using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.IO; using System.Threading.Tasks; using Avalonia.Threading; namespace SourceGit.ViewModels { public class ScanRepositories : Popup { public string RootDir { get; private set; } = string.Empty; public ScanRepositories(string rootDir) { GetManagedRepositories(Preference.Instance.RepositoryNodes, _managed); RootDir = rootDir; View = new Views.ScanRepositories() { DataContext = this }; } public override Task Sure() { ProgressDescription = $"Scan repositories under '{RootDir}' ..."; return Task.Run(() => { // If it is too fast, the panel will dispear very quickly, the we'll have a bad experience. Task.Delay(500).Wait(); var rootDir = new DirectoryInfo(RootDir); var founded = new List(); GetUnmanagedRepositories(rootDir, founded, new EnumerationOptions() { AttributesToSkip = FileAttributes.Hidden | FileAttributes.System, IgnoreInaccessible = true, }); Dispatcher.UIThread.Invoke(() => { var normalizedRoot = rootDir.FullName.Replace("\\", "/"); var prefixLen = normalizedRoot.EndsWith('/') ? normalizedRoot.Length : normalizedRoot.Length + 1; foreach (var f in founded) { var relative = Path.GetDirectoryName(f).Substring(prefixLen); var group = FindOrCreateGroupRecursive(Preference.Instance.RepositoryNodes, relative); Preference.Instance.FindOrAddNodeByRepositoryPath(f, group, false); } Welcome.Instance.Refresh(); }); return true; }); } private void GetManagedRepositories(List group, HashSet repos) { foreach (RepositoryNode node in group) { if (node.IsRepository) repos.Add(node.Id); else GetManagedRepositories(node.SubNodes, repos); } } private void GetUnmanagedRepositories(DirectoryInfo dir, List outs, EnumerationOptions opts, int depth = 0) { var subdirs = dir.GetDirectories("*", opts); foreach (var subdir in subdirs) { SetProgressDescription($"Scanning {subdir.FullName}..."); var normalizedSelf = subdir.FullName.Replace("\\", "/"); if (_managed.Contains(normalizedSelf)) continue; var gitDir = Path.Combine(subdir.FullName, ".git"); if (Directory.Exists(gitDir) || File.Exists(gitDir)) { var test = new Commands.QueryRepositoryRootPath(subdir.FullName).ReadToEnd(); if (test.IsSuccess && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(test.StdOut)) { var normalized = test.StdOut.Trim().Replace("\\", "/"); if (!_managed.Contains(normalizedSelf)) outs.Add(normalized); continue; } } if (depth < 8) GetUnmanagedRepositories(subdir, outs, opts, depth + 1); } } private RepositoryNode FindOrCreateGroupRecursive(List collection, string path) { var idx = path.IndexOf('/'); if (idx < 0) return FindOrCreateGroup(collection, path); var name = path.Substring(0, idx); var tail = path.Substring(idx + 1); var parent = FindOrCreateGroup(collection, name); return FindOrCreateGroupRecursive(parent.SubNodes, tail); } private RepositoryNode FindOrCreateGroup(List collection, string name) { foreach (var node in collection) { if (node.Name.Equals(name, StringComparison.Ordinal)) return node; } var added = new RepositoryNode() { Id = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(), Name = name, IsRepository = false, IsExpanded = true, }; collection.Add(added); collection.Sort((l, r) => { if (l.IsRepository != r.IsRepository) return l.IsRepository ? 1 : -1; return string.Compare(l.Name, r.Name, StringComparison.Ordinal); }); return added; } private HashSet _managed = new HashSet(); } }