using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Globalization; using Avalonia; using Avalonia.Controls; using Avalonia.Input; using Avalonia.Interactivity; using Avalonia.Media; namespace SourceGit.Views { public class Chart : Control { public static readonly StyledProperty LabelBrushProperty = AvaloniaProperty.Register(nameof(LabelBrush), Brushes.Black); public IBrush LabelBrush { get => GetValue(LabelBrushProperty); set => SetValue(LabelBrushProperty, value); } public static readonly StyledProperty LineBrushProperty = AvaloniaProperty.Register(nameof(LineBrush), Brushes.Gray); public IBrush LineBrush { get => GetValue(LineBrushProperty); set => SetValue(LineBrushProperty, value); } public static readonly StyledProperty ShapeBrushProperty = AvaloniaProperty.Register(nameof(ShapeBrush), Brushes.Gray); public IBrush ShapeBrush { get => GetValue(ShapeBrushProperty); set => SetValue(ShapeBrushProperty, value); } public static readonly StyledProperty> SamplesProperty = AvaloniaProperty.Register>(nameof(Samples)); public List Samples { get => GetValue(SamplesProperty); set => SetValue(SamplesProperty, value); } static Chart() { SamplesProperty.Changed.AddClassHandler((c, _) => { c._hitBoxes.Clear(); c._lastHitIdx = -1; c.InvalidateMeasure(); }); } public override void Render(DrawingContext context) { if (Samples == null || Bounds.Width == 0) return; var samples = Samples; int maxV = 0; foreach (var s in samples) { if (maxV < s.Count) maxV = s.Count; } if (maxV < 5) maxV = 5; else if (maxV < 10) maxV = 10; else if (maxV < 50) maxV = 50; else if (maxV < 100) maxV = 100; else if (maxV < 200) maxV = 200; else if (maxV < 500) maxV = 500; else maxV = (int)Math.Ceiling(maxV / 500.0) * 500; var fontFamily = this.FindResource("Fonts.Monospace") as FontFamily; var typeface = new Typeface(fontFamily); var pen = new Pen(LineBrush); var width = Bounds.Width; var height = Bounds.Height; // Transparent background to block mouse move events. context.DrawRectangle(Brushes.Transparent, null, new Rect(0, 0, width, height)); // Draw coordinate var maxLabel = new FormattedText($"{maxV}", CultureInfo.CurrentCulture, FlowDirection.LeftToRight, typeface, 12.0, LabelBrush); var horizonStart = maxLabel.Width + 8; var labelHeight = maxLabel.Height; context.DrawText(maxLabel, new Point(0, -maxLabel.Height * 0.5)); context.DrawRectangle(pen, new Rect(horizonStart, 0, width - horizonStart, height - labelHeight)); if (samples.Count == 0) return; // Draw horizontal lines var stepX = (width - horizonStart) / samples.Count; var stepV = (height - labelHeight) / 5; var labelStepV = maxV / 5; var gridPen = new Pen(LineBrush, 1, new DashStyle() { Dashes = [2, 2, 0, 2], Offset = 1 }); for (int i = 1; i < 5; i++) { var vLabel = new FormattedText( $"{maxV - i * labelStepV}", CultureInfo.CurrentCulture, FlowDirection.LeftToRight, typeface, 12.0, LabelBrush); var dashHeight = i * stepV; var vy = Math.Max(0, dashHeight - vLabel.Height * 0.5); using (context.PushOpacity(.1)) { context.DrawLine(gridPen, new Point(horizonStart + 1, dashHeight), new Point(width, dashHeight)); } context.DrawText(vLabel, new Point(horizonStart - vLabel.Width - 8, vy)); } // Calculate hit boxes if (_hitBoxes.Count == 0) { var shapeWidth = Math.Min(32, stepX - 4); for (int i = 0; i < samples.Count; i++) { var h = samples[i].Count * (height - labelHeight) / maxV; var x = horizonStart + 1 + stepX * i + (stepX - shapeWidth) * 0.5; var y = height - labelHeight - h; _hitBoxes.Add(new Rect(x, y, shapeWidth, h - 1)); } } // Draw shapes for (int i = 0; i < samples.Count; i++) { var hLabel = new FormattedText( samples[i].Name, CultureInfo.CurrentCulture, FlowDirection.LeftToRight, typeface, 10.0, LabelBrush); var rect = _hitBoxes[i]; var xLabel = rect.X - (hLabel.Width - rect.Width) * 0.5; var yLabel = height - labelHeight + 4; context.DrawRectangle(ShapeBrush, null, rect); if (stepX < 32) { var matrix = Matrix.CreateTranslation(hLabel.Width * 0.5, -hLabel.Height * 0.5) // Center of label * Matrix.CreateRotation(Math.PI * 0.25) // Rotate * Matrix.CreateTranslation(xLabel, yLabel); // Move using (context.PushTransform(matrix)) { context.DrawText(hLabel, new Point(0, 0)); } } else { context.DrawText(hLabel, new Point(xLabel, yLabel)); } } // Draw labels on hover if (_lastHitIdx >= 0 && _lastHitIdx < samples.Count) { var rect = _hitBoxes[_lastHitIdx]; var tooltip = new FormattedText( $"{samples[_lastHitIdx].Count}", CultureInfo.CurrentCulture, FlowDirection.LeftToRight, typeface, 12.0, LabelBrush); var tx = rect.X - (tooltip.Width - rect.Width) * 0.5; var ty = rect.Y - tooltip.Height - 4; context.DrawText(tooltip, new Point(tx, ty)); } } protected override void OnPointerMoved(PointerEventArgs e) { base.OnPointerMoved(e); var p = e.GetPosition(this); for (int i = 0; i < _hitBoxes.Count; i++) { if (_hitBoxes[i].Contains(p)) { if (_lastHitIdx != i) { _lastHitIdx = i; InvalidateVisual(); } return; } } if (_lastHitIdx != -1) { _lastHitIdx = -1; InvalidateVisual(); } } private readonly List _hitBoxes = new List(); private int _lastHitIdx = -1; } public partial class Statistics : ChromelessWindow { public Statistics() { InitializeComponent(); } private void BeginMoveWindow(object _, PointerPressedEventArgs e) { BeginMoveDrag(e); } private void CloseWindow(object _1, RoutedEventArgs _2) { Close(); } } }