using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Text; using Avalonia; using Avalonia.Collections; using Avalonia.Controls; using Avalonia.Controls.Documents; using Avalonia.Controls.Primitives; using Avalonia.Input; using Avalonia.Interactivity; using Avalonia.Media; using Avalonia.Threading; using Avalonia.VisualTree; namespace SourceGit.Views { public class LayoutableGrid : Grid { public static readonly StyledProperty UseHorizontalProperty = AvaloniaProperty.Register(nameof(UseHorizontal)); public bool UseHorizontal { get => GetValue(UseHorizontalProperty); set => SetValue(UseHorizontalProperty, value); } protected override Type StyleKeyOverride => typeof(Grid); static LayoutableGrid() { UseHorizontalProperty.Changed.AddClassHandler((o, _) => o.RefreshLayout()); } public override void ApplyTemplate() { base.ApplyTemplate(); RefreshLayout(); } private void RefreshLayout() { if (UseHorizontal) { var rowSpan = RowDefinitions.Count; for (int i = 0; i < Children.Count; i++) { var child = Children[i]; child.SetValue(RowProperty, 0); child.SetValue(RowSpanProperty, rowSpan); child.SetValue(ColumnProperty, i); child.SetValue(ColumnSpanProperty, 1); if (child is GridSplitter splitter) splitter.BorderThickness = new Thickness(1, 0, 0, 0); } } else { var colSpan = ColumnDefinitions.Count; for (int i = 0; i < Children.Count; i++) { var child = Children[i]; child.SetValue(RowProperty, i); child.SetValue(RowSpanProperty, 1); child.SetValue(ColumnProperty, 0); child.SetValue(ColumnSpanProperty, colSpan); if (child is GridSplitter splitter) splitter.BorderThickness = new Thickness(0, 1, 0, 0); } } } } public class CommitStatusIndicator : Control { public static readonly StyledProperty CurrentBranchProperty = AvaloniaProperty.Register(nameof(CurrentBranch)); public Models.Branch CurrentBranch { get => GetValue(CurrentBranchProperty); set => SetValue(CurrentBranchProperty, value); } public static readonly StyledProperty AheadBrushProperty = AvaloniaProperty.Register(nameof(AheadBrush)); public IBrush AheadBrush { get => GetValue(AheadBrushProperty); set => SetValue(AheadBrushProperty, value); } public static readonly StyledProperty BehindBrushProperty = AvaloniaProperty.Register(nameof(BehindBrush)); public IBrush BehindBrush { get => GetValue(BehindBrushProperty); set => SetValue(BehindBrushProperty, value); } enum Status { Normal, Ahead, Behind, } public override void Render(DrawingContext context) { if (_status == Status.Normal) return; context.DrawEllipse(_status == Status.Ahead ? AheadBrush : BehindBrush, null, new Rect(0, 0, 5, 5)); } protected override Size MeasureOverride(Size availableSize) { if (DataContext is Models.Commit commit && CurrentBranch is not null) { var sha = commit.SHA; var track = CurrentBranch.TrackStatus; if (track.Ahead.Contains(sha)) _status = Status.Ahead; else if (track.Behind.Contains(sha)) _status = Status.Behind; else _status = Status.Normal; } else { _status = Status.Normal; } return _status == Status.Normal ? new Size(0, 0) : new Size(9, 5); } protected override void OnDataContextChanged(EventArgs e) { base.OnDataContextChanged(e); InvalidateMeasure(); } protected override void OnPropertyChanged(AvaloniaPropertyChangedEventArgs change) { base.OnPropertyChanged(change); if (change.Property == CurrentBranchProperty) InvalidateMeasure(); } private Status _status = Status.Normal; } public class CommitSubjectPresenter : TextBlock { public static readonly StyledProperty SubjectProperty = AvaloniaProperty.Register(nameof(Subject)); public string Subject { get => GetValue(SubjectProperty); set => SetValue(SubjectProperty, value); } public static readonly StyledProperty> IssueTrackerRulesProperty = AvaloniaProperty.Register>(nameof(IssueTrackerRules)); public AvaloniaList IssueTrackerRules { get => GetValue(IssueTrackerRulesProperty); set => SetValue(IssueTrackerRulesProperty, value); } protected override Type StyleKeyOverride => typeof(TextBlock); protected override void OnPropertyChanged(AvaloniaPropertyChangedEventArgs change) { base.OnPropertyChanged(change); if (change.Property == SubjectProperty || change.Property == IssueTrackerRulesProperty) { Inlines!.Clear(); _matches = null; ClearHoveredIssueLink(); var subject = Subject; if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(subject)) return; var rules = IssueTrackerRules; if (rules == null || rules.Count == 0) { Inlines.Add(new Run(subject)); return; } var matches = new List(); foreach (var rule in rules) rule.Matches(matches, subject); if (matches.Count == 0) { Inlines.Add(new Run(subject)); return; } matches.Sort((l, r) => l.Start - r.Start); _matches = matches; var inlines = new List(); var pos = 0; foreach (var match in matches) { if (match.Start > pos) inlines.Add(new Run(subject.Substring(pos, match.Start - pos))); var link = new Run(subject.Substring(match.Start, match.Length)); link.Classes.Add("issue_link"); inlines.Add(link); pos = match.Start + match.Length; } if (pos < subject.Length) inlines.Add(new Run(subject.Substring(pos))); Inlines.AddRange(inlines); InvalidateTextLayout(); } } protected override void OnPointerMoved(PointerEventArgs e) { base.OnPointerMoved(e); if (_matches != null) { var point = e.GetPosition(this) - new Point(Padding.Left, Padding.Top); var x = Math.Min(Math.Max(point.X, 0), Math.Max(TextLayout.WidthIncludingTrailingWhitespace, 0)); var y = Math.Min(Math.Max(point.Y, 0), Math.Max(TextLayout.Height, 0)); point = new Point(x, y); var textPosition = TextLayout.HitTestPoint(point).TextPosition; foreach (var match in _matches) { if (!match.Intersect(textPosition, 1)) continue; if (match == _lastHover) return; _lastHover = match; SetCurrentValue(CursorProperty, Cursor.Parse("Hand")); ToolTip.SetTip(this, match.Link); ToolTip.SetIsOpen(this, true); e.Handled = true; return; } ClearHoveredIssueLink(); } } protected override void OnPointerPressed(PointerPressedEventArgs e) { base.OnPointerPressed(e); if (_lastHover != null) Native.OS.OpenBrowser(_lastHover.Link); } protected override void OnPointerExited(PointerEventArgs e) { base.OnPointerExited(e); ClearHoveredIssueLink(); } private void ClearHoveredIssueLink() { if (_lastHover != null) { ToolTip.SetTip(this, null); SetCurrentValue(CursorProperty, Cursor.Parse("Arrow")); _lastHover = null; } } private List _matches = null; private Models.Hyperlink _lastHover = null; } public class CommitTimeTextBlock : TextBlock { public static readonly StyledProperty ShowAsDateTimeProperty = AvaloniaProperty.Register(nameof(ShowAsDateTime), true); public bool ShowAsDateTime { get => GetValue(ShowAsDateTimeProperty); set => SetValue(ShowAsDateTimeProperty, value); } public static readonly StyledProperty TimestampProperty = AvaloniaProperty.Register(nameof(Timestamp)); public ulong Timestamp { get => GetValue(TimestampProperty); set => SetValue(TimestampProperty, value); } protected override Type StyleKeyOverride => typeof(TextBlock); protected override void OnPropertyChanged(AvaloniaPropertyChangedEventArgs change) { base.OnPropertyChanged(change); if (change.Property == TimestampProperty) { SetCurrentValue(TextProperty, GetDisplayText()); } else if (change.Property == ShowAsDateTimeProperty) { SetCurrentValue(TextProperty, GetDisplayText()); if (ShowAsDateTime) StopTimer(); else StartTimer(); } } protected override void OnLoaded(RoutedEventArgs e) { base.OnLoaded(e); if (!ShowAsDateTime) StartTimer(); } protected override void OnUnloaded(RoutedEventArgs e) { base.OnUnloaded(e); StopTimer(); } private void StartTimer() { if (_refreshTimer != null) return; _refreshTimer = DispatcherTimer.Run(() => { Dispatcher.UIThread.Invoke(() => { var text = GetDisplayText(); if (!text.Equals(Text, StringComparison.Ordinal)) Text = text; }); return true; }, TimeSpan.FromSeconds(10)); } private void StopTimer() { if (_refreshTimer != null) { _refreshTimer.Dispose(); _refreshTimer = null; } } private string GetDisplayText() { if (ShowAsDateTime) return DateTime.UnixEpoch.AddSeconds(Timestamp).ToLocalTime().ToString("yyyy/MM/dd HH:mm:ss"); var today = DateTime.Today; var committerTime = DateTime.UnixEpoch.AddSeconds(Timestamp).ToLocalTime(); if (committerTime >= today) { var now = DateTime.Now; var timespan = now - committerTime; if (timespan.TotalHours > 1) return App.Text("Period.HoursAgo", (int)timespan.TotalHours); return timespan.TotalMinutes < 1 ? App.Text("Period.JustNow") : App.Text("Period.MinutesAgo", (int)timespan.TotalMinutes); } var diffYear = today.Year - committerTime.Year; if (diffYear == 0) { var diffMonth = today.Month - committerTime.Month; if (diffMonth > 0) return diffMonth == 1 ? App.Text("Period.LastMonth") : App.Text("Period.MonthsAgo", diffMonth); var diffDay = today.Day - committerTime.Day; return diffDay == 1 ? App.Text("Period.Yesterday") : App.Text("Period.DaysAgo", diffDay); } return diffYear == 1 ? App.Text("Period.LastYear") : App.Text("Period.YearsAgo", diffYear); } private IDisposable _refreshTimer = null; } public class CommitGraph : Control { public static readonly StyledProperty GraphProperty = AvaloniaProperty.Register(nameof(Graph)); public Models.CommitGraph Graph { get => GetValue(GraphProperty); set => SetValue(GraphProperty, value); } public static readonly StyledProperty DotBrushProperty = AvaloniaProperty.Register(nameof(DotBrush), Brushes.Transparent); public IBrush DotBrush { get => GetValue(DotBrushProperty); set => SetValue(DotBrushProperty, value); } static CommitGraph() { AffectsRender(GraphProperty, DotBrushProperty); } public override void Render(DrawingContext context) { base.Render(context); var grid = this.FindAncestorOfType()?.CommitDataGrid; if (grid == null) return; var graph = Graph; if (graph == null) return; var rowsPresenter = grid.FindDescendantOfType(); if (rowsPresenter == null) return; // Find the content display offset Y of binding DataGrid. double rowHeight = grid.RowHeight; double startY = 0; foreach (var child in rowsPresenter.Children) { if (child is DataGridRow { IsVisible: true, Bounds.Top: <= 0 } row && row.Bounds.Top > -rowHeight) { var test = rowHeight * row.GetIndex() - row.Bounds.Top; if (startY < test) startY = test; } } var headerHeight = grid.ColumnHeaderHeight; startY -= headerHeight; // Apply scroll offset. context.PushClip(new Rect(Bounds.Left, Bounds.Top + headerHeight, grid.Columns[0].ActualWidth, Bounds.Height)); context.PushTransform(Matrix.CreateTranslation(0, -startY)); // Calculate bounds. var top = startY; var bottom = startY + grid.Bounds.Height + rowHeight * 2; // Draw contents DrawCurves(context, graph, top, bottom); DrawAnchors(context, graph, top, bottom); } private void DrawCurves(DrawingContext context, Models.CommitGraph graph, double top, double bottom) { foreach (var line in graph.Paths) { var last = line.Points[0]; var size = line.Points.Count; if (line.Points[size - 1].Y < top) continue; if (last.Y > bottom) break; var geo = new StreamGeometry(); var pen = Models.CommitGraph.Pens[line.Color]; using (var ctx = geo.Open()) { var started = false; var ended = false; for (int i = 1; i < size; i++) { var cur = line.Points[i]; if (cur.Y < top) { last = cur; continue; } if (!started) { ctx.BeginFigure(last, false); started = true; } if (cur.Y > bottom) { cur = new Point(cur.X, bottom); ended = true; } if (cur.X > last.X) { ctx.QuadraticBezierTo(new Point(cur.X, last.Y), cur); } else if (cur.X < last.X) { if (i < size - 1) { var midY = (last.Y + cur.Y) / 2; ctx.CubicBezierTo(new Point(last.X, midY + 4), new Point(cur.X, midY - 4), cur); } else { ctx.QuadraticBezierTo(new Point(last.X, cur.Y), cur); } } else { ctx.LineTo(cur); } if (ended) break; last = cur; } } context.DrawGeometry(null, pen, geo); } foreach (var link in graph.Links) { if (link.End.Y < top) continue; if (link.Start.Y > bottom) break; var geo = new StreamGeometry(); using (var ctx = geo.Open()) { ctx.BeginFigure(link.Start, false); ctx.QuadraticBezierTo(link.Control, link.End); } context.DrawGeometry(null, Models.CommitGraph.Pens[link.Color], geo); } } private void DrawAnchors(DrawingContext context, Models.CommitGraph graph, double top, double bottom) { IBrush dotFill = DotBrush; Pen dotFillPen = new Pen(dotFill, 2); foreach (var dot in graph.Dots) { if (dot.Center.Y < top) continue; if (dot.Center.Y > bottom) break; var pen = Models.CommitGraph.Pens[dot.Color]; switch (dot.Type) { case Models.CommitGraph.DotType.Head: context.DrawEllipse(dotFill, pen, dot.Center, 6, 6); context.DrawEllipse(pen.Brush, null, dot.Center, 3, 3); break; case Models.CommitGraph.DotType.Merge: context.DrawEllipse(pen.Brush, null, dot.Center, 6, 6); context.DrawLine(dotFillPen, new Point(dot.Center.X, dot.Center.Y - 3), new Point(dot.Center.X, dot.Center.Y + 3)); context.DrawLine(dotFillPen, new Point(dot.Center.X - 3, dot.Center.Y), new Point(dot.Center.X + 3, dot.Center.Y)); break; default: context.DrawEllipse(dotFill, pen, dot.Center, 3, 3); break; } } } } public partial class Histories : UserControl { public static readonly StyledProperty CurrentBranchProperty = AvaloniaProperty.Register(nameof(CurrentBranch)); public Models.Branch CurrentBranch { get => GetValue(CurrentBranchProperty); set => SetValue(CurrentBranchProperty, value); } public static readonly StyledProperty> IssueTrackerRulesProperty = AvaloniaProperty.Register>(nameof(IssueTrackerRules)); public AvaloniaList IssueTrackerRules { get => GetValue(IssueTrackerRulesProperty); set => SetValue(IssueTrackerRulesProperty, value); } public static readonly StyledProperty NavigationIdProperty = AvaloniaProperty.Register(nameof(NavigationId)); public long NavigationId { get => GetValue(NavigationIdProperty); set => SetValue(NavigationIdProperty, value); } static Histories() { NavigationIdProperty.Changed.AddClassHandler((h, _) => { if (h.DataContext == null) return; // Force scroll selected item (current head) into view. see issue #58 var datagrid = h.CommitDataGrid; if (datagrid != null && datagrid.SelectedItems.Count == 1) datagrid.ScrollIntoView(datagrid.SelectedItems[0], null); }); } public Histories() { InitializeComponent(); } private void OnCommitDataGridLayoutUpdated(object _1, EventArgs _2) { CommitGraph.InvalidateVisual(); } private void OnCommitDataGridSelectionChanged(object _, SelectionChangedEventArgs e) { if (DataContext is ViewModels.Histories histories) { histories.Select(CommitDataGrid.SelectedItems); } e.Handled = true; } private void OnCommitDataGridContextRequested(object sender, ContextRequestedEventArgs e) { if (DataContext is ViewModels.Histories histories && sender is DataGrid datagrid) { var menu = histories.MakeContextMenu(datagrid); datagrid.OpenContextMenu(menu); } e.Handled = true; } private void OnCommitDataGridDoubleTapped(object sender, TappedEventArgs e) { if (DataContext is ViewModels.Histories histories && sender is DataGrid datagrid && datagrid.SelectedItems is { Count: 1 } selectedItems) { histories.DoubleTapped(selectedItems[0] as Models.Commit); } e.Handled = true; } private void OnCommitDataGridKeyDown(object sender, KeyEventArgs e) { if (sender is DataGrid grid && grid.SelectedItems is { Count: > 0 } selected && e.Key == Key.C && e.KeyModifiers.HasFlag(KeyModifiers.Control)) { var builder = new StringBuilder(); foreach (var item in selected) { if (item is Models.Commit commit) builder.AppendLine($"{commit.SHA.Substring(0, 10)} - {commit.Subject}"); } App.CopyText(builder.ToString()); e.Handled = true; } } } }