();
merge.Header = new Views.NameHighlightedTextBlock("BranchCM.Merge", branch.Name, current.Name);
merge.Icon = App.CreateMenuIcon("Icons.Merge");
merge.IsEnabled = !merged;
2024-07-14 09:30:31 -07:00
merge.Click += (_, e) =>
if (PopupHost.CanCreatePopup())
PopupHost.ShowPopup(new Merge(_repo, branch.Name, current.Name));
e.Handled = true;
submenu.Items.Add(new MenuItem() { Header = "-" });
2024-06-14 21:44:35 -07:00
var detect = Commands.GitFlow.DetectType(_repo.FullPath, _repo.Branches, branch.Name);
if (detect.IsGitFlowBranch)
var finish = new MenuItem();
finish.Header = new Views.NameHighlightedTextBlock("BranchCM.Finish", branch.Name);
finish.Icon = App.CreateMenuIcon("Icons.GitFlow");
2024-07-14 09:30:31 -07:00
finish.Click += (_, e) =>
if (PopupHost.CanCreatePopup())
2024-06-14 21:44:35 -07:00
PopupHost.ShowPopup(new GitFlowFinish(_repo, branch, detect.Type, detect.Prefix));
e.Handled = true;
submenu.Items.Add(new MenuItem() { Header = "-" });
var rename = new MenuItem();
rename.Header = new Views.NameHighlightedTextBlock("BranchCM.Rename", branch.Name);
rename.Icon = App.CreateMenuIcon("Icons.Rename");
2024-07-14 09:30:31 -07:00
rename.Click += (_, e) =>
if (PopupHost.CanCreatePopup())
PopupHost.ShowPopup(new RenameBranch(_repo, branch));
e.Handled = true;
var delete = new MenuItem();
delete.Header = new Views.NameHighlightedTextBlock("BranchCM.Delete", branch.Name);
delete.Icon = App.CreateMenuIcon("Icons.Clear");
2024-07-14 09:30:31 -07:00
delete.Click += (_, e) =>
if (PopupHost.CanCreatePopup())
PopupHost.ShowPopup(new DeleteBranch(_repo, branch));
e.Handled = true;
private void FillRemoteBranchMenu(ContextMenu menu, Models.Branch branch, Models.Branch current, bool merged)
var name = branch.FriendlyName;
var submenu = new MenuItem();
submenu.Icon = App.CreateMenuIcon("Icons.Branch");
submenu.Header = name;
var checkout = new MenuItem();
checkout.Header = new Views.NameHighlightedTextBlock("BranchCM.Checkout", name);
checkout.Icon = App.CreateMenuIcon("Icons.Check");
2024-07-14 09:30:31 -07:00
checkout.Click += (_, e) =>
e.Handled = true;
var merge = new MenuItem();
merge.Header = new Views.NameHighlightedTextBlock("BranchCM.Merge", name, current.Name);
merge.Icon = App.CreateMenuIcon("Icons.Merge");
merge.IsEnabled = !merged;
2024-07-14 09:30:31 -07:00
merge.Click += (_, e) =>
if (PopupHost.CanCreatePopup())
PopupHost.ShowPopup(new Merge(_repo, name, current.Name));
e.Handled = true;
submenu.Items.Add(new MenuItem() { Header = "-" });
var delete = new MenuItem();
delete.Header = new Views.NameHighlightedTextBlock("BranchCM.Delete", name);
delete.Icon = App.CreateMenuIcon("Icons.Clear");
2024-07-14 09:30:31 -07:00
delete.Click += (_, e) =>
if (PopupHost.CanCreatePopup())
PopupHost.ShowPopup(new DeleteBranch(_repo, branch));
e.Handled = true;
private void FillTagMenu(ContextMenu menu, Models.Tag tag)
var submenu = new MenuItem();
submenu.Header = tag.Name;
submenu.Icon = App.CreateMenuIcon("Icons.Tag");
submenu.MinWidth = 200;
var push = new MenuItem();
push.Header = new Views.NameHighlightedTextBlock("TagCM.Push", tag.Name);
push.Icon = App.CreateMenuIcon("Icons.Push");
push.IsEnabled = _repo.Remotes.Count > 0;
2024-07-14 09:30:31 -07:00
push.Click += (_, e) =>
if (PopupHost.CanCreatePopup())
PopupHost.ShowPopup(new PushTag(_repo, tag));
e.Handled = true;
var delete = new MenuItem();
delete.Header = new Views.NameHighlightedTextBlock("TagCM.Delete", tag.Name);
delete.Icon = App.CreateMenuIcon("Icons.Clear");
2024-07-14 09:30:31 -07:00
delete.Click += (_, e) =>
if (PopupHost.CanCreatePopup())
PopupHost.ShowPopup(new DeleteTag(_repo, tag));
e.Handled = true;
private Repository _repo = null;
private bool _isLoading = true;
private List<Models.Commit> _commits = new List<Models.Commit>();
private Models.CommitGraph _graph = null;
private Models.Commit _autoSelectedCommit = null;
private long _navigationId = 0;
private object _detailContext = null;