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ux: new icon for remotes
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2024-09-20 14:41:27 +08:00
fix: missing -d ${WORKDIR} parameter for wt.exe (#490) 2024-09-20 14:15:19 +08:00
ux: icons for group header 2024-09-20 10:12:21 +08:00
3 changed files with 39 additions and 23 deletions

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@ -155,6 +155,11 @@ namespace SourceGit.Native
var startInfo = new ProcessStartInfo(); var startInfo = new ProcessStartInfo();
startInfo.WorkingDirectory = workdir; startInfo.WorkingDirectory = workdir;
startInfo.FileName = OS.ShellOrTerminal; startInfo.FileName = OS.ShellOrTerminal;
// Directly launching `Windows Terminal` need to specify the `-d` parameter
if (OS.ShellOrTerminal.EndsWith("wt.exe", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
startInfo.Arguments = $"-d \"{workdir}\"";
Process.Start(startInfo); Process.Start(startInfo);
} }

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@ -85,6 +85,7 @@
<StreamGeometry x:Key="Icons.Relation">m224 154a166 166 0 00-166 166v192a166 166 0 00166 166h64v-76h-64a90 90 0 01-90-90v-192a90 90 0 0190-90h320a90 90 0 0190 90v192a90 90 0 01-90 90h-128v77h128a166 166 0 00166-167v-192a166 166 0 00-166-166h-320zm166 390a90 90 0 0190-90h128v-76h-128a166 166 0 00-166 166v192a166 166 0 00166 166h320a166 166 0 00166-166v-192a166 166 0 00-166-166h-64v77h64a90 90 0 0190 90v192a90 90 0 01-90 90h-320a90 90 0 01-90-90v-192z</StreamGeometry> <StreamGeometry x:Key="Icons.Relation">m224 154a166 166 0 00-166 166v192a166 166 0 00166 166h64v-76h-64a90 90 0 01-90-90v-192a90 90 0 0190-90h320a90 90 0 0190 90v192a90 90 0 01-90 90h-128v77h128a166 166 0 00166-167v-192a166 166 0 00-166-166h-320zm166 390a90 90 0 0190-90h128v-76h-128a166 166 0 00-166 166v192a166 166 0 00166 166h320a166 166 0 00166-166v-192a166 166 0 00-166-166h-64v77h64a90 90 0 0190 90v192a90 90 0 01-90 90h-320a90 90 0 01-90-90v-192z</StreamGeometry>
<StreamGeometry x:Key="Icons.Remote">M706 302a289 289 0 00-173 44 27 27 0 1029 46 234 234 0 01125-36c23 0 45 3 66 9 93 28 161 114 161 215C914 704 813 805 687 805H337C211 805 110 704 110 580c0-96 61-178 147-210C282 263 379 183 495 183a245 245 0 01210 119z</StreamGeometry> <StreamGeometry x:Key="Icons.Remote">M706 302a289 289 0 00-173 44 27 27 0 1029 46 234 234 0 01125-36c23 0 45 3 66 9 93 28 161 114 161 215C914 704 813 805 687 805H337C211 805 110 704 110 580c0-96 61-178 147-210C282 263 379 183 495 183a245 245 0 01210 119z</StreamGeometry>
<StreamGeometry x:Key="Icons.Remote.Add">M364 512h67v108h108v67h-108v108h-67v-108h-108v-67h108v-108zm298-64A107 107 0 01768 555C768 614 720 660 660 660h-108v-54h-108v-108h-94v108h-94c4-21 22-47 44-51l-1-12a75 75 0 0171-75a128 128 0 01239-7a106 106 0 0153-14z</StreamGeometry> <StreamGeometry x:Key="Icons.Remote.Add">M364 512h67v108h108v67h-108v108h-67v-108h-108v-67h108v-108zm298-64A107 107 0 01768 555C768 614 720 660 660 660h-108v-54h-108v-108h-94v108h-94c4-21 22-47 44-51l-1-12a75 75 0 0171-75a128 128 0 01239-7a106 106 0 0153-14z</StreamGeometry>
<StreamGeometry x:Key="Icons.Remotes">M115 386l19 33c17 29 44 50 76 60l116 33c34 10 58 41 58 77v80c0 22 12 42 32 52s32 30 32 52v78c0 31 30 54 60 45 32-9 57-35 65-68l6-22c8-34 30-63 61-80l16-9c30-17 48-49 48-83v-17c0-25-10-50-28-68l-8-8c-18-18-42-28-68-28H514c-22 0-44-6-64-17l-69-39c-9-5-15-13-18-22-6-19 2-40 20-49l12-6c13-7 29-8 43-3l46 15c16 5 34-1 44-15 9-14 8-33-2-46l-27-33c-20-24-20-59 1-83l31-37c18-21 20-50 7-73l-5-8c-7-0-14-1-21-1-186 0-343 122-396 290zM928 512c0-74-19-143-53-203L824 330c-31 13-48 48-37 80l34 101c7 21 24 37 45 42l58 15c2-18 4-36 4-55zM0 512a512 512 0 111024 0 512 512 0 11-1024 0z</StreamGeometry>
<StreamGeometry x:Key="Icons.RemoveAll">M1024 64v704h-128v128h-128v128h-768v-704h128v-128h128v-128zM64 960h640v-576h-640zM320 128v64h576v512h64v-576zM192 256v64h576v512h64v-576zM432 688L576 832H480L384 736 288 832H192l144-144L192 544h96L384 640l96-96H576z</StreamGeometry> <StreamGeometry x:Key="Icons.RemoveAll">M1024 64v704h-128v128h-128v128h-768v-704h128v-128h128v-128zM64 960h640v-576h-640zM320 128v64h576v512h64v-576zM192 256v64h576v512h64v-576zM432 688L576 832H480L384 736 288 832H192l144-144L192 544h96L384 640l96-96H576z</StreamGeometry>
<StreamGeometry x:Key="Icons.Rename">M853 256h-43v512h43c47 0 85-38 85-85v-341c0-47-38-85-85-85zM725 768V171h128V85h-341v85H640v85H171c-47 0-85 38-85 85v341c0 47 38 85 85 85h469V853h-128v85h341v-85H725v-86zm-469-171v-171h384v171H256z</StreamGeometry> <StreamGeometry x:Key="Icons.Rename">M853 256h-43v512h43c47 0 85-38 85-85v-341c0-47-38-85-85-85zM725 768V171h128V85h-341v85H640v85H171c-47 0-85 38-85 85v341c0 47 38 85 85 85h469V853h-128v85h341v-85H725v-86zm-469-171v-171h384v171H256z</StreamGeometry>
<StreamGeometry x:Key="Icons.Repositories">M960 146v91C960 318 759 384 512 384S64 318 64 238V146C64 66 265 0 512 0s448 66 448 146zM960 352v206C960 638 759 704 512 704S64 638 64 558V352c96 66 272 97 448 97S864 418 960 352zm0 320v206C960 958 759 1024 512 1024S64 958 64 878V672c96 66 272 97 448 97S864 738 960 672z</StreamGeometry> <StreamGeometry x:Key="Icons.Repositories">M960 146v91C960 318 759 384 512 384S64 318 64 238V146C64 66 265 0 512 0s448 66 448 146zM960 352v206C960 638 759 704 512 704S64 638 64 558V352c96 66 272 97 448 97S864 418 960 352zm0 320v206C960 958 759 1024 512 1024S64 958 64 878V672c96 66 272 97 448 97S864 738 960 672z</StreamGeometry>
@ -101,9 +102,11 @@
<StreamGeometry x:Key="Icons.Stopwatch">M576 160H448c-18 0-32-14-32-32s14-32 32-32h128c18 0 32 14 32 32s-14 32-32 32zm243 186 36-36c13-13 13-33 0-45s-33-13-45 0l-33 33C708 233 614 192 512 192c-212 0-384 172-384 384s172 384 384 384 384-172 384-384c0-86-29-166-77-230zM544 894V864c0-18-14-32-32-32s-32 14-32 32v30C329 879 209 759 194 608H224c18 0 32-14 32-32s-14-32-32-32h-30C209 393 329 273 480 258V288c0 18 14 32 32 32s32-14 32-32v-30C695 273 815 393 830 544H800c-18 0-32 14-32 32s14 32 32 32h30C815 759 695 879 544 894zm108-471-160 128c-14 11-16 31-5 45 6 8 16 12 25 12 7 0 14-2 20-7l160-128c14-11 16-31 5-45-11-14-31-16-45-5z</StreamGeometry> <StreamGeometry x:Key="Icons.Stopwatch">M576 160H448c-18 0-32-14-32-32s14-32 32-32h128c18 0 32 14 32 32s-14 32-32 32zm243 186 36-36c13-13 13-33 0-45s-33-13-45 0l-33 33C708 233 614 192 512 192c-212 0-384 172-384 384s172 384 384 384 384-172 384-384c0-86-29-166-77-230zM544 894V864c0-18-14-32-32-32s-32 14-32 32v30C329 879 209 759 194 608H224c18 0 32-14 32-32s-14-32-32-32h-30C209 393 329 273 480 258V288c0 18 14 32 32 32s32-14 32-32v-30C695 273 815 393 830 544H800c-18 0-32 14-32 32s14 32 32 32h30C815 759 695 879 544 894zm108-471-160 128c-14 11-16 31-5 45 6 8 16 12 25 12 7 0 14-2 20-7l160-128c14-11 16-31 5-45-11-14-31-16-45-5z</StreamGeometry>
<StreamGeometry x:Key="Icons.Submodule">M558 545 790 403c24-15 31-47 16-71-15-24-46-31-70-17L507 457 277 315c-24-15-56-7-71 17-15 24-7 56 17 71l232 143V819c0 28 23 51 51 51 28 0 51-23 51-51V545h0zM507 0l443 256v512L507 1024 63 768v-512L507 0z</StreamGeometry> <StreamGeometry x:Key="Icons.Submodule">M558 545 790 403c24-15 31-47 16-71-15-24-46-31-70-17L507 457 277 315c-24-15-56-7-71 17-15 24-7 56 17 71l232 143V819c0 28 23 51 51 51 28 0 51-23 51-51V545h0zM507 0l443 256v512L507 1024 63 768v-512L507 0z</StreamGeometry>
<StreamGeometry x:Key="Icons.Submodule.Add">M770 320a41 41 0 00-56-14l-252 153L207 306a41 41 0 10-43 70l255 153 2 296a41 41 0 0082 0l-2-295 255-155a41 41 0 0014-56zM481 935a42 42 0 01-42 0L105 741a42 42 0 01-21-36v-386a42 42 0 0121-36L439 89a42 42 0 0142 0l335 193a42 42 0 0121 36v87h84v-87a126 126 0 00-63-109L523 17a126 126 0 00-126 0L63 210a126 126 0 00-63 109v386a126 126 0 0063 109l335 193a126 126 0 00126 0l94-54-42-72zM1029 700h-126v-125a42 42 0 00-84 0v126h-126a42 42 0 000 84h126v126a42 42 0 1084 0v-126h126a42 42 0 000-84z</StreamGeometry> <StreamGeometry x:Key="Icons.Submodule.Add">M770 320a41 41 0 00-56-14l-252 153L207 306a41 41 0 10-43 70l255 153 2 296a41 41 0 0082 0l-2-295 255-155a41 41 0 0014-56zM481 935a42 42 0 01-42 0L105 741a42 42 0 01-21-36v-386a42 42 0 0121-36L439 89a42 42 0 0142 0l335 193a42 42 0 0121 36v87h84v-87a126 126 0 00-63-109L523 17a126 126 0 00-126 0L63 210a126 126 0 00-63 109v386a126 126 0 0063 109l335 193a126 126 0 00126 0l94-54-42-72zM1029 700h-126v-125a42 42 0 00-84 0v126h-126a42 42 0 000 84h126v126a42 42 0 1084 0v-126h126a42 42 0 000-84z</StreamGeometry>
<StreamGeometry x:Key="Icons.Submodules">M416 587c21 0 37 17 37 37v299A37 37 0 01416 960h-299a37 37 0 01-37-37v-299c0-21 17-37 37-37h299zm448 0c21 0 37 17 37 37v299A37 37 0 01864 960h-299a37 37 0 01-37-37v-299c0-21 17-37 37-37h299zM758 91l183 189a37 37 0 010 52l-182 188a37 37 0 01-53 1l-183-189a37 37 0 010-52l182-188a37 37 0 0153-1zM416 139c21 0 37 17 37 37v299A37 37 0 01416 512h-299a37 37 0 01-37-37v-299c0-21 17-37 37-37h299z</StreamGeometry>
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<StreamGeometry x:Key="Icons.Tag">M177 156c-22 5-33 17-36 37c-10 57-33 258-13 278l445 445c23 23 61 23 84 0l246-246c23-23 23-61 0-84l-445-445C437 120 231 145 177 156zM331 344c-26 26-69 26-95 0c-26-26-26-69 0-95s69-26 95 0C357 276 357 318 331 344z</StreamGeometry> <StreamGeometry x:Key="Icons.Tag">M177 156c-22 5-33 17-36 37c-10 57-33 258-13 278l445 445c23 23 61 23 84 0l246-246c23-23 23-61 0-84l-445-445C437 120 231 145 177 156zM331 344c-26 26-69 26-95 0c-26-26-26-69 0-95s69-26 95 0C357 276 357 318 331 344z</StreamGeometry>
<StreamGeometry x:Key="Icons.Tag.Add">M683 537h-144v-142h-142V283H239a44 44 0 00-41 41v171a56 56 0 0014 34l321 321a41 41 0 0058 0l174-174a41 41 0 000-58zm-341-109a41 41 0 110-58a41 41 0 010 58zM649 284V142h-69v142h-142v68h142v142h69v-142h142v-68h-142z</StreamGeometry> <StreamGeometry x:Key="Icons.Tag.Add">M683 537h-144v-142h-142V283H239a44 44 0 00-41 41v171a56 56 0 0014 34l321 321a41 41 0 0058 0l174-174a41 41 0 000-58zm-341-109a41 41 0 110-58a41 41 0 010 58zM649 284V142h-69v142h-142v68h142v142h69v-142h142v-68h-142z</StreamGeometry>
<StreamGeometry x:Key="Icons.Tags">M996 452 572 28A96 96 0 00504 0H96C43 0 0 43 0 96v408a96 96 0 0028 68l424 424c37 37 98 37 136 0l408-408c37-37 37-98 0-136zM224 320c-53 0-96-43-96-96s43-96 96-96 96 43 96 96-43 96-96 96zm1028 268L844 996c-37 37-98 37-136 0l-1-1L1055 647c34-34 53-79 53-127s-19-93-53-127L663 0h97a96 96 0 0168 28l424 424c37 37 37 98 0 136z</StreamGeometry>
<StreamGeometry x:Key="Icons.Target">M765 118 629 239l-16 137-186 160 54 59 183-168 144 4 136-129 47-43-175-12L827 67zM489 404c-66 0-124 55-124 125s54 121 124 121c66 0 120-55 120-121H489l23-121c-8-4-16-4-23-4zM695 525c0 114-93 207-206 207s-206-94-206-207 93-207 206-207c16 0 27 0 43 4l43-207c-27-4-54-8-85-8-229 0-416 188-416 419s187 419 416 419c225 0 408-180 416-403v-12l-210-4z</StreamGeometry> <StreamGeometry x:Key="Icons.Target">M765 118 629 239l-16 137-186 160 54 59 183-168 144 4 136-129 47-43-175-12L827 67zM489 404c-66 0-124 55-124 125s54 121 124 121c66 0 120-55 120-121H489l23-121c-8-4-16-4-23-4zM695 525c0 114-93 207-206 207s-206-94-206-207 93-207 206-207c16 0 27 0 43 4l43-207c-27-4-54-8-85-8-229 0-416 188-416 419s187 419 416 419c225 0 408-180 416-403v-12l-210-4z</StreamGeometry>
<StreamGeometry x:Key="Icons.Terminal">M144 112h736c18 0 32 14 32 32v736c0 18-14 32-32 32H144c-18 0-32-14-32-32V144c0-18 14-32 32-32zm112 211v72a9 9 0 003 7L386 509 259 615a9 9 0 00-3 7v72a9 9 0 0015 7L493 516a9 9 0 000-14l-222-186a9 9 0 00-15 7zM522 624a10 10 0 00-10 10v60a10 10 0 0010 10h237a10 10 0 0010-10v-60a10 10 0 00-10-10H522z</StreamGeometry> <StreamGeometry x:Key="Icons.Terminal">M144 112h736c18 0 32 14 32 32v736c0 18-14 32-32 32H144c-18 0-32-14-32-32V144c0-18 14-32 32-32zm112 211v72a9 9 0 003 7L386 509 259 615a9 9 0 00-3 7v72a9 9 0 0015 7L493 516a9 9 0 000-14l-222-186a9 9 0 00-15 7zM522 624a10 10 0 00-10 10v60a10 10 0 0010 10h237a10 10 0 0010-10v-60a10 10 0 00-10-10H522z</StreamGeometry>
<StreamGeometry x:Key="Icons.Track">M897 673v13c0 51-42 93-93 93h-10c-1 0-2 0-2 0H220c-23 0-42 19-42 42v13c0 23 19 42 42 42h552c14 0 26 12 26 26 0 14-12 26-26 26H220c-51 0-93-42-93-93v-13c0-51 42-93 93-93h20c1-0 2-0 2-0h562c23 0 42-19 42-42v-13c0-11-5-22-13-29-8-7-17-11-28-10H660c-14 0-26-12-26-26 0-14 12-26 26-26h144c24-1 47 7 65 24 18 17 29 42 29 67zM479 98c-112 0-203 91-203 203 0 44 14 85 38 118l132 208c15 24 50 24 66 0l133-209c23-33 37-73 37-117 0-112-91-203-203-203zm0 327c-68 0-122-55-122-122s55-122 122-122 122 55 122 122-55 122-122 122z</StreamGeometry> <StreamGeometry x:Key="Icons.Track">M897 673v13c0 51-42 93-93 93h-10c-1 0-2 0-2 0H220c-23 0-42 19-42 42v13c0 23 19 42 42 42h552c14 0 26 12 26 26 0 14-12 26-26 26H220c-51 0-93-42-93-93v-13c0-51 42-93 93-93h20c1-0 2-0 2-0h562c23 0 42-19 42-42v-13c0-11-5-22-13-29-8-7-17-11-28-10H660c-14 0-26-12-26-26 0-14 12-26 26-26h144c24-1 47 7 65 24 18 17 29 42 29 67zM479 98c-112 0-203 91-203 203 0 44 14 85 38 118l132 208c15 24 50 24 66 0l133-209c23-33 37-73 37-117 0-112-91-203-203-203zm0 327c-68 0-122-55-122-122s55-122 122-122 122 55 122 122-55 122-122 122z</StreamGeometry>
@ -121,6 +124,7 @@
<StreamGeometry x:Key="Icons.Window.Restore">M256 128l0 192L64 320l0 576 704 0 0-192 192 0L960 128 256 128zM704 832 128 832 128 384l576 0L704 832zM896 640l-128 0L768 320 320 320 320 192l576 0L896 640z</StreamGeometry> <StreamGeometry x:Key="Icons.Window.Restore">M256 128l0 192L64 320l0 576 704 0 0-192 192 0L960 128 256 128zM704 832 128 832 128 384l576 0L704 832zM896 640l-128 0L768 320 320 320 320 192l576 0L896 640z</StreamGeometry>
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<StreamGeometry x:Key="Icons.Workspace">M128 691H6V38h838v160h-64V102H70v525H128zM973 806H154V250h819v557zm-755-64h691V314H218v429zM365 877h448v64h-448z</StreamGeometry> <StreamGeometry x:Key="Icons.Workspace">M128 691H6V38h838v160h-64V102H70v525H128zM973 806H154V250h819v557zm-755-64h691V314H218v429zM365 877h448v64h-448z</StreamGeometry>
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View file

@ -163,7 +163,10 @@
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x:Name="LocalBranchTree" x:Name="LocalBranchTree"
@ -176,9 +179,10 @@
<!-- Remotes --> <!-- Remotes -->
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@ -194,15 +198,16 @@
<!-- Tags --> <!-- Tags -->
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Classes="icon_button" Classes="icon_button"
Width="14" Width="14"
Margin="8,0" Margin="8,0"
@ -226,10 +231,11 @@
<!-- Submodules --> <!-- Submodules -->
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Classes="icon_button" Classes="icon_button"
Width="14" Width="14"
Margin="8,0" Margin="8,0"
@ -238,7 +244,7 @@
ToolTip.Tip="{DynamicResource Text.Repository.Submodules.Update}"> ToolTip.Tip="{DynamicResource Text.Repository.Submodules.Update}">
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Classes="icon_button" Classes="icon_button"
Width="14" Width="14"
Margin="0,0,8,0" Margin="0,0,8,0"
@ -281,10 +287,11 @@
<!-- Worktrees --> <!-- Worktrees -->
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Classes="icon_button" Classes="icon_button"
Width="14" Width="14"
Margin="8,0" Margin="8,0"
@ -293,13 +300,13 @@
ToolTip.Tip="{DynamicResource Text.Repository.Worktrees.Prune}"> ToolTip.Tip="{DynamicResource Text.Repository.Worktrees.Prune}">
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Command="{Binding AddWorktree}" Command="{Binding AddWorktree}"
ToolTip.Tip="{DynamicResource Text.Repository.Worktrees.Add}"> ToolTip.Tip="{DynamicResource Text.Repository.Worktrees.Add}">
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