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synced 2024-12-24 20:57:19 -08:00
code_review: PR #652
* update localization for zh_CN and zh_TW * change the icon for `Icons.Lines.All` * reorder diff view toolbar buttons * move private methods after protected Signed-off-by: leo <longshuang@msn.cn>
This commit is contained in:
5 changed files with 42 additions and 39 deletions
@ -65,7 +65,7 @@
<StreamGeometry x:Key="Icons.LayoutHorizontal">M875 117H149C109 117 75 151 75 192v640c0 41 34 75 75 75h725c41 0 75-34 75-75V192c0-41-34-75-75-75zM139 832V192c0-6 4-11 11-11h331v661H149c-6 0-11-4-11-11zm747 0c0 6-4 11-11 11H544v-661H875c6 0 11 4 11 11v640z</StreamGeometry>
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@ -249,6 +249,7 @@
<x:String x:Key="Text.Diff.SyntaxHighlight" xml:space="preserve">语法高亮</x:String>
<x:String x:Key="Text.Diff.ToggleWordWrap" xml:space="preserve">自动换行</x:String>
<x:String x:Key="Text.Diff.UseMerger" xml:space="preserve">使用外部合并工具查看</x:String>
<x:String x:Key="Text.Diff.VisualLines.All" xml:space="preserve">显示完整文件</x:String>
<x:String x:Key="Text.Diff.VisualLines.Decr" xml:space="preserve">减少可见的行数</x:String>
<x:String x:Key="Text.Diff.VisualLines.Incr" xml:space="preserve">增加可见的行数</x:String>
<x:String x:Key="Text.Diff.Welcome" xml:space="preserve">请选择需要对比的文件</x:String>
@ -249,6 +249,7 @@
<x:String x:Key="Text.Diff.SyntaxHighlight" xml:space="preserve">語法上色</x:String>
<x:String x:Key="Text.Diff.ToggleWordWrap" xml:space="preserve">自動換行</x:String>
<x:String x:Key="Text.Diff.UseMerger" xml:space="preserve">使用外部合併工具檢視</x:String>
<x:String x:Key="Text.Diff.VisualLines.All" xml:space="preserve">顯示檔案的全部內容</x:String>
<x:String x:Key="Text.Diff.VisualLines.Decr" xml:space="preserve">減少可見的行數</x:String>
<x:String x:Key="Text.Diff.VisualLines.Incr" xml:space="preserve">增加可見的行數</x:String>
<x:String x:Key="Text.Diff.Welcome" xml:space="preserve">請選擇需要對比的檔案</x:String>
@ -34,16 +34,6 @@
<!-- Toolbar Buttons -->
<StackPanel Grid.Column="3" Margin="8,0,0,0" Orientation="Horizontal" VerticalAlignment="Center">
<ToggleButton Classes="line_path"
Width="32" Height="18"
Command="{Binding ToggleFullTextDiff}"
IsChecked="{Binding Source={x:Static vm:Preference.Instance}, Path=UseFullTextDiff, Mode=OneWay}"
IsVisible="{Binding IsTextDiff}"
ToolTip.Tip="{DynamicResource Text.Diff.VisualLines.All}">
<Path Width="13" Height="13" Data="{StaticResource Icons.Lines.All}" Margin="0,3,0,0"/>
<Button Classes="icon_button"
Command="{Binding IncrUnified}"
@ -68,6 +58,17 @@
<Path Width="12" Height="12" Stretch="Uniform" Margin="0,6,0,0" Data="{StaticResource Icons.Lines.Decr}"/>
<ToggleButton Classes="line_path"
Width="32" Height="18"
Command="{Binding ToggleFullTextDiff}"
IsChecked="{Binding Source={x:Static vm:Preference.Instance}, Path=UseFullTextDiff, Mode=OneWay}"
IsVisible="{Binding IsTextDiff}"
ToolTip.Tip="{DynamicResource Text.Diff.VisualLines.All}">
<Path Width="13" Height="13" Data="{StaticResource Icons.Lines.All}" Margin="0,3,0,0"/>
<ToggleButton Classes="line_path"
Width="32" Height="18"
@ -1241,34 +1241,6 @@ namespace SourceGit.Views
set => SetValue(EnableChunkSelectionProperty, value);
private void RefreshContent(Models.TextDiff diff, bool keepScrollOffset = true)
if (SelectedChunk != null)
SetCurrentValue(SelectedChunkProperty, null);
if (diff == null)
Editor.Content = null;
if (UseSideBySideDiff)
var previousContent = Editor.Content as ViewModels.TwoSideTextDiff;
Editor.Content = new ViewModels.TwoSideTextDiff(diff, keepScrollOffset ? previousContent : null);
if (!keepScrollOffset)
diff.ScrollOffset = Vector.Zero;
Editor.Content = diff;
IsUnstagedChange = diff.Option.IsUnstaged;
EnableChunkSelection = diff.Option.WorkingCopyChange != null;
static TextDiffView()
UseSideBySideDiffProperty.Changed.AddClassHandler<TextDiffView>((v, _) =>
@ -1316,6 +1288,34 @@ namespace SourceGit.Views
SetCurrentValue(SelectedChunkProperty, null);
private void RefreshContent(Models.TextDiff diff, bool keepScrollOffset = true)
if (SelectedChunk != null)
SetCurrentValue(SelectedChunkProperty, null);
if (diff == null)
Editor.Content = null;
if (UseSideBySideDiff)
var previousContent = Editor.Content as ViewModels.TwoSideTextDiff;
Editor.Content = new ViewModels.TwoSideTextDiff(diff, keepScrollOffset ? previousContent : null);
if (!keepScrollOffset)
diff.ScrollOffset = Vector.Zero;
Editor.Content = diff;
IsUnstagedChange = diff.Option.IsUnstaged;
EnableChunkSelection = diff.Option.WorkingCopyChange != null;
private void OnStageChunk(object _1, RoutedEventArgs _2)
var chunk = SelectedChunk;
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