using System.Threading.Tasks; namespace SourceGit.ViewModels { public class FastForwardWithoutCheckout : Popup { public Models.Branch Local { get; private set; } public Models.Branch To { get; private set; } public FastForwardWithoutCheckout(Repository repo, Models.Branch local, Models.Branch upstream) { _repo = repo; Local = local; To = upstream; View = new Views.FastForwardWithoutCheckout() { DataContext = this }; } public override Task Sure() { _repo.SetWatcherEnabled(false); ProgressDescription = "Fast-Forward ..."; return Task.Run(() => { new Commands.UpdateRef(_repo.FullPath, Local.FullName, To.FullName, SetProgressDescription).Exec(); CallUIThread(() => _repo.SetWatcherEnabled(true)); return true; }); } private readonly Repository _repo = null; } }