2023-08-22 21:24:11 +12:00
import json
2023-08-05 21:24:10 +12:00
import os
2023-09-08 20:04:01 +12:00
from datetime import datetime
2023-09-16 19:09:04 +12:00
from typing import Union , Tuple
2023-08-10 21:13:37 +12:00
from flask import current_app
from sqlalchemy import text
2023-09-16 19:09:04 +12:00
from app import db , cache
2023-11-03 20:32:12 +13:00
from app . models import User , Post , Community , BannedInstances , File , PostReply , AllowedInstances
2023-08-10 21:13:37 +12:00
import time
import base64
import requests
from cryptography . hazmat . primitives import serialization , hashes
from cryptography . hazmat . primitives . asymmetric import padding
from app . constants import *
2023-08-22 21:24:11 +12:00
from urllib . parse import urlparse
2023-08-05 21:24:10 +12:00
2023-11-03 20:32:12 +13:00
from app . utils import get_request , allowlist_html , html_to_markdown , get_setting
2023-09-08 20:04:01 +12:00
2023-08-05 21:24:10 +12:00
def public_key ( ) :
if not os . path . exists ( ' ./public.pem ' ) :
os . system ( ' openssl genrsa -out private.pem 2048 ' )
os . system ( ' openssl rsa -in private.pem -outform PEM -pubout -out public.pem ' )
else :
publicKey = open ( ' ./public.pem ' , ' r ' ) . read ( )
PUBLICKEY = publicKey . replace ( ' \n ' , ' \\ n ' ) # JSON-LD doesn't want to work with linebreaks,
# but needs the \n character to know where to break the line ;)
2023-08-10 21:13:37 +12:00
def users_total ( ) :
return db . session . execute ( text (
' SELECT COUNT(id) as c FROM " user " WHERE ap_id is null AND verified is true AND banned is false AND deleted is false ' ) ) . scalar ( )
def active_half_year ( ) :
return db . session . execute ( text (
" SELECT COUNT(id) as c FROM \" user \" WHERE last_seen >= CURRENT_DATE - INTERVAL ' 6 months ' AND ap_id is null AND verified is true AND banned is false AND deleted is false " ) ) . scalar ( )
def active_month ( ) :
return db . session . execute ( text (
" SELECT COUNT(id) as c FROM \" user \" WHERE last_seen >= CURRENT_DATE - INTERVAL ' 1 month ' AND ap_id is null AND verified is true AND banned is false AND deleted is false " ) ) . scalar ( )
def local_posts ( ) :
return db . session . execute ( text ( ' SELECT COUNT(id) as c FROM " post " WHERE ap_id is null ' ) ) . scalar ( )
def local_comments ( ) :
return db . session . execute ( text ( ' SELECT COUNT(id) as c FROM " post_reply " WHERE ap_id is null ' ) ) . scalar ( )
def send_activity ( sender : User , host : str , content : str ) :
date = time . strftime ( ' %a , %d % b % Y % H: % M: % S UTC ' , time . gmtime ( ) )
private_key = serialization . load_pem_private_key ( sender . private_key , password = None )
# todo: look up instance details to set host_inbox
host_inbox = ' /inbox '
signed_string = f " (request-target): post { host_inbox } \n host: { host } \n date: " + date
signature = private_key . sign ( signed_string . encode ( ' utf-8 ' ) , padding . PKCS1v15 ( ) , hashes . SHA256 ( ) )
encoded_signature = base64 . b64encode ( signature ) . decode ( ' utf-8 ' )
# Construct the Signature header
header = f ' keyId= " https:// { current_app . config [ " SERVER_NAME " ] } /u/ { sender . user_name } " ,headers= " (request-target) host date " ,signature= " { encoded_signature } " '
# Create headers for the request
headers = {
' Host ' : host ,
' Date ' : date ,
' Signature ' : header
# Make the HTTP request
try :
response = requests . post ( f ' https:// { host } { host_inbox } ' , headers = headers , data = content ,
except requests . exceptions . RequestException :
time . sleep ( 1 )
response = requests . post ( f ' https:// { host } { host_inbox } ' , headers = headers , data = content ,
timeout = REQUEST_TIMEOUT / 2 )
return response . status_code
def post_to_activity ( post : Post , community : Community ) :
activity_data = {
" actor " : f " https:// { current_app . config [ ' SERVER_NAME ' ] } /c/ { community . name } " ,
" to " : [
" https://www.w3.org/ns/activitystreams#Public "
] ,
" object " : {
" id " : f " https:// { current_app . config [ ' SERVER_NAME ' ] } /activities/create/ { post . ap_create_id } " ,
" actor " : f " https:// { current_app . config [ ' SERVER_NAME ' ] } /u/ { post . author . user_name } " ,
" to " : [
" https://www.w3.org/ns/activitystreams#Public "
] ,
" object " : {
" type " : " Page " ,
" id " : f " https:// { current_app . config [ ' SERVER_NAME ' ] } /post/ { post . id } " ,
" attributedTo " : f " https:// { current_app . config [ ' SERVER_NAME ' ] } /u/ { post . author . user_name } " ,
" to " : [
f " https:// { current_app . config [ ' SERVER_NAME ' ] } /c/ { community . name } " ,
" https://www.w3.org/ns/activitystreams#Public "
] ,
" name " : post . title ,
" cc " : [ ] ,
" content " : post . body_html ,
" mediaType " : " text/html " ,
" source " : {
" content " : post . body ,
" mediaType " : " text/markdown "
} ,
" attachment " : [ ] ,
" commentsEnabled " : True ,
" sensitive " : post . nsfw or post . nsfl ,
" published " : post . created_at ,
" audience " : f " https:// { current_app . config [ ' SERVER_NAME ' ] } /c/ { community . name } "
} ,
" cc " : [
f " https:// { current_app . config [ ' SERVER_NAME ' ] } /c/ { community . name } "
] ,
" type " : " Create " ,
" audience " : f " https:// { current_app . config [ ' SERVER_NAME ' ] } /c/ { community . name } "
} ,
" cc " : [
f " https:// { current_app . config [ ' SERVER_NAME ' ] } /c/ { community . name } /followers "
] ,
" type " : " Announce " ,
" id " : f " https:// { current_app . config [ ' SERVER_NAME ' ] } /activities/announce/ { post . ap_announce_id } "
if post . edited_at is not None :
activity_data [ " object " ] [ " object " ] [ " updated " ] = post . edited_at
if post . language is not None :
activity_data [ " object " ] [ " object " ] [ " language " ] = { " identifier " : post . language }
if post . type == POST_TYPE_LINK and post . url is not None :
activity_data [ " object " ] [ " object " ] [ " attachment " ] = { " href " : post . url , " type " : " Link " }
if post . image_id is not None :
activity_data [ " object " ] [ " object " ] [ " image " ] = { " href " : post . image . source_url , " type " : " Image " }
return activity_data
2023-08-22 21:24:11 +12:00
def validate_headers ( headers , body ) :
if headers [ ' content-type ' ] != ' application/activity+json ' and headers [ ' content-type ' ] != ' application/ld+json ' :
return False
if headers [ ' user-agent ' ] in banned_user_agents ( ) :
return False
if instance_blocked ( headers [ ' host ' ] ) :
return False
return validate_header_signature ( body , headers [ ' host ' ] , headers [ ' date ' ] , headers [ ' signature ' ] )
def validate_header_signature ( body : str , host : str , date : str , signature : str ) - > bool :
body = json . loads ( body )
signature = parse_signature_header ( signature )
key_domain = urlparse ( signature [ ' key_id ' ] ) . hostname
id_domain = urlparse ( body [ ' id ' ] ) . hostname
if urlparse ( body [ ' object ' ] [ ' attributedTo ' ] ) . hostname != key_domain :
raise Exception ( ' Invalid host url. ' )
if key_domain != id_domain :
raise Exception ( ' Wrong domain. ' )
user = find_actor_or_create ( body [ ' actor ' ] )
return verify_signature ( user . private_key , signature , headers )
2023-09-08 20:04:01 +12:00
2023-08-22 21:24:11 +12:00
def banned_user_agents ( ) :
2023-09-08 20:04:01 +12:00
return [ ] # todo: finish this function
2023-08-22 21:24:11 +12:00
2023-09-17 21:19:51 +12:00
@cache.memoize ( 150 )
2023-09-16 19:09:04 +12:00
def instance_blocked ( host : str ) - > bool :
host = host . lower ( )
if ' https:// ' in host or ' http:// ' in host :
host = urlparse ( host ) . hostname
2023-08-22 21:24:11 +12:00
instance = BannedInstances . query . filter_by ( domain = host . strip ( ) ) . first ( )
return instance is not None
2023-11-03 20:32:12 +13:00
@cache.memoize ( 150 )
def instance_allowed ( host : str ) - > bool :
host = host . lower ( )
if ' https:// ' in host or ' http:// ' in host :
host = urlparse ( host ) . hostname
instance = AllowedInstances . query . filter_by ( domain = host . strip ( ) ) . first ( )
return instance is not None
2023-09-08 20:04:01 +12:00
def find_actor_or_create ( actor : str ) - > Union [ User , Community , None ] :
user = None
# actor parameter must be formatted as https://server/u/actor or https://server/c/actor
2023-08-22 21:24:11 +12:00
if current_app . config [ ' SERVER_NAME ' ] + ' /c/ ' in actor :
2023-09-08 20:04:01 +12:00
return Community . query . filter_by (
ap_profile_id = actor ) . first ( ) # finds communities formatted like https://localhost/c/*
if current_app . config [ ' SERVER_NAME ' ] + ' /u/ ' in actor :
2023-10-21 15:49:01 +13:00
user = User . query . filter_by ( username = actor . split ( ' / ' ) [ - 1 ] , ap_id = None , banned = False ) . first ( ) # finds local users
2023-09-08 20:04:01 +12:00
if user is None :
return None
elif actor . startswith ( ' https:// ' ) :
server , address = extract_domain_and_actor ( actor )
2023-11-03 20:32:12 +13:00
if get_setting ( ' use_allowlist ' , False ) :
if not instance_allowed ( server ) :
return None
else :
if instance_blocked ( server ) :
return None
2023-09-16 19:09:04 +12:00
user = User . query . filter_by (
ap_profile_id = actor ) . first ( ) # finds users formatted like https://kbin.social/u/tables
2023-10-21 15:49:01 +13:00
if user . banned :
return None
2023-09-08 20:04:01 +12:00
if user is None :
user = Community . query . filter_by ( ap_profile_id = actor ) . first ( )
2023-08-22 21:24:11 +12:00
if user is None :
2023-09-08 20:04:01 +12:00
# retrieve user details via webfinger, etc
# todo: try, except block around every get_request
webfinger_data = get_request ( f " https:// { server } /.well-known/webfinger " ,
params = { ' resource ' : f " acct: { address } @ { server } " } )
if webfinger_data . status_code == 200 :
webfinger_json = webfinger_data . json ( )
for links in webfinger_json [ ' links ' ] :
if ' rel ' in links and links [ ' rel ' ] == ' self ' : # this contains the URL of the activitypub profile
type = links [ ' type ' ] if ' type ' in links else ' application/activity+json '
# retrieve the activitypub profile
actor_data = get_request ( links [ ' href ' ] , headers = { ' Accept ' : type } )
# to see the structure of the json contained in actor_data, do a GET to https://lemmy.world/c/technology with header Accept: application/activity+json
if actor_data . status_code == 200 :
activity_json = actor_data . json ( )
if activity_json [ ' type ' ] == ' Person ' :
user = User ( user_name = activity_json [ ' preferredUsername ' ] ,
email = f " { address } @ { server } " ,
about = parse_summary ( activity_json ) ,
created_at = activity_json [ ' published ' ] ,
ap_id = f " { address } @ { server } " ,
ap_public_url = activity_json [ ' id ' ] ,
ap_profile_id = activity_json [ ' id ' ] ,
ap_inbox_url = activity_json [ ' endpoints ' ] [ ' sharedInbox ' ] ,
ap_preferred_username = activity_json [ ' preferredUsername ' ] ,
ap_fetched_at = datetime . utcnow ( ) ,
ap_domain = server ,
public_key = activity_json [ ' publicKey ' ] [ ' publicKeyPem ' ] ,
# language=community_json['language'][0]['identifier'] # todo: language
if ' icon ' in activity_json :
# todo: retrieve icon, save to disk, save more complete File record
avatar = File ( source_url = activity_json [ ' icon ' ] [ ' url ' ] )
user . avatar = avatar
db . session . add ( avatar )
if ' image ' in activity_json :
# todo: retrieve image, save to disk, save more complete File record
cover = File ( source_url = activity_json [ ' image ' ] [ ' url ' ] )
user . cover = cover
db . session . add ( cover )
db . session . add ( user )
db . session . commit ( )
return user
elif activity_json [ ' type ' ] == ' Group ' :
community = Community ( name = activity_json [ ' preferredUsername ' ] ,
title = activity_json [ ' name ' ] ,
description = activity_json [ ' summary ' ] ,
nsfw = activity_json [ ' sensitive ' ] ,
restricted_to_mods = activity_json [ ' postingRestrictedToMods ' ] ,
created_at = activity_json [ ' published ' ] ,
last_active = activity_json [ ' updated ' ] ,
ap_id = f " { address [ 1 : ] } " ,
ap_public_url = activity_json [ ' id ' ] ,
ap_profile_id = activity_json [ ' id ' ] ,
ap_followers_url = activity_json [ ' followers ' ] ,
ap_inbox_url = activity_json [ ' endpoints ' ] [ ' sharedInbox ' ] ,
ap_fetched_at = datetime . utcnow ( ) ,
ap_domain = server ,
public_key = activity_json [ ' publicKey ' ] [ ' publicKeyPem ' ] ,
# language=community_json['language'][0]['identifier'] # todo: language
if ' icon ' in activity_json :
# todo: retrieve icon, save to disk, save more complete File record
icon = File ( source_url = activity_json [ ' icon ' ] [ ' url ' ] )
community . icon = icon
db . session . add ( icon )
if ' image ' in activity_json :
# todo: retrieve image, save to disk, save more complete File record
image = File ( source_url = activity_json [ ' image ' ] [ ' url ' ] )
community . image = image
db . session . add ( image )
db . session . add ( community )
db . session . commit ( )
return community
return None
2023-08-22 21:24:11 +12:00
else :
return user
2023-09-08 20:04:01 +12:00
def extract_domain_and_actor ( url_string : str ) :
# Parse the URL
parsed_url = urlparse ( url_string )
# Extract the server domain name
server_domain = parsed_url . netloc
# Extract the part of the string after the last '/' character
actor = parsed_url . path . split ( ' / ' ) [ - 1 ]
return server_domain , actor
# create a summary from markdown if present, otherwise use html if available
def parse_summary ( user_json ) - > str :
if ' source ' in user_json and user_json [ ' source ' ] . get ( ' mediaType ' ) == ' text/markdown ' :
# Convert Markdown to HTML
markdown_text = user_json [ ' source ' ] [ ' content ' ]
2023-10-10 22:25:37 +13:00
html_content = html_to_markdown ( markdown_text )
2023-09-08 20:04:01 +12:00
return html_content
elif ' summary ' in user_json :
2023-09-16 19:09:04 +12:00
return allowlist_html ( user_json [ ' summary ' ] )
2023-09-08 20:04:01 +12:00
else :
return ' '
2023-09-16 19:09:04 +12:00
def default_context ( ) :
context = [
" https://www.w3.org/ns/activitystreams " ,
" https://w3id.org/security/v1 " ,
if current_app . config [ ' FULL_AP_CONTEXT ' ] :
context . append ( {
" lemmy " : " https://join-lemmy.org/ns# " ,
" litepub " : " http://litepub.social/ns# " ,
" pt " : " https://joinpeertube.org/ns# " ,
" sc " : " http://schema.org/ " ,
" ChatMessage " : " litepub:ChatMessage " ,
" commentsEnabled " : " pt:commentsEnabled " ,
" sensitive " : " as:sensitive " ,
" matrixUserId " : " lemmy:matrixUserId " ,
" postingRestrictedToMods " : " lemmy:postingRestrictedToMods " ,
" removeData " : " lemmy:removeData " ,
" stickied " : " lemmy:stickied " ,
" moderators " : {
" @type " : " @id " ,
" @id " : " lemmy:moderators "
} ,
" expires " : " as:endTime " ,
" distinguished " : " lemmy:distinguished " ,
" language " : " sc:inLanguage " ,
" identifier " : " sc:identifier "
} )
return context
def find_reply_parent ( in_reply_to : str ) - > Tuple [ int , int , int ] :
if ' comment ' in in_reply_to :
parent_comment = PostReply . get_by_ap_id ( in_reply_to )
parent_comment_id = parent_comment . id
post_id = parent_comment . post_id
root_id = parent_comment . root_id
elif ' post ' in in_reply_to :
parent_comment_id = None
post = Post . get_by_ap_id ( in_reply_to )
post_id = post . id
root_id = None
else :
parent_comment_id = None
root_id = None
post_id = None
post = Post . get_by_ap_id ( in_reply_to )
if post :
post_id = post . id
else :
parent_comment = PostReply . get_by_ap_id ( in_reply_to )
if parent_comment :
parent_comment_id = parent_comment . id
post_id = parent_comment . post_id
root_id = parent_comment . root_id
return post_id , parent_comment_id , root_id
def find_liked_object ( ap_id ) - > Union [ Post , PostReply , None ] :
post = Post . get_by_ap_id ( ap_id )
if post :
return post
else :
post_reply = PostReply . get_by_ap_id ( ap_id )
if post_reply :
return post_reply
return None