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13 KiB
Raw Blame History

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using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Windows;
using System.Windows.Media;
namespace SourceGit.Views.Controls {
/// <summary>
/// 提交线路图
/// </summary>
public class CommitGraph : FrameworkElement {
public static readonly Pen[] PENS = new Pen[] {
new Pen(Brushes.Orange, 2),
new Pen(Brushes.ForestGreen, 2),
new Pen(Brushes.Gold, 2),
new Pen(Brushes.Magenta, 2),
new Pen(Brushes.Red, 2),
new Pen(Brushes.Gray, 2),
new Pen(Brushes.Turquoise, 2),
new Pen(Brushes.Olive, 2),
public static readonly double UNIT_WIDTH = 12;
public static readonly double HALF_WIDTH = 6;
public static readonly double UNIT_HEIGHT = 24;
public static readonly double HALF_HEIGHT = 12;
public class Path {
public List<Point> Points = new List<Point>();
public int Color = 0;
public class PathHelper {
public string Next;
public bool IsMerged;
public double LastX;
public double LastY;
public double EndY;
public Path Path;
public PathHelper(string next, bool isMerged, int color, Point start) {
Next = next;
IsMerged = isMerged;
LastX = start.X;
LastY = start.Y;
EndY = LastY;
Path = new Path();
Path.Color = color % PENS.Length;
public PathHelper(string next, bool isMerged, int color, Point start, Point to) {
Next = next;
IsMerged = isMerged;
LastX = to.X;
LastY = to.Y;
EndY = LastY;
Path = new Path();
Path.Color = color % PENS.Length;
public void Add(double x, double y, bool isEnd = false) {
if (x > LastX) {
Add(new Point(LastX, LastY));
Add(new Point(x, y - HALF_HEIGHT));
if (isEnd) Add(new Point(x, y));
} else if (x < LastX) {
if (y > LastY + HALF_HEIGHT) Add(new Point(LastX, LastY + HALF_HEIGHT));
Add(new Point(x, y));
} else if (isEnd) {
Add(new Point(x, y));
LastX = x;
LastY = y;
private void Add(Point p) {
if (EndY < p.Y) {
EndY = p.Y;
public class Link {
public Point Start;
public Point Control;
public Point End;
public int Color;
public class Dot {
public Point Center;
public int Color;
public class Data {
public List<Path> Paths = new List<Path>();
public List<Link> Links = new List<Link>();
public List<Dot> Dots = new List<Dot>();
private Data data = null;
private double startY = 0;
public CommitGraph() {
IsHitTestVisible = false;
ClipToBounds = true;
public void SetOffset(double offset) {
startY = offset;
public void SetData(List<Models.Commit> commits, bool isSearchResult = false) {
if (isSearchResult) {
foreach (var c in commits) c.Margin = new Thickness(0);
data = null;
var temp = new Data();
var unsolved = new List<PathHelper>();
var mapUnsolved = new Dictionary<string, PathHelper>();
var ended = new List<PathHelper>();
var offsetY = -HALF_HEIGHT;
var colorIdx = 0;
foreach (var commit in commits) {
var major = null as PathHelper;
var isMerged = commit.IsMerged;
var oldCount = unsolved.Count;
// 更新Y坐标
offsetY += UNIT_HEIGHT;
// 找到第一个依赖于本提交的树,将其他依赖于本提交的树标记为终止,并对已存在的线路调整(防止线重合)
double offsetX = -HALF_WIDTH;
foreach (var l in unsolved) {
if (l.Next == commit.SHA) {
if (major == null) {
offsetX += UNIT_WIDTH;
major = l;
if (commit.Parents.Count > 0) {
major.Next = commit.Parents[0];
if (!mapUnsolved.ContainsKey(major.Next)) mapUnsolved.Add(major.Next, major);
} else {
major.Next = "ENDED";
major.Add(offsetX, offsetY);
} else {
isMerged = isMerged || l.IsMerged;
} else {
if (!mapUnsolved.ContainsKey(l.Next)) mapUnsolved.Add(l.Next, l);
offsetX += UNIT_WIDTH;
l.Add(offsetX, offsetY);
// 处理本提交为非当前分支HEAD的情况创建新依赖线路
if (major == null && commit.Parents.Count > 0) {
offsetX += UNIT_WIDTH;
major = new PathHelper(commit.Parents[0], isMerged, colorIdx, new Point(offsetX, offsetY));
// 确定本提交的点的位置
Point position = new Point(offsetX, offsetY);
if (major != null) {
major.IsMerged = isMerged;
position.X = major.LastX;
position.Y = offsetY;
temp.Dots.Add(new Dot() { Center = position, Color = major.Path.Color });
} else {
temp.Dots.Add(new Dot() { Center = position, Color = 0 });
// 处理本提交的其他依赖
for (int j = 1; j < commit.Parents.Count; j++) {
var parent = commit.Parents[j];
if (mapUnsolved.ContainsKey(parent)) {
var l = mapUnsolved[parent];
var link = new Link();
link.Start = position;
link.End = new Point(l.LastX, offsetY + HALF_HEIGHT);
link.Control = new Point(link.End.X, link.Start.Y);
link.Color = l.Path.Color;
} else {
offsetX += UNIT_WIDTH;
// 防止有下一个提交有ended线时新的分支线与旧线重合
unsolved.Add(new PathHelper(commit.Parents[j], isMerged, colorIdx, position, new Point(offsetX, position.Y + HALF_HEIGHT)));
// 处理已终止的线
foreach (var l in ended) {
l.Add(position.X, position.Y, true);
// 加入本次提交
commit.IsMerged = isMerged;
commit.Margin = new Thickness(Math.Max(offsetX + HALF_WIDTH, oldCount * UNIT_WIDTH), 0, 0, 0);
// 清理
// 处理尚未终结的线
for (int i = 0; i < unsolved.Count; i++) {
var path = unsolved[i];
var endY = (commits.Count - 0.5) * UNIT_HEIGHT;
if (path.Path.Points.Count == 1 && path.Path.Points[0].Y == endY) continue;
path.Add((i + 0.5) * UNIT_WIDTH, endY, true);
// 排序
temp.Paths.Sort((l, h) => l.Points[0].Y.CompareTo(h.Points[0].Y));
Dispatcher.Invoke(() => {
data = temp;
protected override void OnRender(DrawingContext dc) {
if (data == null) return;
dc.PushTransform(new TranslateTransform(0, -startY));
// 计算边界
var top = startY;
var bottom = startY + ActualHeight;
// 绘制线
if (Models.Preference.Instance.Window.UsePolylineInGraph) {
DrawPolyLines(dc, top, bottom);
} else {
DrawCurves(dc, top, bottom);
// 绘制点
var dotFill = FindResource("Brush.Contents") as Brush;
foreach (var dot in data.Dots) {
if (dot.Center.Y < top) continue;
if (dot.Center.Y > bottom) break;
dc.DrawEllipse(dotFill, PENS[dot.Color], dot.Center, 3, 3);
private void DrawCurves(DrawingContext dc, double top, double bottom) {
foreach (var line in data.Paths) {
var last = line.Points[0];
var size = line.Points.Count;
if (line.Points[size - 1].Y < top) continue;
if (last.Y > bottom) continue;
var geo = new StreamGeometry();
var pen = PENS[line.Color];
using (var ctx = geo.Open()) {
ctx.BeginFigure(last, false, false);
var ended = false;
for (int i = 1; i < size; i++) {
var cur = line.Points[i];
if (cur.Y > bottom) {
cur.Y = bottom;
ended = true;
if (cur.X > last.X) {
ctx.QuadraticBezierTo(new Point(cur.X, last.Y), cur, true, false);
} else if (cur.X < last.X) {
if (i < size - 1) {
var midY = (last.Y + cur.Y) / 2;
var midX = (last.X + cur.X) / 2;
ctx.PolyQuadraticBezierTo(new Point[] {
new Point(last.X, midY),
new Point(midX, midY),
new Point(cur.X, midY),
cur}, true, false);
} else {
ctx.QuadraticBezierTo(new Point(last.X, cur.Y), cur, true, false);
} else {
ctx.LineTo(cur, true, false);
if (ended) break;
last = cur;
dc.DrawGeometry(null, pen, geo);
foreach (var link in data.Links) {
if (link.End.Y < top) continue;
if (link.Start.Y > bottom) break;
var geo = new StreamGeometry();
using (var ctx = geo.Open()) {
ctx.BeginFigure(link.Start, false, false);
ctx.QuadraticBezierTo(link.Control, link.End, true, false);
dc.DrawGeometry(null, PENS[link.Color], geo);
private void DrawPolyLines(DrawingContext dc, double top, double bottom) {
foreach (var line in data.Paths) {
var last = line.Points[0];
var size = line.Points.Count;
if (line.Points[size - 1].Y < top) continue;
if (last.Y > bottom) continue;
var geo = new StreamGeometry();
var pen = PENS[line.Color];
using (var ctx = geo.Open()) {
ctx.BeginFigure(last, false, false);
var ended = false;
for (int i = 1; i < size; i++) {
var cur = line.Points[i];
if (cur.Y > bottom) {
cur.Y = bottom;
ended = true;
ctx.LineTo(cur, true, false);
if (ended) break;
last = cur;
dc.DrawGeometry(null, pen, geo);
foreach (var link in data.Links) {
if (link.End.Y < top) continue;
if (link.Start.Y > bottom) break;
dc.DrawLine(PENS[link.Color], link.Start, link.End);