Compare commits


No commits in common. "a52ebffbf3c9de518830d1156948ea85f5d11cc4" and "6b44fd44165f789af3d28eea081a398939051152" have entirely different histories.

3 changed files with 7 additions and 6 deletions

View file

@ -46,7 +46,7 @@ namespace SourceGit.Models
YAxes = [new Axis() {
TextSize = 10,
MinLimit = 0,
SeparatorsPaint = new SolidColorPaint(new SKColor(0x40808080)) { StrokeThickness = 1 }
SeparatorsPaint = new SolidColorPaint(SKColors.LightSlateGray) { StrokeThickness = .6f }
if (mode == StaticsticsMode.ThisWeek)

View file

@ -14,7 +14,7 @@
<StreamGeometry x:Key="Icons.Clean">M797 829a49 49 0 1049 49 49 49 0 00-49-49zm147-114A49 49 0 10992 764a49 49 0 00-49-49zM928 861a49 49 0 1049 49A49 49 0 00928 861zm-5-586L992 205 851 64l-71 71a67 67 0 00-94 0l235 235a67 67 0 000-94zm-853 128a32 32 0 00-32 50 1291 1291 0 0075 112L288 552c20 0 25 21 8 37l-93 86a1282 1282 0 00120 114l100-32c19-6 28 15 14 34l-40 55c26 19 53 36 82 53a89 89 0 00115-20 1391 1391 0 00256-485l-188-188s-306 224-595 198z</StreamGeometry>
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<StreamGeometry x:Key="Icons.Code">M853 102H171C133 102 102 133 102 171v683C102 891 133 922 171 922h683C891 922 922 891 922 853V171C922 133 891 102 853 102zM390 600l-48 48L205 512l137-137 48 48L301 512l88 88zM465 819l-66-18L559 205l66 18L465 819zm218-171L634 600 723 512l-88-88 48-48L819 512 683 649z</StreamGeometry>
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<StreamGeometry x:Key="Icons.ColorPicker">M731 331c-28-28-43-27-64-130s-95-136-176-136C244 65 64 265 64 512a447 447 0 00448 447c247 0 450-165 448-412-2-224-186-173-229-215zM246 467a57 57 0 1157 57 57 57 0 01-57-57zm125 215a45 45 0 1145-45 45 45 0 01-45 45zm34-310a71 71 0 1171-71 71 71 0 01-71 71z</StreamGeometry>
<StreamGeometry x:Key="Icons.Commit">M796 471A292 292 0 00512 256a293 293 0 00-284 215H0v144h228A293 293 0 00512 832a291 291 0 00284-217H1024V471h-228M512 688A146 146 0 01366 544A145 145 0 01512 400c80 0 146 63 146 144A146 146 0 01512 688</StreamGeometry>
<StreamGeometry x:Key="Icons.Compare">M645 448l64 64 220-221L704 64l-64 64 115 115H128v90h628zM375 576l-64-64-220 224L314 960l64-64-116-115H896v-90H262z</StreamGeometry>
<StreamGeometry x:Key="Icons.Conflict">M608 0q48 0 88 23t63 63 23 87v70h55q35 0 67 14t57 38 38 57 14 67V831q0 34-14 66t-38 57-57 38-67 13H426q-34 0-66-13t-57-38-38-57-14-66v-70h-56q-34 0-66-14t-57-38-38-57-13-67V174q0-47 23-87T109 23 196 0h412m175 244H426q-46 0-86 22T278 328t-26 85v348H608q47 0 86-22t63-62 25-85l1-348m-269 318q18 0 31 13t13 31-13 31-31 13-31-13-13-31 13-31 31-13m0-212q13 0 22 9t11 22v125q0 14-9 23t-22 10-23-7-11-22l-1-126q0-13 10-23t23-10z</StreamGeometry>

View file

@ -11,7 +11,7 @@
Title="{DynamicResource Text.Statistics}"
Width="800" Height="500"
Width="860" Height="500"
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@ -63,7 +63,7 @@
<Style Selector="ListBoxItem">
<Setter Property="Width" Value="100"/>
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@ -82,6 +82,7 @@
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<Style Selector="ListBoxItem:selected Border.switcher_bg">
@ -123,8 +124,8 @@
<!-- Color Picker -->
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