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4 commits

Author SHA1 Message Date
Alberto de la Cruz
Merge bb752f98df into 807cec8a30 2024-11-28 14:41:00 +01:00
fix: wrong column indentation on right side of Interactive Rebase window, for wide commit messages (#764)
Some checks failed
Continuous Integration / Build (push) Waiting to run
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Continuous Integration / Package (push) Blocked by required conditions
Localization Check / localization-check (push) Has been cancelled
2024-11-28 21:40:51 +08:00
bb752f98df feat: new menu to copy commit info to clipboard
- Added extra submenu level `Copy to Clipboard > Copy options...`
- Only apply on individual commit selection
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-- All the info.
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2024-11-27 22:15:13 +01:00
0212b7725c fix: typo on icon naming
- Changed Calender by Calendar
2024-11-27 22:09:00 +01:00
6 changed files with 200 additions and 43 deletions

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@ -265,6 +265,15 @@ namespace SourceGit
return default; return default;
} }
public static string Text(string key)
var fmt = Current?.FindResource($"Text.{key}") as string;
if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(fmt))
return $"Text.{key}";
return string.Format(fmt, "");
public static string Text(string key, params object[] args) public static string Text(string key, params object[] args)
{ {
var fmt = Current?.FindResource($"Text.{key}") as string; var fmt = Current?.FindResource($"Text.{key}") as string;

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@ -7,7 +7,7 @@
<StreamGeometry x:Key="Icons.Bookmark">M832 64H192c-18 0-32 14-32 32v832c0 18 14 32 32 32h640c18 0 32-14 32-32V96c0-18-14-32-32-32zM736 596 624 502 506 596V131h230v318z</StreamGeometry> <StreamGeometry x:Key="Icons.Bookmark">M832 64H192c-18 0-32 14-32 32v832c0 18 14 32 32 32h640c18 0 32-14 32-32V96c0-18-14-32-32-32zM736 596 624 502 506 596V131h230v318z</StreamGeometry>
<StreamGeometry x:Key="Icons.Branch">M757 226a143 143 0 00-55 276 96 96 0 01-88 59h-191a187 187 0 00-96 27V312a143 143 0 10-96 0v399a143 143 0 10103 2 96 96 0 0188-59h191a191 191 0 00187-151 143 143 0 00-43-279zM280 130a48 48 0 110 96 48 48 0 010-96zm0 764a48 48 0 110-96 48 48 0 010 96zM757 417a48 48 0 110-96 48 48 0 010 96z</StreamGeometry> <StreamGeometry x:Key="Icons.Branch">M757 226a143 143 0 00-55 276 96 96 0 01-88 59h-191a187 187 0 00-96 27V312a143 143 0 10-96 0v399a143 143 0 10103 2 96 96 0 0188-59h191a191 191 0 00187-151 143 143 0 00-43-279zM280 130a48 48 0 110 96 48 48 0 010-96zm0 764a48 48 0 110-96 48 48 0 010 96zM757 417a48 48 0 110-96 48 48 0 010 96z</StreamGeometry>
<StreamGeometry x:Key="Icons.Branch.Add">M896 128h-64V64c0-35-29-64-64-64s-64 29-64 64v64h-64c-35 0-64 29-64 64s29 64 64 64h64v64c0 35 29 64 64 64s64-29 64-64V256h64c35 0 64-29 64-64s-29-64-64-64zm-204 307C673 481 628 512 576 512H448c-47 0-90 13-128 35V372C394 346 448 275 448 192c0-106-86-192-192-192S64 86 64 192c0 83 54 154 128 180v280c-74 26-128 97-128 180c0 106 86 192 192 192s192-86 192-192c0-67-34-125-84-159c22-20 52-33 84-33h128c122 0 223-85 249-199c-19 4-37 7-57 7c-26 0-51-5-76-13zM256 128c35 0 64 29 64 64s-29 64-64 64s-64-29-64-64s29-64 64-64zm0 768c-35 0-64-29-64-64s29-64 64-64s64 29 64 64s-29 64-64 64z</StreamGeometry> <StreamGeometry x:Key="Icons.Branch.Add">M896 128h-64V64c0-35-29-64-64-64s-64 29-64 64v64h-64c-35 0-64 29-64 64s29 64 64 64h64v64c0 35 29 64 64 64s64-29 64-64V256h64c35 0 64-29 64-64s-29-64-64-64zm-204 307C673 481 628 512 576 512H448c-47 0-90 13-128 35V372C394 346 448 275 448 192c0-106-86-192-192-192S64 86 64 192c0 83 54 154 128 180v280c-74 26-128 97-128 180c0 106 86 192 192 192s192-86 192-192c0-67-34-125-84-159c22-20 52-33 84-33h128c122 0 223-85 249-199c-19 4-37 7-57 7c-26 0-51-5-76-13zM256 128c35 0 64 29 64 64s-29 64-64 64s-64-29-64-64s29-64 64-64zm0 768c-35 0-64-29-64-64s29-64 64-64s64 29 64 64s-29 64-64 64z</StreamGeometry>
<StreamGeometry x:Key="Icons.Calender">M378 116l265 0 0 47-265 0 0-47ZM888 116 748 116l0 47 124 0c18 0 33 15 33 33l0 93L115 290l0-93c0-18 15-33 33-33l124 0 0-47L132 116c-35 0-64 29-64 64l0 714c0 35 29 64 64 64l757 0c35 0 64-29 64-64l-0-714C952 145 924 116 888 116zM905 337l0 540c0 18-15 33-33 33L148 910c-18 0-33-15-33-33L115 337 905 337zM301 65l47 0 0 170-47 0 0-170ZM673 65l47 0 0 170-47 0 0-170ZM358 548l0 231 53 0L411 459l-35 0-3 4c-18 26-41 49-70 68l-4 3 0 54 13-8C331 569 346 559 358 548zM618 727c-10 6-24 8-42 5-16-3-28-18-35-46l-2-9-48 13 2 8c6 30 18 52 36 65 17 13 36 20 55 21 3 0 7 0 10 0 15 0 28-2 40-7 14-6 27-13 37-23 10-10 18-22 23-37 5-14 8-28 8-42 1-14-1-27-4-39l-0-0c-3-12-8-24-15-36-7-13-19-23-35-30-15-7-31-11-47-11-11-0-23 1-36 5 4-15 8-32 11-52l114 0 0-49L536 464l-1 7c-25 116-32 145-33 150l-3 10 46 5 3-4c8-11 18-18 31-21 13-3 25-3 35-0 10 3 18 9 24 18 7 9 10 20 11 34 1 14-2 26-6 37C636 711 629 720 618 727z</StreamGeometry> <StreamGeometry x:Key="Icons.Calendar">M378 116l265 0 0 47-265 0 0-47ZM888 116 748 116l0 47 124 0c18 0 33 15 33 33l0 93L115 290l0-93c0-18 15-33 33-33l124 0 0-47L132 116c-35 0-64 29-64 64l0 714c0 35 29 64 64 64l757 0c35 0 64-29 64-64l-0-714C952 145 924 116 888 116zM905 337l0 540c0 18-15 33-33 33L148 910c-18 0-33-15-33-33L115 337 905 337zM301 65l47 0 0 170-47 0 0-170ZM673 65l47 0 0 170-47 0 0-170ZM358 548l0 231 53 0L411 459l-35 0-3 4c-18 26-41 49-70 68l-4 3 0 54 13-8C331 569 346 559 358 548zM618 727c-10 6-24 8-42 5-16-3-28-18-35-46l-2-9-48 13 2 8c6 30 18 52 36 65 17 13 36 20 55 21 3 0 7 0 10 0 15 0 28-2 40-7 14-6 27-13 37-23 10-10 18-22 23-37 5-14 8-28 8-42 1-14-1-27-4-39l-0-0c-3-12-8-24-15-36-7-13-19-23-35-30-15-7-31-11-47-11-11-0-23 1-36 5 4-15 8-32 11-52l114 0 0-49L536 464l-1 7c-25 116-32 145-33 150l-3 10 46 5 3-4c8-11 18-18 31-21 13-3 25-3 35-0 10 3 18 9 24 18 7 9 10 20 11 34 1 14-2 26-6 37C636 711 629 720 618 727z</StreamGeometry>
<StreamGeometry x:Key="Icons.Check">M512 597m-1 0a1 1 0 103 0a1 1 0 10-3 0ZM810 393 732 315 448 600 293 444 214 522l156 156 78 78 362-362z</StreamGeometry> <StreamGeometry x:Key="Icons.Check">M512 597m-1 0a1 1 0 103 0a1 1 0 10-3 0ZM810 393 732 315 448 600 293 444 214 522l156 156 78 78 362-362z</StreamGeometry>
<StreamGeometry x:Key="Icons.Changes">M747 467c29 0 56 4 82 12v-363c0-47-38-84-84-84H125c-47 0-84 38-84 84v707c0 47 38 84 84 84h375a287 287 0 01-43-152c0-160 129-289 289-289zm-531-250h438c19 0 34 15 34 34s-15 34-34 34H216c-19 0-34-15-34-34s15-34 34-34zm0 179h263c19 0 34 15 34 34s-15 34-34 34H216c-19 0-34-15-34-34s15-34 34-34zm131 247h-131c-19 0-34-15-34-34s15-34 34-34h131c19 0 34 15 34 34s-15 34-34 34zM747 521c-130 0-236 106-236 236S617 992 747 992s236-106 236-236S877 521 747 521zm11 386v-65h-130c-12 0-22-10-22-22s10-22 22-22h260l-130 108zm108-192H606l130-108v65h130c12 0 22 10 22 22s-10 22-22 22z</StreamGeometry> <StreamGeometry x:Key="Icons.Changes">M747 467c29 0 56 4 82 12v-363c0-47-38-84-84-84H125c-47 0-84 38-84 84v707c0 47 38 84 84 84h375a287 287 0 01-43-152c0-160 129-289 289-289zm-531-250h438c19 0 34 15 34 34s-15 34-34 34H216c-19 0-34-15-34-34s15-34 34-34zm0 179h263c19 0 34 15 34 34s-15 34-34 34H216c-19 0-34-15-34-34s15-34 34-34zm131 247h-131c-19 0-34-15-34-34s15-34 34-34h131c19 0 34 15 34 34s-15 34-34 34zM747 521c-130 0-236 106-236 236S617 992 747 992s236-106 236-236S877 521 747 521zm11 386v-65h-130c-12 0-22-10-22-22s10-22 22-22h260l-130 108zm108-192H606l130-108v65h130c12 0 22 10 22 22s-10 22-22 22z</StreamGeometry>
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@ -21,6 +21,7 @@
<StreamGeometry x:Key="Icons.Compare">M645 448l64 64 220-221L704 64l-64 64 115 115H128v90h628zM375 576l-64-64-220 224L314 960l64-64-116-115H896v-90H262z</StreamGeometry> <StreamGeometry x:Key="Icons.Compare">M645 448l64 64 220-221L704 64l-64 64 115 115H128v90h628zM375 576l-64-64-220 224L314 960l64-64-116-115H896v-90H262z</StreamGeometry>
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<StreamGeometry x:Key="Icons.CopyAll">M120-220v-80h80v80h-80Zm0-140v-80h80v80h-80Zm0-140v-80h80v80h-80ZM260-80v-80h80v80h-80Zm100-160q-33 0-56.5-23.5T280-320v-480q0-33 23.5-56.5T360-880h360q33 0 56.5 23.5T800-800v480q0 33-23.5 56.5T720-240H360Zm0-80h360v-480H360v480Zm40 240v-80h80v80h-80Zm-200 0q-33 0-56.5-23.5T120-160h80v80Zm340 0v-80h80q0 33-23.5 56.5T540-80ZM120-640q0-33 23.5-56.5T200-720v80h-80Zm420 80Z</StreamGeometry>
<StreamGeometry x:Key="Icons.Cut">M280 145l243 341 0-0 45 63-0 0 79 110a143 143 0 11-36 75l-88-123-92 126c1 4 1 9 1 13l0 5a143 143 0 11-36-95l82-113L221 188l60-43zm473 541a70 70 0 100 140 70 70 0 000-140zm-463 0a70 70 0 100 140 70 70 0 000-140zM772 145l59 43-232 319-45-63L772 145z</StreamGeometry> <StreamGeometry x:Key="Icons.Cut">M280 145l243 341 0-0 45 63-0 0 79 110a143 143 0 11-36 75l-88-123-92 126c1 4 1 9 1 13l0 5a143 143 0 11-36-95l82-113L221 188l60-43zm473 541a70 70 0 100 140 70 70 0 000-140zm-463 0a70 70 0 100 140 70 70 0 000-140zM772 145l59 43-232 319-45-63L772 145z</StreamGeometry>
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<StreamGeometry x:Key="Icons.Detail">M889 0H135c-32 0-59 26-59 59v906c0 32 26 59 59 59h753c32 0 59-26 59-59v-906c1-33-26-59-58-59zm-165 177c31 0 56 25 56 56s-25 56-56 56-56-25-56-56 25-56 56-56zm-212 0c31 0 56 25 56 56S543 288 512 288s-56-25-56-56S481 177 512 177zm-212 0c31 0 56 25 56 56s-25 56-56 56-56-25-56-56 25-56 56-56zm209 606H285c-25 0-44-20-44-44 0-25 20-44 44-44h224c25 0 44 20 44 44 0 24-20 44-44 44zm230-212H285c-25 0-44-20-44-44 0-25 20-44 44-44h453c25 0 44 20 44 44 1 24-20 44-44 44z</StreamGeometry> <StreamGeometry x:Key="Icons.Detail">M889 0H135c-32 0-59 26-59 59v906c0 32 26 59 59 59h753c32 0 59-26 59-59v-906c1-33-26-59-58-59zm-165 177c31 0 56 25 56 56s-25 56-56 56-56-25-56-56 25-56 56-56zm-212 0c31 0 56 25 56 56S543 288 512 288s-56-25-56-56S481 177 512 177zm-212 0c31 0 56 25 56 56s-25 56-56 56-56-25-56-56 25-56 56-56zm209 606H285c-25 0-44-20-44-44 0-25 20-44 44-44h224c25 0 44 20 44 44 0 24-20 44-44 44zm230-212H285c-25 0-44-20-44-44 0-25 20-44 44-44h453c25 0 44 20 44 44 1 24-20 44-44 44z</StreamGeometry>
@ -53,6 +54,7 @@
<StreamGeometry x:Key="Icons.GitIgnore">M590 74 859 342V876c0 38-31 68-68 68H233c-38 0-68-31-68-68V142c0-38 31-68 68-68h357zm-12 28H233a40 40 0 00-40 38L193 142v734a40 40 0 0038 40L233 916h558a40 40 0 0040-38L831 876V354L578 102zM855 371h-215c-46 0-83-36-84-82l0-2V74h28v213c0 30 24 54 54 55l2 0h215v28zM57 489m28 0 853 0q28 0 28 28l0 284q0 28-28 28l-853 0q-28 0-28-28l0-284q0-28 28-28ZM157 717c15 0 29-6 37-13v-51h-41v22h17v18c-2 2-6 3-10 3-21 0-30-13-30-34 0-21 12-34 28-34 9 0 15 4 20 9l14-17C184 610 172 603 156 603c-29 0-54 21-54 57 0 37 24 56 54 56zM245 711v-108h-34v108h34zm69 0v-86H341V603H262v22h28V711h24zM393 711v-108h-34v108h34zm66 6c15 0 29-6 37-13v-51h-41v22h17v18c-2 2-6 3-10 3-21 0-30-13-30-34 0-21 12-34 28-34 9 0 15 4 20 9l14-17C485 610 474 603 458 603c-29 0-54 21-54 57 0 37 24 56 54 56zm88-6v-36c0-13-2-28-3-40h1l10 24 25 52H603v-108h-23v36c0 13 2 28 3 40h-1l-10-24L548 603H523v108h23zM677 717c30 0 51-22 51-57 0-36-21-56-51-56-30 0-51 20-51 56 0 36 21 57 51 57zm3-23c-16 0-26-12-26-32 0-19 10-31 26-31 16 0 26 11 26 31S696 694 680 694zm93 17v-38h13l21 38H836l-25-43c12-5 19-15 19-31 0-26-20-34-44-34H745v108h27zm16-51H774v-34h15c16 0 25 4 25 16s-9 18-25 18zM922 711v-22h-43v-23h35v-22h-35V625h41V603H853v108h68z</StreamGeometry> <StreamGeometry x:Key="Icons.GitIgnore">M590 74 859 342V876c0 38-31 68-68 68H233c-38 0-68-31-68-68V142c0-38 31-68 68-68h357zm-12 28H233a40 40 0 00-40 38L193 142v734a40 40 0 0038 40L233 916h558a40 40 0 0040-38L831 876V354L578 102zM855 371h-215c-46 0-83-36-84-82l0-2V74h28v213c0 30 24 54 54 55l2 0h215v28zM57 489m28 0 853 0q28 0 28 28l0 284q0 28-28 28l-853 0q-28 0-28-28l0-284q0-28 28-28ZM157 717c15 0 29-6 37-13v-51h-41v22h17v18c-2 2-6 3-10 3-21 0-30-13-30-34 0-21 12-34 28-34 9 0 15 4 20 9l14-17C184 610 172 603 156 603c-29 0-54 21-54 57 0 37 24 56 54 56zM245 711v-108h-34v108h34zm69 0v-86H341V603H262v22h28V711h24zM393 711v-108h-34v108h34zm66 6c15 0 29-6 37-13v-51h-41v22h17v18c-2 2-6 3-10 3-21 0-30-13-30-34 0-21 12-34 28-34 9 0 15 4 20 9l14-17C485 610 474 603 458 603c-29 0-54 21-54 57 0 37 24 56 54 56zm88-6v-36c0-13-2-28-3-40h1l10 24 25 52H603v-108h-23v36c0 13 2 28 3 40h-1l-10-24L548 603H523v108h23zM677 717c30 0 51-22 51-57 0-36-21-56-51-56-30 0-51 20-51 56 0 36 21 57 51 57zm3-23c-16 0-26-12-26-32 0-19 10-31 26-31 16 0 26 11 26 31S696 694 680 694zm93 17v-38h13l21 38H836l-25-43c12-5 19-15 19-31 0-26-20-34-44-34H745v108h27zm16-51H774v-34h15c16 0 25 4 25 16s-9 18-25 18zM922 711v-22h-43v-23h35v-22h-35V625h41V603H853v108h68z</StreamGeometry>
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<x:String x:Key="Text.CommitCM.CompareWithHead" xml:space="preserve">Compare with HEAD</x:String> <x:String x:Key="Text.CommitCM.CompareWithHead" xml:space="preserve">Compare with HEAD</x:String>
<x:String x:Key="Text.CommitCM.CompareWithWorktree" xml:space="preserve">Compare with Worktree</x:String> <x:String x:Key="Text.CommitCM.CompareWithWorktree" xml:space="preserve">Compare with Worktree</x:String>
<x:String x:Key="Text.CommitCM.CopyAll" xml:space="preserve">Copy All</x:String>
<x:String x:Key="Text.CommitCM.CopyInfo" xml:space="preserve">Copy Info</x:String> <x:String x:Key="Text.CommitCM.CopyInfo" xml:space="preserve">Copy Info</x:String>
<x:String x:Key="Text.CommitCM.CopySHA" xml:space="preserve">Copy SHA</x:String> <x:String x:Key="Text.CommitCM.CopySHA" xml:space="preserve">Copy SHA</x:String>
<x:String x:Key="Text.CommitCM.CustomAction" xml:space="preserve">Custom Action</x:String> <x:String x:Key="Text.CommitCM.CustomAction" xml:space="preserve">Custom Action</x:String>
<x:String x:Key="Text.CommitCM.Date" xml:space="preserve">Date: {0}</x:String>
<x:String x:Key="Text.CommitCM.InteractiveRebase" xml:space="preserve">Interactive Rebase ${0}$ to Here</x:String> <x:String x:Key="Text.CommitCM.InteractiveRebase" xml:space="preserve">Interactive Rebase ${0}$ to Here</x:String>
<x:String x:Key="Text.CommitCM.Message" xml:space="preserve">Message: {0}</x:String>
<x:String x:Key="Text.CommitCM.Rebase" xml:space="preserve">Rebase ${0}$ to Here</x:String> <x:String x:Key="Text.CommitCM.Rebase" xml:space="preserve">Rebase ${0}$ to Here</x:String>
<x:String x:Key="Text.CommitCM.Reset" xml:space="preserve">Reset ${0}$ to Here</x:String> <x:String x:Key="Text.CommitCM.Reset" xml:space="preserve">Reset ${0}$ to Here</x:String>
<x:String x:Key="Text.CommitCM.Revert" xml:space="preserve">Revert Commit</x:String> <x:String x:Key="Text.CommitCM.Revert" xml:space="preserve">Revert Commit</x:String>
<x:String x:Key="Text.CommitCM.Reword" xml:space="preserve">Reword</x:String> <x:String x:Key="Text.CommitCM.Reword" xml:space="preserve">Reword</x:String>
<x:String x:Key="Text.CommitCM.SaveAsPatch" xml:space="preserve">Save as Patch...</x:String> <x:String x:Key="Text.CommitCM.SaveAsPatch" xml:space="preserve">Save as Patch...</x:String>
<x:String x:Key="Text.CommitCM.SHA" xml:space="preserve">SHA: {0}</x:String>
<x:String x:Key="Text.CommitCM.Squash" xml:space="preserve">Squash into Parent</x:String> <x:String x:Key="Text.CommitCM.Squash" xml:space="preserve">Squash into Parent</x:String>
<x:String x:Key="Text.CommitCM.SquashCommitsSinceThis" xml:space="preserve">Squash Child Commits to Here</x:String> <x:String x:Key="Text.CommitCM.SquashCommitsSinceThis" xml:space="preserve">Squash Child Commits to Here</x:String>
<x:String x:Key="Text.CommitDetail.Changes" xml:space="preserve">CHANGES</x:String> <x:String x:Key="Text.CommitDetail.Changes" xml:space="preserve">CHANGES</x:String>

View file

@ -1082,7 +1082,7 @@
HorizontalAlignment="Left" HorizontalAlignment="Left"
VerticalAlignment="Center"> VerticalAlignment="Center">
<Path x:Name="ChevronPath" <Path x:Name="ChevronPath"
Data="{StaticResource Icons.Calender}" Data="{StaticResource Icons.Calendar}"
Fill="{DynamicResource Brush.FG1}" Fill="{DynamicResource Brush.FG1}"
HorizontalAlignment="Center" HorizontalAlignment="Center"
VerticalAlignment="Center" VerticalAlignment="Center"

View file

@ -681,25 +681,7 @@ namespace SourceGit.ViewModels
menu.Items.Add(new MenuItem() { Header = "-" }); menu.Items.Add(new MenuItem() { Header = "-" });
} }
var copySHA = new MenuItem(); FillCopyToClipboardMenu(menu, commit);
copySHA.Header = App.Text("CommitCM.CopySHA");
copySHA.Icon = App.CreateMenuIcon("Icons.Copy");
copySHA.Click += (_, e) =>
e.Handled = true;
var copyInfo = new MenuItem();
copyInfo.Header = App.Text("CommitCM.CopyInfo");
copyInfo.Icon = App.CreateMenuIcon("Icons.Copy");
copyInfo.Click += (_, e) =>
App.CopyText($"{commit.SHA.Substring(0, 10)} - {commit.Subject}");
e.Handled = true;
return menu; return menu;
} }
@ -1054,6 +1036,148 @@ namespace SourceGit.ViewModels
menu.Items.Add(submenu); menu.Items.Add(submenu);
} }
private void FillCopyToClipboardMenu(ContextMenu menu, Models.Commit commit){
var clipboardInfo = GetClipboardInfo(commit);
var submenu = new MenuItem();
submenu.Icon = App.CreateMenuIcon("Icons.Copy");
submenu.Header = "Copy to Clipboard";
submenu.MinWidth = 350;
var copyAll = new MenuItem();
copyAll.Header = App.Text("CommitCM.CopyAll");
copyAll.Icon = App.CreateMenuIcon("Icons.CopyAll");
copyAll.Click += (_, e) =>
e.Handled = true;
submenu.Items.Add(new MenuItem() { Header = "-" });
if( clipboardInfo.branches.Count > 0 ){
for( var i = 0; i < clipboardInfo.branches.Count; i++ ){
var localIndex = i;
var branchItem = new MenuItem();
branchItem.Header = $"{localIndex}: {clipboardInfo.branches[localIndex]}";
branchItem.Icon = App.CreateMenuIcon("Icons.Branch");
branchItem.Click += (_, e) =>
e.Handled = true;
submenu.Items.Add(new MenuItem() { Header = "-" });
if( clipboardInfo.tags.Count > 0 ){
for( var i = 0; i < clipboardInfo.tags.Count; i++ ){
var localIndex = i;
var tagItem = new MenuItem();
tagItem.Header = $"{localIndex}: {clipboardInfo.tags[localIndex]}";
tagItem.Icon = App.CreateMenuIcon("Icons.Tag");
tagItem.Click += (_, e) =>
e.Handled = true;
submenu.Items.Add(new MenuItem() { Header = "-" });
var copySHA = new MenuItem();
copySHA.Header = App.Text("CommitCM.SHA", clipboardInfo.CommitSHA);
copySHA.Icon = App.CreateMenuIcon("Icons.Hash");
copySHA.Click += (_, e) =>
e.Handled = true;
var copyMessage = new MenuItem();
var paddedMessage = clipboardInfo.CommitSubject.Length <= 45 ? clipboardInfo.CommitSubject : $"{clipboardInfo.CommitSubject.Substring(0,45)}...";
copyMessage.Header = App.Text("CommitCM.Message", paddedMessage);
copyMessage.Icon = App.CreateMenuIcon("Icons.Message");
copyMessage.Click += (_, e) =>
e.Handled = true;
var copyAuthor = new MenuItem();
var paddedAuthor = clipboardInfo.CommitFormattedAuthor.Length <= 45 ? clipboardInfo.CommitFormattedAuthor : $"{clipboardInfo.CommitFormattedAuthor.Substring(0,45)}...";
copyAuthor.Header = App.Text("CommitCM.Author", paddedAuthor);
copyAuthor.Icon = App.CreateMenuIcon("Icons.Person");
copyAuthor.Click += (_, e) =>
e.Handled = true;
var copyDate = new MenuItem();
copyDate.Header = App.Text("CommitCM.Date", clipboardInfo.CommitAuthorTime);
copyDate.Icon = App.CreateMenuIcon("Icons.Calendar");
copyDate.Click += (_, e) =>
e.Handled = true;
private ClipboardInfo GetClipboardInfo(Models.Commit commit){
var sb = new StringBuilder();
var clipboardInfo = new ClipboardInfo();
var commitSHA = commit.SHA;
var commitSubject = commit.Subject;
var commitFormattedAuthor = $"{commit.Author.Name} <{commit.Author.Email}>";
var commitAuthorTime = commit.AuthorTimeStr;
// ! Decorators (Tags & Branches)
if( commit.Decorators.Count > 0 ){
foreach( var d in commit.Decorators ){
if( d.Type == Models.DecoratorType.Tag ) {
sb.AppendLine($"{App.Text("PushTag.Tag")} {d.Name}");
} else {
sb.AppendLine($"{App.Text("Pull.Branch")} {d.Name}");
// ! General Info
sb.AppendLine($"{App.Text("CommitCM.SHA")} {commitSHA}");
sb.AppendLine($"{App.Text("CommitCM.Message")} {commitSubject}");
sb.AppendLine($"{App.Text("CommitCM.Author")} {commitFormattedAuthor}");
sb.AppendLine($"{App.Text("CommitCM.Date")} {commitAuthorTime}");
var commitCompleteInfo = sb.ToString();
clipboardInfo.CommitSHA = commitSHA;
clipboardInfo.CommitSubject = commitSubject;
clipboardInfo.CommitFormattedAuthor = commitFormattedAuthor;
clipboardInfo.CommitAuthorTime = commitAuthorTime;
clipboardInfo.CommitCompleteInfo = commitCompleteInfo;
return clipboardInfo;
private string GetPatchFileName(string dir, Models.Commit commit, int index = 0) private string GetPatchFileName(string dir, Models.Commit commit, int index = 0)
{ {
var ignore_chars = new HashSet<char> { '/', '\\', ':', ',', '*', '?', '\"', '<', '>', '|', '`', '$', '^', '%', '[', ']', '+', '-' }; var ignore_chars = new HashSet<char> { '/', '\\', ':', ',', '*', '?', '\"', '<', '>', '|', '`', '$', '^', '%', '[', ']', '+', '-' };
@ -1083,6 +1207,17 @@ namespace SourceGit.ViewModels
return System.IO.Path.Combine(dir, builder.ToString()); return System.IO.Path.Combine(dir, builder.ToString());
} }
private sealed class ClipboardInfo
public List<string> branches { get; set; } = new List<string>();
public List<string> tags { get; set; } = new List<string>();
public string CommitSHA { get; set; }
public string CommitSubject { get; set; }
public string CommitFormattedAuthor { get; set; }
public string CommitAuthorTime { get; set; }
public string CommitCompleteInfo { get; set; }
private Repository _repo = null; private Repository _repo = null;
private bool _isLoading = true; private bool _isLoading = true;
private List<Models.Commit> _commits = new List<Models.Commit>(); private List<Models.Commit> _commits = new List<Models.Commit>();

View file

@ -76,7 +76,7 @@
<ListBox.ItemTemplate> <ListBox.ItemTemplate>
<DataTemplate DataType="vm:InteractiveRebaseItem"> <DataTemplate DataType="vm:InteractiveRebaseItem">
<Grid ColumnDefinitions="16,110,*,40,100,96,156,32,32"> <Grid ColumnDefinitions="16,110,*,140,96,156,32,32">
<!-- Drag & Drop Anchor --> <!-- Drag & Drop Anchor -->
<Border Grid.Column="0" Background="Transparent" <Border Grid.Column="0" Background="Transparent"
Margin="4,0,0,0" Margin="4,0,0,0"
@ -170,8 +170,8 @@
</Button> </Button>
<!-- Subject --> <!-- Subject -->
<StackPanel Grid.Column="2" Orientation="Horizontal" ClipToBounds="True"> <Grid Grid.Column="2" ColumnDefinitions="Auto,*" ClipToBounds="True">
<Button Classes="icon_button" IsVisible="{Binding Action, Converter={x:Static c:InteractiveRebaseActionConverters.CanEditMessage}}"> <Button Grid.Column="0" Classes="icon_button" IsVisible="{Binding Action, Converter={x:Static c:InteractiveRebaseActionConverters.CanEditMessage}}">
<Button.Flyout> <Button.Flyout>
<Flyout Placement="BottomEdgeAlignedLeft"> <Flyout Placement="BottomEdgeAlignedLeft">
<Panel Width="600" Height="120"> <Panel Width="600" Height="120">
@ -181,37 +181,41 @@
</Button.Flyout> </Button.Flyout>
<Path Width="14" Height="14" Margin="0,4,0,0" Data="{StaticResource Icons.Edit}"/> <Path Width="14" Height="14" Margin="0,4,0,0" Data="{StaticResource Icons.Edit}"/>
</Button> </Button>
<TextBlock Classes="primary" Text="{Binding Subject}" Margin="8,0,0,0"/> <TextBlock Grid.Column="1" Classes="primary" Text="{Binding Subject}" Margin="8,0,0,0"/>
</StackPanel> </Grid>
<!-- Avatar --> <!-- Author -->
<v:Avatar Grid.Column="3" <Grid Grid.Column="3" ColumnDefinitions="Auto,*" Width="140" ClipToBounds="True">
<v:Avatar Grid.Column="0"
Width="16" Height="16" Width="16" Height="16"
Margin="16,0,8,0" Margin="8,0,0,0"
VerticalAlignment="Center" VerticalAlignment="Center"
IsHitTestVisible="False" IsHitTestVisible="False"
User="{Binding Commit.Author}"/> User="{Binding Commit.Author}"/>
<TextBlock Grid.Column="1"
<!-- Author --> Classes="primary"
<Border Grid.Column="4" ClipToBounds="True"> Margin="6,0,12,0"
<TextBlock Classes="primary" Text="{Binding Commit.Author.Name}" HorizontalAlignment="Left"/> Text="{Binding Commit.Author.Name}"
</Border> HorizontalAlignment="Left"/>
<!-- Commit SHA --> <!-- Commit SHA -->
<TextBlock Grid.Column="5" Classes="primary" <Border Grid.Column="4" IsHitTestVisible="False" ClipToBounds="True">
<TextBlock Classes="primary"
Text="{Binding Commit.SHA, Converter={x:Static c:StringConverters.ToShortSHA}}" Text="{Binding Commit.SHA, Converter={x:Static c:StringConverters.ToShortSHA}}"
Margin="12,0"/> HorizontalAlignment="Center"/>
<!-- Commit Time --> <!-- Commit Time -->
<TextBlock Grid.Column="6" Classes="primary" Text="{Binding Commit.CommitterTimeStr}" Margin="8,0"/> <TextBlock Grid.Column="5" Classes="primary" Text="{Binding Commit.CommitterTimeStr}" Margin="8,0"/>
<!-- MoveUp Button --> <!-- MoveUp Button -->
<Button Grid.Column="7" Classes="icon_button" Click="OnMoveItemUp" ToolTip.Tip="Alt+Up"> <Button Grid.Column="6" Classes="icon_button" Click="OnMoveItemUp" ToolTip.Tip="Alt+Up">
<Path Width="14" Height="14" Margin="0,4,0,0" Data="{StaticResource Icons.Up}"/> <Path Width="14" Height="14" Margin="0,4,0,0" Data="{StaticResource Icons.Up}"/>
</Button> </Button>
<!-- MoveDown Button --> <!-- MoveDown Button -->
<Button Grid.Column="8" Classes="icon_button" Click="OnMoveItemDown" ToolTip.Tip="Alt+Down"> <Button Grid.Column="7" Classes="icon_button" Click="OnMoveItemDown" ToolTip.Tip="Alt+Down">
<Path Width="14" Height="14" Margin="0,4,0,0" Data="{StaticResource Icons.Down}"/> <Path Width="14" Height="14" Margin="0,4,0,0" Data="{StaticResource Icons.Down}"/>
</Button> </Button>
</Grid> </Grid>